Learning Set Schedule - January 2016 Starters

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January 2016 starters

All students to submit a clear working title of their dissertation topic (see additional information overleaf)
12 noon on 8th April, 2016; from this the PG programme leader will allocate students to members of
Learning set timetable
Students should submit their work on or before the date specified. Learning sets should be
arranged no later than the date specified.
There are 5 learning sets to be conducted before the end of term.


Task / Chapter

In Learning set

set 1

Submit by 9 am on
25th April


L/set 1 to be
(see additional
conducted no later
information overleaf)
than 6th May
Learning Development Group workshop 1 COMPULSORY
(Students must bring along their mini-proposal for review)

set 2

set 3

Students must submit

a 1,000 word mini

11th May 2016 BS1/26 LDG Room

Students must submit
their literature review
(Chapter 2),
Submit by 9 am on
comprising a critical
6th June
analysis of the
literature that
L/set 2 to be
addresses the overall
conducted no later
aim and informs the
than 17th June
research questions.
Plus refined research
Submit by 9 am on
Students to submit
6 July
their Design and
methodology (Chapter
3), comprising
L/set 3 to be
justification of what
conducted no later
and how data is to be
than 22nd July
collected and over
what period. Clarity
should also be given
as to methods chosen
with supporting
literature, and a clear
relationship of
research questions
and how these will be
Examples using a

Students to present
their proposal as a
5/10 minute ppt

Discussion of
students written
submission of the key
literature & review of
refined research

Discussion of
students written
submission of their
design and methods,
including traceability
to each research

sample of data
collected is useful
Summer period

J Oldroyd Statistical analysis (drop in workshop) OPTIONAL

Date, Time and room TBC

set 4

Submit by 9 am 26th
L/set 4 to be
conducted no later
than 7th October


set 5

Students to collect
data and submit their
initial analysis i.e.
show quantitative and
or qualitative results
with a written
descriptive analysis
which shows that you
understand what your
results mean (Chapter

Students must present

their ppt presentation
Students will receive
feedback on the
presentation in
conjunction with the
written submission

Students must also

prepare a ppt
presentation to
discuss the data i.e.
where the data has
been collected and
what students intend
to do with it.
J Oldroyd: Quantitative analysis workshop / J Drake: Qualitative research
w/c 17th November 2016 Time and room TBC
Learning Development Group workshop 2 COMPULSORY
(Writing frame: Q & A session prompting to improve final presentation of
full document)
w/c 24th November 2016 Time and room TBC
Submit by 9 am 7th
Students must submit
Students must present
their full written data
their ppt presentation
analysis and findings:
L/set 5 to be
both descriptive (l/set
Students will receive
conducted no later
4) and empirical
feedback on the
than 18 November
findings: tying back to
presentation in
their literature
conjunction with the
(Chapter 4). Here,
written submission
your results / findings
must now be relayed
back to key literature,
some of which will
have been debated in
Chapter 2.
Students must also
prepare a ppt

presentation of their
data analysis
In learning set s 3, 4 and 5, students should begin to collect and store their data.
Each of you will have a personalised K:\ drive, accessible only by you. It is very important that you
store your data (and your dissertation) here on a regular basis.
Students must be able to discuss and provide evidence of their data collection that will be used as
part of their analysis and in relation to their research questions. Students should also be very clear
that any qualitative and or quantitative data is traceable to source via specific databases and or
printed financial / non-financial data.
At the end of the final learning set, colleagues should discuss what the Introduction and
Recommendations / conclusions chapters should consist of.
The submission date is Friday 13th January, 2017
Course Assessment Board


Results of dissertations will be released online via MY Students after the Course Assessment Board
Additional information
Each student must submit their work as stated on the timetable above by the requested date.
Your supervisor will then give you written feedback prior to your scheduled learning set.
(a) Clear working title
Students should submit a full working title of their research. The title should describe the
purpose of the dissertation, for example:
1. An investigation into the importance of branding in the airline industry, with a specific
focus on British Airways and the importance of brand loyalty among British Airways
2. Sustainable Business Practice: Can Cloud Computing deliver sustainable business
benefits as part of a Green ICT strategy
3. An investigation on the impact of cultural comparability, diversity and ethical threats to a
fast food restaurant in the UK such as Subway in its strategy for global impact
Additionally, students must submit their

main aim of the research, i.e. a statement that broadly points out what they hope to
accomplish and the desired outcomes from the research, and
a brief explanation of how they plan to accomplish their aim and a rationale why they
have chosen their specific topic

Working titles / research topics must be within the mainstream accounting and finance
All students are allocated a supervisor by the PG leader students cannot choose
their own supervisor
(b) In preparation for Learning set 1: Mini proposal specifics

The mini proposal should consist of the following:

Full research title

overall aim of your research,
research objectives and research questions
provide a sample of your literature, and
details of your research methods

Information and details of workshops presented by the LDG and specific quantitative and
qualitative workshops shall be discussed during the individual workshops

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