My Thoughts Finally

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My thoughts 10 By Christopher Maxwell Thomas Today was Riggers birthday.

woke up. Older. And a little bit colder, his wife had been slapping him all night long,
now this isn't a comedy interruption of your normal news, this is smarter than that. I
had been waking up next to her trying to be with me. As she woke I tried to impress
her by faking still sleep. I watched as she left the bed with her things and stored one
on the plane next to the steradians. Even her carry on bags were beautiful. The way
that the mid day sun rested upon her face she seemed like her name was purple
and yellow. She was a sunset set in the Bahamas, she was more than just my wife.
She had these brand new airings on her ears, the way that they fell upon her, I
believe in you I believe in the possibilities of languages. Deaf blind there is no time
the only time that we ever had was the disrupted accounts that she gave me from
the beginning, I heard her speak and that was all she wanted to do, she spoke so
eloquently that we never saw the bridge from the bay ever again then again the
planet is dying and we are rising the most insolent, ideas are broadcast from our
small quaint existence, defy defy me and I will have them checking posters, defy
and lie and ill kick you in the leg. Li Wayne Please the cinnamon was getting higher
than we, at the location that we felt we were there London England that is, so why
do I worship this and not that, you never bought the two Of us ice cream that's
because you didnt want to I have an exasperation of hopes and dreams bring it to
the field what happening last night did not happen perhaps the time change over
the Atlantic ocean was by a bystanders point of view easier making it in the middle
east then again I didn't find it all that interesting being there as opposed to my
wife's beautiful mansion, that being said the sloop of the tongue was counted
correctly and the party started at a quarter past three. Tings is slobbering all over
me and my wife, she's had it up to the moon, there is cheese there, many other
things to discover. The pain that was hers is now the center of our relationship. The
other night was all time over then and there but we hadnt had enough of anything.
I had bought a suede backpack that glimmered and shined in the darkness. The
moon shone on the night of our adventure. You can not minimize the seat that we
sit in. I offer you one as well thatch called justice not mercy, why do this? I can't
think of a single Peron that lives on that side of The Bay But you must know
Gatsby. You know for a quick second I'm about to jump off a mother fucking cliff on
top of a horse and be chill in the morning, Thomas pastrami IRS not doing this, I
was. I knew how to spend it better. They all got deans listed, Why? The reasons
were sparse. I hadn't asked her anything and still he showed her his box room!
There was something different about his look, The faction hasn't been there long
enough, I agree but the flag is still at half mass, is there mass today? I nod in
disagreement but the lady could still feel what my adoration towards her, and this is
not all there was no mass toddy but I fucking lied anyways!!!!!!! The people that are
antiquated in this great and spacious building are not actually there that are kings
and queens of the falsehood that is the world they are here you are not, show him
your dick you bitch, The last line of the song wasn't even coming the same way and
you know it. I have become unfinished she said I wasn't really listening to her
words. She desperately wanted me to fuck her but something that filled with
circumstances was inoperable to our existence even though we had been together
for several years. I could still remember a few years aghast the family had almost
been destroyed it wasn't a risk it The other day as a Matter of fact this wasnt

superscribe by her doctor. This anger that she had all the time. Previously I had
gone to the library to find out what this woman might have had that bothered her
mind so. Like I said I hadn't ever put this out ever before I had hoped that she was
flexible because to do a three some you had to improvise. 2 Chain. I had seldom
thought about her superscription to this unused medication that wasn't real, it
wasnt at all I came here and there to make sure that I was on top while she was on
bottom, call it anything you necessarily wanted to I had the mind to impregnate her
again, why? You ask is the empire state building higher than the cup of soup that
the lady I called wife had given after me to the present day I did not have the mind
to tell her that what she had given me was founded earlier in the year. I needed
Christ and Christ needed me why the fuck could he have created such a beautiful
young woman to be restarted, and did I tell her hell no I didn't, either the couch will
move itself pro the Christ, as tree will knot fit, there is room here son, and theirs
room here, I didnt' tony know. But she never knew him. Why have you been gone
all day? I was out why do you ask? The way home this night was extra scary to
my best friend Tings we had to stop the car several times to make sure that the
boogie man wasn't overcoming Riggers soul. I kept telling him that there wasn't
anything to fear except fear itself. Like one other president said Ask not what this
country can do for you but what you can do for the country. Hello class I said as I
walked into the class. The answer was rhetorical and the bottles were popping this
was definitely the day that I would teach my class metaphysics. One young girl
happened to ask me what word he was referring to I replied I didn't exact ally know
when in fact I knew exact tally. That's what our class was oral interpretation at its
finest I almost didn't hear her question, I was baffled and a little confused so I
decided to get rip soaringly drunk. I hadnt quite met this man that these peeps
called Gatsby but I intended to, I promise you I kept telling my self. And then at the
very end of the party I did. My Heavenly Father's Kingdom was awaiting me. Let's
go where do you want to? anywhere I said three years later I fucking killed her.
Now this is not the OJ Simpson trial Mr. Roofing, Hook even she found out about my
cocaine addiction jumped a porter plane enjoyed her free ride obviously and then
killed herself on the fucking plane can you believe that shit Hmm O well I told
myself. The years after those three years I found myself in Miami Florida with two
chicks instead of one. There are the quick and the dead who are you the quick who
are they the dead, correct there are certain things in this life that people simply do
not tell you and one is the married woman that live here in Fort Knox and Kentucky
even that are giving up the pussy, My drill sergeant told me that and I will NEVER
FORGET IT. I went to church the following day and found myself in purgatory. I didn't
put down the money fast enough she was still gone, I wished that Rebecca could
have stayed longer every night Rigger was outside crying over her death, I buried
her here under our favorite tree so that no matter what I would never forget her and
her soft steel earrings. Now I k now what you are thinking the story can't be that
sad, but it is. Until one day she showed up unannounced and we lived happily ever
after. This woman's name was unknown to all that ever met knew or fucking kissed
her. I For our 50th anniversary we went to a cave within the middle of the
mountains we hadn't been there long when we found tourists looking for a place to
live they had there camper it was a 96 Chevrolet something about the meaning of
death that's what they told us anyways. They parked them\selves right next to Lake

placid there wasn't any other rs in the camp me and my wife \seemed to end there
attention. AS the days passed the night were longer than the sun that fell in the sky
prior to the day that left at the end. We hadnt been there and towards the end of
our stay there we happened top pass by there location and over heard them
speaking words from good omen, this was a book that I came across at the sec
county jail during my stet there there were answers to both side in this book. It
surrounded crazy but as we slowly approached there camp we saw nothing except
the moon shining over the camp and the soft clouds that were surrounding the
moon. My wife was braver than me she began walking up to the RV slowly but
quickly. I followed her lead. The man inside the RV came to the opening of the front
door. He held the book in his right hand and cautiously slowly opened the screen
door maybe it was just the mesquits and the outbreak of the west line virus,
however I saw something in his eyes that read something curious. There he saw us
baby should we go back in a whisper, maybe I think he has a (g...UN) CAN I
HELP YOU, Um no my wife said we were just here trying to give you guys some
chocolate chip cookies, well me and my wife do not know how we may decide on
your cookies, what are you two doing in there we heard a noise, We are actually,
with the help of god are preaching hate allocated in this book. What is the name of
it, The man looked at the book in hips right hand then showed the title to my
husband, its called good omens. You don't have to do this sir, do w, cautiously
again, what This sir this is wrong I have read that said book and I know from my
heavenly father that this book you conceal is pretty fucking evil, i hear something
in there is that, is that your wife crying sir, This is a sucking stand up, I looked
behind me and saw three men with loaded shotguns pointed directly at this mans
shelter that he called an RV, The three ran got the front door, and began opening
fire, now I have never remembered the seven harry potters that she so
obsequiously handed to me, I put the book down and prayed. The thought that the
angel gave to me was founded in Captain Morons last words, kind of like Gordon B
Brinkleys last words read. So I began reading again good omen's, if anyone was
going to save this man's soul it had definitely been me. As me and my wife returned
to our camp, we started conversing about the event that had taken place right in
front of me, Do you think they got shoot to death. I really do not know but at
least we still have the cookies. What the fuck are you talking about cookies two
people are dead, directly after I said this to my woman I looked around and all our
shit was gone, vanished cheapen, and thats too say the misty of Alexander the
great. Honey what the fuck, I said softie. You concur sweetheart. I getting
FUCKING scared as hell. OK well at least we still have the flashlight, kin if I replied,
the batteries were going low and the light wasn't very bright anymore. AS soon as
she thought that we heard something thatch sounded like french idiolect. What the
fuck was that I said, ah I don't know. Five minutes later our flash light went out.
Now I have never been Freddy cougar but who has, the moon was still in its normal
positioning in the sky and the stars shone bright. My wife looked down at \the flash
light shook it a few times then softly dropped it to the floor. I hit a rock and broke.
WE looked at each other. And slowly started to cry. At this point all we\ were doing
was sobbing, and we started to sing hymnals in a soft voice. WE then heard the
voice of GOD, hah we both thought. We looked into the light of the moon and no
one was there. And then again we heard the sound of god's voice, it said go so we

