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Data Warehousing Basic

What is Data Warehousing?

Data warehousing collection of data designed to support management decision making.
In another words it is a repository of integrated information, available for querying and
According to Inmon, famous author for several data warehouse books, "A data warehouse
is a subject oriented, integrated, time variant, non volatile collection of data in support of
management's decision making process".
Who need data warehousing?
It is needed by the knowledge worker. e.g. Manager, Analyst, Executive and any
authorized person who needed the information from the large scale of database.
Types of Systems
There are two types of systems.
DB Design
DB Size

Operational Processing
Clerk, DBA
Day to day operation
ER Based, application oriented
detailed, flat relation
10MB to 100MB

Informational Processing
Knowledge Worker
Long term informational requirements
star/snowflake, subject oriented
Summarized, Multidimensional
Mostly Read
100MB to TB

Data Warehouse Life Cycle

The data warehouse life cycle comprises of various phases
Phase 1: Business Requirements Collections
A business analyst is responsible for gathering requirements from the end users
for the following example domains
1. Telecom
2. Insurance
3. Manufacturing
4. Sales & Retails
Phase 2: Data Modeling
It is the process of designing database by database architect using ERWIN tool.
Phase 3: ETL Developer
An application developer designs an ETL application by following the ETL
specification using GUI based tools. Such as INFORMATICA, DATASTAGE.

Phase 4: ETL Testing

This phase is completed by ETL tester as well as application developer also.
Carried out the following test in the test environment
1. ETL unit testing
2. System Testing
3. Performance Testing
4. UAT (User Acceptance Testing)
Phase 5: Report Development
Design the reports by fulfilling the report requirements templates using following
Phase 6: Deployment
It is a process of migrating ETL and Report development application to the
production environment.
Phase 7: Maintenance
Maintain the Data warehousing in 24*7 environments with the help of production
support team.
Data warehouse design Database Design
A data warehouse design with the following types of schemas.
1. Star Schema
2. Snow Flake Schema
3. Galaxy Schema
1. Star Schema:Is a database design which contains a centrally located fact table
surrounded by dimension tables. Since the database design looks like a
star hence it is called star schema Database design.
A fact table contains facts.
Facts are numeric measure.
Not every numeric measure is fact but numeric switch over the time keep
performance indicator known as facts.
A dimension is a descriptive data which describes the key performance indicators
known as facts.
Dimension tables are de-normalized.
A dimension provides answers to the following question.
Who, What, When, Where

Sales Fact
Customer Dimension
Cust_id (fk)
Store_id (fk)
Product Dimension Date_in (fk)

Store Dimension

Time Dimension

Star Schema
2. Snowflake Schema
The snowflake schema is a variant of star schema, where some
Dimension tables are normalized, thereby further splitting the data into additional tables.
The resulting schema graph forms a shape similar to snowflake.
Adv: Space can be minimized by splitting into the normalized table.
Disadv: It can hamper the query performance due to more number of joins.
Sales Fact
Cust_id (fk)
Store_id (fk)
Date_in (fk)

Customer Dimension

Product Dimension

Store Dimension
City Dimension
Time Dimension

Item Dimension

Snowflake Schema
3. Galaxy Schema (Fact Constellation Schema)
Sophisticated application may
require multiple facts table to share dimension table. This type of schema can be viewed
as combination of stars hence called galaxy schema or fact constellation schema.


Fact 1

Fact 2







Galaxy Schema
Dimension tables are sometimes called lookup or reference table.
1. Confirmed Dimension: - A dimension table which can be shared by multiple fact
tables is known as confirmed dimension.
2. Junk Dimension:- A dimension with the type descriptive, flag, Boolean which are
not used to describe the key performance indicators knows as facts, such
dimensions are called junk dimensions. Example, Product description, Address,
Phone number etc.
3. Slowly Changing Dimension:- A Dimensions that change over time are called
Slowly Changing Dimensions. For instance, a product price changes over time;
People change their names for some reason; Country and State names may change
over time. These are a few examples of Slowly Changing Dimensions since some
changes are happening to them over a period of time. Slowly Changing
Dimensions are often categorized into three types namely Type1, Type2 and
Type3. The following section deals with how to capture and handling these
changes over time.
Type 1: Overwriting the old values.
In the year 2005, if the price of the product changes to $250, then the old
values of the columns "Year" and "Product Price" have to be updated
and replaced with the new values. In this Type 1, there is no way to find
out the old value of the product "Product1" in year 2004 since the table
now contains only the new price and year information.
Type 2: Creating another additional record.
In this Type 2, the old values will not be replaced but a new row
containing the new values will be added to the product table. So at any
point of time, the difference between the old values and new values can
be retrieved and easily be compared. This would be very useful for
reporting purposes.

Type 3: Creating new fields.

In this Type 3, the latest update to the changed values can be seen.
Example mentioned below illustrates how to add new columns and keep
track of the changes. From that, we are able to see the current price and
the previous price of the product, Product1.

Data Modeling
A Data model is a conceptual representation of data structures (tables) required for a
database and is very powerful in expressing and communicating the business
A data model visually represents the nature of data, business rules governing the data,
and how it will be organized in the database.
Data modeling consists of three phases to design the database.
1. Conceptual Modeling
Understand the business requirements
Identify the entities (tables)
Identify the columns (attributes)
Identify the relationship
2. Logical Modeling
Design the tables with the required attributes.
3. Physical Modeling
Execute the logical tables to exist physical existence in the database.
Data modeling tools
There are a number of data modeling tools to transform business requirements into
logical data model, and logical data model to physical data model. From physical data
model, these tools can be instructed to generate SQL code for creating database.

