Moving Inward Love Journal: © 2015 All Rights Reserved by Tracey Fenner

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Moving Inward

Love Journal
2015 all rights reserved by Tracey Fenner

Your love journal provides you with a sacred space to

reconnect with your body and inner wisdom

The moment you change your perception, is the moment your rewrite
the chemistry in your body

What is sacred to you?

It's time to get REAL

Relaxed Body Stillness

Ease Mind Peacefully listening

Allow Emotions Accompany whatever shows up
Light Spirit Just be

The path isn't a straight line, it's a spiral. You can continually come back to
things your thought your understood and see deeper truths

What is sacred to you?

Write your insights here. . .

Write your insights here. . .

Love your body for the miracle it is

We always have what we need. We

are divine love and that is infnite.

Principle #1 ~ Listen

Life is a delicate balance of holding on and letting go. If your listen to your body when it
whispers, you won't have to hear it shout. Our bodies are temples, sacred sanctuaries to be in
devotion with the divine.

Moving Inward Awareness Practice #1

Today the invitation is to choose one part of your body to pay 100% attention to. To
be in relationship with, to nurture and gain wisdom from.
A great place to start, would be choosing a body part within the base of your body,
your foundation. (so any part, such as the toes, feet, ankles, calves, shins, knees, thighs,
hip joints)
Pay attention to that body part for the rest of the day and evening.
Remember to always observe self and notice without judgement.
Imagine if you were having a one to one conversation, what would that part of your
body be telling you?
For example; Do you sense any discomfort, tightness or stiffness?
As you move do you feel pain or pleasure?
What sensations, if any, do you feel?
What intensity of sensation to you feel, low (a whisper), moderate or high (a shout)?
What sensation do you feel when you are in stillness and when you are moving?
Listen carefully and gather as much detailed information, and clarity as possible.
What was revealed to you about this part of your body?
If you sense any discomfort then the invitation is to make small conscious adjustments to
guide your body movements towards sensing more pleasure and comfort.
If during the day you forget to pay attention, then resume the practice again the next
day, choosing a different body part. Remember the more your pay attention to your
body the more your body will start to respond. There is no right or wrong way.
If this a new practice for you then be patient and compassionate with your self,
changing behaviors and movement patterns takes time. Listen and wait to receive.

What was revealed to you today about your body?

Love your body for the miracle it is

Moving Inward Gratitude Practice #2

Whole Body Journey : To practice how grateful you are for your body.
Dedicate some time this week (and every week) to sit in stillness and silence in your
sacred space.
Close your eyes and first pay attention to your breath. Allow your breath to feel
relaxed and full.
In your own natural rhythm/pace, begin to scan from your feet, moving upwards
(inside and outside) throughout your body to the top of your head.
Consciously visualize and pay attention to a particular body part first and sense how
it feels in the moment, in your 'now' body.
Then I recommend you say out loud what feels good, sensory pleasing for you...
For example; I am thankful for my feet, as they take me where I want to go.
I am thankful for my legs as they support me.
I am grateful for my belly and digestive system as they help me nourish my body.
I am thankful for bones, as they provide the framework and architecture for my body
to stand tall.
I am thankful for my eyes, so can see the beautiful world around me.
and so on........
Journal what is revealed to you.
Each time you practice your Whole Body Gratitude Practice you can change and be
thankful for different parts of your body; ligaments, muscles, organs, hair, teeth etc.
This is after all a body journey and each journey we make in life is unique. Have fun
with this and let your creativity shine!
This is a wonderful meditation practice to begin and end your day with....

Practicing gratitude sends a strong message out to the Universe.

Gratitude acts like a magnet for miracles to show up in your life.

One day she felt a shift, an inner knowing that change was on the horizon.
She decided to let go, to surrender to the not knowing, and to allow herself to
trust in life. At frst she felt reluctance to give up her planning and desire of
being in control. But the more she leaned inwards and asked for guidance
from within she sensed her direction would become clearer.

Principle #1A ~ Surrender

Our bodies are incredibly wise, love them for the miracles that they are and you will unlock the

answers to all your questions. Your relationship with your body afects your life. If you are fghting
with your body then you are fghting with yourself. If you are fghting with yourself you are resisting
what you truly desire in your life.

