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Soviet Airborne defence of a Bridge over the Leine River

A Scenario Designed for Play with Ambush Alleys Force of Force

It is spring 1987, and long feared Soviet invasion of West Germany has taken place.
After days of fighting WARPAC forces have punched a massive hole in NATOs lines
and a powerful Operational Manoeuvre Group (OMG) is now making great progress
across the Northern German Plain.
Between them and the Rhine lie numerous waterways that NORTHAG forces must
try and use to impede the OMGs advance. Soviet Airborne troops have now been
launched into the battle seizing a number of key bridges ahead of the advance. An
airborne carpet if you will, for the ground forces to advance up. Any NATO combat
force available is being thrown at these bridgeheads in order to destroy them and
recapture the vital bridges.
Duration of Game: 9 turns.
Initiative: The NATO force on each table has the initiative on the 1st turn. From the
2nd turn onward, roll for initiative each turn.
Special Conditions:
Pre-dawn: This mission begins at night and uses the Night Fighting rules. At the
beginning of Turn 4 a roll of 6 on a D6 determines that dawn breaks. On Turn 5 roll a
5 or 6 on a D6 for dawn to break. To Turn 6 roll 4,5 or 6 for dawn to break, etc.
Once dawn has broken normal daylight rules apply.
Two Table Multi-player Game: This is a two table multi-player game. The tables
should be placed as per the scenario diagram below. We recommend at least 1
NATO and 1 Soviet player per table. Play on each table is essentially independent
from the other table except in the following cases:
There is only one initiative roll per turn to cover play on both tables
Each turn should last for approximately the same time for both tables
Only on-board artillery can be fired from one table to the other (as described
Only Soviet vehicles can cross the bridge between tables (as described below)
Victory points are added up across both tables at the end of the game
Leine River: The gap between the two tables represents the Leine River, which can
only be crossed at the bridge even amphibious vehicles can only cross the river on
the bridge.
Firing across the Leine River: Opposing forces can not trade direct fire from one table
to the other table. Available On-board Indirect fire is capable of firing between tables,
as long as spotter is on the same table as the proposed target. Available Off-board
artillery can be directed at any proposed target as long as spotter is on the same
table as the proposed target.
Air strikes may only be called in against targets on the same table as the CAC.

Leine River Bridge: It is not necessary to model the Leine River Bridge in this
scenario but you can if you want to! The bridge is the only way Soviet vehicles can
get from one table to the other.
To cross the bridge a vehicle must be travelling with enough speed to exit the table
edge off a bridge ramp. Next turn the vehicle becomes available as a reinforcement,
entering the table on the opposite bridge ramp at patrol speed.
Unless mounted on or in a vehicle, it is not possible for infantry to cross the bridge
during the game.
The bridge cannot be targeted. VDV Engineers working on the bridge cannot be
targeted. Vehicles crossing the bridge cannot be targeted once they are beyond the
Dropping the Bridge: Soviet VDV Engineers are on the bridge at the beginning of the
game, preparing the bridge for destruction if necessary. It will take the VDV
Engineers 7 turns to successfully wire up the bridge for destruction. If a NATO
vehicle arrives on the bridge before the end of Turn 7 they will interrupt the work of
the VDV Engineers and the bridge cannot be dropped.
From Turn 8 onwards, upon activation of the Soviet Battalion Commander, he may
order the bridge dropped.
On-Board Artillery: The Soviet VDV have two 82mm Mortar teams in their force.
They are deployed on the Eastern Table where indicated. Together they count as
Heavy Mortar Support. If one is destroyed the remaining weapon counts as Light
Mortar Support. Each turn, one Soviet unit may attempt to call down a salvo on a
designated target as spotter is on the same table as the proposed target using the
Calling for Fire Mission Rules. The Soviets have reliable communications. The
outcome of the salvo is determined using the Resolving a Fire Mission rules.
The British Territorials have a L9A1 51mm Mortar in their force. This counts as Light
Mortar Support. Each turn they are on the board, one British Territorial unit may
attempt to call down a salvo on a designated target as spotter is on the same table
as the proposed target using the Calling for Fire Mission Rules. The British
Territorials have reliable communications. The outcome of the salvo is determined
using the Resolving a Fire Mission rules.
The mortar teams may be shot at using the Firing at Guns rules.
Fog of War: Each player draws one Fog of War card at the beginning of turn 1.
Further Fog of War cards are triggered by Reaction Tests
Two 3 x 2 (90mm x 60mm) tables for 15mm or smaller
Two 5 x 4 (1.8m x 1.2m) tables for 20mm or larger
The tables, except where otherwise indicated should be considered to be open
agricultural terrain.

