Pro Trader Bootcamp Intro

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The Pro-Trader Bootcamp


Chapter 1: Introduction
I. About Us
II. Authors Comments
III. Disclaimer
IV. Copyrights

Chapter 2:

Previous Experience
New Traders
Key Expectations
What you will learn
How to maximize this course
Your responsibility to yourself
Be accountable

Chapter 3:

Getting Started
What is CTS?
Why does CTS work?
What Markets?
Why Forex?
Charting Package
Trade Execution Package
Trading System Setup
Paper Trading (Simulation)
Your Schedule

Chapter 1

Chapter: 1

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Welcome to the 4xTradersLive Pro Trader Bootcamp. The sheer volume of the
information in the program can be overwhelming for even the most seasoned
trader. Please do not feel the need to cover all of this material at once. Set a pace
for the videos and documents. Print the support and reference documents out if
you need to.
There are a number of reference documents in the Foundational Material
portion of the library. There are also support documents for each individual
trading model, they are located in the individual chapters pertaining to that
model. Over the next 30-60 days we would like to you go through this library
sequentially section by section.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live

Chapter 1

About Us is an exceptional team of market traders with over 65 years of combined
trading experience.
Started by Jason Stapleton in 2008, with a desire to change traders perception of the market,
he has drawn from some of the best minds in the industry to help deliver what we believe is
the best trading course on the planet.
Our philosophy is to provide a one-stop trading education solution by addressing all of the
factors critical to trading success. These include a profitable trading system and tools as well
as trading state management and money management.
When combined with live, real-time demonstrations and individualized mentoring, the result
is one of the most complete programs available to help traders become successful market

Authors Comments
Teaching and Educating on possibilities and individual growth became a passion of mine
during the time I spent in the military teaching special operations recruits to deal with the
rigors of combat and mentally preparing them for the struggles they would encounter. I came
to realize the power of every individuals internal dialogue and the massive affect it has on day
to day activity, attitude and thus production, was a revelation in my own life.
Following is a short note to introduce you to my WHY for what youll learn in the Pro Trader
Bootcamp. My goal is to educate and inform in the areas of Structure Trading, Technical
Analysis, Visual Pattern Recognition and the much unrecognized Neuro-Associative
Conditioning strategies that will help you become a more consistent and more profitable trader.
I trust that your time will prove to be a bit overwhelming at first as the information is new to
Ive made every mistake you can possibly make in trading. I have invested in every e-book,
seminar, home study course, training gurus, get rich quick trading system, and self-proposed
Holy Grail trading solutions. Ive spent thousands of dollars on every bit of trading training
imaginable. I figured the more market knowledge I had, the more empowered I would be to
trade, and the closer I would be to that ever-elusive holy grail. One day when I decided to let
go of being so stubborn and I realized that I had been holding the key to successful trading all
along and it had been free and within my reach all of the time.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live

Chapter 1

I learned that A) there WAS a holy grail and B) it rested in the 6-inch space between my
ears. A trading system is just a set of rules to follow. What good is a set of trading rules
without the discipline to follow them?
I recognized, several years ago, the undeniable link between successful trading and the ability
to manage your trading STATE. Without fail, EVERY successful trader I worked with had
adopted the FACT that losing trades is a part of his/her chosen profession. With that in mind, I
began to call on my previous training in Neuro Associative Conditioning (NAC) and noting
key links and associations that were prevalent among struggling traders. For example, the
potential for loss causing fear. Fear of missing a trade causing pain and then forced action.
As a result, I began putting together a course that attacked the subconscious mind, the part that
keeps you breathing and your heart beating and harbors fear and greed, and a the conscious
mind that sees the visual patterns on a chart and notes the relevance of technical studies,
became my goal. I knew that moving a trader to ACCEPT the theory or logic behind the trade
would allow him to practically apply the rules real time in the market.
Going to the next level, Repetition is the mother of skill took over and a module designed to
INSERT the new trading syntax, the order in which you make decisions, was added.
Now a trader is congruent and trading within themselves and their personal risk tolerance.
Trades come naturally and FEEL right. This is the key to consistency. Once this level is
achieved, Unconscious Competence (more on this later), a trader can focus on Money
Management, incremental size increases, multiple markets and round out his/her overall
trading approach.
Our methodology is simple, objective, goal-oriented, and at the same time powerful. The
simplicity and powerful dynamics to swell and contract with market conditions makes it the
best trading system I have ever come across AND developed. This will greatly increase the
probability that you will consistently apply these rules in a disciplined fashion
Setting myself apart in an industry that thrives on the next magic setup or cant fail system
was the goal. Teaching traders to understand and accept the fact that trading is an evolutionary
process that has no end, only a beginning followed by constant and never-ending study and
improvement. Once a trader accepts the fact that becoming MORE successful and MORE
consistent as a trader REQUIRES personal change, then and ONLY THEN will change start to
-- Jason Stapleton