Is GUI based ETL product from Informatica corporation.
Is a client server technology.
Is developed using JAVA language.
Is an integrated tool set (To Design, To Run, To Monitor)
1. 5.0
2. 6.0
3. 7.1.1
4. 8.1.1
5. 8.5
6. 8.6
Meta Data
Meta Data is a Data about Data means Data that describes data and other structures,
such as objects, business rules, and processes.
Example: Table Structure (column name, data type, precision, scale and kyes),
Is a GUI representation for the data flow from source to target. In other words, the
definition of the relationship and data flow between source and target objects.
Requirements for mappings
a) Source Metadata
b) Business logic
c) Target Metadata
Central Database or Metadata Storage place


Target Data warehouse

Source Database


Repository (Working
Place in Informatica)

Staging Area
A place where data is processed before entering the warehouse.
Source System
A database, application, file, or other storage facility from which the data in a data
warehouse is derived.
Target System
A database, application, file, or other storage facility to which the "transformed source
data" is loaded in a data warehouse.
The process of resolving inconsistencies and fixing the anomalies in source data,
typically as part of the ETL process.
The process of manipulating data. Any manipulation beyond copying is a transformation.
Examples include cleansing, aggregating, and integrating data from multiple sources.
The process of moving copied or transformed data from a source to a data warehouse.
Working Professional Divisions


ETL Architects Designing Schema, ETL Specification


Developing ETL Application


Installation, Configuration, Managing, Monitoring

Two Flavors
1. Informatica Power center For Big Scale Industries.
2. Informatica Power mart For Small Scale Industries.
Components of Informatica
Client Components
1. Designer
2. Work flow Manager
3. Work flow Monitor
4. Repository Manager

5. Admin Console

Roles for Designer

1. Use Mapping
2. Source analyze
3. Connect to source Database with ODBC
4. Target Designer
5. Mapping Designer
6. Mapplet Designer
7. Transformation Developer
Roles for Workflow Manager
1. Task Developer
2. Work flow designer
3. Worklet designer
Import Source Definition
Import Target Metadata
Import Designing Mapping


Workflow Manager

Workflow Monitor

1.Create Session

2. Create Workflow


--Executing into
Informatica server.
--Integration services
are responsible for
Admin Console
For Administrative Purpose.

Monitoring (Mapping)

Working flow of Client Component in Informatica

Note:- To Run the Mapping in the Informatica is called Creating Session.


How the Mapping can be done?

CID number(4)pk
Cfname varchar2(5)
Clname varchar2(5)
Gender number(1)
Source Database








Concat ( Cfname, Clname )

Decode (Gender, 0,F,1,M)
Note: - At the time of plan (mapping) you worked with metadata only.
At the time of execution you worked with data records.
Power Center Components
When we install the power center enterprise solution the following components get
install:1. Power Center Clients
2. Power Center Repository
3. Repository Services
4. Integration Services
5. Web Service Hub
6. Power Center domain
7. Power Center administration console


Data Warehouse
[Target Database]


Workflow Manger

Workflow Monitor

Repository Manager

Create Source
Create target
Define T/R Rule
Design Mapping

Create session for each

Create Workflow

View workflow &

session status
Get Session log

Create Edit & Delete folders

Execute Workflow
Schedule Workflow




Source Definition
Target Definition
T/R Rule
Session log
Schedule Info

Create Users, groups, assign


Web Services



Source DB

Target DB

Informatica PowerCenter Client Architecture

Note: One Workflow can contain more than one session but one session will contain only
one mapping.
Workflow is upper layer of the development while session is middle layer and mapping is
inner layer.


Power Center Clients

The following power center clients gets installed
1. Designer
It is a GUI based client component which allows you to design the plan
of ETL process called mapping.
The following types of metadata objects can be created using designer
a) Create Source Definition
b) Create Target Definition
c) Design Mapping with or without a Transformation rule.
2. Workflow Manager
It is a GUI based client component which allows you to create the
following task.
a) Create session for each mapping.
b) Create workflow
c) Execute workflow
d) Schedule workflow
3. Workflow Monitor
It is a GUI based client component which provides the following
a) Give the workflow and session status (Succeeded or Failed)
b) Get Session Log from the repository.
c) Start, Stop sessions and workflows.
4. Repository Manager
The Repository manager is GUI based administrative client which
allows you to create following objects.
a) Create, Edit and Delete folders which are required to organize the
metadata and the repository.
b) Create users, user groups, assign permissions and privileges.
5. Power Center Repository
The Power Center Repository is a Relational Database (System
Database) which contains instruction required to extract transform and
load data.
The Power Center client application can access the repository
database through repository service.
The Repository consists of metadata which describes the
different types of objects such as source definition, target definition,
mapping etc.
The Integration service uses repository objects to perform
extraction, transformation and load data.
The repository also stores administrative information such as
username, passwords, permission and privileges.
The Integration service also creates metadata such as sessionlog, workflow and session status, start and finish time of the session and
stores in repository through repository service.


6. Repository Service
The Repository service manages connections to the power center
repository from client applications.
The Repository service is a multithreaded process that inserts,
retrieves, deleted and updates metadata in the repository.
The Repository service ensures the consistency of the metadata in
the repository.
The Following Power Center applications can access the repository
a) Power Center Client
b) Integration Service
c) Web Service Hub
d) Command Line Program (For backup and Recovery for
administrative purpose)
7. Integration Service
The Integration Service reads mappings and session information from
the repository.
It extract the data from the mapping source stores in the memory
(Staging Area) where it applies the transformation rule that you can
configure in the mapping.
The Integration Service loads the transformed data into the
mapping targets.
The integration service connects to the repository through
repository service to fetch the metadata.
8. Web Service Hub
The Web Service Hub is a web service gateway for the external clients.
The web service clients (Internet Explorer, Mozilla) access the
integration service and repository service through web service hub.
It is used to run and monitor web enabled work flows.

A Session is a set of instruction which perform extraction, transformation and

A session Created to make the mapping available for execution.

Workflow: A Workflow is a start task which contains a set of instruction to execute the
other task such as session.
Workflow is a top object in the power center development hierarchy.
Schedule Workflow: A Schedule workflow is an administrative task which specifies the
data and time to run the workflow.

