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The Forty Hadith

About the Mahdi

Hafiz Abu Naeem Al Asbahny
Died in 430 A.H.

The following text is an attempt at a translation from the original Arabic

into English.
The translation does not represent the actual words spoken by
The Prophet .
Care should be take in reading the translation as no other words can
express the true meaning of what was said.

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

Praise be to Allah as he should be praised
And prayer and peace upon our master Muhammad
His messenger and slave
These are forty Prophet's Hadith (May Allah grant peace and honor to him and his
family) about the Mahdi

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The 1st Hadith

Al Mahdis Reign and the Ummahs bliss in his time
Narrated Abu Sad al-Khidri: The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said: Al Mahdi will be of my Ummah, He will rule seven years, otherwise
eight, or otherwise nine. My Ummah will enjoy blessings in his time they have never
had before, both the veracious and the dissipated, God will send them rain that pour
from heavens in abundance and the earth will bring forth all that grows 1.

The 2nd Hadith
Al Mahdi and that he is from the family of the Messenger of Allah
(May Allah grant peace and honor to him and his family)
Narrated Abu Sad al-Khidri: The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said: The earth will be filled with injustice and corruption, at that time, a
man from among my progeny will rise will fill the earth with justice and equity, he
will rule for seven or nine years2.


Sunan Ibn Majah 2\1366 H 4083, Musnad Ahmad 3 \21, Sunan Al Tirmizi 5\ 439
Musnad Ahmad 3\28, P 70, Al Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 4\ 601 H 8674

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The 3rd Hadith

[His Reign]
Narrated Abu Sad al-Khidri: The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said: The Hour shall not come until a man from among Ahl al-Bait owns the
earth , he will fill the earth with fairness and justice as it was filled with oppression
and injustice before him and he will rule for seven years 1.

The 4th Hadith
His Statement to Ftimah (Peace be upon her) that the Mahdi is from her.

Ibn El Hussein narrated from his father (peace be upon them):

The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) said to Ftimah
(Peace be upon her): Al Mahdi is from your progeny 2.

The 5th Hadith
His saying (peace and prayers be upon him and his family):
Al Mahdi is from the Progeny of Al Hassan and Al Hussein
Ali - Ibn- Ali Al Hellali narrates from his father who said: I entered upon the

Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) as he was in the
malady in which he passed away. Ftimah was at his overhead and she was crying so
profusely until her whimpers rose. The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be
upon him and his family) raised his head to her and said, My darling, what is
making you cry? She said, I fear the loss after you. He said, My darling, dont
you know that Allah, the Exalted, looked down on earth and selected your father. He
sent him with His message. Then he looked Thereafter and selected your husband and
sent me revelation to marry you to him. O Ftimah, we are such an Ahl al-Bait that
Allah (the Exalted) has given us privilege of seven things which others do not
possess. Neither those before us nor those who will come after us will have the
privilege of those seven things.

Musnad Ahmad 3\17, Al Ehssan according to Ibn Haban Sahih 8\291 H 6787, Al Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 4\600
H 8669
Sunan Ibn Majah 2\1368 H 4086, Sunan Abu Dawood 4\104 H 4284, Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer 23\267 H 566,
Al Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 4\601 H 8671 and 8672.

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I am the Seal of the Messengers and the most dignified of the apostles before Allah,
the Exalted, and the most cherished of the creation to Allah, the Exalted, and I am
your father. My successor is the best of the successors, and the most cherished of
them to Allah, the Exalted, and he is your husband. Our martyr is the best of the
martyrs and the most cherished of them to Allah, the Exalted, and he is Hamzah Ibn
Abd al-Mutallib, your fathers and your husbands uncle. Moreover, the one who
possesses two green wings is from us, he shall fly with them in Paradise along with
the angels to whichever place he wishes, he is your father's cousin and the brother of
your husband. Ours are the two princes of this Ummah, and they are your sons,
Al Hassan and Al Hussein, and they are the lieges of the youths of Paradise-dwellers,
and their father, by the One Who sent me with the Truth, is better than them.
O Ftimah I swear by the One Who rightly appointed me that Al Mahdi is from your
sons offspring. The world will become full with Haraj (Killing) and Maraj
(corruption) 1 and will be intensified, all path (of solution) will be served and people
will fiercely fall upon one another such that neither an elder will pity any youngster,
nor any youngster will respect an elder. When this happens, Allah will appoint one of
them who shall conquer the deviated castles and open out the sheathed hearts. Indeed
he shall revolt at the end of time just as I revolted at my time. He shall fill the earth
with Justice just as it had been filled with oppression. O Fatima, grieve not and cry
not, for Allah, the Exalted, is more compassionate and more benevolent to you than I
am to you; and that is due to your position from me and your station in my heart.
Allah married you to your husband, who is the greatest of all people in stature, the
most dignified of them in position, the most compassionate of them to the public, the
fairest of them in equity, and the most sapient of them in judgment. I beseeched my
Lord, the Exalted, that you be the first one to join me from my Ahl al-Bait.
Ali says Ftimah did not live after that but for seventy five days 2 until Allah united
her with her father (Peace be upon them).3