went Ne phi showed up wight his younger brother Sam and after twenty two extra
hours of walking we found Boulder, CO. And later that night Netherlander the city
above Boulder and we were safe with a camp. Hats word I thought to myself I have
been here and I h\ave performed on this track several times before the competition
was niggers all of them chiggers they weren't 5a they were sophomores they were
under the stairs. Now class if one of us goes through it who does it affect the one\s
that followed the pit, which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the middle seats, mum
your lover that is kind sir, my wife will never know, I Promise you. After she spoke a
desk flew across the room,,, what the heck I thought. Now one thing I will say is that
we were ion Paris, and a documentary was being filmed, Every morning my quest
with my wife began with a lot of anger and betrayal followed by passion lust the
show must go on and that will not happen as long sat the Maharaja is in charge, well
guess What King Benjamin taught us better than that and by the way I have many
cups of coffee. What exact ally is the retaliation of 5this reversal, Question mark
that's what we are speaking of. There are several keys to the English language that
are not quite true. There is something wring here I told myself after a long breakfast
with my wife, we were going to see the carnival today and that was no joke, you see
the animals were such a lively bunch that Rigger was static and to say the ultimate
least so was Winnie the poo, both Jewish. That same night the trident packets were
on the floor I hadnt been in San Borodin long however the party that night was sure
to be epic I was the only one with the invitation, and that's why my wife was so livid
at me. Or so it seemed, I placed myself at the must pristine locations all day long
and wrote song after song, just waiting for the night to come, interestingly enough
mic hale Jackson had taken the audiences attention first and baffled as I was I had
to agree to disagree that Halloween was nothing compared to Ryan Hecklers house
party that wasn't occurring indirectly this night. Hey babe you want to go to a party
tonight at Hecklers house. O my god suddenly her frown turned upside down and
she repeated tech moneys word's I indefinitely be ion attendance tonight. The next
few months were long and hard just not inside my pants. My wife and I were
attending classes at the AA group home in southern California. Why you ask,
because there are small inflictions of soft core Showtime porn originated through
out the entire movie, thank you Edward Norton. It must have been morning because
these racing thoughts were not leaving my mind, she walked into the foyer and saw
me basically just like standing there lost in Translation. She looked at me and began
to sob, for her husband was no longer standing there talking to her, Chris she kept
saying over and over whats wrong, as soon as my ears heard her lovely soft voice I
snapped out of it and hugged and kissed my wife, now I won't tell you that the
occurrences that happened later that night were not pg and it involved a fucking
movie I wanted to watch up in the air one of my all time favorites, you know it
was \pretty much about a Black Card being used again and again, until George won
his wings. Or at least that's how I remembered it, who knows I think I was high the
night it was playing at the drive in. It was a long and dusty road that spread wide
across the country side, she was driving and I loved the fact that she was I was
drinking a coca cola, the taste was invigorating to me I believed in her obvious
capabilities and that's what supported our beautiful life. She chose to put the pedal
to the medal and we arrived early to Tuscon Arizona 10 hours early. And the only
reason was because I hadn't yet been there, but she did. The obtrusiveness if tit LL

WAS that it was a son of a bitch to understand. I no wave in my possession the keys
to Ha grids house. Now class remember the differences between the on plus the
other, the variables may be stacked high, but the arrhythmical is not present,
Slacker and Steve were talk show rodeo bull bucking at its finest. It was a sovereign,
kind of like the survey that we took in the middle class to have the rights to the
kingdom. Leonardo DiCaprio I have been a poor man and I have been a rich man
and I choose money over the none every FUCKING time, there is mo stability in
meagerness. Now class if we take these two premise we will be at odds between
ourselves if it wasn't a hundred percent true about Newton's law of gravity, keep in
mind thought that its still just a theory. The gecko from the car insurance add can
teach us the devaluing morals of the nineteenth century quite well. So after class
please turn in your papers and I will slothfully grade them. The next day with Heidi
proved to be a disaster all together she was just so mad that I had blown up the
Dodge Duran go that she came out in the street and started beating the dog to a
bloody pulse there wasn't any stopping her, and just so you know she's not really
dead, we'll do a double date or something come on my treat, how do you like them
apples, Im telling you you can have your cake and eat it too it's just wonderful,
miss Lady Antebellum if I may, you slipways council us on the strategy to becoming
rich and dying rich but you never do. I mean tyke for instances the ten my thoughts
books written by Mr Christopher Maxwell Thomas, and tell me if he etas cake, and
Im talking about the band they fell off a long time ago, Julia looked at me with such
alarm that she eventually began crying in front of me and we huge for a long time.
The next day at our academy was well spent the choke was not included in the
curriculum, and being only 6 I felt the need to branch out, see the world for what it
was and not just the choke. So I moved into a nice two bedroom house across from
the bay and I thought I could always continue to study writing, but given the world
lustful distractions I gave all that up and studied law instead. Woman your crowding
the bed get out of here with that insatiable regret of paying the mortgage too late
that is simply not+ like you. I know babe but the its probable but not possible. The
way that she talked was out of this world why was the sky blue and what difference
did it make to her, all she did was nags ND complain at me especially when we went
to Ru bios, throwing forks at little children flays accusing the waitress of giving her
chocolate milk when obviously she was drinking normal milk. After that meal in
times square I decided to take a break from my wife indefinitely which when I
presented it to her she wept for thirteen hours in a row, o well at least I had my
sanity. chocolate chip cookies, well me and my wife do not know how we may
decide on your cookies, what are you two doing in there we heard a noise, We are
actually, with the help of god are preaching hate allocated in this book. What is the
name of it, The man looked at the book in hips right hand then showed the title to
my husband, its called good omens. You don't have to do this sir, do w, cautiously
again, what This sir this is wrong I have read that said book and I know from my
heavenly father that this book you conceal is pretty fucking evil, i hear something
in there is that, is that your wife crying sir, This is a sucking stand up, I looked
behind me and saw three men with loaded shotguns pointed directly at this mans
shelter that he called an RV, The three ran got the front door, and began opening
fire, now I have never remembered the seven harry potters that she so
obsequiously handed to me, I put the book down and prayed. The thought that the

angel gave to me was founded in Captain Morons last words, kind of like Gordon B
Brinkleys last words read. So I began reading again good omen's, if anyone was
going to save this man's soul it had definitely been me. As me and my wife returned
to our camp, we started conversing about the event that had taken place right in
front of me, Do you think they got shoot to death. I really do not know but at
least we still have the cookies. What the fuck are you talking about cookies two
people are dead, directly after I said this to my woman I looked around and all our
shit was gone, vanished cheapen, and thats too say the misty of Alexander the
great. Honey what the fuck, I said softie. You concur sweetheart. I getting
FUCKING scared as hell. OK well at least we still have the flashlight, kin if I replied,
the batteries were going low and the light wasn't very bright anymore. AS soon as
she thought that we heard something thatch sounded like french idiolect. What the
fuck was that I said, ah I don't know. Five minutes later our flash light went out.
Now I have never been Freddy cougar but who has, the moon was still in its normal
positioning in the sky and the stars shone bright. My wife looked down at \the flash
light shook it a few times then softly dropped it to the floor. I hit a rock and broke.
WE looked at each other. And slowly started to cry. At this point all we\ were doing
was sobbing, and we started to sing hymnals in a soft voice. WE then heard the
voice of GOD, hah we both thought. We looked into the light of the moon and no
one was there. And then again we heard the sound of god's voice, it said go so we
went Ne phi showed up wight his younger brother Sam and after twenty two extra
hours of walking we found Boulder, CO. And later that night Netherlander the city
above Boulder and we were safe with a camp. Hats word I thought to myself I have
been here and I h\ave performed on this track several times before the competition
was niggers all of them chiggers they weren't 5a they were sophomores they were
under the stairs. Now class if one of us goes through it who does it affect the one\s
that followed the pit, which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the middle seats, mum
your lover that is kind sir, my wife will never know, I Promise you. After she spoke a
desk flew across the room,,, what the heck I thought. Now one thing I will say is that
we were ion Paris, and a documentary was being filmed, Every morning my quest
with my wife began with a lot of anger and betrayal followed by passion lust the
show must go on and that will not happen as long sat the Maharaja is in charge, well
guess What King Benjamin taught us better than that and by the way I have many
cups of coffee. What exact ally is the retaliation of 5this reversal, Question mark
that's what we are speaking of. There are several keys to the English language that
are not quite true. There is something wring here I told myself after a long breakfast
with my wife, we were going to see the carnival today and that was no joke, you see
the animals were such a lively bunch that Rigger was static and to say the ultimate
least so was Winnie the poo, both Jewish. That same night the trident packets were
on the floor I hadnt been in San Borodin long however the party that night was sure
to be epic I was the only one with the invitation, and that's why my wife was so livid
at me. Or so it seemed, I placed myself at the must pristine locations all day long
and wrote song after song, just waiting for the night to come, interestingly enough
mic hale Jackson had taken the audiences attention first and baffled as I was I had
to agree to disagree that Halloween was nothing compared to Ryan Hecklers house
party that wasn't occurring indirectly this night. Hey babe you want to go to a party
tonight at Hecklers house. O my god suddenly her frown turned upside down and

