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Perpindahan panas

Fouriers law:

Qx/ A = - k. dT/ dx
qx = -k. dT/ dx



Shell energy balances:

(laju energi termal masuk) (laju energi termal keluar) + (laju produksi energi termal) =
(laju energi termal akumulasi)

Laju energi termal masuk

= qx|x

Laju energi termal keluar

= qx|x+x

Laju produksi energi termal = q. x

Dalam keadaan steady state maka akumulasi = 0

qx|x - qx|x+x + q. x = 0

x A

A = W. H

W. H qx|x W. H. qx|x+x + q. x. W. H = 0

: W. H . x

karena tidak ada panas yang diproduksi maka q = 0

qx|x - qx|x+x


qx|x+x - qx|x


dq x
Maka :

Sehingga :

qx|x = qx|x+x atau Qx|x = Qx|x+x


= - k. A. dT/ dx

Qx . (x2-x1) = - k. A. (T2-T1)


(integrasi T dan x)

T2-T1 = Qx (x2-x1) / -k. A

Shell enegy balance on a cylindrical ( Annulus)

Laju energi termal masuk

= qr|r

Laju energi termal keluar

= qr|r+r

Laju produksi energi termal = q. r

Dalam keadaan steady state maka akumulasi = 0

qr|r qr|r+r + q. r = 0


x A

A = 2. . r. L

2. . r. L. qr|r 2. . r. L. qr|r+r + q. r. 2. . r. L = 0

: 2. . r. L

karena tidak ada panas yang diproduksi maka q = 0

r. qr|r r. qr|r+r


(r. q r )=0
Maka :

Sehingga :

r. qr|r = r. qr|r+r



= - k. A. dT/ dr

Qr|r = Qr|r+r

(integrasi T dan r)



1. Heat loss from an insulated pipe. A standard schedule 40,2-in. steel pipe (inside diameter 2.067
in. and wall thickness 0.154 in.) carrying steam is insulated with 2 in. of 85% magnesia covered
in turn with 2 in. of cork. The heat loss per hour per foot of pipe is 24 Btu/ ft. hr. If the inner
surface of the pipe is at 250F . Estimate the outer surface of the cork. The thermal conductivities
(in Btu/hr ft . F) of the substances concerned are: steel, 26.1; 85% magnesia, 0.04; cork, 0.03.

2. A). Write the shell energy balances for Figure 1.

Rate of heat in = ..
Rate of heat out = ..
Rate of generation of heat = ..
Rate of accumulation of heat = ..
Shell energy balances = ..

B) Develope a formula for the temperature distribution in composite wall (Figure 1)

Fig. 1. Heat conduction through a composite wall, located between two fluid streams at temperatures
Ta and Tb

3. A). Write the shell energy balances for Figure 2.

Rate of heat in = ..
Rate of heat out = ..
Rate of generation of heat = ..
Rate of accumulation of heat = ..
Shell energy balances =..

B) Develope a formula for the temperature distribution (Figure 2) with boundary condition is :
BC 1

at r = 0,

qr =

BC 2

at r = R,

T = T0

Figure 2. A electrically heated wire, showing the cylindricall shell over which the energy balance
is made
4. A steel pipeline, 2-in, schedule 40 pipe, contains saturated steam at 120 0C. The line is covered
with 25.4 mm of insulation. Assuming that the inside surface temperature of the metal wall is at
120 0C and the outer surface of the insulation is at 26.7 0C. The average k for steel from App. A.3
is 45 W/m.K and the k for insulation is 0.182. Diameter for steel 2-in from App. A.5.
a). Develope a formula for the temperature distribution and heat loss (Q)
b). Calculate the heat loss for 30.5 m of pipe

5. Insulating power of a wall (Fig. 3). The "insulating power" of a wall can be measured by means
of the arrangement shown in the figure. One places a plastic panel against the wall. In the pane1
two thermocouples are mounted flush with the panel surfaces. The thermal conductivity and
thickness of the plastic panel are known. From the measured steady-state temperatures shown in
the figure, calculate:
(a) The steady-state heat flux through the wall (and panel).
(b) The "thermal resistance" (wall thickness divided by thermal conductivity).

Figure 3. Determination of the thermal resistance of a wall.

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