Haraj: Overkill, too much of it, sedition, and mingle; Look up Haraj item in Al Sahah 1\350, Lesan Al Arab 15\69.
Maraj: fake sedition and corruption, in Al Hadith: How will you become if Maraj Takes place? Meaning corruption of
religion. Maraj is: mingle; look up Maraj item in Lesan Al Arab 13\65.
The meaning is: the large number of wars and the intensification of sedition and turmoil among the people.
Historians differed about the time that Ftimah Al Zahraa the first lady of the nation (peace be upon her) had lived
after her fathers death (peace be upon him). They also differed about the location of her grave (peace be upon her).
It is known that she stayed alive for 75 days after prophets death (peace be upon him) as it was mentioned
in Tarikh al-Aemah by Ibn Abi Al Thalj: 6, Tarikh Ahl al-Bait: 72, Al Kafi 1\520, Tarikh Mawaleed Al-Aemah Wa
Wafiatehm: 166, Mugama Al Zawaed 9\166 from Al Tabrani in Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer and Al-Mu'jam Al-Awsat and Al
Estiab 4\1898. Others said that she likely stayed alive for 95 days after the prophet (peace be upon him) including Ibn
Garir Al Tabri in Dalael Al-Aemah: 45, Al Sheikh Al Mofeed Fi Masar Al Shiaa: 54 and Al Sheikh Al Tosy in Mesbah
Al Tahgad: 554 , they stated that she died on the 3rd of Jumada al-Akhira, 11 A.H. if it is based upon prophets death
(peace be upon him) on 28 of Safar month as it is known, and Abu Al Farag Al Asfahani in Mokatl Al Talebieen:
60 by saying what was narrated about Al Imam Abi Gafar Muhammad Ibn Ali (peace be upon him) that she died 3
months after him i.e. 90 days. Especially if based on prophets death (peace and prayers be upon him) on Monday, the
2nd of Rabi' al-Awwal month as in Kashf Al Ghoma 1\14. Look up also Al Tabakat Al Kobra by Ibn Sad 8\23 and Al
Estiab 4\1898 and Allah Aalam.
Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer 3\57 -58 H 2675.

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The 6th Hadith

The Mahdi is from the Progeny of Husain
Huzaifah says, the Messenger of Allah (Peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) addressed us and recounted things that will happen in the future. Then he
said, If there should not remain from the world but a single day, Allah, the Exalted,
will prolong that day until He sends a man from my progeny, whose name is my
name. Salmn stood and asked: O Allah's Messenger, which of your sons? The
Holy Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) said, This son of
mine. So saying, he placed his hand on Al Hussein (Peace be upon him)1.

The 7th Hadith
The village from which Al Mahdi will Rise
Abd Allah Ibn Omar narrated from the messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be
upon him and his family) that he said: Al Mahdi will come from a village called

Sunan Abi Dawood 4\104 H 4282, Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer 10\137 H 10230, Ibn Haban 7\567 H 5932 from Ibn
In Al Kamel Fi Dofaa Al Regal 5\295 No. 1435: from a village in Yemen called Kara'ah, Al Bayan Fi Akhbar
Saheb Al Zaman: 511 from Abi Al Sheikh in Awaleeh and Abi Naeem in Manakb Al Hoda, Al Hawy Le Al
Fatawy 2\66 from Abi Bakar Al Makri in his Mu'jam, Mu'jam al Boldan 4\513 No. 10209 which include the same as
Al Kamel for Ibn Adai.
Also Abu Al Kasem Ali Ibn Mohamed Ibn Ali Al Khazaz El Kemy Al Razy has mentioned A long Hadith in Kefayet
Al Athr: 147- 151 its Sanad is from Abd Al Rahman Ibn Abi Layla, He sais: Ali (peace be upon Him) narrated: I was at
Um Salma home with the prophet (peace and prayers be upon him) then a group of his companions came in including:
Salmn, Abu Zar, El Mekdad and Abd El Rahman Ibn Aouf; then Salmn Asked: O messenger of Allah, every
prophet has Wasi a (trustee) and two Sebt (offsprings), so who is your Wasi a (trustee) and who are your Sebt
(offsprings) ? The prophet remained quiet then said: O Salmn, Allah sent four thousand prophets, they had four
thousand Wasi (trustees) and eight thousand Sebt (offsprings), I swear by Him who has my soul in his hands Im
the best of the prophets, my Wasi (trustees) is best of the trustees and my Sebt (offsprings) are the best of the
Sebt (offsprings) until he said: He [ meaning: Al Mahdi] comes from a village in Yemen called Kara'ah, wearing
my turban, and my armor and carrying my sword Dhu Al-Fiqar, and a caller is calling: This is Al Mahdi follow him
,he is the caliph of Allah, he fills the earth with fairness and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice, when
the world become filled with Haraj (Killing) and Maraj (corruption), and people will fiercely fall upon one another such
that neither the elders will show mercy upon the young nor the children will honor the old and neither will the stronger
show mercy to the weak, Then Allah authorizes him to go out.
I say that: there are a plenty of Hadith that state the appearance of Al Mahdi (peace be upon him) from Al-Masjid alarm in Mecca Al-Mokarama , the previously mentioned Hadith and the other ones like that Hadith about the black
standards which appear in Khurasn and that Al Mahdi (peace be upon him) is one of them can be explained in many
ways: as: We all know that Imam Al Mahdi is alive moving among people and wander through their markets and walk
where they walk through the whole earth, taking care of his fans and followers whether they feel this or not, they will
never know him until Allah authorize him to identify himself to them, so, it is not impossible that the beginning of his
movement will be from the previously mentioned places in these narrations or from any other place without any
specification, However there is no doubt his start will be from Mecca Al-Mokarama. Also: Yamani could mean the one
who will come from Yemen, the same thing for the Khurasni who will come too from Khurasn. But the fact that one

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of them is Yamani and the other one is Khurasni doesnt necessarily indicate that they will come from Yemen or
Khurasn; so think about it.

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The 8th Hadith

The Description of Al Mahdis Visage
From Huzaifah that he said: The Prophet (Peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said: Al Mahdi is from my offspring, his face is like a glittering star1.

