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1. JEAN-



 2I. PIERRE- b.c.1632, Le Mesnil-St-Georges, Montdidier, Picardie, m. 7 Jan. 1666 Ste. Famille, IO,
CATHERINE RIVET (b.c.1645 St. Marc Etampes, Chartres, Beauce, bur. 9 June 1723 Quebec), d. of
Pierre Rivet and Marie Sorgeault, bur. 2 Mar. 1697 Ste. Famille, IO


b.c.1632, Le Mesnil-St-Georges, Montdidier, Picardie

m. 7 Jan. 1666 Ste. Famille, IO, (contract 7 Jan. 1666- Notaire Becquet), CATHERINE RIVET (b.c.1645
St. Marc Etampes, Chartres, Beauce, bur. 9 June 1723 Quebec), d. of Pierre Rivet and Marie Sorgeault.
bur. 2 Mar. 1697 Ste. Famille, IO

Pierre was in New France before 3 May 1664 when he was the godfather for Catherine Lereau dit
L'Heureux, daughter of Simon and Suzanne Jaroussel of Ste. Famille, IO.

Catherine was engaged to Jean Hardy, however, this was annuled 21 Dec. 1665 (Notaire Becquet) and Jean
married Marie Poire.

On 14 Feb. 1666 Pierre obtained a land grand from the widow of Aillebout, Barbe de Boulogne, who had
been the protector of his wife upon her arrival in New France.

In the Archives de Quebec is a request dated 1720 by Catherine Rivet, widow of deceased Pierre Duchesne,
demanding a letter of restitution against Joseph Villedaigre dit Perot, habitant of the fief of Argentenay in
the county and isle of Saint Laurent.(1)


 I. Marie Madeleine- m. 11 Apr. 1684 St. Francois, IO, Joseph Bonneau (b.c.1651 Vernoux sur
Boutonne, Poitou, m.1. 16 Sept. 1670 St. Francois, IO, Anne LeLong (b.c. 1656 St. Pierre aux Boeufs,
Paris, bur. 13 Feb. 1684 St. Francois, IO), bur. 30 Nov. 1701, St. Francois, IO), bur. 10 May 1750 St.
Francois, IO
 II. Pierre- m. 22 Nov. 1701 St. Francois, IO, Marie Madeleine Buteau (bpt. 24 May 1677 Ste. Famille,
I.O., m.2. 5 July 1706 St. Francois, IO, Dominique Gagne (bpt. 14 Apr. 1684 Cap St. Ignace, bur. 28 July
1755 St. Francois, IO), bur. 5 Mar. 1752 St. Francois, IO), bur. 15 Dec. 1702 St. Francois, IO
 III. Constance- bpt. 12 Feb. 1673 Ste. Famille, IO, m. 2 May 1696 St. Francois, IO, Pierre Lavoie (bpt.
17 Aug. 1666 Chateau Richer, m.2. 10 Feb. 1716 St. Michel de la Durantaye, Marie Madeleine
Tourneroche (bpt. 18 Mar. 1679 Ste. Famille, m.1. 1694 Julien Dumont (b.c.1642 Berniere le Patry,
Bayeux, Normandie, m.1. 2 Nov. 1667 Quebec, Catherine Topsan (b.c.1642 St. Jacques, Dieppe, Rouen,
Normandie, bur. 28 Dec. 1693 St. Jean, IO), bur. 17 May 1715 la Durantaye), bur. 28 Apr. 1736 Berthier
sur Mer), bur. 28 Apr. 1736 Berthier sur Mer), bur. 11 Dec. 1715 Berthier sur Mer
 IV. Genevieve- bpt. 15 July 1675 Ste. Famille, m. 6 Feb. 1696 Chateau Richer, Jacques Plante
(b.c.1657, m.1. 13 Nov. 1686 Ste. Famille, Francoise Turcot (bpt. 16 Apr. 1668 Ste. Famille, d.c.1696),
bur. 17 Mar. 1737 St. Francois, IO)
 V. Marie- bpt. 9 Apr. 1677 Ste. Famille, IO, m.c.1705 Nicolas Verieu (bpt. 19 Jan. 1667 Chateau
Richer, m.1. 28 Apr. 1692 Ste. Famille, Marie Anne Mesny (bpt. 30 Nov. 1672 Ste. Famille, bur. 4 Jan.
1703 Ste. Famille), bur. 29 July 1719 St. Francois)