she repeated tech moneys word's I indefinitely be ion attendance tonight. The next
few months were long and hard just not inside my pants. My wife and I were
attending classes at the AA group home in southern California. Why you ask,
because there are small inflictions of soft core Showtime porn originated through
out the entire movie, thank you Edward Norton. It must have been morning because
these racing thoughts were not leaving my mind, she walked into the foyer and saw
me basically just like standing there lost in Translation. She looked at me and began
to sob, for her husband was no longer standing there talking to her, Chris she kept
saying over and over whats wrong, as soon as my ears heard her lovely soft voice I
snapped out of it and hugged and kissed my wife, now I won't tell you that the
occurrences that happened later that night were not pg and it involved a fucking
movie I wanted to watch up in the air one of my all time favorites, you know it was
pretty much about a Black Card being used again and again, until George won his
wings. Or at least that's how I remembered it, who knows I think I was high the
night it was playing at the drive in. It was a long and dusty road that spread wide
across the country side, she was driving and I loved the fact that she was I was
drinking a coca cola, the taste was invigorating to me I believed in her obvious
capabilities and that's what supported our beautiful life. She chose to put the pedal
to the medal and we arrived early to Tuscon Arizona 10 hours early. And the only
reason we did was because the sun never sets early in prison. I remember as I was
a young man in college attending the University of Yale, and I always thought to
myself what is this existence made from. The show that usually peeked my mind
was The Big Bang Theory. The end The possibil My thoughts 10 By Christopher
Maxwell Thomas Today was Riggers birthday. He woke up. Older. And a little bit
colder, his wife had been slapping him all night long, now this isn't a comedy
interruption of your normal news, this is smarter than that. I had been waking up
next to her trying to be with me. As she woke I tried to impress her by faking still
sleep. I watched as she left the bed with her things and stored one on the plane
next to the steradians. Even her carry on bags were beautiful. The way that the mid
day sun rested upon her face she seemed like her name was purple and yellow. She
was a sunset set in the Bahamas, she was more than just my wife. She had these
brand new airings on her ears, the way that they fell upon her, I believe in you I
believe in the possibilities of languages. Deaf blind there is no time the only time
that we ever had was the disrupted accounts that she gave me from the beginning,
I heard her speak and that was all she wanted to do, she spoke so eloquently that
we never saw the bridge from the bay ever again then again the planet is dying and
we are rising the most insolent, ideas are broadcast from our small quaint
existence, defy defy me and I will have them checking posters, defy and lie and
ill kick you in the leg. Li Wayne Please the cinnamon was getting higher than we, at
the location that we felt we were there London England that is, so why do I worship
this and not that, you never bought the two Of us ice cream that's because you
didnt want to I have an exasperation of hopes and dreams bring it to the field what
happening last night did not happen perhaps the time change over the Atlantic
ocean was by a bystanders point of view easier making it in the middle east then
again I didn't find it all that interesting being there as opposed to my wife's
beautiful mansion, that being said the sloop of the tongue was counted correctly
and the party started at a quarter past three. Tings is slobbering all over me and

my wife, she's had it up to the moon, there is cheese there, many other things to
discover. The pain that was hers is now the center of our relationship. The other
night was all time over then and there but we hadnt had enough of anything. I had
bought a suede backpack that glimmered and shined in the darkness. The moon
shone on the night of our adventure. You can not minimize the seat that we sit in. I
offer you one as well thatch called justice not mercy, why do this? I can't think of
a single Peron that lives on that side of The Bay But you must know Gatsby. You
know for a quick second I'm about to jump off a mother fucking cliff on top of a
horse and be chill in the morning, Thomas pastrami IRS not doing this, I was. I knew
how to spend it better. They all got deans listed, Why? The reasons were sparse. I
hadn't asked her anything and still he showed her his box room! There was
something different about his look, The faction hasn't been there long enough, I
agree but the flag is still at half mass, is there mass today? I nod in disagreement
but the lady could still feel what my adoration towards her, and this is not all there
was no mass toddy but I fucking lied anyways!!!!!!! The people that are antiquated
in this great and spacious building are not actually there that are kings and queens
of the falsehood that is the world they are here you are not, show him your dick you
bitch, The last line of the song wasn't even coming the same way and you know it. I
have become unfinished she said I wasn't really listening to her words. She
desperately wanted me to fuck her but something that filled with circumstances was
inoperable to our existence even though we had been together for several years. I
could still remember a few years aghast the family had almost been destroyed it
wasn't a risk it The other day as a Matter of fact this wasnt superscribe by her
doctor. This anger that she had all the time. Previously I had gone to the library to
find out what this woman might have had that bothered her mind so. Like I said I
hadn't ever put this out ever before I had hoped that she was flexible because to do
a three some you had to improvise. 2 Chain. I had seldom thought about her
superscription to this unused medication that wasn't real, it wasnt at all I came
here and there to make sure that I was on top while she was on bottom, call it
anything you necessarily wanted to I had the mind to impregnate her again, why?
You ask is the empire state building higher than the cup of soup that the lady I
called wife had given after me to the present day I did not have the mind to tell her
that what she had given me was founded earlier in the year. I needed Christ and
Christ needed me why the fuck could he have created such a beautiful young
woman to be restarted, and did I tell her hell no I didn't, either the couch will move
itself pro the Christ, as tree will knot fit, there is room here son, and theirs room
here, I didnt' tony know. But she never knew him. Why have you been gone all
day? I was out why do you ask? The way home this night was extra scary to my
best friend Tings we had to stop the car several times to make sure that the boogie
man wasn't overcoming Riggers soul. I kept telling him that there wasn't anything
to fear except fear itself. Like one other president said Ask not what this country
can do for you but what you can do for the country. Hello class I said as I walked
into the class. The answer was rhetorical and the bottles were popping this was
definitely the day that I would teach my class metaphysics. One young girl
happened to ask me what word he was referring to I replied I didn't exact ally know
when in fact I knew exact tally. That's what our class was oral interpretation at its
finest I almost didn't hear her question, I was baffled and a little confused so I

decided to get rip soaringly drunk. I hadnt quite met this man that these peeps
called Gatsby but I intended to, I promise you I kept telling my self. And then at the
very end of the party I did. My Heavenly Father's Kingdom was awaiting me. Let's
go where do you want to? anywhere I said three years later I fucking killed her.
Now this is not the OJ Simpson trial Mr. Roofing, Hook even she found out about my
cocaine addiction jumped a porter plane enjoyed her free ride obviously and then
killed herself on the fucking plane can you believe that shit Hmm O well I told
myself. The years after those three years I found myself in Miami Florida with two
chicks instead of one. There are the quick and the dead who are you the quick who
are they the dead, correct there are certain things in this life that people simply do
not tell you and one is the married woman that live here in Fort Knox and Kentucky
even that are giving up the pussy, My drill sergeant told me that and I will NEVER
FORGET IT. I went to church the following day and found myself in purgatory. I didn't
put down the money fast enough she was still gone, I wished that Rebecca could
have stayed longer every night Rigger was outside crying over her death, I buried
her here under our favorite tree so that no matter what I would never forget her and
her soft steel earrings. Now I k now what you are thinking the story can't be that
sad, but it is. Until one day she showed up unannounced and we lived happily ever
after. This woman's name was unknown to all that ever met knew or fucking kissed
her. I For our 50th anniversary we went to a cave within the middle of the
mountains we hadn't been there long when we found tourists looking for a place to
live they had there camper it was a 96 Chevrolet something about the meaning of
death that's what they told us anyways. They parked them\selves right next to Lake
placid there wasn't any other rs in the camp me and my wife \seemed to end there
attention. AS the days passed the night were longer than the sun that fell in the sky
prior to the day that left at the end. We hadnt been there and towards the end of
our stay there we happened top pass by there location and over heard them
speaking words from good omen, this was a book that I came across at the sec
county jail during my stet there there were answers to both side in this book. It
surrounded crazy but as we slowly approached there camp we saw nothing except
the moon shining over the camp and the soft clouds that were surrounding the
moon. My wife was braver than me she began walking up to the RV slowly but
quickly. I followed her lead. The man inside the RV came to the opening of the front
door. He held the book in his right hand and cautiously slowly opened the screen
door maybe it was just the mesquits and the outbreak of the west line virus,
however I saw something in his eyes that read something curious. There he saw us
baby should we go back in a whisper, maybe I think he has a (g...UN) CAN I
HELP YOU, Um no my wife said we were just here trying to give you guys some
chocolate chip cookies, well me and my wife do not know how we may decide on
your cookies, what are you two doing in there we heard a noise, We are actually,
with the help of god are preaching hate allocated in this book. What is the name of
it, The man looked at the book in hips right hand then showed the title to my
husband, its called good omens. You don't have to do this sir, do w, cautiously
again, what This sir this is wrong I have read that said book and I know from my
heavenly father that this book you conceal is pretty fucking evil, i hear something
in there is that, is that your wife crying sir, This is a sucking stand up, I looked
behind me and saw three men with loaded shotguns pointed directly at this mans

