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lEatotiB in in^lan^l

Number 4 February, 1991

Dr. Bill Baker
15668 94th Ave.


Florissant, MO 63034


1975 Pine Ridge Road

Seymour, TN 37865
PHONE: 615-579-6351

Where Thieves Break Through

Matthew 6:19

When Jesus warned his disciples, "lay not up for

yourselves treasures upon earth, where moths and rust
corrupt and where thieves break through and steal", it had
some implications for missionary preparation.

On a recent trip to raise support for our mission to

England thieves broke into my van and stole my suitcase,
briefcase and suits. These were just things, by no means
"treasures". I imagine there are some disappointed thieves
in Indianapolis.

However such an event cannot help but affect a per

son. After the initial dismay, then anger, came the sense
of loss. I would look for something and it wouldn't be
there. When I arrived home I realized I didn't have

anything to carry into the house(as I had done a hundred

times before.)
I kept telling myself that these were just things. I

should not be too upset at such a petty loss. Then I realiz

ed what I was feeling was actually "missionary training."
I missed the familiar. My familiar suits weren't there so
I was wearing "strange clothes"(that's what my family



called them). My brief case, though a recent Christmas

gift, was already becoming a familiar and handy tool but
now it was gone.
It was not the things I missed but the familiarity of
them. The comfort of the known. Then 1 realized we live

in a world "where thieves do break through and steal".

It can be the thief of disease, or broken relationships, or
simply real thieves. This is a world where nothing is stable,
secure or eternal. A missionary gives up the familiar in
order to share the "treasure of the gospel". That is a
treasure that cannot be stolen. A treasure from heaven.

Departure Date Set

By the grace of God we have now set the date to move
to England. Our flight from Atlanta will leave May 13,
1991 at 7:40 p.m. We will arrive in Manchester, England

on May 14, 1991. Four days later Platt Bridge Church of

Christ will host the Conference of Churches of Christ in

England (somewhat like our North American Christian


We will have the opportunity to meet most of our coworkers throughout England. The Platt Bridge Church of
Christ is arranging our housing at this very moment. All
systems are "go".

S.S. Walk Day with the Platt Bridge Church of Christ


Mile of Pennies Continues

On January 20,1991 Waldron Street Christian Church

completed a program entitled,"A Mile of Pennies". The

congregation presented me with 84,480 pennies. They had
been collecting these for five months. They had to roll the
pennies down the aisle in a wheelbarrow. It was a fun time
that spoke of the seriousness of sending the gospel into

all the world. These fine people of Waldron Street Chris

tian Church have taken Jesus at His word, "if someone

asks you to go a mile with him go even the extra mile".

They have decided to go the extra mile and do it again.
With the success of this program we decided to ask
other congregations to adopt this idea. It is simple and

easy even for children to bring pennies and doesn't seem

to take away from other offerings.
If your congregation would be interested in par

ticipating in this program, please contact me. We have a

Inside the Platt Bridge Church of Christ building.

packet of information about the program. If we can get

25(Waldron Street has already taken 2 miles so it is now
23) miles of pennies, we will be able to relocate in England
with the complete outgoing budget. Every mile of pennies
gets us 150 miles toward our goal.

News From Platt Bridge

Church of Christ
On both sides of the Atlantic our excitement for this

ministry is growing. Platt Bridge Church of Christ recent

ly started a monthly newsletter and a few excerpts from

it will demonstrate their anticipation for church growth.
"During the past 12 months, we have seen 5 additions
in church membership. The coming 12 months promise to
be very exciting indeed with the arrival of Vernon and
Denise in May. This will be the start of church growth at
Platt Bridge.
We are anticipating starting a leader's training class.
Vernon has got a lot of ideas to win more souls for Christ

but he wiU not be able to do it by himself. He will need

the help of everyone."

These words excited me because of their hope and

determination for the future ministry of the Church of
Christ in England. Please pray with us for this ministry.


Send Your Financial Support To:

Dr. Bill Baker
15668 94th Avenue

Florissant, MO 63034

Mission Services

Non Proril Org.