(Mainly rural)

A: Western Bridge Ramp

B: Reichstrasse (Main Road)
C: Wulfinger Str.
D: Railway Embankment
E: Small road tunnel
F: Old Farm
G: Modern Farm
H: Wooded Area
Railway Embankment: The Railway Embankment can only be driven up and down at
Patrol Speed. To cross the railway tracks, tracked vehicles must be moving at Patrol
Speed and must pass a Troop Quality Test. If the test is passed the movement is
completed. If the test is failed the vehicle is immobilised for that turn. The crew must
decide whether to:
1. Fight;
2. Fight and Remobilise; or
3. Remobilise.

If the crew decide to fight, the vehicle remains immobilised but can continue to fight
as per normal.
Fight and Remobilise
If the crew decide to fight and remobilise, the vehicle can continue to fight, but the
Firepower for all the vehicles weapons are cut in half. Upon activation in the next
turn the vehicle can repeat the Troop Quality Test.
If the crew decides to remobilise the vehicle may not fight for the remainder of the
turn, but upon activation in the next turn may automatically move away at Patrol
Small Road Tunnel: A single large armoured vehicle may pass through the Small
Road Tunnel one at a time.
Old Farm: The Old Farm counts as a Shoddy Average building that has not been
Modern Farm: The Modern Farm counts as a Decent Reinforced building that has
been fortified by VDV troops.

(Mainly Village of Poppenburg)

A: Eastern Bridge Ramp

B: Reichstrasse (Main Road)
C: Poppenburger Str.
D: Village of Poppenburg
E: Outlying Farm
F: Row Houses
G: Wooded Area
H: Mortar Positions
Village of Poppenburg: The houses that make up the village of Poppenburg count as
a Decent Average buildings that have not been fortified. The Soviet player may
select 3 houses to lightly fortifiy.
Outlying Farm: The Outlying Farm counts as Decent Average buildings that have not
been fortified.
Row Houses: The Row Houses count as a Decent Average buildings that have not
been fortified.

Soviet air assault forces have landed deep in NORTHAGs rear and seized a critical
bridge across the Leine River near the village of Poppenburg. The paratroopers
have beaten off the West German Territorials that were defending the bridge and
now control both ends of the span and have secured much of the village.
It is now time to dig in and await the arrival of the forward units of the OMG. But this
will not be a peaceful wait as you can expect NATO to throw any and all available
forces at your little bridgehead. You must defend the bridge until advancing Soviet
tanks relieve you, but if it looks like the Capitalists are about to recapture it your
engineers must drop the bridge into the river.

Fast Air (non dedicated air) MiG-27 Flogger D with two 500lb LGB and two rocket

Gunship (dedicated air) Mil 24 Hind E with 4 rocket pods and 4 AT-2c Swatter

2 x Minefield (works as Improvised Explosive Devices). One per table. 6d8

Firepower. Cards can be played at any time however the unit targeted is
randomised by a die roll.

Roadblock. Eastern table only. The Soviet Player may place a Road Block on
any road in the Village of Poppenburg or near the Row Houses at the beginning
of Turn 1. Wheeled vehicles may not pass through the roadblock. Tracked
vehicles may attempt to roll over it, but must roll a Troop Quality Test to avoid a
Mobility Hit.