shelter that he called an RV, The three ran got the front door, and began opening
fire, now I have never remembered the seven harry potters that she so
obsequiously handed to me, I put the book down and prayed. The thought that the
angel gave to me was founded in Captain Morons last words, kind of like Gordon B
Brinkleys last words read. So I began reading again good omen's, if anyone was
going to save this man's soul it had definitely been me. As me and my wife returned
to our camp, we started conversing about the event that had taken place right in
front of me, Do you think they got shoot to death. I really do not know but at
least we still have the cookies. What the fuck are you talking about cookies two
people are dead, directly after I said this to my woman I looked around and all our
shit was gone, vanished cheapen, and thats too say the misty of Alexander the
great. Honey what the fuck, I said softie. You concur sweetheart. I getting
FUCKING scared as hell. OK well at least we still have the flashlight, kin if I replied,
the batteries were going low and the light wasn't very bright anymore. AS soon as
she thought that we heard something thatch sounded like french idiolect. What the
fuck was that I said, ah I don't know. Five minutes later our flash light went out.
Now I have never been Freddy cougar but who has, the moon was still in its normal
positioning in the sky and the stars shone bright. My wife looked down at \the flash
light shook it a few times then softly dropped it to the floor. I hit a rock and broke.
WE looked at each other. And slowly started to cry. At this point all we\ were doing
was sobbing, and we started to sing hymnals in a soft voice. WE then heard the
voice of GOD, hah we both thought. We looked into the light of the moon and no
one was there. And then again we heard the sound of god's voice, it said go so we
went Ne phi showed up wight his younger brother Sam and after twenty two extra
hours of walking we found Boulder, CO. And later that night Netherlander the city
above Boulder and we were safe with a camp. Hats word I thought to myself I have
been here and I h\ave performed on this track several times before the competition
was niggers all of them chiggers they weren't 5a they were sophomores they were
under the stairs. Now class if one of us goes through it who does it affect the one\s
that followed the pit, which pit is \that miss pretty lady in the middle seats, mum
your lover that is kind sir, my wife will never know, I Promise you. After she spoke a
desk flew across the room,,, what the heck I thought. Now one thing I will say is that
we were ion Paris, and a documentary was being filmed, Every morning my quest
with my wife began with a lot of anger and betrayal followed by passion lust the
show must go on and that will not happen as long sat the Maharaja is in charge, well
guess What King Benjamin taught us better than that and by the way I have many
cups of coffee. What exact ally is the retaliation of 5this reversal, Question mark
that's what we are speaking of. There are several keys to the English language that
are not quite true. There is something wring here I told myself after a long breakfast
with my wife, we were going to see the carnival today and that was no joke, you see
the animals were such a lively bunch that Rigger was static and to say the ultimate
least so was Winnie the poo, both Jewish. That same night the trident packets were
on the floor I hadnt been in San Borodin long however the party that night was sure
to be epic I was the only one with the invitation, and that's why my wife was so livid
at me. Or so it seemed, I placed myself at the must pristine locations all day long
and wrote song after song, just waiting for the night to come, interestingly enough
mic hale Jackson had taken the audiences attention first and baffled as I was I had

to agree to disagree that Halloween was nothing compared to Ryan Hecklers house
party that wasn't occurring indirectly this night. Hey babe you want to go to a party
tonight at Hecklers house. O my god suddenly her frown turned upside down and
she repeated tech moneys word's I indefinitely be ion attendance tonight. The next
few months were long and hard just not inside my pants. My wife and I were
attending classes at the AA group home in southern California. Why you ask,
because there are small inflictions of soft core Showtime porn originated through
out the entire movie, thank you Edward Norton. It must have been morning because
these racing thoughts were not leaving my mind, she walked into the foyer and saw
me basically just like standing there lost in Translation. She looked at me and began
to sob, for her husband was no longer standing there talking to her, Chris she kept
saying over and over whats wrong, as soon as my ears heard her lovely soft voice I
snapped out of it and hugged and kissed my wife, now I won't tell you that the
occurrences that happened later that night were not pg and it involved a fucking
movie I wanted to watch up in the air one of my all time favorites, you know it was
pretty much about a Black Card being used again and again, until George won his
wings. Or at least that's how I remembered it, who knows I think I was high the
night it was playing at the drive in. It was a long and dusty road that spread wide
across the country side, she was driving and I loved the fact that she was I was
drinking a coca cola, the taste was invigorating to me I believed in her obvious
capabilities and that's what supported our beautiful life. She chose to put the pedal
to the medal and we arrived early to Tuscon Arizona 10 hours early. And the only
reason we did was because the sun never sets early in prison. I remember as I was
a young man in college attending the University of Yale, and I always thought to
myself what is this existence outside were daShe didn't seem to mind though. Her
legs were pressed against my hips. Your forgetting one thing the convenience store
was closed tonight and we didn't get the loods, I don't care she said over and over.
If anyone was capable of publishing a lie them if believe you. 3 years later I woke up
with hey besides me she hadn't eaten and her skin was turning on herself she
couldn't keep up with me. I felt interested and I deciding know how to let her in I
simplified her emotions no matter what it was that she gave to me. Synergy was
working well. I wanted to let her see that however all I ever heard from her was my
man my man. The morning turned into dusk and we retired to our berk and grey. d
for the evening. The only problem was that our one blanket simply want enough to
keep her breasts warm and dyno aaron desperately needed those to eat besides her
was me and besides me was us. There was traces of a raisin in the sun forever there
was a paycheck on the countertop the African American female that abided with me
knew that as well. The way of the budda was not a coincidence. Sometimes I think
to myself what a perpetual thought of nature. However I have been there in both
my attributes and my attire! What you ask yourself is greater than that? Nothing
and everything. The blood of the land and all else in between God damnit, hello,
there has to be a way to solve certain things you would think, however some may
discredit the idea of being happy so we think with ones own securities. There in the
meaningful aberrations have been a select few that not only act as Jessee eisenberg
but others that have never considered being Steve Jobs. I'm securely fastened in my
exact disagreement about streaming your time kind sir, and what do you mean by
that, I suppose the one I'd not only singular however it is both. Now I have been to

the thundering to see alligators and coun t dramas living in the bayou. And right
there sir you have discredited your entire theory. Two words The two sides are
personified in here and there. If I was a college man I wouldn't hesitate to ask the us
government for a handout. I guess you could say is the same thing as a homeless
man collecting money from his or her social security checks once a month, not to
mention there children are an enormous part of their one thousand dollars a month.
I've been dealing for so long that even my ankles were hurting when I got to your
house. Why I wondered was the dog attacking it's owner on a leash even, I didn't
have much time to question much the sun was setting and the walk from the top of
the hill to there was a long one, I guess you could say that to even find this house
was a miracle. As I cautiously knocked on there front door. The thought of murder
was the only thing on my mind, I could imagine anything and everything to be
behind the door of that house. The sun was just about to set and the day would be
over until tomorrow and with the ability to see the strangers on the silver, was
upsetting to me most of all. On my third knock I heard a set of footsteps
approaching the front door from inside. The door slowly began to open and my
stomach dropped. An order last stood in front of me and looked squarely T my Tshirt. She didn't say anything, I hesitantly opened my mouth and tried to force the
words of help from my lips but she slowly shut the door instead. The weirdest
moment of my life. Later that night I finally found myself back in Boulder Colorado.
And at the same stores on park Street mall window shopping with little to no money
in my pocket. The mall of America is a predicted rain to cross over the Juarez border
to see the way that we live as opposed to the way they live I feel excited to know
the truth of democracy. We had our certain mentality of a society with no looking
and when stuck add jk Rowling's monarchy. However they've forgotten one thing.
The language barrier. And you'll find the exact same thing on one side of the rocky
mountains as opposed to the other. OK clear the lesson plan for today is the entire
social network in between the other two movies at the box office seeking well I
suppose if you consider the, 007 movies to be perpetual entertainment then if have
to hand it to you. Who in this class feels anything but what I just said the students
never say whiplash. They hadn't even seen the class and good knows I asked if they
had but they simply lied there asses off to me somewhere teaching young college
students the ethics of today versus the ethics of yesterday was challenging. kind sir
the answer is not whether man give us reading is much more than that it you live in
Phoenix you live in Phoenix. If you pressure in a different zip code lacrosse was the
founder of the bitches in Disney area codes hanging up side dish even. I will answer
your questions but they are not founded upon anything good so why. Yes young
money why, I'll tell you guys the truth many people believe that this class is home
ech in high school as an easy a but I can assure you that that is simply not the case.
It is what it is Nancy cardigan. Many people will accomplish there main want to dos
and there allegations in their life time. The good the bad and the in betweens how
could you have you must have been in between something dreamed and something
that went terribly wrong in the third grade, you must understand it wasn't me. I
came to this works to party rhianna. She said it and craftsman's isbnd it. Once your
very to sir, well whatever the chick is the one spoken of by our doctors D not to
mention Westlake. There really isn't much sense to say I want to go this way and
that way. But as I was describing yesterday. So ladies and gentleman without further