P. O. Box 2427

U.S. Postage

KnoxvUle, TN 37901-2427


KnoxviUe. TN

5 a



Pennit No. 374

2 13 5

lEatonB in iEnglnnii
Number 5 March, 1991
Dr. Bill Baker
15668 94th Ave.


Florissant, MO 63034

1975 Pine Ridge Road

Seymour, TN 37865
PHONE: 615-579-6351

You Can Make One Cent

Mean "One Sent" (missionary)

Will you and your Sunday School class, church mis
sion group or the church as a whole sign up today to col

H V) o y t

lect a mile of pennies?


1. Waldron Street Christian Church, Corinth, MS



Ted Avant, minister; Betty Barnes, promoter

2. Post Oak Springs Christian Church, Rockwood,TN

Spencer Garner, minister
3. New Life Christian Church, Columbia, TN

Larry Clinkenbeard, minister; Aubry Prince,


Missions Chairman.

4. Waldron Street Christian Church, Corinth, MS

"The Second Mile"

UOv)t y KU

5. First Christian Church, Madisonville, TN

Tom Daughtery, minister

6. Falls Branch Christian Church, Falls Branch, TN
Ed Hayes, minister
7. East Win Christian Church, Memphis, TN

These pictures were drawn by the children in the

Children's Church at Waldron Street Christian Church.

Jeff Whitlock, minister

8. Mt. Juliet Christian Church, Mt. Juliet, TN

Ruthie McGuire, promoter

9. Mt. Byrd Christian Church Missionary Circle,

Milton, KY; Keith Tennant, minister, Elizabeth
Edwards, promoter

"A Mile of Pennies

1350 Miles Into the Atlantic

Each mile of pennies equal

We now have 9 miles of pennies pledged which will

take us 1350 miles into the Atlantic Ocean. This is a little
more than Vz of the way but it is still a long way to swim

approximately 150 miles

on to England,(about 2400 more miles to go) The i^e

toward our goal.

miles of pennies thus far will take care of om* shipping,

emergency funds to return to the U.S. if necessary and
some funds toward a car. The next five miles of pennies

Sending Vernon and Denny Eaton

to Wigan, England

will help us get a car. While public transportation is good

in England it still has some drawbacks for calls in emergen
cy situations or over great distances.

Greetings From Here to There

Thanks to Our Financial Supporters

Since I began my fundraising efforts last May I have

presented the work in 24 churhes (in 7 different states),

tions who have supported our work since we l>egan our fundraising. This
list includes both the one-time gifts and the regular monthly supporters,
Denny and 1 would like to express our deepest gratitude for your help.

3 camps, 3 V.B.S., 3 revivals, 3 Bible College chapels, set

up the display in 3 state conventions, sent out 5 newslet
ters. Denny and I have traveled to Platt Bridge to get ac

quainted with the work. I have finished the paperwork for

Incorporation, Employee Identification Number, I.R.S.
Group Exemption Letter, passports and visas. We have
put together a "Swordbearers" program and a "Mile of
Pennies" program and assembled two displays. In addi
tion, I have been substitute teaching in the Middle School
here, filling the pulpit at Gap Creek Christian Church when
I am home and worked at Mission Services in general

The following is a list of the individuals and churches or other organiza

M/M Greg Widener

M/M Don Thigpen

Roger Holley

M/M Chris Robinson

Debbie Perkins

M/M Ed Bein

Mary Umfress
Mary Morris

M/M Larry Kostik

M/M Ray Trantham

Kim Jobe

M/M Witer Steennan

Windy Hamilton

M/M Thomas Trantham

Wendy Simpson

M/M Bennett Foster

M/M Bill Griffin

Jessie Tiller
Lillian Griffin
M/M Ted Avant

M/M John Johnson

M/M David McMillan

M/M Barry Thomas

M/M Larry Woods


M/M Robert McClung

I wanted to share our efforts to get on the field with

you so that you can appreciate as much as Denny and I
the great victory of finally packing up and heading toward
England. Some missionaries have told us that the work
of getting to the field is harder than the work on the field

M/M Spencer Garner

I could almost believe it.

