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Gary-dean: of the house of Darby

C/O General Post Office

Private Mailbox 1290
Board Shanty Rd
Grants Pass, Oregon Republic
Non-Domestic near [97527]

BLM Director in Washington DC
BLM Director of Oregon
Jerome E. Perez
P.O. Box 2965
Portland, OR 97208

xx March, 2016
Dear Mr. BLM Director:

I am one of the people in Oregon and I represent the people in Oregon (inclusive) who are
concerned and unhappy with the events that took place in Harney County that led up to the
death of LaVoy Finicum, of myself and the concerned people per this matter, I will refer to
me/us/them as We the people in Oregon (W.P.O.), therein, I accept for value, for W.P.O., the
events that have taken place, and continuing to take place in the Oregon Republic and
Harney County as to what is described as Federal Land Grabs, as it might be called, i.e.;
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illegal land sales, land seizures, etc., incorporating the events that led up to the shooting
(assignation/murder?) of LaVoy Finicum, and other co-related issues and I agree not to
proceed with the exhaustion of our private administrative remedy in this matter and/or any
further legal action including but not limited to a law suit (in a personal and public capacity),
Title 42 action, Class action or otherwise, under necessity on condition that you and your
Federal agency officers, staff or otherwise provide Proof of Claim(s) to this matter
described herein with the necessary proof of claim(s) as presented below.


In representing the people in the Oregon Republic I hereby make a conditional acceptance of
the authority of the BLM that was created in 1946 to:

Control public and private land,

To purchase private land using public funds,
To purchase public Land using public funds,
That the BLM is not acting fraudulently, in racketeering or engaged in RICO activities,
That the BLM is not acting in collusion with other members of the Government; State

and Federal, and private industry,

F. Is not seeking unjust financial enrichment,
G. That the BLM has conducted all contracts and commercial transactions with
transparency, with full disclosure, and meeting of the minds,
H. That the BLM is a constitutionally authorized agency with constitutional authority to

take, hold and secure land in Republic / sovereign States specifically,

Has constitutional authority to maintain a standing armed police force,
That the BLM did lock and secure the refuge facilities,
That the BLM did not participate in the ambush and assignation of LaVoy Finicum.
That BLM has the jurisdictional authority to incarcerate and charge all members of the

non-violent gathering at the Malheur Refuge.

M. That the BLM is not a privately held corporation fraudulently pretending to appear as a
constitutional government agency.
N. That the BLM has the authority to confiscate animals owned by the ranchers without due
process or remuneration for that property.
O. That the BLM has the authority to create or start uncontrolled fires that destroy private
property with immunity from prosecution for the destruction of private property.

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P. That all executives, managers, and employees are exempt in their private and public
capacity for any and all crimes against the citizens of the Oregon Republic individually
and collectively.
Q. That the BLM did not breach the I Amendment (the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances), II Amendment (the
right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed ), IV Amendment (The right
of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against seizures,),
the V Amendment (nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just
compensation. ), VI Amendment (by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the
crime shall have been committed), the X Amendment (The powers not delegated to the
United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states
respectively, or to the people.).
R. That all executives, managers, and employees of the BLM, being employed by a

government agency, have valid oaths of office on record including lawful Bonds as is
required for all Public Servants.
W.P.O. and I are interested in resolving this matter involving the BLM and its authority to
operate outside of the restricted Washington D.C. corporate venue area within the union
States of America. As such, W.P.O. conditionally accepts AS for value said claims by the
BLM and any demand upon the sovereign soil of this Oregon Republic/ union of States BLM
authority to control and/or maintain ownership of state sovereign soil, and we agree to do so,
upon the condition that you provide the necessary proof of claim (proof of claim also means
proof of fact to support your claim).
The necessary Proof of Claim(s) are presented below, to wit:

That the BLM did not use coercion, fraud, resource manipulation, setting fires, killing cattle
or otherwise destroying livestock, charging Oregon citizens with crimes that are replicated
by BLM personnel on a weekly basis.

