Essay English Lapeña

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The Real leader of the revolution

Snowball, is a character that have a lot of influence in the first part of the novel Animal
Farm, as soon as he is introduced in the novel, we can see that he have the abilities and
the influence to lead the animals to the progress. He introduce to the farm politics that
benefited all the animals like the introduction of the education or the construction of the
windmill, also he preserve Old Majors ideas writing the Seven Commandments on
the wall of the farm. We can learn more about the role of this character and his
characteristics by analysing deeply three points: What will happen if Snowball will be
in the power all the time, how he influenced the farm and the animals and how was the
relationship between Napoleon and Snowball.

First of all we know that Snowball was exiled in the novel of animal farm by Napoleon,
Napoleon uses his force against Snowball because he was losing his popularity against
him. But what will happen if this evet didnt occur? Well we can say that the story could
be a lot of different, first we can see that Snowball sacrifices everything to the better of
all animals and he always protect the ideas of animalism, also Snowball have more
vision than Napoleon in the future he tries to spread the ideas of revolution to the other
farms while Napoleon ensure more the things.

The influence of Snowball during the novel is very high he is always present in the
mind of the animals, so very quickly he assume the role of the leader of the rebellion so
its a very important thing in the novel with his politics he influenced a lot the time, but
as soon he was exiled by Napoleon, he erased all the politics of Snowball and destroy
the popularity that he had.

The relationship between Napoleon was not very healthy. Napoleon didnt like
Snowball at all, he saw him as an enemy, because Snowball was a much better leader
and appealed more successful by other animals. They always had different intentions,
like for example in their plans of using the windmill. Snowball wanted it to heat the
animals and have electricity (a benefit for all), but in the other case Napoleon he wanted
it only to increase his profit. Like this there are more examples that made Napoleon and
Snowball be enemies.

In conclusion we can see Snowball like the perfect leader of a society who need it, he
cares of all the people and see a better future for all, but he was eliminated by violence
and making the future of the farm worst.

Number of words: 442


Jess Lapea

5to C

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