The 9th Hadith
His color and his Physique
From Huzaifah that he said: The Prophet (Peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said: Al Mahdi is a man from my progeny, his color is an Arabic2color and
his body is an Israelite3 body. On his right cheek there is a mole that glitters like a
star. He will fill the earth with justice just as it was filled with oppression and all
creation will accept his caliphate even the birds in the sky4.

The 10th Hadith
His Forehead
Abu Sad al-Khidri says that the Prophet (Peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said: "Al Mahdi is from us, with an open forehead (aglaa)5 and a high nose.


Kenz Al O'mal 14\264 H 66 from Al Royanni in His Musnad, Okd al Dorar: 18 from Abi Naeem in Seft Al
Arabs color i.e. corny or white, also it was mentioned in Al Mahdi description that he has the same color of prophet
Muhammad (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) which is slightly light-skinned with a rosy color.
Israeli body i.e. he is tall and stocky like the sons of Jacob (peace be upon him) who are known for having stocky
bodies; Sharh Al Akhbar fi Fadael Al Aemah Al Athar 3\378 H 1251.
From Al Tabrani in his Mu'jam, Fardos al Akhbar 2\359 H 6940.
Aglaa i.e. there is light hair above his cheeks and his hair is far from his forehead. Look up the item Gala in: Al
Nehayeh fi Gharib Al Hadith 1\290, Lesan Al Arab 2\344.
Aknaa: i.e. fine, high and has a hump in the middle. Look up the item kana in: Al Nehayeh fi Gharib Al Hadith Wa
al Athar 4\116, Lesan Al Arab 11\330.
Sunan Abi Dawood 4\105 H 2485, Musnaf Abd El Razek 11/372 H 20773.

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The 11th Hadith

His nose
Abu Sad al-Khidri narrates that the Prophet (Peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said Al Mahdi is from us Ahl al-Bait, a man from my (Ummah) nation and
He has a high nose (asham)1 and will fill the Earth with fairness and justice as it was
filled with oppression and injustice2.

The 12th Hadith
The mole on his right cheek
Abu Amma al-Bhili says, The Messenger of Allah (Peace and prayers be upon him
and his family) said, There will be four truces between you and the Romans. The
fourth one will be on the hands of a man from the house of the Hercules and will last
seven years. O Messenger of Allah, called a man from the tribe of Abd al-Qais,
who was called al-Mustawrid Ibn Ghayaln3, who will be the Imam of the people at
that day? He said: The Mahdi from my offspring, a man of forty years and with a
face like a glittering star. There will be a black mole on his right cheek. He will be
wearing two Qutwaanis 4cloaks, seeming as he was from the men of the children of
of Israel. He will extricate treasures and conquer the cities of polytheism5.


Asham: Al Shamam means high , fine nose, the man who we may called asham: means that he has a clear prominent
nose. Look up: item shamam Lesan Al Arab 7\ 206 .
Al Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 4\600 H 8670, and so in Musnad Ahmed 3\17.
The name of this man is spelled in many different ways, also the name of his father; it is khaylan in Al-Mu'jam alKabeer, gilan in Musnad al Shamieen and Osd El Ghaba, Hilan in Al Esaba, and ghilan in Al Bayan in Akhbar
Saheb Al Zaman from Al Tabrani.
Qutwaanis is the plural of Qutwaani which means white short cloak in relation to Qutwaan which is a place in al
Koufah where the Qutwaani fabrics are made. Look up: item Quta in Tag Al Aros 2\89.
Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer 8\101 H 7495, Musnad Al Shamieen 2\410 H 1600.

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The 13th Hadith

His saying (Peace and prayers be upon him and his family) that Al Mahdis
Teeth are Split
Abi Salma Ibn Abd al-Rahmn Ibn Auf narrated from his father, the Messenger of
Allah (Peace and prayers be upon him and his family), Allah will send a man from
my household whose teeth will be at distance from one another (Afrak) 1 and whose
forehead will be broad. He will fill the earth with equity and will grant wealth

The 14th Hadith
Al Mahdi is a virtuous Imam
Narrated Abi Umamah: The Messenger of Allah, (praise and peace be upon him and
his family), spoke to us and mentioned the Dajjl and said: (Al Medina) will cast out
its dirt as a fire (Al Keer)3 casts rust from iron and this day will be called The Day of
Salvation. Umm Sharik4 inquired: Where will the Arabs be on that day? He
replied: There will be a few on that day, most of them will be in the House of
Jerusalem and their leader, Al Mahdi, is a virtuous man 56.


Means that his teeth are evenly split; Look up item farak in Lesan Al Arab 10\245.
Al Kamel Fi Dofaa Al Regal 3\423, Okd Al Dorar: 16, 34, 170 from Abi Naeem in Awaleh and in Sefat Al
Al Keer: what a forger use to blow in, the plural is Akiar and Kirah; look up item Keer in Lesan al Arab 12\200.
Umm Sharik: she is Ghozia also called Ghozila bent Dodan Ibn Auf Ibn Amr Ibn Amer Ibn Rawahaa Ibn Hugair Ibn
Abd Ibn Muis Ibn Amer Ibn Loay, she is Qraishyia Amerya, She was married to Abi Al Okr Ibn Somai Ibn Al Hareth
Al Azdi Al Dawsi, she gave birth to Shrekaa, She converted to Islam in Mecca, It is said that she is the one who has
endowed her self to the prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his family), then he married her but didnt intimate
with her because he hated how the Ansaari women are jealous. Marefat Al Sahaba 6\3517 No. 4111, Al Estiab 4\1942
No. 4169, Osd al-Ghaba 6\352 No. 7489, Al Esaba 8\238 No. 12099.
There is a sequel in another narration : When he steps forward to lead them in the Dawn prayer, Jesus, the son of
Mary will descend during that time so the Imam will step backward in order for Jesus to come forward but he will say
to him: Go forward and pray, because it has indeed been established for you. So he will lead them in prayer as an
Sunan Ibn Majah 2\1361 H 4077, Sunan Abi Dawood 4\115 H 4322.


