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Muhammad Raihan bin Sapiee

TSL3093 Managing the Primary ESL Classroom

According to the Thorne (2014) classroom management plan supposedly be

conducive for the learning process to be conducted smoothly and helps to maximise the
impact of messages that a teacher tries to convey. The classroom management plan
includes the expectation (goal), rules, consequences and communication. The
theory that I will choose is the Theory of Democratic Teaching, established by
Rudolf Dreikurs. This theory emphasised that the teacher supposedly be
democratic rather than autocratic in managing classroom (Dreikurs, 1968 as
cited in Manning & Bucher 2013). Hence, this writing will be focusing on the
classroom management plan based on Dreikurs theory of Democratic Teaching.
First aspect is expectation. In this theory, the expectation aims the teacher
to be democratic in teaching rather than autocratic to manage pupils behaviour.
According to Manning and Bucher (2013), the effective instruction could be
demonstrated by using this theory and it provided collaborative learning where
the pupils and teacher worked together to achieve the same goal. For example,
in the theory itself, to overcome the causes of misbehaviours that are referring to
the mistaken goals, teacher needs to work together with the pupils to
overcome the problems such as attention and power seeking.
Besides that, to enable the expectation to be achieved, the teacher must
create a conducive classroom environment which secure pupils safety mentally
and physically. Hence, the suggested floor plan for the teacher to implement is
cluster-style classroom plan. In Malaysian context especially, this style of
arrangement is vital in creating unity and harmony among pupils as the
arrangement enable pupils to interact with each other freely. Plus, this style of
arrangement helps teacher to monitor pupils behaviour and detect the
mistaken goals among pupils.
Second aspect is rules and regulations. In this theory, the teacher must set
certain rules and regulations that are suitable for the purpose of classroom
control. Some democratic teachers will include the pupils in devising the rules of
the classroom, where he will ask the pupils on what the dos and donts in the

classroom during the lesson. This will help to limit pupils misbehaviours during
the lesson and helps to avoid the disturbances during the lesson. For example,
be silent when the teacher is teaching.
Third aspect is consequences. In this theory, the usage of logical
consequences is widely used and have a strong relation to the rules set.
Logical consequences is referring to the consequences that pupils will face for
breaking the rules. The consequences must be outlined right after the rules have
been set and the pupils must be responsible for their own behaviours. For
example, in the classroom, the teacher has said if you disturb your friend during
my lesson, you will receive a five minutes time-out. So, if the pupil does break
the rule, he will receive the consequences as what has been agreed.
Last but not least is the communication. In this theory, the communication
that is being emphasised is the usage of encouragement rather than praise.
Encouragement is part of democratic teaching which is given for a good work and great
effort made. Teachers should give guidance to the pupils and be proud of what her pupils
have come up with. As teachers, we should not criticize their work and compare it with other
pupils work. This is because, every pupils are gifted with their own capability and potential,
thus, the result of an activity would not be the same. This will indirectly increase the pupils
intrinsic motivation and they will make more efforts to achieve certain goals.
In conclusion, a good classroom planning must able to create a good rapport
between the teacher and the pupils. Teacher needs to set up and implemented the
classroom rules and procedures, which has really made changes in the behaviour of the
pupils. Encouragement and is compulsory as this will increase their intrinsic motivation. As
the classroom arrangement have a big influence on the pupils performance level, this
should be considered too.

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