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What are transgenic foods?

What are positives effects and what are adverse effects for
human beings?
Food and Feed are generally derived from plants and animals which have been grown and bred by
humans for several thousand years. Over time, these plants and animals have undergone substantial
genetic changes as those with the most desirable characteristics were chosen for breeding the next
The desirable characteristics were developed by selecting from naturally occurring variations in the
genetic make-up of those individuals and breeding to combine or enhance these characteristics. In
recent times, it has become possible to modify the genetic material of living cells and organisms
using modern gene transfer technologies. Genes which cause expression of desirable traits (eg
modified starch production and disease resistance in potato) were selected from organisms, such as
bacteria, and transferred into plants, to alter their genetic material (DNA) in order to produce these
desirable characteristics. For example microrganisms have been genetically modified to produce new
pharmaceutical products, plants to produce pest and disease resistance and animals (eg fish) to grow
more rapidly. All organisms modified in such way are called genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
The food and feed which contains or consist of such GMOs, or are produced from GMOs, are called
genetically modified (GM) food or feed. Organisms to which foreign inheritable genes have been
introduced by genetic methods are called transgenic organisms.
The use of GMOs in food can offer benefits in agricultural practices, food quality, nutrition and
health. Today the use genetic modification has already shown that an increased biological resistance
to specific pests and diseases, including those caused by viruses, can reduce the need for chemical
pesticides and decreasing the risk of crop failure. In China the use of GM insect resistant cotton has
dramatically reduced the incidence of pesticide poisoning amongst farmer workers. In the future it
will also be possible to enhance the nutritive value of crops by improving desirable functional
characteristics, such as reduced allergenicity or toxicity as well as altered protein or fat content and
increased phytochemical or nutrient content. This technology may help fighting malnutrition
problems - such as deficiencies in vitamin A, iron, iodine, and zinc.
Introducing a genetically modified food product in the European market is strictly regulated and is
dependant upon an extensive food safety evaluation. Genetically modified plants are firmly checked
for their safety and only plants that are regarded as save are admitted. GMOs have been widely
cultivated since 1997, and now over 60 million hectare are grown worldwide. No adverse effects on
human health have been scientifically recorded in commercialised GM foods, though there have been
unconfirmed reports from various sources, some of which have been scientifically investigated and
found not to be associated with GMOs. In July 2003 the expert committee of the British Science
Reviews panel presented an evaluation of 600 scientific proved studies concerning GMOs. The
result: all previous GMO products are regarded as safe.

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