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The 15th Hadith

Allah Sends him Openly
Abu Sad al-Khidri says that the Messenger of Allah (praise and peace be upon him
and his family) said, The Mahdi will rise in my Ummah. Allah will send him
openly. The Ummah will enjoy and the cattle will rejoice. The earth will bring forth
its plants and he will give wealth equally1.

The 16th Hadith
His saying (Peace and prayers be upon him and his family) that Al Mahdi will
wear a turban (Emama)2 on his head
From Abdullah Ibn Omar that he said: the messenger of Allah (peace and prayers
be upon him and his family): Al Mahdi will come wearing a turban on his head, and
a caller will be calling, this is Al Mahdi, the Caliph of Allah! Follow him .

The 17th Hadith
His saying (peace be upon him): an Angel Over his Head
Abdullah Ibn Omar says, said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family), Al Mahdi will rise while there is an angel over his head calling,
this is Al Mahdi! Follow him!4.


Al Mustdrak Ala al Sahihin 4\601 H 8673, Look up: Musnad Ahmed 3\21 -22.
Also "ghemama (cloud) in another narration.
Al Kamel Fi Dofaa Al Regal 5\296, Okd Al Dorar: 135 from Abi Naeem in Manakb Al Hoda.
Musnad Al shamieen 2\71 72 H 937.


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The 18th Hadith

The Happy Tidings of the Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) to His Ummah about Al Mahdi
Narrated Abu Sad al-Khidri: The Prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said: I give you the glad tiding of the coming of the Mahdi 1! He will be sent
to my (Ummah) nation at the time when people will be faced with severe conflict and
the earth will be hit by a violent quake. He will fill the earth with justice and equity,
as it is filled with injustice. The dwellers of the heavens and the dwellers of the earth
will be pleased with him. He will distribute wealth sahh. A man asked him,
What is sahh? He said, Equality between the people2.

The 19th Hadith
Al Mahdis Name
Abdullah Ibn Omar says, Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family), The Hour shall not come until a man from my progeny will
rule. His name is like my name. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it will
be full of oppression and tyranny3.

In another narration a man from Koraysh from my progeny.

Musnad Ahmed 3\37 and 52. In another narration the following text comes after people, He fills the hearts of
Muhammads nation with richness, and treat them fair, even he orders a caller to announce: who needs something? No
one comes but only one does and ask him for money, he says go ask the sadden (money keeper) he will give you; He
goes and say Im the messenger of Al Mahdi give me money; He said: take whatever you need. He keeps taking until he
becomes unable to carry it, then he throws some of it to be able to carry whatever he can and when he comes out he
regrets doing so and says: Im the most greedy of Muhammads nation, all of them were asked to have this money and
left it, then he comes back and returns the riches but they are not taken back from him. It is said to him, We do not take
back something we have given away. This will be for seven or eight or nine years. There is no pleasure in life after Al
Narrated by Ibn Masoud in this term Al Tabrani in Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer 10\133 H 10214, Abu Dawood and Al
Tirmizi as in Mataleb al Sool: 313, Ibn Haban in Al Ehssan according to Sahih Ibn Haban 8\291 H 2785, Al Bazar in
His Musnad 5\225 226 H 1832, Al Shashy in His Musnad 2\110 11 H 635.


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The 20th Hadith

His Patronym
Huzaifah says, Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family), If there should not remain but a single day from the world, Allah will send a
man therein whose name is my name, his character is my character, and his patronym
is Abu Abd Allah1.

The 21st Hadith
His fathers name
Abdullah Ibn Omar says, said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family), The world will not go away until Allah sends a man from my
household. His name will be like my name, and his fathers name like my fathers.
He will fill it with equity and justice as it will be full with tyranny and oppression2.