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Jurisdiction over Federal Areas within the States (place appropriately below!)
1. Please provide proof of claim that the federal government/BLM had/has civil and
criminal jurisdiction over persons within Oregon and Harney County or otherwise.
2. Please provide proof of claim that the federal government/BLM had/has personum
jurisdiction over persons within Oregon and Harney County or otherwise.
3. Please provide proof of claim that the federal government/BLM had/has contractual
political jurisdiction over persons within Oregon and Harney County or otherwise.
Fraud, racketeering, RICO
1. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not working in tandem with Pres.
Obama in order to force the Hammond family or the Bundy family off of their
property, or force the Hammond family/Bundy family into selling their property to the
2. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not working in tandem with Hillary
Clinton in order to force the Hammond family or the Bundy family off of their
property, or force the Hammond family/Bundy family into selling their property to the
3. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not working in tandem with
Governor Kate Brown in order to force the Hammonds off of their property, or force
the Hammond family/Bundy family into selling their property to the BLM.
4. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not working in tandem with Gov.
Kate Brown in order to force the Hammonds off of their property, or force the
Hammond family/Bundy family into selling their property to the BLM.
5. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not working in tandem with Judge
Gratsy in order to force the Hammonds off of their property, or force the Hammond
family/Bundy family into selling their property to the BLM.

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6. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not working in tandem with Sheriff
Ward in order to force the Hammonds off of their property, or force the Hammond
family/Bundy family into selling their property to the BLM.
7. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not working in tandem with the FBI
in order to quash the peaceful occupation of a public facility, whereas the doors were
left open, the key to files were left available, and the ranchers nearby were told not to
call 911 when the Bundys and others peacefully occupied the refuge offices.
8. Please provide proof of claim that either as a corporation or an agency there was no
motivation for the BLM to act in collusion with the local Judge, the Judge appointed
sheriff, the state governor and legislators, or the American bar association, in order to
force the Hammond ranch into receivership so that the BLM can take control of the
property in order to destroy the grazing lands in the process of digging up valuable
minerals within that area.
9. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not acting to coerce, threaten, and
intimidate through financial and other manipulations in order to be given first
purchase opportunity of the Hammond ranch in the case that the ranch did fail.
10. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not acting in such a way as to force
the failure of the Hammond ranch in order to purchase with public funds the land
currently owned by the Hammonds.
11. Provide proof of claim that the BLM did not perpetuate willful acts of fraud by
assessing and demanding a payment of a fine for actions that are regularly
perpetuated by the BLM employees on a weekly basis.
12. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM employees did not themselves
intentionally burn thousands of acres of range land, unattended that causes massive
amounts of financial damage to the local ranchers, burning the cattle, and destroy and
ability for the cattle to feed upon the natural resources of public land.
Collusion with Oregon Energy LLC. / Uranium One
1. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM is not working in conjunction with the
company known as Oregon energy LLC/uranium one.

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2. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM is not working in conjunction with the
company known as Oregon energy LLC/uranium one in order to harvest the mineral
content under the ground of the Hammond and Bundy properties by way of an open
pit mining operation or other mining operation.
3. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to allow
or give permission to the company known as Oregon energy LLC/uranium one to
mine the valuable minerals found on the Hammond and Bundy properties.
4. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to allow
or give permission to the company known as Oregon energy LLC/uranium one to
mine the valuable minerals found on public lands within the sovereign state of the
Oregon Republic.
5. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to allow
or give permission to the company known as Oregon energy LLC/uranium one to
mine the valuable minerals found within the ground of Oregon Republic, public lands,
the Hammond ranch, the Bundy ranch; based upon the exchange of funds to the
Clinton foundation in order to fulfill an agreement with China to receive a percentage
of the uranium removed from those areas.
Financial Gain
1. Please provide proof of claim that the officers and employees of the BLM are not
bound to support article 1 subsection 10 of the United States Constitution, or article
11 subsection 1 of the Oregon Constitution.
2. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM did in fact use Federal Reserve
Notes/credit in the purchase of any land, whereas in that purchase the BLM used an
equitable exchange of substance (actual lawful constitutional money) for land.
3. Please provide proof of claim that a private corporation (BLM) has the constitutional
right to control or purchase private and public sovereign state land using public funds.
4. If the BLM is not a private corporation, then provide the constitutional right of the
agency to control or purchase private and public sovereign state land using public