Moving Inward Get Real Practice # 3

Make some time this week to be alone, even if it is only for 10-15 mins and be in your
sacred space. It's time to GET REAL with yourself. . .
Sitting or lying comfortably, first pay attention to your breath as a way to sense and
be in awareness of your physical body. Take a few deep breathes and allow your
inhale and exhale to feel relaxed and full.
You want to first connect to feeling relaxed in your body. So find a comfortable
position, whether it be sitting up or lying down. Allow your body to become
completely still, free from any discomfort and fidgeting. Make sure your body
temperature feels good. Allow your body to completely surrender and relax.
Then closing your eyes, bring your attention to your mind and invite ease in. Peacefully
listening to the silence and sounds within you (breathe) and without you. If you start to
sense and pay attention to your thoughts, then acknowledge them and gentle return
your attention to peacefully listening to the silence and sound of your breathe.
Allow your emotions to be neutral. So accompany whatever shows up. Whatever you
feel in the moment just allow it to be there without getting attached to it. Observe how
you feel without judgement.
Sense that your spirit is light, light in weight and colour and just be. Non-seeking.
When you feel comfortable with REAL, Relaxed, Ease, Allow and Light, then it is time
to ask your body for guidance and clarity.
Hello body, what do you wish to release, surrender, to let go of?
You may wish to repeat this question a few times. . .
Then just wait. Wait and listen to the messages that you receive from your body.
This may take some time before you receive the pearls of wisdom, so I invite you to
practice patience and compassion with yourself.
Then once you have received these pearls ask your body. What is your next step in
order to release, surrender and let go of this.
Hello body, what is my next step?
Then again wait to receive, and I invite you to journal what was revealed to you. . .

You only need one step. Don't be afraid to go where you've never gone before

and do what you've never done, because both are necessary to have what you've
never had and be who you've never been.

What was revealed to you about surrendering?

Love your body for the miracle it is

The invitation is to make time to experience

a half or full day in complete silence.

During the silence is when we hear the most!

During your silence what was revealed to you?

Please write your insights here. . .

Life isn't meant to be a struggle, it's meant to be a dance.

Sometimes we take a step forward, sometimes we take a step backwards. Sometimes we even go around

in circles, but it is all part of the dance. When we let go, when we listen to the music of life, we realise
that we already have inside of us everything to move us along. The music is always playing, we just
have to decide if we are still going to hold ourselves back or if we are going to dance?

Principle #2 ~ Trust
Teach me to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses in
my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my
sacred space and love beyond my fears, and walk in balance, with every passing of each
glorious sun American Indian Prayer

Moving Inward Get Real Practice #4

Make some time this week to be alone, even if it is only for 10-15 mins and be in your
sacred space. It's time to GET REAL with yourself. . .
Sitting or lying comfortably, first pay attention to your breath as a way to sense and
be in awareness of your physical body. Take a few deep breathes and allow your
inhale and exhale to feel relaxed and full.

Moving inwards to sense REAL

Relaxed, Ease, Allow and Light
Relaxed in body Stillness
Ease in mind Peacefully listening
Allow your emotions - Accompany whatever shows up
Light in spirit Just BE
When you feel ready ask your body for guidance. . .
Hello body, what can I do to trust my intuition so that I may move through my fears?
You may wish to repeat this question a few times. . .
Then just wait. Wait and listen to the messages that you receive from your body.
This may take some time before you receive the pearls of wisdom, so I invite you to
practice patience and compassion with yourself.
Then once you have received these pearls ask your body. What is your next step in
order to teach me to trust?
Hello body, what is my next step?
Then again wait to receive, and I invite you to journal what was revealed to you. . .

What was revealed to you about trust?

Trust that this experience will unfold in the exact

way that it is mean to. Let go of 'trying' to
understand it all and JUST BE.

Love beyond your fears.

Listen to your heart song.
What do you love?
What makes you come alive?

Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the
unlearning of fear and acceptance of love back into our hearts. Love is the essential reality
and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves
and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things, meaning lies in us
by Marianne Williamson

Moving Inward Freedom Practice #5

Make some time this week to be in your sacred space, as a practice to gain clarity on
what your core fear(s) are and be in relationship with them.
The invitation this week is to select your favourite song(s) and to play with FREEDOM.
To create an opportunity to free-dance to the music. Anything goes movement wise,
there are no boundaries or limitations on how you move to the music. You are not
required to come up with any steps or choreography. Listen to your body signals and
be guided by pleasure and joy. Stay out of your head, and allow the movements to
unfold very organically, dancing your truth in each moment.
Allow your body to move at a pace that feel comfortable for you. As a guide, maybe
play with being on/off balance, in time with the music and off the beat, moving in
different directions through the space and through different planes. So by this I mean
moving down to the floor (low level), mid level, and high level (towards the
Remember there are no rules! Anything goes movement wise, even stillness. Invite JOY
in to the experience as you connect to your body through freedom.
Once you have moved freely for a little while then ask your body for guidance. . .
Hello body, what is my core fear(s)?
You may wish to repeat this question a few times as you move.
Continue moving at all times, and just wait to receive the wisdom. Wait and listen to
the messages that you receive from your body.
You want to feel a full body YES!! Yes this is a fear of mine.
Maybe many different fears with show themselves to you, so afterwards I recommend
that you journal about what was revealed to you during the FREEDOM. Then see if
your notice any patterns? This will then help you to identify your core fear(s) better.
When you understand more about what your core fear(s) are, you can then
consciously make choices to change the intensity of when that fear shows up in your
life. It is not about running away or hiding from your fear(s), it is about recognizing it,
acknowledging it and moving towards it. Making small acts of self-love to change the
frequency, and your behaviour when situations in your life trigger your fear(s). Making
choices that better serve you, making choices out of love. Love is the only choice.