interruptions I must find series, and that's the thing she can't be coerced. She is
special. How dare you find at mk with that tone and understand perfection, are you
ubserd are you mad, yes just doing string theory for fun yes what fun. Look I come
to these possibilities hypothesis procured part tense and never one cent more and I
do know your intentions sir you come here not for her or mainly here. You fucking
spelled that one wrong bitch. I walked out of the garage to meet my sister sitting in
her car. Awkward was my sin I knew the scripture well kate winslet. Little children,
but we are ashamed but jack black days that was yesterday. Your are drunk. Your
drunk Jules your drunk. I am the greatest you hit me high, aren't they great no you
bitch. There not great and I gave you the Heimlich to save you when you gave me
these to save me. I didn't recognize your car must have just gotten back from the
dealership. Drive off the lot with a brand new Mercedes Benz. But how? You've got
nothing to work with here. Let this man go. But kind sir ts JFK I don't give a darn you
let him go, understand? The direct understanding of the nation is not utilitarianism
but it is, Nietzsche many are called but few safe chosen. I have but that's not saying
much it's saying everything. From beginning to china and I'm doing it in the
morning. Trust your mother the live and the hate I swear to god I never considered
it, dies it have to be by the book. You tell at me but I did not start the rain, you did.
How fucking dare you, article to Facebook I hope we can make your stay with us as
comfortable as possible, if there's anything you want don't hesitate to ask. In a
place like this it's simple just look out for them and they'll look out for you. That
must happened one of the greatest said something and I wrote it down. Adjectives
are boring I want to see you cum. In today's society we wake up to Matt lauer. It
makes sense if you listen to the story and stop asking questions. I guess I have the
floor now. Excuse me sir but I have the right to speak in my behalf I am afforded
that right with my constitution rights I am afforded that ability. By the condition of
the united States of America. Your honour if I may I think what may I'd trying to say
is that live is blind, and yes I played football at Notre Dame. As one of the greatest.
But the man spoke and great were his words, they weren't the same as before it
was as if he questioned his own preference in the game of life. I just hope folks will
feel and understand these words, I just write them don't be a judgemental
Californian. The police are not here kind of like Seattle, I guess it's just jurisdiction,
what is the greatest space between you and me, there isn't one o yes week what is
the all what is the allgafhthym to live, the question now is do I want to be with you. I
mean all were talking about is fluid exchange so can we get straight to the sex. I
don't know just tell me your name, I didn't know that you do not want to hear that
suit don't duck with me not you, it's not your fault, you hear me, is not, thank you
for understanding what I am saying and yes I have been to space camp twice, is not
intricate enough, I'm sorry that is not the bills but this is the best that the FBI can
afford, don't push me don't push me. Fuck both of you. The way of the budda was
not a coincidence. Sometimes I think to myself what a perpetual thought of nature.
However I have been there in both my attributes and my attire! What you ask
yourself is greater than that? Nothing and everything. The blood of the land and all
else in between God damnit, hello, there has to be a way to solve certain things you
would think, however some may discredit the idea of being happy so we think with
ones own securities. There in the meaningful aberrations have been a select few
that not only act as Jessee eisenberg but others that have never considered being

Steve Jobs. I'm securely fastened in my exact disagreement about streaming your
time kind sir, and what do you mean by that, I suppose the one I'd not only singular
however it is both. Now I have been to the thundering to see alligators and coun t
dramas living in the bayou. And right there sir you have discredited your entire
theory. Two words The two sides are personified in here and there. If I was a college
man I wouldn't hesitate to ask the us government for a handout. I guess you could
say is the same thing as a homeless man collecting money from his or her social
security checks once a month, not to mention there children are an enormous part
of their one thousand dollars a month. I've been dealing for so long that even my
ankles were hurting when I got to your house. Why I wondered was the dog
attacking it's owner on a leash even, I didn't have much time to question much the
sun was setting and the walk from the top of the hill to there was a long one, I guess
you could say that to even find this house was a miracle. As I cautiously knocked on
there front door. The thought of murder was the only thing on my mind, I could
imagine anything and everything to be behind the door of that house. The sun was
just about to set and the day would be over until tomorrow and with the ability to
see the strangers on the silver, was upsetting to me most of all. On my third knock I
heard a set of footsteps approaching the front door from inside. The door slowly
began to open and my stomach dropped. An order last stood in front of me and
looked squarely T my T-shirt. She didn't say anything, I hesitantly opened my mouth
and tried to force the words of help from my lips but she slowly shut the door
instead. The weirdest moment of my life. Later that night I finally found myself back
in Boulder Colorado. And at the same stores on park Street mall window shopping
with little to no money in my pocket. The mall of America is a predicted rain to cross
over the Juarez border to see the way that we live as opposed to the way they live I
feel excited to know the truth of democracy. We had our certain mentality of a
society with no looking and when stuck add jk Rowling's monarchy. However they've
forgotten one thing. The language barrier. And you'll find the exact same thing on
one side of the rocky mountains as opposed to the other. OK clear the lesson plan
for today is the entire social network in between the other two movies at the box
office seeking well I suppose if you consider the, 007 movies to be perpetual
entertainment then if have to hand it to you. Who in this class feels anything but
what I just said the students never say whiplash. They hadn't even seen the class
and good knows I asked if they had but they simply lied there asses off to me
somewhere teaching young college students the ethics of today versus the ethics of
yesterday was challenging. kind sir the answer is not whether man give us reading
is much more than that it you live in Phoenix you live in Phoenix. If you pressure in a
different zip code lacrosse was the founder of the bitches in Disney area codes
hanging up side dish even. I will answer your questions but they are not founded
upon anything good so why. Yes young money why, I'll tell you guys the truth many
people believe that this class is home ech in high school as an easy a but I can
assure you that that is simply not the case. It is what it is Nancy cardigan. Many
people will accomplish there main want to dos and there allegations in their life
time. The good the bad and the in betweens how could you have you must have
been in between something dreamed and something that went terribly wrong in the
third grade, you must understand it wasn't me. I came to this works to party
rhianna. She said it and craftsman's isbnd it. Once your very to sir, well whatever

the chick is the one spoken of by our doctors D not to mention Westlake. There
really isn't much sense to say I want to go this way and that way. But as I was
describing yesterday. So ladies and gentleman without further interruptions I must
find series, and that's the thing she can't be coerced. She is special. How dare you
find at mk with that tone and understand perfection, are you ubserd are you mad,
yes just doing string theory for fun yes what fun. Look I come to these possibilities
hypothesis procured part tense and never one cent more and I do know your
intentions sir you come here not for her or mainly here. You fucking spelled that one
wrong bitch. I walked out of the garage to meet my sister sitting in her car. Awkward
was my sin I knew the scripture well kate winslet. Little children, but we are
ashamed but jack black days that was yesterday. Your are drunk. Your drunk Jules
your drunk. I am the greatest you hit me high, aren't they great no you bitch. There
not great and I gave you the Heimlich to save you when you gave me these to save
me. I didn't recognize your car must have just gotten back from the dealership.
Drive off the lot with a brand new Mercedes Benz. But how? You've got nothing to
work with here. Let this man go. But kind sir ts JFK I don't give a darn you let him go,
understand? The direct understanding of the nation is not utilitarianism but it is,
Nietzsche many are called but few safe chosen. I have but that's not saying much
it's saying everything. From beginning to china and I'm doing it in the morning. Trust
your mother the live and the hate I swear to god I never considered it, dies it have
to be by the book. You tell at me but I did not start the rain, you did. How fucking
dare you, article to Facebook I hope we can make your stay with us as comfortable
as possible, if there's anything you want don't hesitate to ask. In a place like this it's
simple just look out for them and they'll look out for you. That must happened one
of the greatest said something and I wrote it down. Adjectives are boring I want to
see you cum. In today's society we wake up to Matt lauer. It makes sense if you
listen to the story and stop asking questions. I guess I have the floor now. Excuse
me sir but I have the right to speak in my behalf I am afforded that right with my
constitution rights I am afforded that ability. By the condition of the united States of
America. Your honour if I may I think what may I'd trying to say is that live is blind,
and yes I played football at Notre Dame. As one of the greatest. But the man spoke
and great were his words, they weren't the same as before it was as if he
questioned his own preference in the game of life. I just hope folks will feel and
understand these words, I just write them don't be a judgemental Californian. The
police are not here kind of like Seattle, I guess it's just jurisdiction, what is the
greatest space between you and me, there isn't one o yes week what is the all what
is the allgafhthym to live, the question now is do I want to be with you. I mean all
were talking about is fluid exchange so can we get straight to the sex. I don't know
just tell me your name, I didn't know that you do not want to hear that suit don't
duck with me not you, it's not your fault, you hear me, is not, thank you for
understanding what I am saying and yes I have been to space camp twice, is not
intricate enough, I'm sorry that is not the bills but this is the best that the FBI can
afford, don't push me don't push me. Fuck both of you. I just told you tom what's
been gong on its been gong on for five years. The motto is the same the ability to
stand one above the rest. As I sit and listen to Matthews answers to his questions I
can't help but think about a day in the life of an NYC mayor. Actually he is a pro
skateboarder riding for girl koston instead of winning Julia Roberts heart he win the