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live

Chapter 1


The risk of loss in stocks, futures, and foreign exchange trading can be substantial, as can be
the potential profits. You should carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you
in light of your financial condition. All trading requires risking money in pursuit of future
gain. Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose. No particular trading strategy, technique,
method or approach discussed can or will guarantee profits, increased profits or the
minimization of losses. Neither the presenter, publisher nor distributor can assume liability
for any losses that may be incurred by the use of the methods described herein and any such
liability is hereby expressly disclaimed.
The information herein is for general informational and educational purposes only. Examples
given are intended to teach our style of short-term trading. Any examples used in sessions,
seminars or speaking topics are for illustrative purposes only -- they should never be
construed as recommendations or endorsements of any kind. No investment or trading advice
regarding any security, group of securities, market segment or market is intended or shall be
given. We are not recommending that anyone copy us, and believe that all investors should
make their own decisions. If you do copy our buys and sells, you are doing so at your own
risk. It is up to you to make your own decisions as what you want to do with your own
CFTC rule 4.41: Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent
limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual
trading. Also, since the trades have not been actually executed, the results may have underor-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of
liquidity. Simulated in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the
benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to
achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. All forecasting is based on the statistics of
past performance. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. All performance
data is theoretical and is exclusive of commissions, fees, and slippage and subscription costs.
The Trading Authority, its owners, or its representatives are not registered as securities
broker-dealers or investment advisors either with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission, the National Futures Association, or with any trading regulatory authority. We
recommend consulting with a registered investment advisor, broker-dealer, and/or financial
advisor. If you choose to invest with or without seeking advice from such and advisor or
entity, then any consequences resulting from your investments is your sole responsibility.
The Trading Authority and Dynamic Structure Trading are an educational trading course and
firm, therefore, no consideration can or is made toward your financial circumstances. All
material presented within is not to be regarded as investment advice, but for general
information purposes only. Trading stocks, futures, and foreign exchange does involve risk,

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live

Chapter 1

so caution must always be utilized. We cannot guarantee profits or freedom from loss. You
assume the entire risk cost and risk of any trading that you choose to undertake. You are
solely responsible for making your own investment decisions.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or
otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright
Act, without prior written permission of the Publisher.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live

Chapter 2

Chapter: 2
Chapter 2 : Expectations
At this point we assume the following about you as a trader:

You have experience with a PC and software

You have a broadband internet connection
You understand the risks involved with trading
You have had fundamental exposure to online trading
You are unsatisfied with your trading results OR
You are interested in enhancing your current trading OR
You are a new trader looking to enter the market

Whether you are a new trader or a market veteran, 4xTradersLive has helped
many traders world wide either enhancing their trading or equip them with the
tools and knowledge that is essential for long-term consistent success in the
markets. We focus on the 3 most important criteria that have empowered the
most successful traders ever to trade, trading psychology, money management,
and lastly the trading system.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live

Chapter 2

Previous Experience
Some traders joining this course will bring days, months, or years of prior
experience to the table. We want to present this trading methodology to you as is
on its own merits. Some veterans will choose to use this material to enhance their
current trading strategies and that is a very viable option. Our submission to you,
is to historically-test and forward-test your Rules of Engagement that you adapt
from this system.
In this course you will learn the value of quantifying your rules and finding the
expectancy of your model. Our system is an incredibly dynamic and stable
trading system on its own, so any extra criteria introduced to the system by a
trader, in an effort to increase profitability, must be put to the test.
For veteran traders looking to improve upon their consistency will find a wealth of
value in the unique way that our trading psychology material is presented. The
AH-HA! moment of trading psychology doesnt come from reading a book or
listening to a seminar. The empowerment comes from the repetitions and drilling.
And thats exactly what you will see in this course.