Curtis Eaton

M/M Ben Ling

M/M Earl Spears
M/M Gil Webb
M/M Mike Cianci
M/M Gutheric Voech

M/M Steve Clotfelter

M/M Rill Engan

Elizabeth Barringer

Laurie & Sarah Hewitt

Young Adult Class, First Christian Church, Linden, TN

Berean Sunday School Class, Hickory Valley Christian

Church. Chat

tanooga, TN

Alabama Christian Service Camp

Itawamba Christian Church

Camp Christian, Burns, TN

Gap Creek Clu-isLian Church
New Life Christian Church, Columbia, TN

Smoky Mtn. Christian Service Camp

Community Christian Church, firandon, MS
Priest Lake Christian Fellowship
Mt. Juliet Christian Church

Decatur Christian Church

New Covenant Christian Church, Ringgold, GA

First Christian Church, Big Stone Gap, VA

Waldron Street Christian Church, Corinth, MS

The nearby town of Chester. The Roman Wall around

this town is still complete. We hope to break down the

walls that keep out the gospel from the people of England.

Mission Senices
P. O. Box 2427

Knoxviile,IN 37901-2427

The congregation at Platt Bridge Church of Christ

anxiously awaiting our ministry together.

Non Profil Org.

U.S. Postage

KnoxviUe, TN


Permit No. 374


lEatons in iEnglanb


Number 6 June, 1991



Dr. Bill Baker


15668 94th Ave.

49 Bickershaw Lane

Florissant, MO 63034


Wigan, England

PHONE: 011-44-942-862193

History Revisited
I have been reading,"A History of the British Chur
ches of Christ" by A. C. Waters, published in 1948. In

reading the history of the Churches of Christ in England

beginning around the time of Thomas Campbell's call for
reformation but independent of it, I realize the heritage

to which I am going. As early as 1669 there was a group

of churches similar to the Restoration Plea. I am intrigued
by the constant mention of the work in Wigan.

Also in the mid-1800's, "applications were repeated

ly made to America for preachers, but in vain."
However,"before the war(World War I) W.D. Camp

Harpath Hall The first(and only)Conference of the

bell of Detroit accepted an invitation for one year of in

Church of Christ that we attended in 1986 was held here.

tensive mission work. He visited the cities of Glasgow,

First Duty

Wigan, Leicester, Birmingham and London; which

reported additions respectively of 30, 84, 80, 53 and 20.
The evangelistic message was not very different from that
of the British evangelists, but the technique was different

By the time you get this newsletter, Denny and I will

be in England. Although we are not sure about a number
of things to come, we do know what our first duty will be.
Just four days after we arrive the Annual Conference of
the Churches of Christ(somewhat like our North American

Christian Convention) will meet at Wigan.

The president this year is an elder at Platt Bridge
Church of Christ, Bill Robinson. Since our congregation
will be the hosts, I am sure Denny and I will be involved
in the conference.

and opened British minds to the possibility of better


Now almost a hundred years later it looks like history

revisited. We hope also to help the British churches and
Platt Bridge Church of Christ in particular to be open to
better methods. In this history the chapters for each era
have a section of "Evangelisation" (British spelling) up

to the post war (World War I) period and then it is not


Other concerns pushed this concern to a lower priori

ty. The result has been a dwindling church membership

and dying churches. It is our hope to help the British Chur

ches of Christ recapture their zeal for evangelisation.

Gone But Not Forgotten

As time for our departure drew near I realized the
limitations of being across the ocean and needing to con
tinue to promote this work. Simply put it is almost im
possible. A newsletter, a persond letter and that is about
all. So,I would like to ask you to do something for Denny
and me. Would you take this newsletter to someone
(especially in a sister church) who has not seen it.