** The following client component makes communication to integration service.

1. Workflow Manager
2. Workflow Monitor


A transformation is an object used to define business logic for processing the data.
Transformation can be categorized in two categories
1. Based upon no. of rows processing
2. Based upon connection
Based upon no. of rows processing there are two types of Transformation
1. Active Transformation
2. Passive Transformation
Active Transformation:
A transformation which can affect the number of rows while data is going from source to
target is known as active transformation.
The following are the list of active transformation used for processing the data.
1. Source Qualifier Transformation
2. Filter Transformation
3. Aggregator Transformation
4. Joiner Transformation
5. Router Transformation
6. Rank Transformation
7. Sorter Transformation
8. Update Strategy Transformation
9. Transaction Control Transformation
10. Union Transformation
11. Normalizer Transformation
12. XML Source Qualifier
13. Java Transformation
14. SQL Transformation
Passive Transformation:
A transformation which does not affect the number of rows when the data is moving from
source to target is known as passive transformation.
The following are the list of passive transformation used for processing the data.
1. Expression Transformation
2. Sequence Generator Transformation
3. Stored Procedure Transformation
4. Lookup Transformation
Example of Active Transformation.
14 rows

Filter Transformation



14 rows




Example of Passive Transformation

Expression Transformation



14 Rows


14 Rows




Based on Connection there are two types of Transformation

1. Connected
2. Unconnected
Connected: A transformation which is participated in mapping data flow direction
(connected to the source and target) is known as connected transformation.
--All active and passive transformation can be used as connected transformation.
--A connected transformation can receive the multiple inputs and can provide multiple





Annual Sal

Unconnected: A transformation which is not participating in a mapping data flow

direction (neither connected to source nor to the target) is known as unconnected
-- An unconnected transformation can receives the multiple inputs but provides a single
-- The following transformation can be used as unconnected transformation.
1. Stored Procedure Transformation
2. Lookup Transformation





Port & Types of Port

A Port represents column of the database table or file.
The following are the types of port.
1. Input Port
2. Output Port
Input Port: A port which can receive the data is known as input port, which is represented
as I.
Output Port: A port which can provide the data is known as output port, which is
represented as O.
ETL Specification Document (Mapping Specification Document)
A mapping specification document is an excel sheet or word document which contains
information about following objects.
1. Source
2. Target
3. Business Logic (Transformation Rule)
Source Type
Source Table
Source Column
Format Type P, S

Target Type
Target Table
Target Column
Format Type P, S

Transformation Rule
Calculate Tax (sal*0.10)
for top 3 employees based
on the salary in dept 30;


14 Rows

14 Rows

Dept = 30

Top 3


Tax (Sal*.10)



1. Filter Transformation
This is of type an active transformation which allows you to filter the data based on given
-- A condition is created with the three elements
1. Port
2. Operator
3. Operand


The integration service evaluates the filter condition against each input record, returns
-- The integration service returns TURE when the records is satisfied with the condition
and the records are given for further processing or loading the data into the target.
-- The integration service returns FALSE when the input record is not satisfied with the
condition and those records are rejected from filter transformation.
-- Filter transformation does not support IN operator.
-- The filter transformation supports to send the data to the single target.
-- Use filter transformation to perform data cleansing activity.
-- The filter transformation functions as WHERE clause in terms of SQL.
2. Rank Transformation
This is of type an active transformation which allows you to identify the TOP and
BOTTOM performers.
-- The rank transformation can be created with following types of ports.
1. Input Port
2. Output Port
3. Rank Port (R)
4. Variable Prot (V)
Rank Port: - The port based on which rank is determined is known as Rank Port.
Variable Port: - A port which can store the data temporally is known as a variable port.
The following properties need to be set for calculating the Ranks.
1. Top/Bottom
2. Number of Rank
The Rank transformation by default create with an output port called Rank index.
Dense Ranking: - It is a process of calculating the ranks for each group.
Sampling: - It is a process of reading the data of specified size (No. of records) for
3. Expression Transformation
This is a type of passive transformation which allows you to calculate the expression for
each record.
The expression can be calculated only in the output ports.
Used expression transformation to perform data cleansing and data scrubbing activities.
Expression transformations define only on the output port.
4. Sorter Transformation:
This is of type an Active Transformation which sorts the data in ascending or in
descending order.
-- The port on which sorting takes place is represented as a key.
-- User sorter Transformation for eliminating duplicates.

5. Aggregator Transformation
This is of type of an Active transformation which allows you to calculate the summary
for a group of records.
Aggregator transformation is created with following four components.
1. Group by: It defines the group on a port for which summaries are calculated. Ex.
2. Aggregate Expression:- The aggregate expressions can be developed only in the
output ports using following aggregate function.
--sum( )
--max( )
-- avg( )
3. Sorted Input: - An aggregator transformation receives sorted data as an input to
improve the performance of summary calculations.
The port on which group is defined, the same ports need to be sorted,
using sorter transformation. (Only group by port need to be sorted by
sorter transformation)
4. Aggregate Cache: - The Integration service creates cache memory when the first
time session executes on it.
-- The aggregate cache stored on server hard drive.
-- An incremental Aggregation uses aggregate cache to improve the performance
of session.
Incremental Aggregation
Its a process of calculating the summary for only new records, which pass through
mapping using historical cache.
Note: - Both sorted input and incremental aggregation can not be used for a same
application to achieve the greater performance. (Session gets failed because ROWID
will not matched)
6. Lookup Transformation
This is of type of passive transformation which allows you to perform a lookup on
relational tables, flat files, synonyms and views.
-- When the mapping contains a lookup transformation the integration service queries the
-- A lookup transformation can be created with the following types of port.
1. Input Port ( I )
2. Output Port ( O )
3. Lookup Port ( L )
4. Return Port (R)
--There are two lookups
1. Connected
2. Unconnected

-- Use lookup transformation to perform following tasks.

1. Get related value
2. In updating slowly changing dimension.
Difference between Expression and Aggregator Transformation
Expression Transformation
Aggregator Transformation
Passive Transformation
Active Transformation
Expressions are calculated for each Expressions are calculated for group of
Non-Aggregate functions used
Aggregate functions used
7. Joiner Transformation
This is of type of an Active transformation which allows you to combine the data from
multiple sources into a single output based on given join condition.
-- The joiner transformation is created with the following types of ports.
1. Input Port
2. Output Port
3. Master Port (M)
A Source which is defined with lesser number of records than other source is designated
as master source.
A master source is created with the master ports. The joiner transformation can be created
with following types of join.
1. Normal join (Equi Join)
2. Master outer join
3. Detail outer join
4. Full outer join.
The default type of joiner transformation is Normal join (Equi Join).
1. Normal Join keeps only matching rows on the condition.
2. Master Outer Join Keeps all rows from detail and matching rows from master.
3. Detail Outer Join Keeps all rows from master and matching rows from detail.
4. Full Outer Join Keeps all rows from both master and detail.
Joiner transformation does not support non-equi join.
Use joiner transformation to perform merge the data records horizontally.
Use joiner transformation to perform join on the following types of sources.
1. Table + Table
2. Flat file + Flat file
3. XML file + XML file
4. Table + Flat file
5. Table + XML file
6. Flat file + XML file





Joiner Transformation

Union Transformation


Master outer join

Detail outer join

Full Outer Join

8. Router Transformation
Router transformation is a type of active transformation which allows to apply multiple
condition, to load multiple target table.
-- Is created with two types of group.
1. Input Group: - Which receives the data from source.
2. Output Group: - Which sends the data to target.
Output groups are also of two types.
1. User defined group allows to apply condition.
2. Default group captures the rejected record.