What was revealed to you about your core fear(s)?

Your body is your greatest starting point to know how you truly feel.
Pay attention, acknowledge what is truthful for you and make changes.

Bonus Lesson ~ Discovering your Body Truths

Discover the habits that have become unconscious, that are running your life, and get rid
of them. Habits start small but in time they can become huge barriers. To be able to move
in a more truthful way and in a new direction from where you are today you must
venture out of your comfort zone.

Moving Inward Truth Practice #6

In order to gain knowledge about your unconscious habits you have to first begin with
paying attention to your body language. A great place to begin is observing without
judgement your Posture.
The invitation this week is to acknowledge what you feel and see. Notice if it matches
what you present to the world. Is what others see truthful?
As a guide here are a few examples ;
Notice your posture when you are standing or waiting in a queue.
Notice your posture when you are sitting at your computer, or having dinner.
Pay attention to the alignment of your spine, your head, are your eyes focused down?
Pay attention to your body weight, do you stand more over to one side of your body?
Pay attention to your rib cage, and to the angle of your shoulders.
Notice your posture, particularly when you are having a challenging day. Pay
attention to how you stand when you asked to do something you don't really feel like
Notice your posture, particularly when you are walking into a new situation or a room
full of unknown people.
So the first step is gathering information. For one entire day be in relationship (paying
attention) to your posture. As you are moving through your day, become aware of all
the intimate details. Observe and gather information with judgement. Do not change
or alter anything about your posture to start with. Just observe. Once you are clear on
how your body feels and looks then notice, is how your body looks in that moment,
For example; often when our posture is slouched or contracted in some way it can be
perceived that you are perhaps feeling low in self esteem, insecure, or have a lack of
confidence in that moment? Is this truthful or not?

Is your body language showing to the outside world how you truly feel inside in that
moment? By acknowledging what is truthful moment to moment you can then make
adjustments to your body posture in order to show truth and break movement
tendencies and habits. Often our body habits are unconscious, we are moving through
our days without being truly present, auto-pilot! So this is a wonderful practice to
become more aware of your body language and in particular your posture. As being
in your body helps you to stay in the NOW moment, so not living in the past or
thinking (mind) about the future. Take some time to journal about your truths....

What did you discover about your body truth?

Celebrate all your achievements! Love your body for the miracle it is!

The cells of your body are not old, they keep regenerating, they are
new. Your body has the potential of being as young and as vital as
it has ever been. You see you do not have old cells, you just have a
old attitude about your new self.

Love your body for the miracle it is

Principle #3 ~ Acceptance

You are a beautiful, vibrant woman capable of greatness. First you must learn to love
yourself exactly how you are. This is the foundation for healing and the catalyst for
growth and change. You are here to share your unique signature. The clue is in your
heart, not your head. Let your heart's desire become your true compass.

Moving Inward Self Love Practice #7

The Moving Inward practice this week is all about Self-Love. Now I understand that
this practice may be challenging for many of you but I invite you to trust in my
guidance on this one! As the benefits are so profound. The invitation this week is to
take some quality time to be alone in your sacred space, and to have with you a small
portable mirror. Sitting or standing, look directly at yourself in the mirror and say
these words out loud. . .
I recommend that you say this a few times and pay attention to the sound/tone of
your voice. Notice without judgement how saying these words makes you feel?
Be gentle with yourself, and take some time to talk to yourself through the mirror.
Honor yourself, your beauty, your body. Tell yourself how amazing you are, how
proud you are of all that you have achieved, how worthy you are, and how special
you are. Talk about all the gifts that you carry. You uniqueness and all that you have
to give to the universe. How you are truly committed to nurturing your relationship with
your self and your body every day moving forward from this moment.
As a guide I would like to share a little about the Four Agreements by Don Miguel
Ruiz. If you haven't come across these principles before, then I highly recommend them
as pearls of wisdom to embrace when talking to your self, and others as you dance
through life. . .

Be Impeccable with your word

Don't take anything Personally
Don't make any Assumptions
Always do your Best

Sending quality time being alone and practicing Self-Love in this way is so incredibly
rich in nurturing your relationship with self. Acceptance that nothing needs fixing, you
are exactly where you are meant to be along your journey through life. Everything is
within you, you just may have forgotten your power. You are love(d), radiant, worthy
and wise.