audience with more coffee. I keep debating where my life is going and why there's
people shuffling around my garage. The narrator Kris telling me to be afraid. The
title of the movie equals far. After all what's in a name. If my idbn number is at in
place I wouldn't have a problem diagnosing you with the perscripton of love. I was
called a hater once and he just call them fans. Come to think about it I've never
been to the Himalayas. But July has and I see it through her eyes. There a concert in
town pharcide a tribe called quest and I'm deffinately going to be in attendance.
Come to think of it I've never been to west lake. And neither had she. Chocolate.
Donut hanging out on my tile living room floor. So far we had written 72,000
thousands words and all they are antiquated towards here and there. Ok class
what's the answer, um we stole a line from kind sir. I feel dogmatic and no I have
never met Ben affleck but I have seen Argo. Ok here we go. I'll question him
something written in German. Given by brad Pitt. What's your favorite numberz
where were you born I should slay you. Now I have seen since spektacular things in
my life and one of them was the celestial kingdom and I have felt it twice in my life.
I actuallly fixing have seen the god damn celestial kingdom. Chocolate or vanilla.
Huh I heard somebody talking to me I looked up and looked at the woman in front of
me. B say what. You stole my story. Your story? Yes my story. You stole it. There was
absolutely no hesitation in her voice. I looked right and there was two police men
coming into the coffee shop. Say what why would you when consider anything of
me and your property. Except this time there was even more emphasis in her voice.
Her mannerisms did not change in front of me. I was taken back. To my roommate.
Moved in he took full and incredibly and more than necessary abilities over me. I
had been in basic training for several weeks. The only thing that made it even
better was the fact that I am an American. Your wrong sweet heart your wrong
about the past. Because you can repeat it. I wonder if I can look into the eyes of
God like spiderman check this out I study like the book thief German Nazis ran
Germany was it a rou to have the leading teach the entirely of the world that
destroying my words 72,000 of them was ever a good idea. The answer is probably
no. What I an trying to say is that is that I have been to five schools and I never
considered placing my tassel to the right from the left. And then just allowing it to
happen because she doesn't. Love you luke Skywalker. Exact words oops I mean his
matters words that's discrimination. You know what I am going to do is call the
police. And tell them that your straight discriminating G against me and yes I do
belong in 711. And no your freaking c plus plus computer games does not impress
me. Yes but I took several weeks several weeks to create this game from the crayon
of something. Yes but then again I am several years younger than you and smash
that bullshit faade right front of him. Welcome back to the Colin and Matt show.
How many of those margaritas have you had. 1. Nobody amaya nobody. Now check
this out rap masochistic, however think about it. In gods ability to recompense
certain words to your mind while listening to rap .I further more forgot to delay your
chiropractic meanings of self discussion and we never knew call your grandmother
before it too late, choose one and the same exact thing applies. However you how
would be a question mark the story must continue comes a small voice from the
back of the classroom excuse me why aren't you leading I dont knowthe dean of
my existence is coming to destroy me and it's not TV top of the morning. And
Knoxville is already trying to range his own life weird I know you dont kno theres no

one here Brian, you wish no I know. The next day Brian died and we all mourned his
departure most of the students didn't rally care, what a shame I thought. Living in
Colorado is a crazy adventure it reminds me of Seattle the weed is terrific.
Legalization of weed is Maggnificent theres a lot of cats a lot of cats Christopher I
just got back from corprus Christi what about you in sorry sir but I have never been
there you absolutely have to try it the time of your life Christmas is over so is new
years Eve what a great year 2015 that is I hope 2016 is just as great now what is it
that we were just talking about hmmmmmmmm I'm not really sure as the class
ended I noticed her looking at me so why was she so interested in need when we
sing when need dentists anymore. I once heard in my classes in school at metro
that the classes of society were meet for the perfect way of living especially the
past present future tense of adverbs in Spanish class Griselda for it all right if we
believe in the time period of philosophers of our time there is one that can not be
denied his name is Jordan cloward speak his name and die. What's this I owe it to
myself no you owe it to me cause I'm going to wakt up And I'll be 50 and that's fine
but if you are I'll fucking kill now class there are several things I want you guys to
realize a couple things pertaining to aesthetics which if this your professor isnt
actually standing in front of you I am currently in my jail cell in Arapahos county jail
pretending to be a teacher, eat pray love eat pray love z Julia Roberts. See the most
dramatic thing in this god awful movie, and I say that with love is the story line it
sucked jk but seriously the movie sucked, makes you wonder huh? Anyways the
green and purple dinosaurs are tasty such as Eminem, but I'm pretty sure it's still
considered a DUI, correct DUI. Now class let's all turn or attention on Matthew and
make fun of him. O professor Thomas that aint cool trust me bitch you need this o
oki guess, 29 minutes later after we all had a terrific rou.I dismissed. The class back
onto the streets of davis California I could remember it well me and khoo were going
seea movie spiderman and oceans 12 was being advertised in the lobby of the
movie theater so I had to wonder to myself where was my mind at this point lots
and lots of responsibility in el Paso. If we were ever got to qualify as a unit to deploy
to Iraq. Then we had better get our sit together as the popular phrase went. Now
class can anybody tell me this simple when for me m the room was quiet where and
when was the internet created? And how? Seriously one of the handover men in the
class where was it created? The room feel silent, it seemed like the students had
fallen asleep. What the fucki thought? Me I once had a pet hexameter and there
came a day when I had to excuse there was many instances when I had to leave the
hamster at home and hope you didnt die on his own accord there were a mini
instances in the February to mom the 2001 when I had to come home and dictate
the ownership between me and my brother Matt and so to speak he was a dumbass
got the hamster wet put him in the microwave to dry him off and these hamster
exploded I kid you not I fell in love with that hamster the day I met him and once he
exploded in microwave I found myself quite sad mini instances at night I would cry
myself to sleep as is any instant in life I find myself more progressive when I try my
hardest especially when my hardest is harder than I can handle knowingly I have
studied the Arts of mini philosophers including Marcus a really is plate of the
Republic and soccer to use his people over the course of my lifetime unfortunately I
tried my hardest and my

art is was not good enough given my grades are dictated in my Spanish class from
Griselda before she can anybody in later that night I set up all night contemplating
what was then the best day of my life why though probably the simple fact that I
was quite indeed happy with my lecture and the classes altogether terrific answer
about the internet for all I hadnt reached and I knew we where in the right place of
our textbooks Tupac was subject of the day Ive seen his face and I believe Tupac for
life as many of my considering instead as well so that means set I have reasons to
believe that Tupac Shakur is Jesus Christ as I mentioned this the entire class shuffled
looking at each other and then casually look at me for answers the only answer I
could conjure was two packs of Boise certainly wanted to change the world and as a
class we considered others that tried as well some believe that we need it have a
Tupac or anyone such as Martin but you know who did Michael Jackson as he
claimed dinner song class whats in a name and if it is true then why doesnt a title
mean anyone harm are conclusion that day was simple many have tried to save the
world and Minnie have but not like Jesus Christ just the way he spoke no wonder
people thought he was lying the author of such work clarify the name of Christ killed
herself him I have traveled many miles searching for Christ as did my daughter
leaving every day in May to find winter there are others that simply stand in the
way of progression I dont want to say no names but yeah so anyways is all in all we
said after sterling her soul to her audience Houston is beautiful Salt Lake City has 2
Chainz Dallas has 911 or 1 and Conroe an idiot and a chance of a better career
selling Kirbys I can never forget generosity of some to me when I desperately
needed it knowledge is spontaneous and learning is coherent to not all but I smoke
two cigarettes at the Plaza that way you could find me especially the fact that I was
with Leonardos Caffery out in the first place someone comes speak for me the

world is cruel and the destructive is not 123 anymore that is thank you Kyle great
words of wisdom from yours truly I hesitate to sit next to him in the Commons a
gram you but I certainly am glad that I did because he was Jesus Christ word was
the last words spoken flabbergasted in latter Alice something about to this story
hes to be written this evening said the young man to his professor prove What boy
youre so full of shit I hesitate thanks Dwayne Super Mario Brothers it all in the hip
so many people wonder to themselves adoration at anything for my textbook I shall
discuss Essex you can expect this book to be at least 500 pages which as in any big
fish Moulin Rouge the dude will be quite uncomfortable and the lady dude said
something in reply wish I don't care what it was need to do I give a f*** what it was
now at this 3000 level class all the students pilot in and certainly Josie in the
classroom which from my ankle seen to be determined by the ones with the most
expensive phones 15 minutes later I you have saved my life several times times
new Roman I realize that but did you practice thats a two-way Road singular being
another pretense to inviting the spirit I could endeavor to tell you but then I be in
never rang to just press record there have been several however this time Im ready
yes maybe but if I could just get back to the getting I be okay and yes you are
wrong about that said yes you are definitely wrong about that have felt and seen
several instances at scheduled me in the art of knowledge before the thought was a
bra to an angel came to me and taught me how to live there is white there is
majestic and theres more than that but um you see I was the one that site not you
you you use that phrase in your writing however I'm lying in your economics are
only as much as you want for Skype by name other than yourself again why do I
have to sell my boat to prove my superior you're ready to you it was quite
interesting to me how you so a certainly place that? Once you step on that

skateboard skateboard yet that one over there return my head and I didn't see one I
hesitated then look the opposite direction hoping to see what this man said he saw
which was a skateboard and still I didn't come across it I bet you but um you see I
was the one that site not you you you use that phrase in your writing however I'm
lying in your economics are only as much as you want for Skype by name other than
yourself again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my superior you're ready to
you it was quite interesting to me how you so a certainly place that? Once you step
on that skateboard skateboard yet that one over there return my head and I didn't
see one I hesitated then look the opposite direction hoping to see what this man
said he saw which was a skateboard and still I didn't come across it I bet you didn't
know that but um you see I was the one that site not you you you use that phrase in
your writing however Im lying in your economics are only as much as you want for
Skype by name other than yourself again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my
superior youre ready to you it was quite interesting to me how you so a certainly
place that? Once you step on that skateboard skateboard yet that one over there
return my head and I didnt see one I hesitated then look the opposite direction
hoping to see what this man said he saw which was a skateboard and still I didnt
come across it I bet you didnt know that food has a but um you see I was the one
that site not you you you use that phrase in your writing however I'm lying in your
economics are only as much as you want for Skype by name other than yourself
again why do I have to sell my boat to prove my superior you're ready to you it was
quite interesting to me how you so a certainly place that? Once you step on that
skateboard skateboard yet that one over there return my head and I didn't see one I
hesitated then look the opposite direction hoping to see what this man said he saw
which was a skateboard and still I didn't come across it I bet you didn't know that