Help us continue to get the word out. We are still $500

a month short of oiu: monthly needs for salary. We know
God will provide, so we have ventured out in faith. If
enough people know of our need then at the right time God
will lead someone to take up the slack.
Also, please continue or begin support that you have
indicated so that we can know what to expect each month.
If 3^u have any^questions^or-change of plans,~please

Bill Baker
15668 94th Avenue

Florissant, MO 63034

Mission Services
P.O.Box 2427

KnoxviIie,TN 37901-2427


In England
Although we now have an address from England, I
will give you an elder's name, address and phone number
if you need to contact us there:
Mr. Bill Robinson

90 Warrington Road

Wigan, England
Phone: 0942-861617
Our address will be:

Vernon and Denny Eaton

4S~Bickershaw Lane

Wigan, England
Phone: 011-44-942-862193

Non Profit Org.



taS es




Pttmit No.374

2 13 5 '


iEatnna in lEnglanli
Number 7 July, 1991
Dr. Bill Baker
15668 94th Ave.

Florissant, MO 63034

49 Bickershaw Lane

Wigan, England
PHONE: 011-44-942-862193

Youth Club

His Banner Over Me

is Love
When we arrived at the Manchester, England airport

we were shocked to see a crowd of people waving to us.

Over their heads was the Church of Christ banner welcom

ing us. Two of the sweetest little girls(pictured) presented

us with flowers from the church. Seventeen people from

the church rented a mini-bus to come and greet us. The

Queen would have been envious of the reception we receiv
ed.(We were hugged also.)

TKey drove us to the front door of the house they had

arranged for us. It was stocked with food and there were
cards and flowers everywhere.

To say we felt "welcomed" is an understatement. That

banner called to my mind the chorus "His Banner Over

On Monday nights we have a youth club for the

children in the neighborhood. The first Monday we had
17 young people and the next Monday was a Bank Holi
day so the meeting was cancelled.
Then the past Monday we met again. I was not

prepared for what happened. We had 32 young people with

5 adults to help.
The Lord has continued to give us opportunity after
opportunity. Please pray that we will have His wisdom to
use them wisely.
Some of these young people are in need of guidance
and spiritual help. Who knows what the future holds for
these young people.
By the grace of God I pray that it is a place in His

I have volunteered for the Summer Camp July

29-Aug. 3. I understand that it will be a different ex

Church of Christ does signify the love of God shed abroad

perience from what I had last summer. If I survive, I'll

write an account of a week of camp with 14-17 year olds

to the family of God.

in Britian.

Me is Love." It is true that the banner of Platt Bridge


The First Two Weeks

The Lord of the Harvest

The first two weeks have flown by. One reason I think
has been all the activity. Four days after we arrived we

The Lord has already blessed us. Our first Sunday

Denny and I placed our membership at Platt Bridge. Then

were in the Conference of the fellowship of Churches of

the next Sunday a young lady, Shirley Barnes, placed her

fellowship with us. It is a lesson on patience and the
faithful teaching of the Word of God. The elder who
welcomed Shirley into the congregation was her Sunday
School teacher many years ago. She only recently return

Christ. It is a national gathering so we were introduced

to a number of people.

Then the next week there was a special program at

Springdale College that we attended. It was a seminar led

by Joe and Sue Sutherland on "Burn out in the ministry."

ed to the church. There is an air of excitement in the con

I wasn't quite to that point but the presentation was ex

gregation. Please pray that God will continue to give us

tremely helpful.

the harvest.

This week we have been preparing for our 108th An

niversary. Also we are fixing up one of the rooms for my


The men have been taking me around to visit the peo

ple. Thus far in fifteen days we have visited eighteen

the "Student Abroad Program" at Springdale College, so

he will be coming up to Platt Bridge on weekends to help

We think we have a lead on a car. It is what they call

Also v/e realize how small the world really is. While

a "BANGER" which means an older car. We are still in

I was at Mid-South Christian College one of my students

the process of eirranging the road tax, M.O.T.(inspection

cost), insurance, etc. The gas is around $4.00 per gallon,
so we will have to plan our use of the car carefully.

was Roger HoUey. Roger moved to Atlanta Christian Col

lege and we came to England. This summer Roger is in

Our new home;

49 Bickershaw Lane

Wigan, England

Our Phone number is:



Mission Services
P.(). Box 2427

Knoxville,TN 37901-2427

Non Profit Org.