Difference between Filter & Router transformation.

Single Condition based Multiple Condition based
Single Target
Multiple Target
Can not capture rejects Capture the rejects



Router Transformation

State HR
State DL
State KA

9. Union Transformation
Union transformation combines multiple input flows into a single output flow.
It supports homogeneous and heterogeneous sources also.
Created with two groups.
1. Input group: - Receives the information
2. Output group: - Sends the information to the target.
Union transformation works as union all in Oracle.
Note: All the sources should have the same structure.
10. Stored Procedure Transformation
This is of type passive transformation which is used to call the stored procedure from the
A stored procedure is a set of pre compiled SQL Statements which receives the input and
provides the output.
There are two types of stored procedure transformation.
1. Connected Stored Procedure
2. Unconnected Stored Procedure
The following properties need to be set for stored procedure transformation.
Source Pre Load
Source Post Load
Target Pre Load
Target Post Load

Use the normal property when the stored procedure involves is performing calculation
11. Source Qualifier Transformation
This is a type of an active transformation which allows you to read the data from
databases and flat files (text file).
SQL Override
Its a process of changing the default SQL using Source filter, User defined joins, Sorting
input data and Eliminating duplicates (Distinct)
Source Qualifier transformation supports SQL override when the source is database.
The above logic gets process on the database server.
The business logic process is sharing between integration service and database server.
This improves the performance of data acquisition.
User Defined Joins If the two sources are belongs to the same database user account or
same ODBC then apply the joins in the source qualifier rather than using joiner
Mapplet & Types of Mapplet
A mapplet is reusable metadata object created with business logic using set of
A mapplet is created using mapplet designer tool.
There are two types of mapplet.
1. Active mapplet: - Its created with the set of active transformation.
2. Passive mapplet: - Its created with the set of passive transformation.
It can be reused in a multiple mappings, having the following restrictions.
1. When you want to use stored procedure transformation you should use the stored
procedure transformation with the type Normal.
2. When you want to use sequence generator transformation you should use the
reusable sequence generator transformation.
3. The following objects can not be used to create a mapplet.
Normalizer Transformation
XML Source Qualifier Transformation
Pre/Post Stored Procedure Transformation
Mapplets (Nested Mapplet)
Note: Reusable TransformationContains Single Transformation
Mapplet Contains Set of Transformation
Reusable Transformation
A Reusable transformation is reusable metadata object which contains the business logic
created with single transformation.


It is created in two different ways

Using Transformation developer
Converting a Non-Reusable transformation into a Reusable Transformation
Source Qualifier transformation does not support to create reusable transformation.
Constraints Based Load Ordering (CBL)
A CBL specifies the load order into the multiple targets based on primary key and foreign
key relationship.
A CBL is specified when you want to load the data into snow-flake schema dimensions,
which is having primary and foreign key relationship.




Emp S_Q



Scheduling Workflow
A schedule specifies the data and time to run the workflow.
There are two types of schedule.
1. Reusable Schedule: - A schedule which can be attached to the multiple workflow
is known as reusable schedule.
2. Non-reusable: - A schedule which is created at the time of creating workflow is
known as non-reusable schedule.
A non-reusable schedule can be converted into reusable schedule.
Target Load Plan
A target load plan specifies the order in which data being extracted from Source Qualifier

Flat Files
A flat file is an ASCII text file which are saved with an extension .txt, .csv
There are two types of flat files.
1. Delimited Flat Files: - In this type of file each field or columns separated by some
special character like comma, tab, space, semicolon etc;
2. Fixed width Flat files: - A record of continuous length to be splitted into multiple

Note:-- Relational Reader Its reads the data from relational sources.
-- File Reader Its reads the data from flat files.
-- XML Reader Its reads the data from XML Reader.
--Relational Writer Its writes the data to the relational targets.
-- File writers Its writes the data to the flat file targets.
--XML writer Its writes the data to the XML file targets.
-- DTM (Data Transformation Manager) Its process the business logic defined in the
The above readers, writers and DTM are known as Integration service components.
File List
A file list is a list of flat files with the same data definition, which needs to be merged
with the source file type as indirect.
XML Source Qualifier Transformation
This transformation is used to read the data from XML files. (Just like Source Qualifier)
Every XML source definition by default associates with XML source qualifier
An XML is a case sensitive markup language saved with extension .xml
Note: XML files are case sensitive file.
XML File Example:

Normalizer Transformation
This is of type of an active transformation which reads the data from Global file source.
It is used to read the file from COBOL source. Every COBOL source definition by
default associate with Normalizer transformation.
Normalizer transformation functions like a source qualifier which reading the data from
COBOL Sources.
User Normalizer transformation to convert a single input record from source into multiple
output data records. This process is known as data pivoting
File name: Account.txt
Year Account
2008 Salary
2008 Others


Year Account
2008 Salary
2008 Salary
2008 Salary
2008 Others
2008 Others
2008 Others




Transaction Control Transformation

This is of type an active transformation which allows to controls the transaction by set of
commit and rollback condition.
If you want to control the transactions then use transaction control transformation at
mapping level.
We can define control expression by using the following predefined variables.