food has a spirit but um you see I was the one that site not you you you use that
phrase in your writing however Im lying in your economics are only as much as you
want for Skype by name other than yourself again why do I have to sell my boat to
prove my superior your do to you it was quite interesting to me how you so a surely
place that? Once you step on that skateboard skateboard yet that one over there
return my head and I didnt see one I hesitated then look the opposite direction
hoping to see what this man said he saw which was a skateboard and still I didnt
come across it I bet you didnt know that food has a spirit and I can prove that one
too this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally appease by is own
understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated I live my f******
head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and put only means one thing
that he was proud of me and the way he played everything in perfection I chose to
look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn't see it Russian roulette
yes that's what choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was written according to
his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure behind me and this
it was a solid skateboard however since I knew he was a whole leave any could
interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the word had and not
me so again I had let the reader to different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee
I'd read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for several seconds and
then he did something that both started and confused me see class slowly to his left
and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way this man was honest I
fed tell if you was morally appease by is own understanding my mind Carol a
without he had previously stated I live my f****** head off when I had admitted the
devil has tennis to and put only means one thing that he was proud of me and the
way he played everything in perfection I chose to look behind me and make up

some excuse why I just didn't see it Russian roulette yes that's what choice dad I
have I had laid the word and it was written according to his religion I chase I slowly
mood my head to the right and pure behind me and this it was a solid skateboard
however since I knew he was a whole leave any could interpret every thought and
realize it was him that you use the word had and not me so again I had let the
reader to different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee I'd read but there
skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for several seconds and then he did
something that both started and confused me see class slowly to his left and before
his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way he this man was honest I fed tell if
you was morally appease by is own understanding my mind Carol a without he had
previously stated I live my f****** head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis
to and put only means one thing that he was proud of me and the way he played
everything in perfection I chose to look behind me and make up some excuse why I
just didn't see it Russian roulette yes that's what choice dad I have I had laid the
word and it was written according to his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to
the right and pure behind me and this it was a solid skateboard however since I
knew he was a whole leave any could interpret every thought and realize it was him
that you use the word had and not me so again I had let the reader to different
natural validity yes tender hearted Lee I'd read but there skateboard he saw neither
of us off spoke for several seconds and then he did something that both started and
confused me see class slowly to his left and before his eyes reach to destruction I
knew by the way he did it this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally appease
by is own understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated I live my
f****** head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and put only means one
thing that he was proud of me and the way he played everything in perfection I

chose to look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn't see it Russian
roulette yes that's what choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was written
according to his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure behind
me and this it was a solid skateboard however since I knew he was a whole leave
any could interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the word had
and not me so again I had let the reader to different natural validity yes tender
hearted Lee I'd read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for several
seconds and then he did something that both started and confused me see class
slowly to his left and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way he did it
he this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally appease by is own
understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated I live my f******
head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and put only means one thing
that he was proud of me and the way he played everything in perfection I chose to
look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn't see it Russian roulette
yes that's what choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was written according to
his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure behind me and this
it was a solid skateboard however since I knew he was a whole leave any could
interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the word had and not
me so again I had let the reader to different natural validity yes tender hearted Lee
I'd read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for several seconds and
then he did something that both started and confused me see class slowly to his left
and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way he did it he was he was
conversing time and this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally appease by is
own understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated I live my
f****** head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and put only means one

thing that he was proud of me and the way he played everything in perfection I
chose to look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn't see it Russian
roulette yes that's what choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was written
according to his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure behind
me and this it was a solid skateboard however since I knew he was a whole leave
any could interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the word had
and not me so again I had let the reader to different natural validity yes tender
hearted Lee I'd read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for several
seconds and then he did something that both started and confused me see class
slowly to his left and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way he did it
he was he was conversing time and this man was honest I fed tell if you was morally
appease by is own understanding my mind Carol a without he had previously stated
I live my f****** head off when I had admitted the devil has tennis to and put only
means one thing that he was proud of me and the way he played everything in
perfection I chose to look behind me and make up some excuse why I just didn't see
it Russian roulette yes that's what choice dad I have I had laid the word and it was
written according to his religion I chase I slowly mood my head to the right and pure
behind me and this it was a solid skateboard however since I knew he was a whole
leave any could interpret every thought and realize it was him that you use the
word had and not me so again I had let the reader to different natural validity yes
tender hearted Lee I'd read but there skateboard he saw neither of us off spoke for
several seconds and then he did something that both started and confused me see
class slowly to his left and before his eyes reach to destruction I knew by the way he
did it he was he was conversing time and and 50 shades of grey was created now
Ive never seen the Eiffel Tower and I dont own enough backpacks to call apply for a

banquet in the Sahara Desert so I left it as it is praise be to the man that gave the
one Lourdes plan for rectify for real I remember it like it was just yesterday PE was
in session and 14th students in Columbine died during it I still couldn't believe she
assumed I had to stolen her story because I did story stories story 6 months later I
have 9 months to live give it prescribe medicated lip appointment but that not what
it was I ran I remember it like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in the sky it lube
go over my soul as was the nature and Westlake I don't know as single I still couldn't
believe she assumed I had to stolen her story because I did story stories story 6
months later I have 9 months to live give it prescribe medicated lip appointment but
that not what it was I ran I remember it like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in
the sky it lube go over my soul as was the nature and Westlake I don't know as
single person that side I still couldn't believe she assumed I had to stolen her story
because I did story stories story 6 months later I have 9 months to live give it
prescribe medicated lip appointment but that not what it was I ran I remember it
like I was yesterday the Sun hung deep in the sky it lube go over Please carefully
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proof we recommend that you scale the PDF to fit the size of your printer paper. My
thoughts 6 By Christopher Maxwell Thomas "The end for now" How do you say that
word again? I don't know I really don't. Have you ever been to West Lake? Question

mark wa sthe only thing that she ever knew, I fell into her arms, gun shots fell from
the sky. I gave her my sympathy and she gave me her open blouse, all yoiu had to
do was be me. I put ont he clay all over my face, I don't even like Taylor Swift. Who
the fuck is she, I wondered all she thought about was kissing me, when my tongue
was in her mouth she was happy, other than that my perdiction is that your not that
happy. I don't need that much help, I have everything I need, anf the Goofy Movie is
still pending. "Dad it's written on the frigde so you'll never forget, I promise you it's
there. Your welcome, Tigge I love you, she said the same fucking thing - It's the
same fucking thing, it's a 98, so who involves themselves with one verse from the
bible, i have arsenal from my ammo. There isn't an airport I haven't been to, "Well
of coasre JFK," I said, yea but that airport is world fanous I mean just the first three
letters, John F Kennedy the president of these United States. Her hair shone of white
pearl diaomands - I fell into the ool last night, which woke up the baby, wife pissed
and helicopter flying overhead. "I've heard of this happiness that you speak of. "My
only contention is that it doesn't exist." This truth is the truth. According to who?
Was the premises and the conclusion that I didn't know.""I have been laid you
know." "That's called loyalty." I fell into her arms and her open blouse. It wasn't
enough. The splinter i knew was one of love and ajility. And love mainly but never
anger, and to the best schools in the nation never coming down. Damnit private, I
don't care how uncomfortable your boots are your wearin them, love and
dibatarary, love and disease, I suppose. It wasn't enough there wasn't enough
bullets in the gun. I was a coward I couln't save her, but I did save myself. " Yea i fell
into her love once, really how was it. Well it was something of deep importance to
me. And something I'll never forget. "That fall hurt alot, and i don't want any one to
worry about me, words misplaced adjetives pronounced incorrectally. Son by the

looks of it you have created a royal piece of shit. But you didn't even freaking read
it, I mean what the fuck? I put it there the computer scans the document and the
printer has a job too, who worries about Kurt Cobain, the king, Nirvana. the beautiful
the one, you wrote a novel. "half a novel." "And no one wanted to publish it." Yea
but still. Daddy it's cold, I couldn't prescribe anything to save the peace untold, and
the falsified prescription neccesary for the one and the two. However in the one
lettered word was there and your sperm was allocated with billions of chances she
had all of them towards the ovaries and hopefully one might make it, It was raining
out side, George clooney never looked better and especially not in El Paso. This
could've been the greatest day ever. However the gunshots that killed Martin were
not his. I gave my life to deny your christ. "Now think about the godamn trombone
and the song we were about to play, Kyle singing in front of the school, maybe just
the freshman and the sophmores, the truth is we no longer know what is good and
what is bad. Take off these cuffs and soon how I will. Take off theses ties and
possibly I will take off these persons following me. Serie why. The inagrigation of the
train was mostly the first on goer that maskks his face in public. He doesnt have to
take these notes the prescriber was non other than the man right beside him taking
notes of himself and again his languauge types predictrable. There was a book
written that exemplafied his masquerade glasses and the phantom of the opera
being played int he backround. the master of the house fallen down below many,
the few that couldn't make it were, o my fucking god"? what was tha noise and why
did ypu say it i looked right i looked down, cardboard never found it was dark and i
got a little confused i began the slow march up the street i knew that barthalamule
would be there waiting for me. This time the weed was not in my posession. this
was sure to startle barthalamule, tyo the point of discomfart. 1,000 dollars and why