Each NATO soldier KIA/WIA: +2 points
Each NATO Soft Skin destroyed: + 5 points
Each NATO Armoured Vehicle Destroyed: + 10 points
Each NATO aircraft shot down: + 10 points
Bridge Dropped: + 5 points
Successfully Defended Bridge throughout Game: +20 points
Confident, with Normal Supply levels, TQ d8, Morale d10. All VDV paratroopers
have night vision equipment.
Command Group: 1 x BMD-U Airborne Command Vehicle Battalion Commander
POSITIVE LEADER (AKS), Radio Operator (AKS), Medic (AKS), VDV Protection
Detail (2xAKM, 1xUGL, 1xRPK).
The Battalion Commander, the medic and the Force Protection Detail start the game
set in or within 2 of any one building in the Village of Poppenburg. They may be in
pre-prepared fighting positions and hidden if they wish. The BMD-U is crewed and
parked within 6 of the selected building.

Sniper Team: 1 x VDV Sniper Team - (Druganov SVD and AKM)

The Sniper Team can be set up on either table with 12 of the Bridge Ramp. The
Sniper Team start the game hidden.
VDV Man-Packed Anti-Tank Section
2 x AT-4 Teams each with (AT-4 & AKS and AKM)
1 x AGS-17 Team with (AGS-17 & AKS and AKM
One AT-4 Team starts the game on each table, set up with any other VDV unit. The
AGS-17 Team and the BTR-D may be set up on either table with any VDV unit.
VDV Anti-Tank Platoon
1 x BDRM-2U, 2 x ATGM BDRM-2 (AT-5 Spandrel)
One ATGM BDRM-2 starts the game on each table, set up on or within 6 of the
Bridge Ramp. The Command vehicle may be set up within 6 of either ATGM
BDRM-2 (AT-5 Spandrel).
VDV Engineers
Take no active part in the game, as they are laying charges on the Leine River
Western Table
Western VDV Air Assault Infantry Company
Commander (AKS), Radio Operator (AKS), AA Team (SA-14 & AKS and AKM)
4 x BMD-2 each with Squad Commander (AKS), Fire Team (3 AKM), MG Team
(PKM or RPK and AKS). The fire team may fire 1 RPG-18 rocket each turn.
2 Infantry Squads each with Squad Commander (AKS), Fire Team (3 AKM), RPG
Team (RPG-16 and AKM). The fire team may fire 1 RPG-18 rocket each turn.
This VDV Company is deployed at the Soviet Players discretion split between the
Modern Farm and the Wooded Area. They may be in or within 2 of the buildings
and in pre-prepared fighting positions and hidden if they wish. The BMD-2s are
crewed and parked anywhere within 6 of the Modern Farm or Wooded Area.
Eastern Table
Eastern VDV Air Assault Infantry Company
Commander (AKS), Radio Operator (AKS), AA Team (SA-14 & AKS and AKM)
4 x BMD-2 each with Squad Commander (AKS), Fire Team (3 AKM), MG Team
(PKM or RPK and AKM). The fire team may fire 1 RPG-18 rocket each turn.
2 Infantry Squads each with Squad Commander (AKS), Fire Team (3 AKS), RPG
Team (RPG-16 and AKS). The fire team may fire 1 RPG-18 rocket each turn.
This VDV Company is deployed at the Soviet Players discretion split between the
Village of Poppenburg and the Row Houses. They may be in or within 2 of the
buildings and in pre-prepared fighting positions and hidden if they wish. The BMD-2s
are crewed and parked anywhere within 6 of the Village of Poppenburg or the Row

Remnant VDV Air Assault Infantry Company
Commander (AKS), Radio Operator (AKS)
2 Infantry Squads each with Squad Commander (AKS), Fire Team (3 AKM), MG
Team (PKM and AKS). The fire team may fire 1 RPG-18 rocket each turn.
2 Infantry Squads each with Squad Commander (AKS), Fire Team (3 AKM), RPG
Team (RPG-16 and AKM). The fire team may fire 1 RPG-18 rocket each turn.
This Remnant VDV Company is deployed around the intersection and in the building
closest to the end of the Bridge Ramp. They may be in or within 2 of the building
and in pre-prepared fighting positions and hidden if they wish.
VDV Mortar Platoon
2 x M-43 82mm Mortar Teams each a weapons team.
1 x UAZ-469
The Mortar Platoon starts the game set up in gun pits as indicated on the map.