A transaction can be control at session level also by using the property commit interval.
Sequence Generator Transformation
This is of type passive transformation which allows you to generate the sequence number
to be treated as primary keys.
-- A surrogate key is a system generated sequence number to be used as primary key to
maintain the history in a dimension tables.
-- A surrogate key is also known as dimensional key or artificial key or synthetic key.
-- A sequence generator transformation is created with two default output ports.
i. Nextval
ii. Curval
-- This Transformation does not allow you to create a new ports or edit the existing
output ports.
This transformation is used in implementing slowly changing dimensions type2 to
maintain the history in type2 SCD.
The following are the properties to be set to generate the sequence number.
1. Start Value
2. Current Value
3. Increment by
Update Strategy Transformation
This is of type an active transformation which flag the source records for Insert, Update,
Delete, and Reject data driven operations.
This transformation functions an DML command in terms of SQL.
There are two different ways to implement an update strategy.
Using update strategy transformation at mapping level.
Using target table options at session level.
The conditional update strategy expressions can be developed using following
DD_Update 1
DD_Delete 2
-- DD stands for Data Driven
Ex: IFF(SAL>3000, DD_Insert, DD_Reject)
The above expression can be implemented using update strategy transformation at
mapping level.

The default update strategy expression is DD_Insert.

Update strategy transformation functions works on target definition table.
The target table should contain primary key.
Use the following target table options at session level to implement an update strategy
Insert: - It inserts the records in the target.
Update: - Update as Update--It updates the record in the target.
Delete: - It deletes the records on the target.
Update as insert: - For each update it insert a new record in the target.
Update else insert: - It updates the record if exist else insert new record in the
Use an update strategy transformation to update SCD.

How it Works
There are two types of cache memory, index and data cache.
All rows from the master source are loaded into cache memory.
The index cache contains all port values from the master source where the port is
specified in the join condition.
The data cache contains all port values not specified in the join condition.
After the cache is loaded the detail source is compared row by row to the values in the
index cache.
Upon a match the tows from the data cache are included in the stream.
Key Point
If there is not enough memory specified in the index and data cache properties the
overflow will be written out to disk.
Performance consideration
The master source should be the source that will take up the least amount of space in
Another performance consideration would be the sorting of data prior to the joiner
transformation. (Sorted Input).
Note: The index cache is saved with an extension .idx and data cache is saved with an
extension .dat
The cache stored on server hard drive.


Joiner Cache

Index Cache

Data Cache




How it works
There are two types of cache memory index and data cache.
All ports value from the lookup table where the port is part of the lookup condition are
loaded into index cache.
The index cache contains all ports value from the lookup table where the port is specified
in the lookup condition.
The data cache contains all port values from the lookup table that are not in lookup
condition and are specified as output ports.
After the cache loaded, values from the lookup input ports that are part of lookup
condition are compared to index cache.
Upon a match the rows from the cache are included in stream.
Types of Lookup Cache
When the mapping contains lookup transformation the integration service queries the
lookup data and stores in the lookup cache.
The following are the types of cache created by integration service.
1. Static Lookup Cache
This is the default lookup cache created by integration service, it is the read only cache,
can not be updated.
2. Dynamic Lookup Cache
The cache can be updated during the session run and particularly used when you perform
a lookup on target table in implementing Slowly Changing Dimension.


It the lookup table is the target the cache is changed dynamically as target load rows are
New row to be inserted or updated in the target are also written to the cache.
Dynamic Lookup


Write to


Write to

Business Purpose
In a data warehousing dimensions tables are frequently updated and changes to the new
row data must be captured within the load cycle.
New Lookup Row
0 The integration service does not update or insert the row in cache.
1 The integration service inserts the row into the cache.
2 The integration service updates the row into the cache.
Key Points
1. The lookup transformation Associated port matches a lookup input port with
the corresponding part in the lookup cache.
2. The Ignore null inputs for updates should be checked for ports where null data
in the input stream may overwrite the corresponding field in the lookup cache.
3. The Ignore in Comparison should be checked for any port that is not to be
4. The flag New Lookup Row indicates the type of row manipulation of the cache.
If an input row creates an insert n the lookup cache the flag is set to 1. If an
input row creates an update of the lookup cache the flag is set to 2. If no
changes is detected the flag is set to 0. A filter or router transformation can be
used with an update strategy transformation to set the proper row tag to update a
target table.


Performance Consideration
A large lookup table may require more memory resources than available. A SQL override
in the lookup transformation can be used.
Persistent Lookup Cache
The cache can be reused for multiple session runs. It improves the performance of the
How it Works
When the first time session executes on integration service, the integration service creates
an aggregate cache which is made up of index cache and the data cache.
The integration service uses an aggregate cache to perform incremental aggregation.
This improves the performance of session.
There are two types of cache memory, index and data cache.
All rows are loaded into cache before any aggregation tasks place.
All index cache contains group by port values.
The data cache contains all ports value variable and connected output ports.
Non-group by input ports used in non-aggregate output expression.
Non group by input/output ports.
Local variable ports.
Ports containing aggregate function (multiply by three).
One output rows will be required for each unique occurrence of the group ports.
When you perform the incremental aggregation the integration service reads the record
from the source and check in the index cache for the existence of group value.
If the group value exist then it performs the aggregation calculation incrementally using
historical cache.
If it does not find the group in he index cache it creates the group and perform
Performance Consideration
Sorted Input: - Aggregator performance can be increased when you sort the input in the
same order as the aggregator group by ports prior to doing the aggregation. The
aggregator stored input property would need to be checked.
Relational source data can be sorted using an order by clause in the source qualifier
Flat file source data can be sorted using an external sort application or the sorter
transformation. Cache size is also important in assuring optimal performance in the
aggregator. Make sure that your cache size settings are large enough to accommodate all
of the data. If they are not, the system will cache out to disk causing a slow down in

Perform incremental aggregation using aggregate cache. Perform group on numerical

port rather than using character port.

Aggregate Cache

Index Cache

Data Cache



How it Works
If the cache size is specified in the properties exceeds the available amount of memory on
the integration service process machine then the integration service fails the session.
All of the incoming data is passed into cache memory before the sort operation is
If the amount of incoming data is greater than the cache size specified then the
PowerCenter will temporary store the data in the sorter transformation work directory.
Key Points
The integration service requires disk space of at least twice the amount of incoming data
when storing data in work directory.
Performance Consideration
Using sorter transformation may improve performance over an Order by clause in a
SQL override in aggregate session when the source is a database because the source
database may not be tuned with the buffer size needed for a database sort.
Performance Consideration in Various Transformations
Filter Transformation
Keep the filter transformation as close to the source qualifier as possible to filter the data
early in the data flow.
If possible move the same condition to source qualifier transformation.