U.S. Potg

Knoicville. TN


Pomit No.

w I


iJzutom in Snglanh


Number 8 September, 1991

Dr. Bill Baker


15668 94th Ave.

Florissant, MO 63034


49 Bickershaw Lane

Wigan, England WN2 5PL

PHONE: 011-44-942-862193

A Church with Proper

I am amazed at what is already in place here at Platt
Bridge Church of Christ. God has brought this church this
far, I believe, because they have set proper priorities and
been faithful to them. This congregation is small and many
are poor by American standards, yet they support Jeff and
Patty Greene in their missionary work in Brazil. They have
done this for six years.

Also,they are helping a sister congregation, Hinckley,

support a full-time minister. On top of all this, they are
giving Denny and me most of our housing allowance.
So, it was an act of little over a year ago when they

began to collect funds for the land next to the church

The courtyard at the church building.
building. The cost was 6000 (about $10,500). To date
they have collected 3,500. They are trying to finish the
collection in order to conclude the deal and buy the land.
They need 2500 ($4,375). I would like to take back a
substantial gift from America when I return from a visit
Jesus' words in John 4:38 "I sent you to reap what
to the U.S.(See article visit to U.S. in November).
you have not worked for. Others have donfe the hard work
If you would like to help in this special appeal, please emd you have reaped the benefits of theit labor." are
send your offering marked "Land Fund" to Bill Baker. true in this case.
Please make this above any regular gifts. Our regular
We rejoiced at the baptism of Leslie and Maureen Per
support is just enough to keep us going on the field. If cival and their son, Keith and their son-in-law, Les Barnes.
you have some extra or would like to make this a project, (Remember last newsletter we mentioned Shirley Barnes
it will be very helpful. They have not once mentioned cut
she is Les' wife). This feimily has been attending church
ting out money going to others to take care of their inter
meetings for sometime and the church has ministered to
nal needs.
them through the time of grief at the death of their

The Harvest Continues

daughter, Roseanne.
We are excited about their decision to submit to Christ

in baptism to begin a newness of life in Him. Please pray

for their continued growth in the Lord.

Various Ministries
Since arriving here, Denny and I have become involv
ed in various ministries. Monday, we work with a youth

club. At present we have three adults helping and an

average of 15 children. Tuesday, Denny leads a choir. We
have already sung in a number of services. Wednesday,
every other week (fortnightly) we have an Enquirer's
Group which meets to discuss the basics of faith in God.
Once a month is an elders and deacons meeting. Thurs
Maureen Percival and Lee Barnes redecorating the
Sunday School classrooms. They worked for two weeks
to upgrade four Sunday School rooms and paint the sanc

tuary. Keith Percival and Shirley Barnes also helped.

day is a Bible Study. We will also use this night for a

Springdale College Extension Course.
The variety of ministries shows the great need as well
as the exciting possibilities here at Platt Bridge.

Visit To U.S.
In November
We will be back in the U.S. during November to take
care of a number of things. From November 3-6 we will
be in a Faith-Promise Rally at St. Peter's Christian Chxirch
in the St. Louis area.

On November 24 we will be involved in the ordination

service of Wendel Gaskins at East Win Christian Church

in Memphis, Tennessee.

Also, we plan to visit our parents. Last, but by no

means least, we will spend some time with our grand
daughter, Alexandra Ann-Marie Kaufman. Angel and
baby are doing fine. We will spoil her and then leave the

Driving my "Banger" Two brave girls in the youth

group rode around the block on the "right side" of the



Left Over V.B.S.

Material Needed
We have begun to plan our V.B.S. for
next year. We are thinking about using
last yeeir's material. If you have any
material from your 1991 V.B.S.(Standard

material)left over, please send it to our ad

dress m Seymour, Tennessee. We would
like to take it back with us at the end of



1975 Pine Ridge Road

Seymour, TN 37865

A camp picture taken just after the "water battle". Counselors won
campers soaked. It was a "great" week of camp.