Okd Al Dorar: 31 from Abi Naeem in Sefat Al Mahdi, Al Bayan Fi Akhbar Saheb Al Zaman: 510.
Musnad Ibn Abi Shaiba 8\678 H 193, Al-Mu'jam al-Kabeer 10\133 H 10213, Musnad Al Shashy 2\110 H 634, Al
Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 4\489 H 8364.
Im saying that: Mr. Tamer Al Ameedi has searched the Ahadith that mentioned the phrase his fathers name like my
fathers in an article was published in Torathona magazine in volume 3 and 4 of the 11th year \ Ragab Zo Al Hega 1416A.H., under the title application of scientific criteria of Hadith criticism on Al Mahdis Ahadith
(peace be upon him) in both parties books. Since this is an important article, here are some paragraphs of it for our
readers and researchers who are looking for the truth about Imam Al Mahdis lineage (peace be upon him).
Mr. Al Ameedi says that: the name of the father of Imam Al Mahdi (peace be upon him) in Hadith books differs
greatly and need to be more in the spot in this research, mainly because those who deny that Al Mahdi Ahadith are true
are saying that these Ahadith didnt use specific name. Even those who said that Al Mahdis Ahadith has been reported
through Islamic scholars didnt agree about his full name due to the different sources that stated his fathers name.
Some of it say that: the fathers name of al Mahdi is the same as Prophet Muhammad (peace and prayers be upon him
and his family) fathers name because of the Hadith (his name will be like my name, and his fathers name like my
fathers), which will come in detail later. Others deny this and say that : His fathers name is (Al Hassan), precisely
Al Imam Al Hassan Al Askry Ibn Al Imam Ali Al Hadi (peace be upon them), and this opinion is supported by all the
twelve Imami Shiaa, also Many Sunni has agreed about this too as it will be explained later. Mr. al Ameedi also says
that: there are many Ahadith about specifying the name of Al Mahids father which differ in wording but have the
same meaning, which is (Abd Allah) like the name of the prophets father (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family). Before illustrating these Ahadith we would like to note many things: till he said: after illustrating all these
things we will explore these Ahadith: 1st Hadith: (The world will not go away until Allah sends a man from my
household. His name will be like my name and his fathers name like my fathers). This Hadith was reported by Ibn Abi
Shaiba, Al Tabrani and Al Hakem; All of them through Asem Ibn Abi Al Ngood, from Zar Ibn Hbish, from Abd Allah
Ibn Masoud, from prophet Muhammad (peace and prayers be upon him and his family). Also it was reported by Al
Majlesi Al Thani in (Behar Al Anwar), from Al Arbly, the latter has taken it from Al Arbain book for Abi Naeem Al
Asbahny. 2nd Hadith: (The Hour shall not come until a man from my progeny will rule. His name is like my name and
his fathers name like my fathers. This Hadith has been reported by Abu Amr Al Dani and Al Khatib Al Boghdady too,
they reported it through Asem Ibn Abi Al Ngood Musnad from Ibn Masoud too, but it was not reported by shiaa. 3 rd
Hadith: (Al Mahdis name is like my name and his fathers name like my fathers) the most important Sunni people
who had reported this Hadith are: Al Khatib Al Boghdady and Ibn Hagar, they reported it through Asem too from Ibn
Masoud Musnad. It was reported by Ibn Tawoos from Ibn Hamad from Shiaa. Other narrators are: Abi Naeem, Al
Tabrani, Ibn Abi Hatem and Ibn Hamad. These are the most important Ahadith in this matter, and those who reported
these Hadith has became the reference to the latter ones, nearly you would find one of them that didnt report through


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The 22nd Hadith

His Equity
Abu Sad al-Khidri says, said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family), Verily the earth will be beset with oppression and hostility.
Then a man will rise from my Ahl al-Bait, who will fill it with equity and justice, as it
will be replete with tyranny, hostility, and oppression1.


Asem Ibn Abi Al Ngood since he is main references as all scholars had stated. The previously mentioned Ahadith are
unknown to most narrators though they stated that the narration of: (his name is like my name) without (and his fathers
name like my fathers) is most common known. For example the first Hadith was narrated by Imam Ahmed in his
Musnad in many places without mentioning that subsequent. The same did Al Tirmizi and he said (in this: from Ali,
Abi Saeed, Um Salma and Abi Hurayra, this is Hadith is Sahih Hassan). Also Al Tabrani has recorded the first Hadith
in more than ten different ways without this subsequent in the following numbered Ahadith: the same did the others like
Ibn Abi Shaiba and Al Hakem and other narrators. The following statement from who had reported the first Hadith
make it more clear: Al Makdsi Al Shafai said after reporting the Hadith from Abi Dawood: a group of Hadith scholars
has reported it in their books , including Imam Abu Aisa Al Tirmizi in his Game book, Imam Abu Dawood in his
Sunan, Al Hafez Abi Bakr Al Bayhki and Sheikh Abu Amr Al Dani, all of them has mentioned (his name is like my
name) without the subsequent (and his fathers name like my fathers). Its not possible that all these scholars have no
idea about this subsequent narrated through the route of Asem Ibn Abi Al Ngood, though they had reported these
Ahadith through the route of Asem himself, which indicates that they dont think that subsequent is not correct
otherwise they would have narrated it. We cant charge any of them that he had omitted it in purpose since this
subsequent has a significant importance when replying to the other party about the fathers name of Al Mahdi (peace be
.upon him). Now it is clear that one of the narrators from Asem had added this subsequent to promote the idea that Al
Mahdi is Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Al Hassan or Ibn al Mansour the Abbasi caliph. Another proof of this, is the
fabricated Hadith to Abu Horyra which said the (Al Mahdis name is Muhammad Ibn Abd Allah and he has a difficulty
in speech)! Al Abri has narrated this subsequent (and his fathers name like my fathers) (T 363 H) in (Al Bayan) by Al
kingy al ShafaI; Al Kingy has narrated from Abi al Hassan Al abris book that is called (Manakb Al Shafai), He said:
(He mentioned this Hadith and he mentioned a subsequent in his narration: (If only a single day remains from the tenure
of this world, the Almighty Allah in that same day, will raise a person from my descendants or from my Ahul Albayt
whose name is the same as mine and his fathers name like my fathers, he will fill the earth with equity and justice as
it will be full of oppression and tyranny). Since all the previous three Ahadith narrated by Asem Ibn Abi Al Ngood,
from Zar Ibn Hbish, from Abd Allah Ibn Masoud, it is good to mention all Hadiths route which has been collected by
Al Hafez Abu Naeem and ended by Asem, all these narrations agreed about using the term (his name is like my name)
and none of them mentioned the term (his fathers name is like my fathers), this is what was stated by Al kingy al
Shafai in his book(Al Bayan). He also said that: some of the scholars of Hadith tried to validate this subsequent and
Al Kingy al Shafai has mentioned some of these but he denied it by saying: (this interpretation is overcastted and the
last say in this matter is: Imam Ahmed has narrated this Hadith in his Musnad [in] many places: (his name is like my
name). So, the Hadith of (his fathers name like my fathers) cant be contradicted with those Ahadith that specify Al
Hassan (peace be upon him) as Al Mahdis father, which were narrated by many ways from both parties and which
agree with the Hadith (his name is like my name) that was narrated from Ali (Peace be upon him), Ibn Masoud, Abi
Saeed, Huzaifah, Slaman, Abu Hurayra, Ibn Omr, Om Salma and others. Also the coincidence of using the term Ahul
Al Bayt (peace be upon them) from the progeny of the prince of the believers Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (peace be upon
him) to Imam al Hassan Al Askry (peace be upon him). Also one hundred and twenty eight Sunni scholars, narrators
and historians have supported The Ahadith which indicate that Al Mahdi is from the progeny of Imam Al Hassan Al
Askry, which we have explained in detail including names and sayings and have arranged by centuries starting from
the fourth Hijri century and ending with the fourteenth Hijri Century. This makes the Hadith: (his fathers name like my
fathers) if it was correct not very much supported as the other Hadith. Later when we discus that Al Mahdi is from the
progeny of Al Hassan and Al Hussein (peace be upon them) we will clarify what is closely related to the correct name
of A H l Mahdis father (peace be upon him). End of Torathona magazine report.
Heliat Al Awlyaa 3\101, Okd Al Dorar: 19, Al Mujam Al Awsat 8\217 H , Musnad al Bazar 8\257 258 H 3323.