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5. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM did purchase without fraud and by
meeting of the minds, without fraud, without coercion, without pressure and deceit,
without threat in order to force a sale, with full disclosure and lawful money, all lands
that were purchased and currently under the control of the BLM.
Constitutionality and authority
1. Please provide proof of claim that the Bureau of land management is a constitutional
entity authorized by the Constitution to manage, control, own land within the 50
sovereign states of the union. (Refer to United States Constitution article 1 subsection
8 item 17)
2. Please provide proof of claim that if the Bureau of land management is not authorized
by the Constitution to manage, control or own land within the 50 sovereign states of
the union, specifically the Oregon Republic, please provide proof of claim that the
BLM is in fact a corporation.
3. If the BLM claims to be a corporation, please provide full disclosure of that
corporation, where that corporation is incorporated, who the shareholders are, who the
board of directors are,
4. If the BLM claims to be a corporation, please provide proof that this corporation has
the right/authority to operate as a corporation within the Oregon Republic.
5. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to start,
cause and create wildfires that endanger ranches, cattle, and buildings unchecked.
6. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the authority to fine/charge American
7. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM (which is a fictional entity) has authority
that is superior to that of the live born man or woman upon the land.
8. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to bring
criminal charges against the life born man or woman.
9. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to
designate any American National as a domestic terrorist.
10. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has constitutional authority to force a
contract with the Hammond family to give first right of purchase to the BLM.
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11. Please provide proof of claim that as the BLM claims to be a government agency,
please provide proof of claim that this government agency is exempt from the
Constitution for the United States of America restrictions
12. Please provide proof of claim that all officers and employees of the Bureau of land
management are not under Constitutional oath of office to support and defend both
the U.S. Constitution as a supreme law of the land. Please provide proof of claim that
the federal Constitution is not the supreme law of the land and that employees of the
BLM are not bound to uphold support and/or defend it, by and through the oath of
office as it emanates from the senior levels down the ladder to every employee of the
BLM federal agency.
13. Please provide proof of claim that LaVoy Finicum was not correct in that the BLM
did not have any constitutional authority to take claim to the grazing rights that he and
his family had purchased and owned through a verifiable line of commercial
transactions dating back before the BLM was in existence.
14. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM if operating as a corporation did not use
public funding for private corporate purchases of land.
15. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM if operating as a corporation within the
sovereign states of the union of states within the American continent, is registered as a
corporation and all satellite entities that are sub corporations are registered with each
and every state that the BLM claims authority within.
16. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to burn
down private ranch buildings and houses with immunity for the destruction of
17. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to take
property (cattle, or other animals) without warrant or due process, to kill, burn, and
otherwise destroy those animals without warrant or due process.
18. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM managers and employees in their
corporate/governmental/private capacity are exempt from the laws of animal cruelty.
19. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM managers and employees in their
corporate/governmental/private capacities are exempt or immune from the laws of
intentional destruction of private property.
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20. On behalf of the Bureau of land management please provide proof of claim that if any
contract exists, that there is no fraud on the contract, nor was any contract and
unconscionable contract, and that we the people of Oregon did in fact have a meeting
of the minds
21. Provide proof of claim as to the existence of any contract with the BLM to obtain,
control property and land within the state of Oregon or any other state of the union of
22. Provide proof of claim for the BLM to control the land and the minerals within the
land, to control the waters upon the surface of the land, to decide the use of the land
and giving permission or controlling the public use of said land.
23. Provide proof of claim that the BLM did not use coercion, fraud, resource
manipulation, setting fires, killing cattle or otherwise destroying livestock, including
charging Oregon citizens and others with crimes that are replicated by BLM
personnel on a weekly basis.
Guns and Armed Agents
1. Please provide proof of claim that agents of the BLM Corporation/agency have the
constitutional right to carry weapons used to enforce BLM code.
2. Please provide proof of claim that agents of the BLM Corporation/agency has the
constitutional authority to use military styled weapons against the civilian sovereign
population of the Republic of Oregon.
3. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM contract/charter/agency (by and through
your office or any prosecutor) authorizes the representing or prosecuting of any
claims against American nationals or citizens of the Oregon Republic.
Assassination, ambush, or murder of LaVoy Finicum
1. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM was not aware of, did not assist, did not
participate in the plot and plan to ambush the leadership and murder of LaVoy
Finicum as they were traveling to John day.
2. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM could not have peacefully arrested LaVoy
Finicum, the Bundys, and other peaceful occupiers at any time previous to the
ambush or assassination of LaVoy Finicum.
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3. Please provide proof of claim that LaVoy Finicum, the Bundys, and any other
occupier of the public refuge physically threatened any person in any way.
Public occupation of public lands
1. Proof of claim that they Maher reserve was in fact closed to the public at the time of
the peaceful occupation by the public and that the buildings were locked to prevent
entry and all file keys had been secured.
2. Proof of claim that the manager of the refuge did not leave the doors unlocked and did
not leave the keys easily available for anyone to find.
3. Proof of claim that the manager did not call or notify local ranchers that a group of
people were on their way to the refuge and not to call 911.
4. Proof of claim that armed members of the BLM did not participate in the occupation
and take-over of the city known as Burns located approximately 30 miles away from
the refuge. Please provide proof of claim that BLM as an artificial entity has the
authority to make a claim and criminal accusations against a live born man and
citizens of the Oregon Republic.
5. Please provide proof of claim that armed members of the BLM did not restrict the
natural rights and liberties and freedoms of the people within the city of Burns and the
surrounding area including the refuge.
6. Proof of claim that the BLM employees did not start fires that burned or killed
animals and other property of the ranchers
7. proof of claim that the BLM employees did not in fact allow fires to burn out of
control continuously while having firefighting equipment available but not using that
equipment in order to contain or control a fire that spread upon private property.
8. Proof of claim that the BLM, because of their neglect at containing and controlling
the wild fires that they started, should not also be labeled or listed as domestic
9. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM has the constitutional authority to
threaten, harass, and/or intimidate ranchers within any state of the union.
10. Please provide proof of claim that the BLM employees did not regularly start
uncontrolled fires on the ranges.
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Additional Proof of Claim needed; Proof of Claim that the BLM proved and had
personum and contractual political jurisdiction over W.P.O. of the Oregon Republic
and/or the Bundy family, the Hammond family and others and as would associate to,
from and by the FBI or any other federal agency officers/employees.