Please write here your insights about how this Moving Inward Self-Love Practice made you feel?

In order to F L Y ~ you must First Love Yourself

BONUS : Moving Inward Self Care Practice #8

Every day this week I invite you to conscious make a choice to do one small act of
self-care in order to send a message to your body and to the Universe that you LOVE
What do you LOVE unconditionally?
What makes you come ALIVE and gives you goosebumps?
What would your PERFECT day look and feel like?
What feels sensory pleasing to you?
As a guide that may be. . .
Spending more alone time in your sacred space
Walk, dance, play barefoot on the cool grass in the garden
Taking a long run on the beach
Nourishing your body with your favorite food, and NOT watching the calories!
Spending more time in nature
Taking a long soak in a hot bath, with you favourite scented candles & music playing
Treating yourself to a wonderful sensory massage
Dance in your sacred space like no-one is watching you!
Say NO to another and YES to you
Swim in the ocean
When you feel over-whelming with your every growing to-do list, STOP and pay
attention to your body signals.
BE compassionate to yourself, Rome wasn't built in a day! Your relationship with your
body takes time to deepen and flourish.
If you start to seek outside of yourself for answers to your problems, PAUSE, step back
and breathe. Feel your body and ask for guidance.

So please journal below what act of self-care did you consciously make every day?

It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day to day basis.

The future is always beginning now.

She allowed her self to step into her destiny and shine her gifts
upon the world. Somewhere the angel smiled. The girl had
awakened to the miracle of her life. Things were about to
really, really good.

Love your body for the miracle it is

Moving Inward Refection & Intention Practice #9

Make some time this week to be alone, even if it is only for 10-15 mins and be in your
sacred space.
Sitting or lying comfortably, first pay attention to your breath as a way to sense and
be in awareness of your physical body. Take a few deep breathes and allow your
inhale and exhale to feel relaxed and full.
When you feel comfortable, take this opportunity to practice REAL, Relaxed, Ease,
Allow and Light.
Then, take a moment to spend some time reflecting on all the wisdom you have
received from your body during these past few weeks, whilst participating on this
online course experience.
Hello body, what wisdom do I wish to take with me from this course experience, in
order to integrate into my life and nurture my relationship with my body?
You may wish to repeat this question a few times. . .
Then just wait. Wait and listen to the messages that you receive from your body.
This may take some time before you receive the pearls of wisdom, so I invite you to
practice patience and compassion with yourself.
Then once you have received these pearls ask your body.
Hello body, what is my intention as I step out from this course experience?
As a guide. . .
My intention is to continue to spend quality time in my sacred space, to make time for
myself to deepen my relationship with my body.
To be kinder and more compassionate to myself, by practising regular acts of
conscious self-care as a way to love myself unconditionally.
To practice get REAL every morning when I wake up.
To delete my desire to understand everything and to trust in the process.
My intention is to keep things simple and not over complicate things!
When I feel lost I will seek guidance from my body.
To stay connected to my body signals moment to moment and choose pleasure & love.
To love my body exactly as it is in this moment.
My intention is to make movement apart of my daily practice.
To remain flexible and open hearted.
To make my relationship with my body a priority and say YES to me more often.
To be content with where I am right now in my life and practice acceptance.

Practice Body Gratitude whenever I feel over-whelmed or sad.

To put on my favourite music every day and DANCE like no one is watching me!
My intention is to nourish, respect and love my body.

Please write here what wisdom you have received from your body, and what is your intention as you
step out of this course experience?

Your intention is something to refer back to at any time you feel lost, frustrated,
confused, fearful about what is your next step as you dance and journey through life.

Celebrate all that you have achieved up until this moment. The
joy of living with more awareness of your body, and moving
through life with a body you love. Connect to the energy of

universal JOY. Joy is all around you, you just have to choice to
invite it into your life. Choose joy, an open accepting energy. Let
go of any negative self-talk, and pour all the gifts that you

carry, pour those gifts back into your body. Nourish, Love,

Respect your body and it will be your very best companion.

Become the very best version of YOU and step into your

A personal note from Tracey. . .

I wish to express a heartfelt thank you for sharing this experience with me. I feel truly
honored to share 'Moving Inward' with you. I have dedicated most of my life to dance
and to understanding the intelligence of the body. I truly love what I do. As I continue
to journey deeper, my body amazes and astounds me. It is my hope that you have
enjoyed this, broken away any barriers, and deepen your relationship with self? A
beautiful journey to cherish and nurture always. I would be grateful if you wish to
share your experience with your friends and loved ones but I ask that you do not copy
or pass on any of the course videos or materials, but to kindly direct people to sign up
for my Moving Inward course(s) themselves by visiting

Love, Light, & Gratitude Tracey xxx

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