Mission Servtca
P. O. Box 2427

KnoxvlOe,TN 37901-2427

Nan Profit Of

KnoxviUe, TN






PttmJl No.374


iEatoHB tn iEnalanb
Number 9 November, 1991


49 Bickershaw Lane

Dr. Bill Baker

15668 94th Ave.

Wigan, England

Florissant, MO 63034


PHONE: 011-44-942-862193

PHONE: 011-44-942-862193

Springdale College
Extension Department
As the extension center for Springdale College, Platt
Bridge Church of Christ hosted two courses for the 1991
Autumn term. John McGuire, minister of the Burnley

Church of Christ, taught New Testament Survey and I

taught an evangelism class. We have 15 students (8 for
credit) from 6 different churches.

Through The Fire

The news that our house in Seymour, Tennessee had
burned to the ground shocked Denny and me quite a bit.
Yet, within twenty-four hours we were at peace. We know
many of you were praying for us. Your prayers were like
a spiritual transfusion.
When we arrived back in the U.S. I went over to take

pictures of the ruins. As I was taking one shot I noticed

something unusual in the lens. I looked over the camera
to see in the midst of black ash,fallen leaves, total destruc
tion one of our Bibles the only discernable item left.

A young man I hope one day we can send to

The message was clear. When everything is gone and

Springdale College. His name is Philip, but we call him

the world around us turns to ashes, the Word of God,in

destructible and eternal, will remain. On that we can stand.


We concluded our first "Enquirer's Group"in Octo
ber but we plan to begin a new one in January.
At our annual congregational meeting we had a new
deacon elected. His name is Norman Cheers. His family
name tells it all. He is an encourager.

Also at the congregational meeting the congrega

tion voted to give us a 10 a week raise. This was a step

of faith since they had been about 12 a week behind for

the last 40 weeks. Their average giving has increased by
10 per week for the last three years.
The week before we left we had two weddings on

the same Saturday. It was the first time this had happen
ed in their 108 year history. Across is a picture of their
first American bridal shower given for Denise Farrimond

More Support Needed

After reviewing our financial situation with our For

Thank You's

warding Agent Bill Baker, we realized that we need $150

To First Christian Church, Big Stone Gap,VA and

Richard Weatherly for securing a word processor for our

more income a month. The "Mile of Pennies" program has


carried us thus far. We can handle this deficit in one of

For all the gifts toward helping replace the losses

three ways.

of the house fire.

We could get more regular support from other churches

or individuals. We could get some new "Mile of Pennies"
signees. Or, we could ask those supporting us to consider
raising their support.
The first option is the most likely. If you know of any
one who could join in this effort, please contact me. Also,
if you have any ideas about this need, let me know.

To Jerry and Margaret Potter for helping me when

I lose things.(At least it wasn't my head!)
To Bill, Joni, Gavin, and Kyle Baker for their work
as our Forwarding Agents. We wanted to introduce them

to you with the picture below:

Project List:
Some churches have asked us for various projects to
help in bur ministry. Below is a list with items that vary

in cost so as to give different size groups the possibility

of a project.
Flannel Graph Backgrounds
Flannel Graph Board

VCR adaptable to both British and American Tapes

Jules Miller Series on Video

Art Paper, Crayola Crayons and Markers

East Adult Piano Books (Bastien Books)

Subscription to Shining Star Magazine sent to


Library Supplies (Book cards, pockets, etc.)

Double Deck Tape Player
Portable Easel
Youth Music

Bulletin Board Cover Material

Merry Christmas and Happy 1992


Stamps For Wigan Hospice

Vernon and Denny Eaton

The Hospice in Wigan is able to convert used postal

stamps into support for their work.It is best to leave half
an inch of the envelope around the stamp. You can send
these directly to us along with your letters! (Hint)

All your Brothers and Sisters


Mtssion Services
P. O. Box 2427

KnoxviUe,TN 37901-2427


Platt Bridge Church of Christ

Non Profil Org.

U.S. Postage

Kixjitville, TN


PtTTTiit No. 374

trt I

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