Router Transformation
When splitting row data based on field values a router transformation has a performance
advantage over multiple filter transformation because a row is read once into the input
group but evaluated multiple times based in the number of groups. Whereas using
multiple filter transformation requires the same row data to be duplicated for each filter
Update Strategy Transformation
The update strategy transformation performance can vary depending on the number of
updates and inserts. In some cases there may be a performance benefit to split a mapping
with updates and insert into two mapping and sessions. One mapping with inserts and
other with updates.
Expression Transformation
Use operator instead of functions
Ex: Instead of using concat function use || operator to concatenate two string fields.
Simplify the complex expressions by defining variable ports.
Try to avoid the usage of aggregate function.
A task is defined as a set of instructions. There are two types of task.
i. Reusable Task: - A task which can be defined for multiple workflows is known as
reusable task. A reusable task is created using task developer tool. Ex: Session,
command, Email.
ii. Non-Reusable Task: A task which is created and defined at the time of creating
workflow is known as non-reusable task. Ex: Session, Command, Email, Decision task,
Control task, Timer task, Event wait task, Event raise task, Worklet.
Note:- A non-reusable task can be converted into reusable task.
Types of Batch Processing
There are two types of batch processing.
i. Parallel batch processing: - In a parallel batch processing all the session start executing
at the same point of time. Session execute concurrently.



ii. Sequential batch processing: - Session executes one after another.





The above pictorial representation defines as follows:

If S-10 is finished (Succeeded or Failed) then S-20 start and so on.
Link Condition
In sequential batch processing the session executed sequentially and conditionally using
link condition. Define the link conditions using a predefined variable called
$S-10: PrevTaskStatus: SUCCEEDED




$S-20: PrevTaskStatus: SUCCEEDED

The above pictorial representation defined as follows, If the S-10 succeeded then S-20
will execute and so on.
A Worklet is defined as group of tasks. There are two types of worklet.
i. Reusable Worklet: - A worklet which can be defined in a multiple workflows is known
as reusable worklet.
A reusable worklet is created using worklet designer tool. In a workflow manager.
A worklet can be executed using a start task known as workflow.
ii. Non-reusable Worklet: - a worklet which is created at the time of creating workflow is
known as non-reusable worklet.
A non-reusable worklet can be converted into the reusable worklet.
You can specify one or more shell commands to run during the workflow with command
You specify the shell commands in the command task to delete, reject file, copy file etc.
Use command task in the following ways:
1. Stand-alone command task:- Use a command task anywhere in the workflow or
worklet to run the shell command.

2. Pre-Post Session shell command: - you can call the command task as the pre-post
session shell command for a session task.
You can use any valid UNIX commands for UNIX servers and any valid DOS command
for WINDOWS server.
Copy C:\test.txt D:\New Test



CMD Task

Stand Alone Command Task

Event Task
You can define the events in the workflow to specify the sequence of task execution.
The event is triggered based on the completion of sequence of the task.
Use the following task to define the vent in the workflow.
Event Raise Task: - The event raise task represent User defined
event. When the integration service runs the event raise task. The event raise
target triggers the event. Use event raise task with event wait task to define the
Event Wait Task: - The event wait task waits for an event to occur.
Once the event triggers the integration service continues executing the rest of
workflow. You may specify the following types of event for event wait and event
raise task.
a) Pre-defined: - A predefined event is the file watch event. For a predefined events
use event wait task to instruct the integration service to wait for specified indicator
file. To appear before continuing with the rest of workflow. When the integration
service locates the indicator file it starts the next task in the workflow.
b) User Defined Event: - A user defined event is a sequence of task in the workflow.
Use an event raise task to specify the location of user defined event in the
Decision Task
You can enter a condition that determines the execution of the workflow with decision
task, similar to the link condition. The decision task has a predefined variable called
$decision_task_name.condition that represents the result of decision condition.
The integration service evaluates the condition in the decision task and sets the predefined condition variable to True or False.
Use decision task instead of multiple link condition in the workflow.


Timer Task
You can specify the period of time to wait before integration service runs the next task in
the workflow with the timer task.
The timer task has two types of settings.
Absolute type: - We can specify the time that integration service starts running
the next task in the workflow.
Relative type: - You instruct the integration service to wait for specified
period of time. After the timer task.
Ex: A workflow contains two sessions. You want the integration service wait 10 minutes
after the first session completes, before it runs the second session.
Use the timer task after the first session, in the relative time setting of a timer task.
Specify 10 minutes for start time of the timer task.
Assignment Task
You can assign a value to user defined workflow variable with the assignment task.
To use assignment task in the workflow first create an add an assignment task to
workflow. Then configure the assignment task to assign value or expression to user
defined variable.
Email Task
Email task is used to send an email within a workflow.
Note: - Emails can also be set post session in a session task.
-- Can be used within a link condition to notify success or failure of prior task.
PMCD Utility
The PMCD is a command line program utility which communicates with integration
Using PMCD the following task can be preformed
i. Start Workflow
ii. Schedule Workflow
iii. Get Service details
iv. Ping Service
The following commands can be used with PMCD Utility.
1. Connect it connect the PMCD program to the integration service.
2. Disconnect It disconnects the PMCD from the integration service.
3. Exit Disconnects the PMCD from the integration service and closes the PMCD


4. Ping Service Verifies the integration service is running or not.

5. Help Returns the syntax for the command that you specify with help.
6. Start Workflow It starts the workflow on integration service.
7. Schedule Workflow Instructs the integration service to schedule a workflow.
Before working with these commands you have to set environment variable for command
Set the Environment Variable
1. My ComputerRight ClickPropertiesAdvancedEnvironment Variable
2. ClickNew (User Variables for Administrator)
C:\Program Files\Informatica\PowerCenter 8.6.0
3. From System VariableSelect PathEditAssign the variable
C:\Program Files\Informatica\PowerCenter 8.6.0\Server\bin
Open the Command Prompt type the PMCD
i. Syntax for Connect Command
Connect sv service name d domain name u Username p Password
ii. Syntax for Start Workflow
Startworkflow f folder name wkf workflow name
** Rest of the command and Syntax you can find in the help menu of Informatica Client
Designer window.
PMREP Utility
The PMREP is a command line program utility. That provides a communication to
repository service. To administrate the repository and update the repository content.
The following Commands can be used with PMREP Utility
1. Connect Connect r Repository Name d Domain_name x Password
Ex: connect r nipuna_rep d domain_admin n administrator n administrator
2. Backup Use this command to the backup of the repository in .rep file format.
backup o filename
backup o C:\backup\batch7pm.rep
3. Create Folder It creates a new folder in the repository
Create folder n folder name
4. Object Export Export the object to .xml file.
Object export n object name o object type f folder name u xml output file
Ex: - object export n M40 o mapping f batch7pm u test.xml

