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1. The results of payroll calculation shall be posted in:

1. Financial Accounting
2. Controlling
3. Payments to various receiver
4. Remuneration statement
2. Several plants can be assigned to the same company code.
o True
o False
3. Capabilities of Enterprise Controlling is known as:
1. Cost center
2. Internal Order
3. Activity Based Costing
4. Product Cost Controling
5. Profit center
4. A process which involves taking materials form storange location and preparing them for
delivery is called ..
1. Good issue
2. Good receipt
3. Picking
4. Packing
5. None of the above
5. Invoice verification is the final step in the procurement cycle.
o True
o False
6. The followings are tools of product cost controlling
1. Product cost planning
2. Cost object controlling
3. Actual posting
4. Information system
5. All the above
7. Ms. Cathlene will be assigned to another location. Therefore her personnel data such as
location, address, salary, work schedule should be changed. In this case, the HR
administrator should update the employee data through:
1. Single screen maintenance
2. Personnel actions
3. Fast entry
4. Applicant data
8. SAP R/3 Accounting System consist of several compenents, except:
1. Financial accounting
2. Corporate finance management
3. Profitability and sales accounting
4. Investment management
5. None of above

9. The function of sales organization in SAP system is:

1. To negotiate price and secontrols sales term to the customer
2. To distribute different types of products to customer
3. To manufacture product
4. To describe the various business units in an enterprise
5. To represent a legal independent accounting unit
10. To allow integration and data exchange between different SAP and non SAP system, the
following service is required:
1. ALE
3. Method
4. Business Object
5. Business Framework
11. Asset acquistion can only be proceeded by a Purchase Order in SAP R/3 Purchasing.
o True
o False
12. Any changes in public holiday calendar parameter setting in client 100 shall
automatically change the setting in client 200.
o True
o False
13. The highest level of Organizations Elements in SAP system is:
1. Organizational Unit
2. Company Code
3. Plant
4. Client
5. Sales Order
14. Daily Document postings are posted by using:
1. Country Chart of Accounts
2. Group Chart of Account
3. Local Chart of Account
4. Operational Chart of Account
15. A standar program for accessing almost all of SAP solutions in known as:
1. SAP Help
2. SAP Easy Access
5. None of the above
16. One of the following describes the various business units that exist in an enterprise
1. Organizational element
2. Organizational unit
3. Business Area
4. Division
5. Organizational structure
17. The followings are the basic procurement cycle, except.
1. Demand determination

2. Good issue
3. Source determination
4. Invoice verivication
5. Supplier selection
18. Description area data in Asset master are derived from default value which are set
previously in asset class.
o True
o False
19. Material Documents is created in the background upon complete the following
1. Purchase Requisition
2. Purchase Order
3. Good Receipt
4. Invoice Verification
5. Outgoing Payment
20. Persons occupies the following object in Organization Plan:
1. Position
2. Job
3. Task
4. Organizational Units
21. The integration between Time Management and Training Event Management module can
be seen throught the activity below:
1. The booking causes a time data
2. If an employee booked on a course
3. The pre booking causes a time data
4. The time used for attending an off-site
22. Sales Organization is assigned to a Client.
o True
o False
23. ACO document consist of following the information
1. Date
2. Amount
3. Cost Element
4. Controlling object
5. All of the above
24. To access help information for a specific field in transaction, users can press the folloeing
key on the keyboard
1. F1
2. F2
3. F3
4. F4
5. F5
25. Client in SAP represents the folloeing in the actual organization structure.
1. Department

2. Legal Entity
3. Enterprise Group
4. Branch
5. Division
26. It is not possible to add and delete transactions and folder form the SAP Menu
o True
o False
27. Client that is used for real live transaction is known as:
1. Development
2. Quality Assurance
3. Production
28. A controlling area includes only one company code in the same controlling area.
o True
o False
29. You can view applicants short profile in order to gain quick overview of applicant data.
o True
o False
30. Application Layer is one of the 3 Layer that consists in three-tier system.
o True
o False
31. When multiple logon occurs, SAP system shall display the following warning, except.
1. Continue with this logon
2. Continue with this logon .
3. Terminate this logon and .
4. Terminate this logon
32. If we activate organizational unit business area, we can generate financial statement by
segment or branch within company code?
o True
o False
33. When a job requirement is compared with employees existing qualification, the result is
stored in.
1. Profile
2. Appraisal
3. Employee performance
4. Development plans
34. Product Cost Controlling provides an external view point of the companys profitability.
o True
o False
35. The field definitions can be run for maximum of 999 clients in a SAP System.
o True
o False
36. The following are organizational elements in controlling, except:
1. Controlling area
2. Cost center

