Proposal Edited01

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To: Djoko Susanto

From: Simon Declerck, Hendryk Yayang Setiawan, Ulumuddin, Nikko.

Subject: Proposal to study the problematic of Telkoms decision

PT Sigma Cipta Caraka or Telkomsigma is Indonesian company which provides
ICT(Information Communication & Technology) solutions and services in Indonesia. It
established in 1987 and currently employing more than 1200 personnel including internationally
certified IT professionals. Sigma offices are located in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor, Surabaya and
Bali. Their Balis office is known as BaliCamp, World Class Software developer which provides
or develops application software focus on banking and financing area. Balicamp is located at Jl.
Raya Pacung no.32A Baturiti, Tabanan Bali. Their solution and services have been implemented
by more than 350 clients from various industries in Indonesia and most of them are companies
which are owned by the state. In early 2008, Sigma was acquired by a subsidiary of the largest
information and telecommunications services provide in Indonesia, Telkom through its
subsidiary, PT Multi Media Nusantara (Metra) with an acquisition value of US $ 35 million and
change its name become Telkomsigma.

According mental load which is owned by their software engineer, Sigma always put their
attention to their employee, it is shown that Sigma always provides unique concept for their
workplace. They implement artificial environment like GooglePlex in their jakartas office and
natural environment in Balicamp. Natural environment is environment in the workplace that can
make employee or worker interact with nature directly, for instance: we can see mountain clearly,
we can hear the sound of the river, fresh air condition because it is located in the mountain, etc.
Otherwise, Sigma also decorates Balicamp with unique concept building, combine between
Joglo and art from west java.
The problem occurs when Telkoms management wants to non-active Balicamp and move all of
the employee at Balicamp to jakarta because Telkom thinks Balicamp is cost-center, they think
that maintenance cost for its building is very costly.All of Balicamps employee refuse this
decision and choose to stay in Bali because most of the best software engineer in Sigma comes
from Balicamp and they feel that Balicamp is the best environment or workplace for their
software engineer.
Balicamp also hiredexternal ergonomic consultant for their office. They want to know effect of
their natural environment on their software engineer performance and level stress and compared
with the other environment or workplace. The results are their employees performance is better
if they work in natural environment rather than artificial environment or cubicle and their

employees level stress in artificial environment or cubicle environment is higher than natural
environment. This results show that Balicamp can increase employee performance and decrease
level stress of the employee. However, this result is not received by top level management
because complicated organizational structure. There are several rumors that said this decision is
decided based on the personal interest of some parties in Balicamp.The other possibility reason is
Balicamp still use culture or system from the founder of Sigma, Toto Sugiri and the other office
already used culture or system from Telkom. This condition makes Sigma divided into two
groups, group Telkom(office in Jakarta, Surabaya, etc) and group Balicamp (office in Bali).


Topic to Investigate
In our report, we will briefly discuss about Telkoms decision and its issues. We will focus on the
following questions:

Organizational structure of Telkomsigma?

Condition of communication in Telkom sigma?
What are the differences between Toto Sugiris culture and Telkoms culture?
How to find the best way to deliver the information into Telkom management?

A few groups of audience have a stake in the discoveries of our exploration.

We will utilize library research and online exploration. The accompanying materials have all the
earmarks of being helpful:

Qualification and Resources

Simon Declercks past professional experiences within big corporation organization will
help to us to understand the very problematic involved in our study.
Hendryk Yayang Setiawans working experience in Telkomsigma and the other big IT
company in Indonesia will help us to understand internal condition ofIT company.
Achiyat Ulumuddin Chasans knowledge in Organizational Behavior will help us to
understand and solve the problem within the organization.



Total time

Preparing the
progress report
Planning the
Draft/ Visuals
Drafting the
report/ Visuals
Revising the
Proof reading


3 hours

April 18

Call to Action
Regarding the huge stakes of this topic and the difficulties of Astra to face it over the last
months, we would be glad if you could accept this proposal in order to get a deeper
understanding of the aforementioned phenomenon raised. Please feel free to give your feedbacks
and add any suggestions regarding the topic we chose for our study. Our team is patiently
waiting in the starting block, looking forward to run that study about xxx as soon as we get your

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