5. Exit Exit the PMREP from command line.

User Defined Function
It lets you to create customized function or user specific function to meet the specific
business task that is not possible with built in functions.
The user defined functions can be private or public.
Mapping Parameters
A mapping parameters represents a constant value that can be define before mapping run.
A mapping parameter is created with the name, type, datatype, precision and scale.
A mapping parameter is defined in a parameter file, which is saved with an extension
A mapping can be reused for various business rules by parameterize the mappings.
Represented by $$.
Parameter file Syntax
[Folder Name .WF: workflow name . ST : Session name]
$$ parameter = Value
[Batch7pm . WF: wkf_mp . ST: S_mp]
$$ deptno = 30
$$ tax = 0.15
Mapping Parameters are specific to the mapping and local to the mapping.
Mapping Variables
A mapping variable represent a value that can be change during mapping run.
A mapping variable is created with the name, time, data type, precision, scale and
Business Purpose
A mapping variable is defined to perform incremental extraction from source.
Note: A mapping variable can be used in Source Qualifier Transformation also.
A variable with the value stored in repository. A mapping variable is created to perform
value based increment extraction.
Session Parameter
A Session parameter defines connection path to database system and file system.
A Session parameter defines in parameter file saved with an extension with .prm.
A Session parameter represented by $.


[Folder . Session]
$ session parameter = Connection

Tracing Level
A tracing level determines the amount of information in the session log.
The following are the types of tracing levels.
1. Normal
2. Verbose
3. Verbose Data
4. Terse
The default tracing level is Normal.
Tracing Level



Integration Service logs initialization and status information, errors

encountered and skipped rows due to transformation row errors.
Summarizes session results, but not at the level of individual rows.


Integration Service logs initialization information and error

messages and notification of rejected data.


In addition to normal tracing, Integration Service logs additional

initialization details names of index and data files used, and detailed
transformation statistics.

Verbose Data

In addition to verbose initialization tracing, Integration Service logs

each row that passes into the mapping. Also notes where the
Integration Service truncates string data to fit the precision of a
column and provides detailed transformation statistics.
Allows the Integration Service to write errors to both the session
log and error log when you enable row error logging.
When you configure the tracing level to verbose data, the
Integration Service writes row data for all rows in a block when it
processes a transformation.

Session Recovery
If you stop a session or an error passes a session to stop. Then identified the reasons for
the failure and start the session again using one of the following methods.
1. Restart the session again if the integration service has not issued at least one

2. Perform session recovery if the integration service has issued at least one commit.
When you start the recovery session the integration service reads the ROWID of last row
committed record from OPB_SRVR_RECOVERY table.
The integration service reads all the source data and start processing from next ROWID.
It is used to debug the mapping to check the business functionality.
Metadata Extension
A metadata extension provides information about the developer who has created an
Metadata extension includes the following information.
1. Developer Name
2. Object Creation Date
3. Email ID
4. Desk Phone etc

Difference between Normal and Bulk Loading

Normal Loading The integration service make an entry of the data record into the data
log before loading into the target. The integration service consumes more time to load the
data into the target.
Bulk Loading: - The integration service bypasses the data log and make an entry of the
data record directly into the target.
It improves the performance of data loading.
Note: - In bulk loading you can not perform session recovery.

A unit test for the data warehouse is a white box testing. It should check the ETL
procedure, mappings, and front end developed reports.
Executes the following test cases
1. Data Availability
Test Procedure


Connect to the source database with valid username and password. Run the SQL Query
on the database to verify that the data is available in the table from where it needs to be
Expected Behavior
-- The login to the database should be successful.
-- The table should contain relevant data.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass or Fail
2. Data Load/Insert
Ensure that records are being inserted in the target.
Test Procedure
i. Make sure that target table is not having any records
ii. Run the mapping and check that records are being inserted in the target table.
Expected Behavior
The target table should contain inserted record.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass
3. Data Load/Update
Ensure that update is properly happening in the target.
Test Procedure
i. Make sure that some records are there in the target already.
ii. Update the value of the some field in a source table record which has been already
loaded into the target.
iii. Run the mapping
Expected Behavior
The target table should contain updated record.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass
4. Incremental Data Load
Ensure that the data from the source should be properly populated into the target
incrementally and without any data loss.

Test Procedure
i. Add new record with new values in addition to already existing record in the source.
ii. Run the mapping
Expected Behavior
The target table should be added with only new record.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass
5. Data Accuracy
The data from the source should be populated into the target accurately.
Test Procedure
i. Add new record with new values in addition to already existing record in the source.
ii. Run the mapping
Expected Behavior
The column values in the target should be the same the data source value.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass
6. Verify Data Loss
Check the number of records in the source and target.
Test Procedure
i. Run the mapping and check the number of records inserted in the target and number of
records rejected.
Expected Behavior
No. of records in the source table should be equal to the number of records in the target
table + rejected records.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass
7. Verify Column Mapping
Verify that source columns are properly linked to the target column.
Test Procedure


i. Perform a manual check to confirm that source columns are properly linked to the
target columns.
Expected Behavior
The data from the source columns should be placed in target table accurately.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass
8. Verify Naming Standard
Ensure that objects are created with industry specific naming standard.
Test Procedure
i. A manual check can be performed to verify the naming standard.
Expected Behavior
Objects should be given appropriate naming standards.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass
9. SCD Type2 Mapping
Ensure that surrogate keys are properly generating for a dimensional change.
Test Procedure
i. Insert a new record with new values in addition to already existing records in the
ii. Change the value of some field in a source table record which has been already loaded
into the target run the mapping.
ii. Verify the target for appropriate surrogate keys.
Expected Behavior
The target table should contain appropriate surrogate key for insert and update.
Actual Behavior
-- As expected
Test Result
-- Pass
System testing also called Data Validation Testing.
The system and acceptance testing are usually separate. It might be move beneficial to
combine the two phases in case of tight timeline and budget constraint.