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The 23rd Hadith

His Character
Abdullah says, said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his

family), A man will rise from Ahl al-Bait; his name will be like mine and his
character will be like mine. He will fill the earth with equity and justice 1.

The 24th Hadith
His Munificence
Abu Sad al-Khidri says, Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family), In latter days when mischief manifest, a man will come who is
called Al Mahdi. His grants will be so very pleasant 2.

The 25th Hadith
His Knowledge of the Conduct of the Prophet
(peace and prayers be upon him and his family)
Abu Sad al-Khidri says, said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family), A man will rise from my Ahl al-Bait and act upon my conduct.
Allah will descend for him blessings (Al Baraka)3 from the heavens. The earth will
bring forth its bliss. Through him the earth will be beset by equity and justice, as it
will be replete with oppression and tyranny. He will rule over this Ummah for seven
years and will disembark at Jerusalem4.


Al Mujam Al Kabeer 10\136 137 H 10229, Musnad al Bazar 5\207 H 1808, Ibn Haban 8\291 H 6878.
Musnad Ahmed 3\80, Musnaf Ibn Abi Shaiba 8\678 H 63, 185.
Al Katr (rain) in another narration.
Al Mujam Al Awsat 1\421 H 1079, Al Sunan Al Wareda Fi Al Fetan for Al Dani: 263 H 585.


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The 26th Hadith

His Coming and His Standards
Thawbn1says, The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said When you see black standards coming from Khurasn then come to
them even if you have to crawl on snow, for the Vicegerent of God Al Mahdi 2 is
amidst them3.

The 27th Hadith
His Coming from the East
Abdullah said4, we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be
upon him and his family) when a group of youths from the Children of Hshim came.
When the Prophet saw them his eyes drowned in tears and his color changed. The
companions said5, We see in your visage something which we dislike. He said,
We, the Ahl al-Bait, Allah has chosen the hereafter for us over this world. My
Household will see trials, banishment, and ostracism after me, until a nation comes
from the east carrying black standards. They will demand the right and will be
denied. So they will wage wars and will be victorious and will be given what they
asked for. But they do not accept it until they proffer it to a man from my Household.
He will fill the earth with equity and justice, as they have beset it by tyranny.
Whoever reaches that time from amongst you must come to them even if he has to
crawl over ice67.


He is Thawbn Ibn Bogdod also called Ibn Gehdar the slave of messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him
and his family), His Patronym is Aba Abd Allah also said it is Abu Abd Al Rahman and the first is the most common
one. He is from Hemiar in Yemen also said He is from Al Srah (location between Mecca and Yemen). It was said that
he is from Saad Al Ashira from Mezheg, he was enslaved then prophet Muhammad (peace and prayers be upon him
and his family) bought and freed him. He remained faithful to the prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) and kept traveling and stayed inherent to the prophet until the prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) died, then He travelled to Sham and stayed In Hems till he died there in 54 A.H. Al Mujam Al Kabeer 2\91 No.
172, Mareft Al Sahaba for Abi Naeem 1\501 No. 422, Osd Al Ghaba 1\296 No. 624.
I say: for the Vicegerent of God Al Mahdi this is may be mean his supporters, we have explained in the footnote of
the seventh Hadith that Imam Al Mahdi will come from Al Masjid Al Hram in Mecca Al Mokarama; revise it.
Musnad Ahmed 5\277, Al Fetn for Na'eem Ibn Hamad: 188, Al Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 4\547 H 8531.
In other narrations Abdullah Ibn Omr and in another one Ibn Masoud.
In other narrations they said: O Messenger of Allah, and in another one: I said.
There is a subsequent: He is Al Mahdi in another narration.
Sunan Ibn Majah 2\1366 H 4082, Musnaf Ibn Abi Shaiba 8\697 H 18874, Musnad Al Bazar 4\354 355 H 1556 and
1557 page 310 H 1491, Musnad Al Shashy 1\347 H 329.


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The 28th Hadith

Islams Honorability through Him
Hudhaifa says, I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and
his family) say, Pity for this Ummah from tyrannical rulers! How will they be
murdering and frightening the pious until one has to acknowledge obedience to them!
The God-fearing believer will put on with them on his tongue and (run away from
them)1 in his heart. When Allah, the Exalted, desires to render Islam honorable again,
He will break every hostile tyrant. And He is All-Powerful over anything He desires
and to set this Ummah right after its corruption. He said (peace be upon him), O
Hudhaifa, even if there should not remain but a single day from the world, Allah will
prolong that day until a man from my Household rules. Fights will be waged on his
hands and Islam will become manifest. He will not violate His promise and He is
Swift in reckoning2.