 VI. Marie Anne- bpt. 23 Oct. 1679 Ste. Famille, IO, m. 17 Feb. 1699 St. Francois, Rene Dompierre
(bpt. 9 Dec. 1679 St. Francois), bur. 16 July 1742 Ste. Famille, IO
 3VII. SIMON- b.c.1681, m. 11 Jan. 1717 Baie St. Paul, MARIE URSULE PERRON (bpt. 2 Feb.
1696 L'Ange Gardien, bur. 1 Apr. 1755 Baie St. Paul), bur. 26 Sept. 1729 Baie St. Paul
 VIII. Rosalie- bpt. 30 Oct. 1683 St. Francois, IO, m. 8 Aug. 1712 Berthier sur Mer, Thomas LaForest
(bpt. 8 Jan. 1685 Beaupre)
 IX. Elisabeth- bpt. 25 Oct. 1685 St. Francois, IO, m. 10 Nov. 1721 Quebec, Jean Baptiste LeCoq dit St.
Onge (bur. 10 Dec. 1742 Quebec), bur. 29 July 1762 Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan
 X. Jacques- bpt. 8 Sept. 1687 Baie St. Paul, m.1. 11 Feb. 1709 Baie St. Paul, Angelique Tremblay (bpt.
26 Sept 1690 Baie St. Paul, bur. 24 Oct. 1715 Baie St. Paul), 2. 28 July 1716 Baie St. Paul, Elisabeth Petit
(bur. 25 Nov. 1754 Baie St. Paul), bur. 8 June 1761 Baie St. Paul


(1) Archives National de Quebec- Inventaire d'une Collection de Pieces Judiciares, Notariales, etc,
Conservess aux Archives Judiciares de Quebec, vol. 2, No.3560

Parish Registers for St. Francois, IO, Baie St. Paul, Ste. Genevieve de Batiscan, Beaupre, L'Ange Gardien,
Ste. Famille, IO, Chateau Richer, St. Michel de la Durantaye, Berthier sur Mer


m. 11 Jan. 1717 Baie St. Paul, MARIE URSULE PERRON (bpt. 2 Feb. 1696 L'Ange Gardien, m.2. 5
Feb. 1731 Baie St. Paul, Olivier Sauton (b.c.1708 Bretagne, bur. 21 Dec. 1743 Baie St. Paul), bur. 1 Apr.
1755 Baie St. Paul), d. of Antoine Perron and Jeanne Tremblay
bur. 26 Sept. 1729 Baie St. Paul


 I. Marie Catherine-
 II. Marie Josephte-
 4III. GENEVIEVE- bpt. 25 Apr. 1719 Baie St. Paul, m. 25 Nov. 1738 Baie St. Paul, JEAN
RINGUET (bpt. 18 July 1717 Coulgens, Angouleme, France)
 IV. Joseph- bpt. 8 June 1721 Baie St. Paul, m. 7 Feb. 1747 Marie Anne Mercier (b.c.1693)
 V. Angelique- bpt. 1 Nov. 1723 Baie St. Paul
 VI. Ursule- bpt. 27 mar. 1726 Baie St. Paul, m. 13 Aug. 1744 Baie St. Paul, Pierre Simard (bpt. 8 Mar.
1717 Petite Riviere, bur. 17 Mar. 1786 Baie St. Paul), bur. 21 Oct. 1777 Baie St. Paul


Parish Registers for Baie St. Paul, Petite Riviere, L'Ange Gardien


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