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Alabaster Women’s

Disciple and Servant-Leadership Training

A spiritual leadership journey for women in the Body of Christ who desire
™ to live wholly and holy for Christ
™ to be a builder and servant-leader in the Body of Christ
™ to be a living witness and encourager for other women

Alabaster Woman: a radical woman of God whose active love for Jesus
sets an example for others to follow.

Read Mark 14:3 – 9

Why are you here at Alabaster Women?

Alabaster Priorities
Matthew 6:33

Kingdom first…… then People……….then Things

Alabaster Planning
What is my God assignment in the ministry? What am I supposed to be building? Who am I supposed
to be servant-leading?

Do I have the appropriate “covering” to do the work that is required of me?

Have I confessed my love for and to the people I servant-lead? Have I shared my God assignment
with them and what God, my Pastor, and other leadership members require of me?

Is my ministry planning and building built on the solid foundation of Christ? Is the Lord building the
ministry, or am I? Psalms 127:1

© 2010 Michelle T. Johnson, PhD

Alabaster Woman
How to Live the Five Practices and Put the Kingdom First

Radical Hospitality

- Go out of our way to make ALL women feel a part of the Kingdom family
- Express genuine love for ALL women through affectionate gestures
- Be excited about sharing your personal journey with women and offering to bring them to the

Passionate Worship
- worship God in spirit and in truth, in private and in public
- be present and on time for corporate worship (Do not forsake the assembly)
- encourage and support women on their worship journey

Intentional Faith Development

- Engage in private and public prayer for women and the larger body of Christ
- Sit under the feet of anointed teaching and spiritual leaders
- Find yourself in God’s Word
- Study to understand the character of God towards women and Jesus’ relationship with women

Extravagant Generosity
- Give to God how He has instructed you to give
- Give God your best and give God’s people your best
- Offer more than what is required, not for show but because you desire to do more for the

Risk-Taking Mission and Service

- Help women like Jesus helped women
- See yourself and see God in ALL women
- Go to the places where women are in need
- Support monetary missions for women, children, the poor, the widow, and the elderly

Online Bible Study:

Next Alabaster Women’s Training: Monday, April 19th at 6:30 p.m.

© 2010 Michelle T. Johnson, PhD

Alabaster Women: Disciple and
Servant-Leadership Class # 2

The first person you lead is yourself.

You can’t lead someone else to a place you haven’t gone to yourself.

I. Be a leader of the self in discipleship.

An Alabaster Woman is a “disciple” and a “disciplined” woman.

Disciple means follower, believer, and pupil -- one who believes and follows the teachings
of another, and desires to learn more of his master's will.

In Luke 14:26, Jesus is recorded as saying, "If you want to be my follower you must love
me more than your own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes,
more than your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple."

He also told his followers, "You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings."
(John 8:31)

Read Luke 13:10 – 17

1. Get to Jesus
2. Be seen & called
3. Be touched. . . . straighten up, sister!

Don’t cling to a crippled life, a crippled worship, a crippled relationship, etc.

Matthew 10:39
If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.

Alabaster Women lead by being

a living example of discipleship.

© 2010 Michelle T. Johnson, PhD

II. Be a leader of the self and supporter of leadership in Kingdom building for the

An Alabaster woman is a faithful and integral member of the Church.

Read 1 Corinthians 12, 13
The church is Christ’s body on earth
We are members of his body
Each member (body part) has a particular function and spiritual gift
What is the more excellent way!

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with
all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment
greater than these.” Mark 12: 30-31

How do you find your gift?


™ Pray that God reveals your gift to the body of Christ (the church) so that you can
then receive the anointing that allows you to operate in that place set aside for you,
and for you to operate according to His power and wisdom.

How do you actually operate in the member-role and use the gift once it is revealed to
you? What are the things or issues that might get in the way of this?

Refer to online Bible Study #2: Be Careful What You Ask For

™ God will make the place and make a way. He will give you the power and wisdom
(insight, inspiration, direction, and revelation) you need. That reservoir of Spirit
power and wisdom is called the “anointing.”

Alabaster Women lead by being

a faithful and integral member of
the Body of Christ.
STEP TWO: Cultivate deeper, authentic, and reciprocal relationships with women.

The devil desires that we:

™ Disconnect
™ Distrust
™ Disdain

Begin to see yourself in other women like Christ saw and became us in him.

© 2010 Michelle T. Johnson, PhD

Alabaster Women:
Leadership Class # 3
“For Such a Time as This”
Esther 4: 14
Alabaster Women must recognize
the times and what the times require.

Kingdom Event Consciousness Kingdom Building Consciousness

Alabaster Women know Christ must build the church and the
ministry through people.
Psalm 127:1

Wise and Foolish Builders

Matthew 7:24-27

Alabaster Women Must Display Kingdom Integrity

Matthew 5:37:“Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil
Luke 11: 2 – 4: Thy Will be Done on Earth as it Is in Heaven

Level One: _____________________________

Level Two: _____________________________

Level Three: ____________________________

© 2010 Michelle T. Johnson, PhD

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