Should you Jerome E. Perez, (BLM Director of Oregon ), fail or refuse to provide the requested
Proofs of Claim, you (inclusive of all executives and management employees of BLM Oregon) will
fail to state a claim upon which relief can be granted and you and all executives and , management
employees (in your private and public capacities) will have stipulated to the facts as they operate in
favor of the W.P.O., the Hammond Family and the Bundy Family and that the BLM by and through
you and your BLM agency Director agrees that the Executive officers and managers of BLM Oregon
committed constitutional impermissible application of federal statute(s)/law in the above matter and
you also agree that injury was done to the W.P.O., the Hammond Family, the Bundy Family, et al
(all ranchers and people of Oregon whereas all power is inherent in the people), as applied to
illegal land seizures, sales or otherwise, false arrests, malicious prosecution, conspiracy, unlawful
incarceration, lack of jurisdiction and fraud and as referenced herein, you agree to be the liable,
culpable and responsible party and you agree to pledge all your property, assets, accounts, futures,
attachments, derivatives and futures, and that of your spouse, and your body, DNA, blood/cell lines
as collateral for all monetary damages.
The Undersigned on behalf of W.P.O. for who are your employers and who hold superior status
over requests/demands that you respond and reply within 30 days within receipt of this
writing/CAFV and providing all Proofs of Claim as enumerated herein, in affidavit form signed
under penalty of perjury, with original to me and a copy to the Third Partys as addressed below, and
should you go into fault in not responding, you will be given ten days to cure your fault of nonresponse, and should you fail to cure your fault, you will be found in default and an affidavit of
default will be established as to your default and dishonor of this matter and you will become the
defaulting and dishonoring party and will be foreclosed on by laches (operates as bar in court of
equity) and estopped from maintaining a defense in any court or administrative unit and you agree
that the Undersigned may exercise his exclusive remedy as to the stipulated and agreed upon facts,
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by your silent tacit agreement for Nil dicit judgment under necessity and/or for tort claim. The
defaulting or dishonoring party as agent, speaks for U.S., Inc.s Officers in this matter and binds the
same, by agreement of the parties, to any and all monetary damages for injuries as so stipulated
herein by you, _______________, (his status/office).

Date this _____ day of _______________________, 2016

All rights and liberties reserved
By: __________________________________
gary-dean: of the house of Darby,
one of the people in Oregon, having
all power, Sovereign, for we the
people in Oregon.
Third Parties: (not sure as to who the third parties should be)
1) Name and Address here! Rodger ?
2) Name and Address here! Bruce ?
3) Name and Address here! Somebody else in Oregon?
Errors and omissions are consistent with intent.

SUBCRIBED TO AND SWORN before me this ______day of ________________, A.D.
2016, a Notary, that ___________________, personally appeared and known to me to be the
man whose name subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to be the same and
executed the foregoing. Notary and autograph does not convey jurisdiction or make contract with
the/any Statutory entity.

______________________________________ Seal;
Notary Public in and for said State
My Commission expires; _________________

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