Soviet air assault forces have landed deep in NORTHAGs rear and seized a critical
bridge across the Leine River near village of Poppenburg. The paratroopers have
beaten off the West German Territorials that were defending the bridge and now
control both ends of the span and are pushing into the village.
On either side of the river available NATO combat units are rushing to crush the
bridgehead before it can be reinforced by air or the advancing Soviet tanks or the
VDV engineers can rig it up for destruction. You must recapture the bridge and
destroy the Soviet airborne troops in detail.

Fast Air (dedicated air) - Alpha Jet A with two 500lb LGB and two rocket pods.

Gunship (dedicated air) - Lynx AH.1 with 6 TOW Missiles

Off-Board Light Artillery Support

Each VDV soldier KIA/WIA: +1 point
Each VDV soldier captured: +2 points
Each Soviet Armoured Vehicle Destroyed: +5 points
Each Soviet aircraft shot down: + 10 points
Successfully Captured Bridge before Turn 7: +30 points
Successfully Captured Bridge during or after Turn 7: +20 points
Western Table
Heimatschutz Jager Company
Confident, with Poor Supply levels, TQ d6, Morale d8.
Territorials do not have night vision equipment.
Commander (G3), Medic (Uzi)
2 Jager Squads Squad Commander (G3) Fire Team (3 G3 and MG3 LMG) AT
Team (3 G3 and PzF44)
Medium AT Team (Carl Gustav & Uzi and G3)
The West German Territorial Force begin the game deployed anywhere on the
Western side of the Railway Embankment.
Medium Reconnaissance Squadron
Confident, with Normal Supply levels, TQ d8, Morale d8
All BAOR troops have night vision equipment.
1 x CVR(T) Sultan Command Vehicle Commander (FN SLR), AA Team (Sterling
SMG & Blowpipe and SLR)
1 x Land Rover CAC (Sterling SMG), Medic (Sterling SMG)

3 x CVR(T) Scimitar 30mm Recce Vehicles

2 x CVR(T) Spartan APC each with Section Leader (L85) and Fire Team (3 L85
and an 7.62 GPMG). The fire team may fire 1 LAW 80 rocket per turn.
The BAOR Medium Reconnaissance Squadron enters the table at the beginning of
Turn 1 from a random direction. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-2 they arrive along
Wulfinger Str. On a 3-4 they arrive along the Reichstrasse and on a 5-6 they arrive
anywhere on the Northern table edge.
Territorial Light Infantry Company
Confident, with Normal Supply levels, TQ d6, Morale d8
Territorials do not have night vision equipment.
1 x Land Rover Commander (FN SLR), Fire Support Team (GPMG and FN SLR)
and Mortar Team (Sterling SMG & L9A1 51mm Mortar and Sterling SMG)
3 x Bedford MK 4-ton truck each with Section Leader (FN SLR), 2x Fire Team (3
FN SLR and 7.62 Bren LMG) and AT Team (Sterling SMG & Carl Gustav and
Sterling SMG). One fire team may fire 1 LAW AT rocket per turn.
At the beginning of each turn roll a D6 to determine if the Territorial Light Infantry
Company arrives on the table. In Turn 1 roll a 6 on D6 to receive the reinforcements.
On Turn 2 roll a 5 or 6 on a D6 to receive the reinforcements. To Turn 3 roll 4,5 or 6
to receive reinforcements etc.
The Territorial Light Infantry Company arrives from a random direction. Roll a D6.
On a roll of 1-2 they arrive along Wulfinger Str. On a 3-4 they arrive along the
Reichstrasse and on a 5-6 they arrive anywhere on the Northern table edge.
Eastern Table
Remnants of Heimatschutz Jager Company
Confident, with Poor Supply levels, TQ d6, Morale d6
Territorials do not have night vision equipment.
Commander (G3), Medic (Uzi), Fire Team (4 G3 and MG3 LMG) and Fire Team (5
The remnants of the West German Territorial Force begin the game deployed in any
of the buildings of the Outlying Farm.
Panzer Grenadier Company
Confident, with Normal Supply levels, TQ d8, Morale d8
All Budeswehr troops have night vision equipment.
1 x Marder 1A2 Command Vehicle Company Commander POSITIVE LEADER
(G3) CAC (G3) Medic (G3) GPMG Team (Uzi & MG3 on sustained fire mount and
3 x Marder 1A2 each with Gruppenfhrer (G3) and Fire Team (4 G3 and MG3
LMG) The fire team may fire 1 Armburst rocket per turn.