The 29th Hadith
The Leisure of the Ummah during the Reign of Al Mahdi
Abu Sad al-Khidri narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family) said, The Mahdi will be in my Ummah, if short for seven years,
otherwise eight, or otherwise nine. My Ummah will enjoy leisure in the time of Al
Mahdi the like of which they have never enjoyed. The heavens will shower over them
bountifully and the earth will not leave3 any vegetation but to bring it forth4.

The 30th Hadith
He is a Liege of the Paradise
Anas Ibn Mlik says, The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and
his family) said, We the sons of Abd al-Mutallib are the lieges of the Paradise:
(I, my brother Ali, my uncle Hamzah, Jafar, Al Hassan, Al Hussein, and Al

In another narration: fix them.

Okd Al Dorar: 62 63 from Abi Naeem in Seft al Mahdi.
In another narration "don't save".
Al Fetn for Naeem Ibn Hamad: 223, Okd Al Dorar: 144 -145 from Al Tabrani in his Mujam and Abi Naeem in
Seft Al Mahdi, Al Bayan Fi Akhbar Saheb Al Zaman: 519.
In another narration: (I, Hamzah, Ali, Jafar, Al Hassan, Al Hussein, and Al Mahdi.


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Sunan Ibn Majah 2\1368 H 4087, Al Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 3\233 H 4940.


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The 31st Hadith

His Kingdom
Abu Hurayra says, The Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) said, If there should not remain but one night for the world, a man from my
Household will rule therein1.

The 32nd Hadith
His Rule
Thawbn says, Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family), Three men, all of them sons of a caliph, will be killed before your treasure,
which will not go to anyone of them. Then black standards will come and they will
massacre2 them, a massacre never done by any nation. Then the Caliph of God, Al
Mahdi, will come. When you hear him, come to him and pledge allegiance to him
even if you have to crawl on snow, for he is the Caliph of God, Al Mahdi3.

The 33rd Hadith
His saying (peace be upon him):
When you hear him, come to him and pledge allegiance to him
Thawbn says, Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family), Black standards will come from the direction of the east. It seems as their
hearts are blocks of iron (zobar)4. Whoever hears about them must come to them and
pledge them allegiance, even if they have to crawl over ice5.


Ibn Haban 7\576 H 5922, Sunan Al Tirmizi 4\438 Z H 2231 and so.
In another narration: "they will kill you".
Sunan Ibn Majah 2\1367 H 4084, Musnad Alroyani 1\251 H 637, Al Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 4\510 H 8432.
Zobar : means big pieces, its plural is (Zobor) Allah the almighty said: (Give me blocks (Zobar) of iron) , Also Allah
the almighty said: (But they (men) have broken their religion among them into sects (zobora)); Look up the item
Zobar in Lesan Al Arab 6\12.
Musnad Ahmed 5\277, Al Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 4\547 H 8531, Dalael al Nebowa by Al Bayhki 6\516.


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The 34th Hadith

Through Him Allah will Bring Hearts Together
Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (peace be upon him) says, I said, O Messenger of Allah, is Al
Mahdi from us the Household of Muhammad or from the others? He said [the
messenger of Allah] (peace and prayers be upon him and his family), Rather, he is
ours. Allah will complete the religion through him, as He opened it through us.
Through us they are rescued from mischief, as they were rescued from polytheism.
Through us Allah will bring their hearts together as brothers after the hostility of
mischief, as He brought them together as brothers in their religion after the hostility
of polytheism1.

The 35th Hadith
His saying (peace be upon him): No Pleasure in Life after Al Mahdi
Abdullah Ibn Masd says, said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family), Even if there should not remain for this world but a single
night, Allah will prolong that night until a man from my Household becomes the
ruler. His name is my like my name and his fathers name is like my fathers. He will
fill it with equity and justice as it will be beset by oppression and tyranny. He will
distribute wealth equally. Allah will cast contentment in the hearts of this Ummah.
He will rule for seven or nine years. There is no pleasure in life after Al Mahdi2.


Al Mu'jam Al Awsat 1\97 98 H 157, Al Fetn by Naeem Ibn Hamad: 229

Al Mujam Al Kabeer 10\135 H 1022, Al Mujam Al Awsat 2\48 H 1255, Musnad Al Shashy 2\109 H 632 to his
saying: tyranny.


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The 36th Hadith

His Conquest of Constantinople (Al Kostantiniah)1
Abu Hurayra says, said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and
his family), The Hour shall not rise until a man from my Household rules over. He
will conquer Constantinople and the Mount of Dailum 2. Even if there should not
remain but one day [from the life of the world], Allah will prolong that day until he
conquers it3.

The 37th Hadith
He will come after Tyrants
Qais Ibn Jbir narrates from his father, from his grandfather that the Messenger of
Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) said, After me there will be
caliphs, and [after the caliphs] emirs, and after the emirs [tyrant]4 kings. Then a man
from my Household will rise who will fill the earth with justice after it will be beset
with tyranny. Then, after him, the Qahtani will be made an Amir (Prince), and by
Him Who sent me with the Truth, he (Qahtani) is not lesser (in terms of importance)
than him (Mahdi)5.