does it only come with verizon? So many characters and only one perhaps I may
give my two cents , perhaps perhaps. "Goodbye to you and goodbye to you as i
entered the elevator. Instagram models. TRouble at every corner. False truths. "I'm a
bartender." I'ma model however yo are on instagram. BUt you my friend are not an
intern sir. Take my words group them in a lake of fire and brimstone, and yet with
the lack of sufficient medical supplies. We would be in a boat off the starship side of
the bow. on Titanic. I have hopes and dreams i hope to someday be an architect.
And yes everyone says that they want the same thing from life, to become rich. Not
anything else could come between me and the milk. You see people only know what
you tell them. If for instance you tell them that the world is flat they would have a n
oral obligation to somehow understand your words. "O my god have you seen it."
Question mark, prescribed eductaion is grand on any occation. "for me all I know is
that when i showe up for ypour sorviegt. The first thing i do is head up for the bar to
get myself intoxified to simply get myself to fit in with the crowd. Especially from
emmanuel Kant is perspective is in some quotations just as immovable as a
sedimentary rock that has come to fluition yet. You know the human body is so dang
introcate that we no longer read comic books explaining it oribital movement
through time and space, and these that fell through, and those that fell through the
cracks at a PTA meeting because not only are you doing in front of the kids , your
doing it in the day time. Hold on a second your a first year grad student you
probably just got done reading some historian marvin gaye and your going to be
convinced of that until nextt year you come in here reciting some pete garryian
historian, until your preaching Bill Maher, or hader take your pick. And also a
stockbroker not an astronaut, hold on a second MIndy first of all you freakin died
tonight and i saved you. Now I need you to take a seat besides this beautiful

stewardess abd tell me everything is not ok, nor ever will be ok, and god damnit
swear it on this clean prestine bible, for christ sake, and if you don't do it timely you
will die tommorrow. What that its ok to be a janitor, that it's ok to be a loser that it's
ok to be hanging around these retarted gorrilas, is better than working for the CIA,
breaking code sitting at a desk for eight hours a day. I mean what? And why do you
do the dew when it's technically adiet and it's a ninety 6? The individuals screaming
to the summons of the king is arbitrary to thast of the two that started the
statyement. "I need the algirhythym, unfortunallety it has not been created quite
yet, I'm not sure what you are referring to, and if that being the case how could we
prescribe to the numbers and letters ascribbed to the forementioned allgarhythym?
Prelude to the begining. This fraction is prescribed by Russel Crowe the man himself
and we love him for it, THE END Or is it? A bitch here a bitch here, I put my beer
here and i come back and it's not there I mean who does that? I mean what the
heck. I met you as drove down and through the trapezze. I had nothing on my mind
but your thighs and your open blouse. Here it has the lights in the piazza so much
for the Buell. As a matter of fact who the heck cares? NY Times NY. Save the fucking
spotted owl if you really wanted to. Here's a dollar bill. Entrancing prescribing the
dollar that rules the buttons on her see through dress. I could come to your house or
mine. It really doesn't matter. Have you been keeping secrets from the CIA and
come to think about it we didn't have the opportuntiy to question you or your
greatest assosiate. I dont neccesarily mind when you miss these meetings, I person
i know did. He did, SLC VA hospital, the truth is that even though. I a fresh cup of so
inside the previous shop. That was a lie in the beginning. I haven't ever been there,
and you have so why did I lie to you in the beginning? arms in arms we stand,
forever, fuck the cops i live here thank you but the circus has left town and in other

words I am better than you. Whose lie did you determine? I don't know?... She rode
in on a v12 my eyes must have been misconducted from your patience. All day long
I spend my money all day long i turn my money into clouds. I need your dirty words
right in my ears, do you have a prefferance, she asked me possibly the left ear. Tell
me what I need to hear, obviously once you hear it you surely can not deny it, she
asked me in her decent yet unrelenting voice, i however haven't ssen your smile in
so long, I almost wanted her to turn her frown upside down, i wanted to turn her
blouse all the way around an open a single solitude button from the inside, as i
watched Danielle Radcliffe come from the oysters or back alleys of JK rowlings,
demise I turned my head to the skies and decided that i would use my own spells
against her to counterattck the blow i had just barely recieved from Lord Voldemort,
Tom Riddle or better yet the one that shall not be named. Are you a king then i am
that i am, and if i understood what that meant i would release you unto high palaces
and landmarks back from 1963. At this point the conversation had dampered to a
low whisper if that and she agreed to disagree with my tender touch, o why did i
have to put off my day of sleep and wake at her exspense until it was too late. I
tried 17 extra times to find my nitche in this world, my best friend wanted me to
become something great she always ate her dinner beside me so that i couldn't
have questioned her authority ever again. We were in love and she loved the dogs
as well, Two of them we had the white picket fence and a whole lot more. SEventeen
years later i have found myself at the crossroads of my life do i retire and get this
job that so many are arbitrarilly pushing me towards or do I fold and take the
Ruddebakers style life and work in a factory, The truth is i was never much good at
sweating the small stuff, a single line came to me as i was wading through my own
lattitude which was amaya you get back in this hpuse and you are defianettaly

always welcome to come back to church at any time that you choose. I knew this as
well as she. The other i said to my friends was off the chain, I hadn't even opened
my mouth and already i was falling into her open blouse, so the moral of the story is
this we have to take a piece of fabric a sewing utensil and possibly another
pensieve BY: Tobybuddyskate from Dannielle, and create our own universes, fear or
no fear it must be done. Marie Antoinette was the leader at this point and heaven
knows her blouse was always open to any one that had the correct amount of
mullaw to spend. And that pretty much covers the rest of the My Thoughts series
written by MR. Christopher Maxwell Thomas, thank you all! the real end My
Thoughts 5 By: Christopher Maxwell Thomas Threes were a discovery of the
generation of thieves, off the chart when it comes to Sometimes I possibly think to
myself how could you do this to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I
loose myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize. The
miossion is complete and we all jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes. listening
to authority. The common used expression that money grows on trees, is also true
the exact opposite way. Bob undertook a philosophy class that in his university in
Metro state college in Denver. That taught him the perception of the two pyramids
of corrections. Three top of the pyramid is the exact same as the levels leading up
to it. Bob was always a gifted sportsman everyone knew him and that his
Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this to me? I live in a utopia,
I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I loose myself at a
Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is complete and we all jiust graduated.
Now the sadness comes. best friend Bryan knew this as well, and confided in many
few people. Bob took several second languages and thought of auditing a class at
Metro State University. The thing that neither they nor their class mates knew was

that these two men worshipped the devil. After ascertaining this information Bob
decided to start creating money from money. In other words take a small amount of
money and turn it into a Sometimes I possibly think to myself how could you do this
to me? I live in a utopia, I cry I want to, no I have to. I loose myself at a taco bell. I
loose myself at a Franktown, and I apologize. The miossion is complete and we all
jiust graduated. Now the sadness comes. large amount of money or larger amount.
The equation was quite simple. Premise A: Money doesnt grow on trees Premise B:

Is it good, the trick was, the trick was sticky the

lead up was sketch, both were. I agree, then you

can handle it twice. I could, personally I dont think
the tools are here, you have nothing to work with
here, previously it was the president, you are under
qualified to personify, say what? Nothing else was
written, nothing? That cant be said. Well it is both
sketch, what is there to be done? Hit it. It was, I
stood, slanted as it was hit it, Personify after who
should it have been?
Later the trick was more qualified, the spot was

clean, both greatest clean of all four. Im confused

about your perception here, you got to let the
bottle spin, why? Always, excuse me, always?
Thats what I said! To the left slowly, yep.
I ollied turned flipped the board caught hit fell onto
the trucks rolled smooth.
This was all we needed to stay afloat, we fell
asleep inside the bus on the way home,
AS I listen I feel the vibe, the keg is large and the
line is long I wonder if Ill ever get the cup in my
hand filled, with the red juice. The lights are soft
and the music is medium to loud, bass on the
small. I walk around looking at all of it, men women
my friends the love was there the spirit was strong,
maybe because I can float, maybe because I had

no condoms, I usually didnt and you can check my

pockets, I slept with her anyways. We had fun.
Downstairs was covered in blue low lights the gong
was in the air but not much of it, we walked to the
back wall, and when we got there I took my pants
off and put it in her, she moaned a little bit, so I did
it again, when we finished, I put a condom on and
walked upstairs. It was weird she met me up there
on top of the stairs I had a mask on it was salty and
crude, she ripped her condom off my dick

Blatant disrespect there are only two that survive

the on that comes between you meet in the middle
there is a good choice a bad choice then an ok

choice thank you Justin khoo. My kidney my kidney

I am about to die but they did not die in vain I will
not die sober get the fin Loods, I have to disobey
the book has been published your telling me it
processes if it doesnt prosper your telling me, me,
me? The which was fucking terrific get up it does
not hurt, the catalyst staples Pepsi Coors brewing
the way is here it is coke this is called cocaine it is
your those are rookie numbers through choose this
is what I say never going to happen its a new gift,
captain then dead, captain its for my dad it has
blood on it, 2 thousand may7vbe well take it back
to the middle, my game was obsolete to the lions
den and I had no quarrels with god, and we

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