New Traders
It's particularly good for a NEW trader because you will not be bringing bad
"history" with you. The setups and acronyms used are going to be unfamiliar to
everyone at first because this system is proprietary. The System is based on simple
principals that you will find to be very adaptable in a short amount of time. I will
teach you the foundations of charts, patterns and price action in the course. Plus,
as a new trader, you have NO BAD HABITS to break; you get to start from a clean

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live

Chapter 2

Key Expectations
Don't be overwhelmed as everything with value takes time to
accept and then OWN.
Don't be impatient as trading requires patience as does
embracing new ideas and theory.
Don't expect to understand the acronyms used and the
specific trade setups that are discussed daily.
Don't forget that trading IS wildly profitable WHEN sound
trading rules and principles are applied with consistency.
Don't attempt to trade with the trade setups as it could lead
to trading losses due to lack of understanding or
interpretation. Do your homework, back and forward testing
DO your homework prior to entering the room... View the
video series we have created for you in the training library,
they will help with your comprehension of course contents.
DO expect to reach a better comprehension on week 2 then
week 3 and see the value of Neuro Associative Conditioning
as it applies to trading.
DO honestly asses your CURRENT Trading State and Trading
Results and then consider a course of action to improve in
the upcoming year.
DO go over your current trading model (if any) and
determine HOW your 'Real Time' results from the last 12
months compare to your desired outcome.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live

Chapter 2


What You will Learn

If you read "Market Wizards", you'll find interviews from wildly consistent,
profitable & successful traders. Nowhere will you find a dedication of their success
to a system. Their success ALWAYS stems from trading discipline. We teach you
these disciplines and repeat the processes until you trade them subconsciously. We
also invest the time to take you through the process of drafting your own unique
trading plan, and implementing it in real time with real money.
Do we have a system for you to trade? Absolutely.
Is the system easy to learn? Absolutely.
Is the system consistently profitable? Absolutely.
Is the system critical to my success? Absolutely not.

Most Traders fail because they attempt to pick tops and bottoms. Our program
teaches you to visually weigh the probabilities based on your personal risk
tolerance, and using our CTS model, keeps you on the right side of the market
based on time tested trade probabilities. The best way to trade is to quit trying to
pick tops and bottoms, and settle for taking a bigger piece out of the middle of
a move.
We teach you how to identify critical support and resistance levels where you can
have good assurance you can enter a trade that will be profitable. Many times the
market will move "in your favor" immediately upon taking a position. Look at it this
way, would you rather grab a 10 pip move once with a 10% accuracy or 1 pip 10
times 70% of the time? Same 10 pips, same 10 pips worth of money in the bank.
We have 3 basic trade models that we will teach you in the course. Each signal is
designed to take advantage of each particular repeating market prices action. All
signals have been filtered for best risk to reward and the highest probability
possible through years of development, filtering and back testing. We will teach
you a Consolidation/Expantion Model, a Trend Trading Model and Fibonnaci/Ratio

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 2


During your Pro Trader Bootcamp you will learn:

The CTS Trading System
Trading Psychology Principles
Trading State Management exercises
Money Management (Smoothed and Fixed Ratio)
Technical Analysis
Market Dynamics
Trading System Development
How to Back Test
Trading Plan Development
Trade Execution
Charting Practices

How to Maximize this Course

There is strong correlation between success to those who do their homework (testing),
and a strong correlation between failure and those who choose not to.

In order to maximize this course, you must be patient. Rushing into live trading without a
solid understanding or belief in the model will cause more fear and pain for you to undo
in your training.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 2


Everything that youre doing is furthering a habit, if you choose to go against this solid
experience and rush into the markets, experience has shown us that traders will have their
confidence shaken by the inevitable losses and draw downs that any good trading system
WILL have. 90% of traders find themselves trapped in this situation because they
CHOOSE not to develop their skill strengthening bad trading habits.

Trading is a skill. No different from playing a guitar, bricking a house, painting, or

programming software. When you choose to develop your skill and follow through with
the development to proficiency, its at this point that you TRULY separate your self from
the other 90%.

Because our traders have done the back testing and internalized the confidence in their
trading plan, thoughtfully prepared for the trading session, the inevitable draw downs and
strings of losses are expected and accepted as a reasonable part of their trading business.

It is this belief developed over a month of historically testing in a no-risk environment

with no real money in the markets that allows a trader to internalize a belief about their
trading plan.