A simple technique of counting the number of records in the source table that should be
tie up with Number of records in the target table + Number of records rejected
Test the rejects for business logic.
The ETL system is tested with the full functionality and is expected to function as in
In many case the dimension table exists as masters in OLTP and can be checked
Performance Testing and Optimization
The first step in performance tuning is to identify the performance bottleneck in the
following order.
1. Target
2. Source
3. Mapping
4. Session
5. System
The most common performance bottleneck occurs when the integration service writes the
data to target.
1. Identifying Target Bottleneck
Test Procedure: A target bottleneck can be identified by configuring the session to write
to a flat file target.
User Bulk loading instead of Normal load.
ii. Increase Commit Interval
iii. Drop index of target table before loading
2. Identifying Source Bottleneck
Test Procedure: A source bottleneck can be identified by removing all the transformation
in test mapping and if the performance is similar then there is source bottleneck.
Test Procedure: Add a filter condition after the Source Qualifier to false so that no data is
processed passed the filter transformation. If the time it takes to run the new session is
same as original session there is a source bottleneck.
Create Index
Optimize the query using hint = WHERE clause.
3. Identifying Mapping Bottleneck
Test Procedure: Add a filter condition before each target definition and set condition to
false so that no records are loaded into the target.
If the time it takes to run the new session is same as original session then there is a
mapping bottleneck.

i. Joiner Transformation
1. Use Sorted Input
2. Define the source as master source which occupies the least amount of memory
in the cache.
ii. Aggregator Transformation
1. Use Sorted Input
2. Incremental aggregation with aggregate cache.
3. Group by simpler ports, preferably Numeric Ports.
iii. Lookup Transformation
1. Define SQL Override on lookup table
2. User persistent lookup cache.
iv. Expression Transformation
1. Use operators instead of function
2. Avoid the usage of aggregate function call.
3. Simplify the expression by creating variable ports.
v. Filter Transformation
1. Keep the filter transformation as close to the source qualifier as possible to filter
the data early in the data flow.
4. Identifying Session Bottleneck
Test Procedure: Use Collect performance details to identify session bottleneck. Low (020%) buffer input efficiency and buffer output efficiency counter values indicates session
Tune the following parameters in the session.
1. DTM buffer size 6M to 128M
2. Buffer block size 4K to 128K
3. Data cache size 2M to 24M
4. Index cache size 1M to 12M
Test Procedure: Double Click Session Properties Tab Select Collect
performance Data Click ApplyOk
Execute the Session.
The Integration service creates a performance file that saved with an extension .pref
The .pref file located in session log directory.
5. Identifying System Bottleneck

If there is no target, source, mapping and session bottleneck then there may be a system
bottleneck. Use the system tool to monitor CPU usage and memory usage.
On Windows Operating System used Task Manager, on Unix Operating System use
system tool such as iostat, sar.
Improve Network Speed
Improve CPU Usage
SQL Transformation
The SQL Transformation processes the SQL queries in the pipeline. You can insert,
delete, update and retrieve rows from the database. You can pass the database connection
information to the SQL Transformation as input data at run time.
You can configure the SQL Transformation to run into the following modes.
1. Script Mode: - An SQL Transformation running in script mode runs SQL Scripts
from the text file.
You pass each script file name from source to SQL Transformation using script
name port.
The Script file name contains complete path to script file.
An SQL Transformation configure for script mode has the following default ports.
i. Script Name Input port
ii. Script Result Output Port (Returns passed if the script execution
succeeded otherwise returns fail)
iii. Script Error Output Port (Returns Error Message)
2. Query Mode: - When a SQL Transformation runs in query mode it executes an
SQL Query that you define in the transformation.
When you configure the SQL Transformation to run in a query mode you
create an active transformation. The transformation can returns multiple
rows for each row.
Unconnected Stored Procedure
An Unconnected stored procedure transformation is not a part of data flow. It can be
called through other transformation using :sp( ) Identifier.
An Unconnected stored procedure can receive act as function that can be called through
other transformation such as expression transformation.
An Unconnected stored procedure can receive multiple inputs but provides single output.
Difference between Connected and Unconnected Lookup Transformation
Connected Lookup
1 Part of the mapping data flow

Unconnected Lookup
Separate from mapping data flow

2 Returns multiple values (by linking Returns one value by checking the Return Port
another option for the output port that provides the
return value.
3 Execute for every record passing Only executed when the lookup function is
through the transformation
4 More visible, shows where the Less visible as the lookup is called from an
lookup values are used.
expression within another transformation.
5 Default values are used.

Default values are ignored.

Joins Versus Lookup

Source Qualifier Join

Can join any number of tables
Full functionality of standard SQL variable.
May reduce volume of data on network
Can only join homogeneous relational tables
Can affect performance on the source database.
Can join Heterogeneous source
Can join non-relational source
Can join partially transformed data
Can only join two input data steams per joiner
Only supports equijoin
Does not support OR condition
Can reuse cache across session run
Can reuse cache with mapping
Can modify cache dynamically
Can chose to cache or not to cache
Can query relational table or flat file
Inequality comparison are allowed

SQL Override supported

Can be unconnected and invoked as needed
Can not output multiple matches
Unconnected can only have one return value
Does not support OR condition

Unconnected Lookup Transformation

An unconnected transformation is not a part of data flow, act as a lookup that can be
called through other transformation using :LKP identifier.
It improves the efficiency of mapping.

High Level Design

The following activities need to be identified.
1. Identify the source system
2. Identify the RDBMS
3. Identify the hardware requirements
4. Identify the ETL & OLAP software requirement.
5. Identify the operating system requirements.


ETL Development Life Cycle

ETL Project Plan
Business Requirements
High Level Design
Low Level Design
ETL Development
ETL Unit Testing
System Testing
Performance Testing
ETL User Acceptance Testing
Warranty, Stabilization Period


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