3. Company code
4. Profit center
37. There are required data to completed sales order creation, except
1. Sold to party
2. Material
3. Sales Organization
4. Vendor
5. None of the above
38. Billing hasnt an interface to Financial Accounting
o True
o False
39. Following statements are TRUE in regards with Company Code, except.
1. Only one chart of account
2. It can generate or display
3. The smallest organizational
4. It represents a foreign operation
40. If you change GL Accounts in Customer master data at a company code, it will be
automatically update in another company code within the same client.
o True
o False
41. Instruction for display an overview of sessions represent with
1. /o
2. /n
3. /Oxxxx
4. /i
5. None of the above
42. Users have several options in accessing a transaction in SAP System:
1. Enter Transaction codes
2. Choose items for menu in ..
3. Choose items from the Favorite
4. All of the above
43. It is possible to enter a website address in Favorite.
o True
o False
44. It is possible to classifty fixed assets by using:
1. Asset group
2. Asset class
3. Asset master record
4. Asset areas
5. None of the above
45. During the sales order creation, the system can carry out basic functions
1. Update Material Quantity
2. Accounting document
3. Transferring MRP
4. All of the above

46. Field definitions in ABAP Dictionary is the largest unit representing business-related
o True
o False
47. A formal request requesting a vendor o supply certain goods or service is called
1. Purchase Requisition
2. Purchase Order
3. Vendor Evaluation
4. None of the above
48. An Outbound Delivery can created without any reference
o True
o False
49. SAP ERP HCM supports payroll functions and regulatory requirements for:
1. 50 countries
2. More than 50 countries
3. No more than 50 countries
4. None of the above
50. The following are the advantages of posting good receipt by referencing to Purchase
Order, except:
1. It is easier for the receipt
2. The data for Good Receipt
3. The system creates material
4. Material Document is automatic
5. None of the above
51. SC Company has organization structure with finance, operation, and IT departments. In
SAP, these departments are known as the following object:
1. Position
2. Job
3. Division
4. Organizational Units
5. None of the above
52. Personnel file are master data records in SAP Human Capital Management. The
Followings are TRUE statements in regards with objects in organizational Management,
1. Job are the assignment of ..
2. Person occupy positions the
3. An organizational unit is assignment
4. A possitionid assigned to an .
5. None of the above
53. User can enter transaction code in :
1. Menu field
2. Command field
3. Standard tool bar
4. Application tool bar

5. Status bar
54. SAP Library is used to find online documentation for the current application only:
o True
o False
55. Parameters for SAP transactions are set on the following level:
1. Client level
2. Application data
3. Customizing
4. Repository
5. None of the above
56. Customer master consists of one of the following data, except:
1. Client
2. Sales area
3. Company code
4. None of the above
57. Quality Assurance is a client that is used for real live transactions.
o True
o False
58. The center store for all ABAP workbench is known as:
1. The client
2. The layer
3. The repository
4. The cross client
59. During good receipt process, user can use the following document as a reference
1. Purchase requisition
2. Purchase order
3. Inquiry
4. Invoice verification
5. All of the above
60. The infotype that contains Enterprise Structure, Personal Structure, and Organizational
Structure is known as:
1. Organizational assignment
2. Personal data (IT0002)
3. Addresses (IT0006)
4. Travel Privilleges (IT00017)
61. What is the smallest organizational units in the organizational structure?
1. Position
2. User
3. Finance department
4. Manager
5. Finance manager
62. Production department can monitoring requirement after sales order creation
o True
o False

63. During the process of your first login, you may not change the initial password given by
your system administrator. SAP enforces this action for the security reason.
o True
o False
64. The following are TRUE statements in regards with Personal Cost Planning, except:
1. The results of time evaluation
2. Payroll result and planned
3. You may create a training ..
4. You may transfer data to my ...
65. The infotype that contains work schedule which employee is assigned to is known as the
following infotype:
1. Organization Assignment
2. Absence quota (IT 200
3. Planned Working Time (IT ..
4. Attendances (IT 2002)
5. Absences (IT 2001)
66. Account payble is posted to accounting upon creation of the following document:
1. Purchase requisition
2. Purchase order
3. God receipt
4. Invoice verification
5. All of the above
67. Ms. Jose Karmel, the HR Director give best performance a compensation adjustment of
200 USD as aresult of their performance appraisals. In this case, the appraisal function in
Personnel Development module has integrated with the following module:
1. Strategic Enterprise Management
2. Compensation Management
3. Personnel Coat Planning
4. Business information Warehouse
5. None of the above
68. Internal reporting is typically established by General Accounting Standards, for instance
o True
o False
69. Business event groups and business event types are created on the following process in
training and Event Management:
1. Preparation of business event
2. Business event catalog
3. Day-to-day activities
4. Recurring tasks
5. None of the above
70. The favorite folder in SAP Easy Access Menu can consist of the followings, except:
1. Transaction code

2. Web address
3. Email address
4. Links to files

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