Remember, everything in life that you do involves a choice. When you choose do invest
the time in yourself and your training, you can expect the trading model to work for you
because you have aligned yourself with the model.

So, when we mention the much used and often maligned phrase, plan the trade and then
trade the plan, we really mean it.

It has been my experience that 9 out of 10 traders have spent more time filling out a
grocery list than outlining their trading plan. Yet STILL are willing to put their hard
earned money on the line based on their lack of research AND EXPECT great returns!

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 2


Remember, we can only show you what you need to know, it is up to you to follow the
instructions. All of the trading rules and training in the world is USELESS if the trader
CHOOSES not to follow it.

Those who choose not to work on their discipline should not expect the results that the
trading model generates because they do not have a solid understanding and will not trade
it with accuracy. Plain and simple.

We follow a ridged qualification of all of our trades. No qualifiers, no trade.

Bluntly, if you do not follow the trading rules, do not expect to see the consistent returns.

So before we go any further with your training, before any of this training will be
effective, you MUST answer that fundamental question...

"Am I committed to the PROCESS that is required to learn ANY new skill?
If, "YES", then let's begin.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 2


Your Responsibility to Yourself

Although we do provide all of the training necessary to analyze the markets,

come to conclusions about where to place trades and the drilling and
discipline training that accompanies, there are a few points of interest that
the trader is responsible for.
The trader is responsible for learning and effectively using:
Your Personal Computer and hardware
Your PC software, operating system, tools and peripherals
Your charting and execution packages (eSignal, Trade Station, Ninja
Trader, etc.)

Your communication software (Skype, Email, and Omnovia)

4x Traders Live does not provide training on these aforementioned packages.
However, we do provide support on our proprietary tools and software. We
will also provide the trader with links to support channels for the above
We primarily use email for communication and often send attachments with
each mail. Our attachments are usually Microsoft Office documents (Word,
Excel, PowerPoint) You can download free viewers for these documents at
Most of our training material is published in Adobe Acrobat. The free Acrobat
reader can be downloaded from
The videos in the library are encoded in Windows Media Video. The player
can be obtained at
As most of the financial world, unfortunately, we also do not support Mac.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 2


Be Accountable sites the word accountability as:

1. The state of being accountable, liable, or

Every book and seminar on trading or trading psychology that I have ever read
or attended, ALL have sections on accountability.
We are accountable to bring you this educational material that is
deemed accurate to the best of our knowledge and to present it to
you in a learnable manner.
We are accountable to show you everything we know that
successful traders have used to sustain long-term success in the
You are accountable for every trade you put into the market
You are ultimately responsible on where to buy and where to sell.
If you choose to trade outside of the plan, be accountable for the
result of those trades.

If you choose not to back test or make trading plan development a

part of your prerequisite, be accountable for the result of your

Ask yourself what alternative do you have? You have invested in this course
and decide to invest in yourself. Why would you not follow the plan to the

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


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Chapter 3

Getting Started


Chapter: 3

Chapter 3 : Getting Started

What is Combined Technical Score Trading?

Highly Adaptive adapts to recent market conditions and can be used in range-bound or
trending markets
Structured based on market structures of support/resistance, pivots, daily ranges, basic
Fibonacci and Gartley Patterns, and others
Weighted a proprietary CTS system is used to qualify trades and determine position
sizing for each trade

Why does CTS Trading work?

The CTS Trading Methodology was developed to take advantage of any market condition
in any time frame. This allows us to trade based on structure, patterns, and what we see
not what we think.

CTS Trading is a robust trading strategy for the serious trader looking to invest in a timetested, highly profitable style of trading that can be applied across a broad range of time
frames and markets.

Our program teaches you a trading methodology and mental paradigms that have worked
consistently over many years. If you read "Market Wizards", you'll find interviews from
wildly consistent, profitable & successful traders.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 3

Getting Started


Nowhere will you find a dedication of their success to a system. Their success ALWAYS
stems from trading discipline. We teach you these disciplines and repeat the processes
until you trade them subconsciously. We also invest the time to take you through the
process of drafting your own unique trading plan, and implementing it in real time with
real money.

Fools create, wise men emulate.

We will teach you the methodologies of previous successful traders that have pulled
millions out of the markets. You will learn what works.

