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Ayse Erbas

Jennifer Brummett
Oral Live Play Review- Kismet
Prepare a 2-3 minute presentation/review/performance with your partner to be presented on the
18th for Green and Blue section
Form: It can be in the form of a straightforward oral review, a commercial, trailer, television
review, etc. You may choose to be yourself or embody another character.
Content: Mention the theme and discuss the following elements as they either enhance or
support the theme or detract from it.
Presenting Skills: Please do not read from a paper. You may have an outline or index card with
notes, but make eye contact with your audience as well your partners.

Ayse: Hajj is a poet but OH NO! HIS POEMS ARENT SELLING! So what does he do?
Jenny: What any rational person would do in a time like this.
Both: Become a hobo! With a twist!
Ayse: Hajj threatens to curse passing merchants who dont give him money with his magical
powers that are totally real.
Jenny: Because of his lack of hobo skills, he is taken by a gang of dangerous-looking ruffians
who claim that he put a curse on the son of the leader of the dangerous-looking ruffian gang.
Ayse: Hajj says that hell take away the curse on the leaders son with his totally real magical
powers if hes paid.
Jenny: And then Hajj makes it rain because hes rich AF.
Ayse: When Hajj gets back to the bazaar, he finds his daughter, Marsinah being chased by an
extremely attractive orange merchant. (Wink and finger guns at Gwyn)
Jenny: Hajj lets Marsinah buy anything she wants from the bazaar because theyre rich AF.
Ayse: The Caliph immediately falls for Marsinah when they lay eyes on each other at the bazaar.
The only thing is, the Caliph is supposed to marry one of the three Princesses of Ababu.
Jenny: The princesses do this totally awesome dance (moving arms) which is hard AF and no one
can do it, not even the princesses. (rubs neck, tttchhhhhhhh)
Ayse: SO ANYWAY!!! Since Marsinah is rich AF she goes to the house that shes always wanted
to buy and meets the Caliph there (who totally doesnt stalk her to find where she went, or
Jenny: The two fall in love, sing an extremely catchy song (Ayse sings), and plan to meet at the
house again at midnight.
Ayse: (Jenny taps Ayse on the shoulder) OH! Meanwhile, Hajj, who has some newly acquired
lady friends, is approached by everyones favorite chief of police.
Jenny: The chief thinks that Hajj stole the purse of coins that made him rich AF from the ruffian
leader, so, he arrests him and takes away his lady friends. Ohhhh nooooooooooooooo..

Ayse: So the Wazir needs to punish Hajj, right? So hes like Yo, Hajj, Im gonna cut off your
hand. and Hajj is like ermergerd noooooo and then Hajj mah man over here is saved because
that ruffian thug group leader guy recognizes his son as the Wazir (even though its been like
twenty years or something).
Jenny: And then the ruffian dude is like YOOOOO!!!!!!! I FOUND MY SONNN!!!!!!!
Hajjjjjjjjj you actually DID remove the curse. NVM. So Hajj manages to keep his hands!
Ayse: But thats not all. The Wazir heartlessly sends his father to the dungeon because he does
not want to be associated with the bandit scum.
Jenny: Ok remember that Caliph guy who has to marry the dancing princesses? Well, the
Wazir is like NAH M8 dont marry this mystery woman (aka Marsinah aka Hajjs daughter aka
girl whos rich AF because of her dads magical powers) You should marry one of the
Ayse: So the Wazir asks Hajj to stop his daughters marriage because Hajj will become the Emir,
which is the basically the king, but he doesnt know its his daughter whos getting married.
Jenny: Then Hajj realizes that the Caliph and Marsinah are the lovebirds and hes like
ermergerd nooooooo
Ayse: Hajj is talking to his daughter cuz hes like yo. Youre screwed, man
Jenny: And then Marsina is spotted with another man (whos actually just her father). The
Caliph is distraught, and the Wazir is delighted to hear that Hajjs magic has apparently worked.
Ayse: So Hajj becomes Emir. and gets richer AF.
Jenny: The Caliph spots Marsinah in a group of the Wazirs lady friends.
Ayse: Then the Wazirs like, yo, nah. Ima marry her, so you cant. But Marsinah promises to kill
herself that night, if the Caliph marries one of the three princesses.
Jenny: Because the princesses are all so amazing, no one can decide which of them the Caliph
should marry, so Hajj puts a blank tile into the pool, claiming that it will read the name of the
Caliphs destined wife upon removal.
Ayse: But Hajj isnt actually magical. So he secretly gives the Wazir another tablet, which says
the name of one of the princesses, in order to convince him to get into the pool.
Jenny: Hajj attempts to drown the Wazir. Yikes.
Ayse: Then the Wazir is like yo nevermind you can have Marsinah and then the Caliph and
Marsinah get married!
Both: Yay! Happy ending!
Jenny: Oh my god, whend you see it?
Ayse: The eighth of April dude.
Jenny: OH MY GOD DID YOU SEE SAM NEWMAN??? (shakes Ayse)
Both: screaming
Jenny: Hes such a good comedic pauser! Sam Newman as Hajj is the best.
Ayse. True!!! Did you see Marsinah played by Annabelle Leete? She has the voice of an opera

Jenny: Oh and so does Cole Sebastian when he plays the Wazir. I love his laugh sm!!!
Ayse: SSAAMAMMEEE. What about that set tho!
Jenny: I love the color scheme and the archway with the swans! All the little designs mustve
taken forEVER!!!!!! Dio Cramer is the best1!!!11
Ayse: And the costumes? They are so elaborate and gorgeous, girlfriend.
Jenny: Kelly Newman OConnor slaying it again.
Ayse: I loved the lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Shout out to Christine Monyak and her
wicked lighting ideas!
Jenny: I cant believe Hajjs mic went out during his first Solo! SMH Max Kittner. But other than
that, you the bomb, Max. That is such a well-written song!
Ayse: And its played so beautifully by the pit orchestra! The director, Kelly Newman OConnor,
uses her mad directing techniques to convey a theme fate guides everyone, and can lead to
triumphs as well as consequences.
Jenny: I love how all the characters are connected to each other through fate.
Ayse: Thats deep.
Set design- Dio Cramer
Costume designer: Kelly Newman OConnor
Lighting design: Christine Monyak
Sound design: Max Kittner
Mention 3 actors:
Hajj- Sam Newman/Ari Goldbloom-Helzner
Marsinah: Annabelle Leete/Karuna Nandkumar
Caliph: Jack Russ/Andre Colon
Wazir: Cole Sebastian/ Noah Friedlander
Directing techniques:
Director: Kelly Newman OConnor

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