NB. If Milan ATGM is dismounted from the Marder 1A3 the Fire Team is split into 2
as follows: AT Team (G3 & Milan ATGM and G3) and Fire Team (2xG3 and MG3
The Bundeswehr Panzer Grenadier Company enters the table at the beginning of
Turn 1 from a random direction. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-2 they arrive along
Poppenburger Str. On a 3-4 they arrive along the Reichstrasse, on a 5 they arrive
anywhere on the Northern table edge and on a 6 they arrive anywhere on the
Southern table edge.
Panzer Recce Troop
2 x Leopard 1A4
Panzer FlaK Element
1 x Gepard
At the beginning of each turn roll a D6 to determine if the Bundeswehr Panzer Recce
Troop and FlaK Element arrives on the table. They arrive together. In Turn 1 roll a 6
on D6 to receive the reinforcements. On Turn 2 roll a 5 or 6 on a D6 to receive the
reinforcements. To Turn 3 roll 4,5 or 6 to receive reinforcements etc.
The Bundeswehr Panzer Recce Troop and FlaK Element enter the table from a
random direction. Roll a D6. On a roll of 1-2 they arrive along Poppenburger Str.
On a 3-4 they arrive along the Reichstrasse, on a 5 they arrive anywhere on the
Northern table edge and on a 6 they arrive anywhere on the Southern table edge.



To use with other NATO forces the BAOR (Western Table) and West German
Bundeswehr (Eastern Table) units used in this scenario may be substituted. Below
are examples of other possible NATO forces which could be used. We recommend
keeping the German Territorial troops on the Western Table at the beginning of the
game remain regardless of the force chosen from below.
Western Table
Royal Belgian Army: Substitute 1 Scorpion 76mm Recce Vehicle for 1 Scimitar
30mm Recce Vehicle. Substitute Unimog Medium Truck for Bedford truck. Infantry
should be equipped with FN FNC, FN MAG, M72 66mm LAW and Carl Gustav 84mm
Eastern Table
Royal Netherlands Army: Substitute Leopard 1NL and YPR-765 PRI 25mm 1A2 &
YPR-765 PRI .50 1A2 for Leopard 1A3 and Marder 1A2 respectively. Infantry should
be equipped with G3, FN MAG, M72 66mm LAW and Milan.
Western Table
Bundeswehr: Substitute Panzerspahwagen Luchs, Uzi, G3 and MG3 for Sterling
SMG, FN SLR rifles and GPMGs respectively; M113s/M577 for Scimitars, Spartan
and Sultan.
Eastern Table
4th Canadian Mechanised Brigade Group: Substitute Leopard C1, M113s and M151
MUTT (with 2 Blowpipe Teams) for Leopard 1A3, Marder 1A2 and Gepard
respectively. Infantry should be equipped with Sterling SMG, FN SLR, GPMG, M72
66mm LAW and Carl Gustav 84mm MAW.
Western Table
US National Guard: Substitute M113, M577 for Scimitar/Spartan and Sultan.
Substitute M35 2 ton trucks for Bedford trucks. Infantry should be equipped with
M16, M203, M60 and Dragon ATGM.
Eastern Table
US National Guard: Substitute M60A3, M113 ACAVs, M163 for Leopard 1A3, Marder
1A2 and Gepard respectively. Infantry should be equipped with M16, M203, M60,
M72 66mm LAW and Dragon ATGM.


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