There are hundreds of available brokers out there that will facilitate your needs. Some
of you will not have any preference with a broker, some will have a long standing
relationship with a broker. The following is a checklist of items that you will want to
look for
Service You will need access to the trade desk or your account
manager at all times. Put their phone number on speed dial on your cell
phone. If you even have a computer crash while you are in a trade, you
will want to get flat as soon as possible.
Execution Your broker should have direct feed to your execution
platform. We recommend NinjaTrader (futures) or MetaTrader (forex)
for executing trades
Stops Make sure your broker is accountable as possible for tight stops.
No reason you should pay more than your stop.
Fills / Slippage Same for fills and slippage. Slippage is actually
common and 1 tick of slippage happens from time to time on limit
orders. Anything more should be brought up with the broker and
corrected. Make sure that you outline expectations on fills ans slippage
with your broker.
Commissions Many forex brokers offer commissions rather than fixed
pip spreads. Choose what suites you best.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 3

Getting Started


Charting Package
When choosing your charting software, you will need to consider features like, its ease
of use, its flexibility, and its range of features. Some charting software offers only the
basics (charts, and a few indicators), while others offer additional features like
replaying charts, and programming interfaces for creating custom indicators.

Per the training style you will be following, your charting package should have the
following features:
Intraday Data (60minute 1 minute data)
Replay Feature
Basic Analysis tools (Moving Averages, Pivots, Fibbonacci, etc)

We recommend:

Our CTS Trade signal code is only written for NinjaTrader currently but we have plans
to expand into other markets including MT4.
You must make sure that you are getting the Market Data for your markets that you
want to trade.
E-Mini Futures CME Market Data

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 3

Getting Started


Trade Execution Software

Each day trading brokerage has their own trading software, so the trading software that
each day trader uses will depend upon which brokerage they choose.

Additional trading software (sometimes known as a front end or execution package)

can provide a different display, and different features (such as automatic target and stop
loss orders), and is often easier to use than brokerage provided trading software.

In addition to third party additional trading software, some day traders prefer to
program their own additional trading software, that interfaces with their brokerage
provided trading software. This allows the day trader to program the software in their
preferred programming language (C/C++, Visual Basic, etc.), and to include exactly the
features that they want when they are trading (such as automatic reversals, breakout
entries, etc.).

As a beginning day trader, you will need to become familiar with your brokerage
provided trading software, but you can use any compatible additional trading software,
if you prefer its display, and its features.

We recommend:
Ninja Trader -
Trade Maven
Strategy Runner

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 3

Getting Started


Trading Computer Setup

Your trading computer must have some basic features to facilitate your charting, trade
execution, trading room software, email, web browsing, communication, document
vieing etc. The financial world heavily leans towrds PC, so we strongly urge you invest
in a PC for your trading platform.
The minimum PC setup should include:
AMD or Intel Core2 Duo Processor
2 GB of Dual Ram
Dual Monitor Video card (VGA or DVI)
Windows XP Professional (not Vista)

The RECOMMENDED PC setup should include:

AMD64 or Intel X2 Dual Core Processor
4 GB of Dual Ram DDR2
2x Dual Monitor Video cards (Nvidia Chipset) (DVI)
Windows XP Professional (not Vista)
4 Flat Panel 19 in Monitor Array

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


Chapter 3

Getting Started


Paper Trading (Simulation)

Paper trades are trades tracked on paper only. No capital is actually invested when you
make paper trades, so they become a great learning tool. Simulations like paper trading
force you to make decisions and then show you the consequences of those decisions
again, without risking your capital.

Paper trades are powerful because they teach through suspense and surprise. They
demonstrate rather than tell. Instead of simply reading about trading, you experience it,
making decisions about potential trades, and then watching those decisions play out.
An individual trader can paper trade:
establish a track record
develop trading discipline
test trading strategies
evaluate new markets
build trader confidence
make trading career decisions

Over the years we have trained traders and we always say to invest the first month in
simulation before they go live with live capital. Even on our strongest recommendation,
some choose not to do it because they either get bored or think they have mastered the
trade signal. Again, this is a sign of impatience.
It is true that all the paper trading in the world cannot prepare you for the emotional
involvement you may have when you trade with a real money account. The fact
remains that you need to familiarize yourself with the executions and repetitions of the

Take your simulation seriously. Even in simulation you are forming habits.
What you do in practice you will do in the live market.

Copyright 2007 4x Traders Live


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