Al Costantiniah: it is also called Costantinah: Ibn Khordazabah said: Romyah was the place of Roman Emperor, there
were 19 kings therein. Two of them were in Amoryah which is 60 miles from Al Costantiniah, another two came after
them in Romyah, then came Constantine the greatest in Romyah too, then he moved to Bezntiah and surrounded it by a
wall and called it Al Costantiniah it is the capital until now and called Istanbul, the salty sea separates it from Muslim
countries. One of Roman Kings called Constantine has constructed it so it was named after him. A gulf in the sea
surrounds it from east and north, it is surrounded by land from west and south. The thickness of its great wall is twenty
one cubits, it was mentioned that it has many doors about one hundred doors, one is from gold (iron covered with gold).
Mujam Al Boldan 4\395 No. 9613.
Dailum: a group of people named after their country not after their ancestors: it was said that they are the Turkish
people, they are Bano Al Dailum Ibn Basel Ibn Dabah Ibn Od Tabkha Ibn Elias Ibn Modr, Some has said: Al Dailum is
between 75longitude and 36 latitude and 10 minutes; It is to the south of Al Khzr sea. Look up the item Dalm,
Mujam Al Boldan 2\614 No. 5179, Lesan Al Arab 4\395, Marsed Al Etla 2\581, item Dalm, Tag Al Aros 16\245,
Ajaeb Al Makhlokat Wa al Haywant Wa Ghraeb Al Mawgodat in the footnote of Hayat Al Haywan by Al Demri
Sunan Ibn Majah 2\928 929 H 2779.
In another narration between brackets: and after the kings tyrants.
Al Mu'jam al Kabeer 22\374 375 H 937, Al Fetn by Naeem Ibn Hamad: 67 shortly.


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The 38th Hadith

His saying (peace be upon him):
Ours is the one that Jesus will pray behind him
Narrated (Abu Hurayra), Abu Sad al-Khidri says, Said the Messenger of Allah
(peace and prayers be upon him and his family), Ours is the one that Jesus the son of
Mary will pray behind him1.

The 39th Hadith
He Converses with Jesus
Jbir Ibn Abd Allah says, Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family), Jesus the son of Mary (peace be upon him) will descend. Their
leader, Al Mahdi will say, Come lead our prayers. He will say, Behold, there is a
certain leader over us, as a token of dignity from Allah, the Exalted, for this



Okd Al Dorar: 25 from Abi Naeem in Manakb al Hoda, Kenz al Omal 14\266 H 38673.
Sahih Muslim 1\95, Musnad Ahmed 3\345 and 384, Musnad Abi Yali 4\59 H 2078.


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The 40th Hadith

His saying (peace be upon him) in Al Mahdi
Abdullah Ibn al-Abbs says, Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be
upon him and his family), Never shall perish an Ummah in the beginning of which I
am, in the end of which is Jesus the son of Mary, and at the middle of which is Al

All of the following has reported it from Ibn Abbs in this term: Ahmed in his Musnad, Abu Naeem in Awaleh
and al Hakem in Tarikh Nisabor as in Kenz Al Omal 14\269 H 38682. I say: this Hadith is narrated through other
routes and in many terms that differ from this context .. In Al Fetn by Naeem Ibn Hamad: 353, Kab Al Ahbar says:
Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) how could an Ummah be perished in the
beginning of which I am and in the end of which is Jesus. In Nawder Al Osool: 156 Alasl 122, in another narration:
(Jesus will come back during the lifetime of some people of this Ummah, they are just like you or may be better three
times-, Allah wont dishonor An Ummah in the beginning of which I am and in the end of which is Jesus. In Tafseer
Al Tabri 3\288 H 7133, Kab Al Ahbar says: Said the Messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon him and his
family) how could an Ummah be perished in the beginning of which I am and in the end of which is Jesus. In al
Mustdrak Ala Al Sahihin 3\43 H 4351 from Safwan Ibn Amr, from Abd Al Rahman Ibn Jbir Ibn Nafir from his father
said: the companions of prophet Muhammad (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) grieved severely upon
Mutaa martyrs, the prophet (peace and prayers be upon him and his family) said: Al Dajjl will come during the
lifetime of people like you or may be better - three times - , Allah wont dishonor an Ummah in the beginning of
which I am and in the end of which is Jesus. Al Hakem said: This is Hadith Hassan Sahih based on al Shaykhin terms.
Fi Akhbar Al Dowal: 76: and martyrs of my households in the middle of it. So the previous Hadith doesnt mean
necessarily that there is a long period of time between the coming of Imam Al Mahdi (peace be upon him) and the
descending of Jesus (peace be upon him). Middle here means after first and before last. Regardless of the period of time
between them both (peace be upon them), all the narrated Ahadith from messenger of Allah (peace and prayers be upon
him and his family) indicate that Al Imam will appear first, then Jesus descends and prays behind him and become one
of his supporters. Since middle is not a defined time period and it is an extension between the first and the last, presence
of Al Mahdi is in the middle is a clear proof that his life extends through this undefined time period; because earth
should have one of Allah Advocates in any time. So this Hadith indicates the presence of Imam Al Mahdi (peace be
upon him), his birth and being alive through this period of time. This Hadith is supported by Hadith Al Thakalin and
other Ahadith. So what is the purpose that he (peace be upon him) is invisible and unknown? Abd Allah Ibn Al Fadl
says, said Al Hashmy Al Imam Al Sadek (peace be upon him): This invisibility is a must, I said: and why is that? He
said: It is for a purpose, we dont have the authority to disclose it! I said: what is the purpose of this invisibility? He said
the purpose cant be disclosed until his appearance, the same thing that happened when Muses didnt know the purpose
of what Al Khedr did until the time of their separation.O Ibn Al Fadl, the whole thing is a secret of Allahs secrets,
once we become sure that Allah the almighty is Hakim (wise) we will believe that all his actions are full of wisdom
even if we dont know the purpose of it. Montkhab Al Anwar Al Modiah: 81.


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