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We acknowledge the
financial support of the
Government of Canada
through the
Canada Periodical Fund
of the Department of
Canadian Heritage.


Volume 134 Issue 12

Friday, June 3, 2016

Council Grants Extension

For Removal of
St. John Building

90 cents plus tax

Legion Commits $100,000 To Clinic

Photo by Darryl Holyk

Town Council has set a deadline of August 31st

for the demolition of the delapidated brick
building on Main Street which was long
known as the St. John Law Office.

innedosa Town Council met for a special meeting before its Committee of the Whole meeting on
Tuesday, May 24th. Mayor Orr presided with Councillors Taylor, Luker, Wedgewood and MacDowall in attendance. Councillors Skatch and Saler were absent.
The meeting opened with a public hearing to deal
with a conditional use application applied for by Brio
Massage. The application asked that the development
of a registered massage therapy service be allowed in
a home previously zoned as residential. As no objections against the application were received, Council
approved the conditional use order allowing Brio Massage to open and operate out of the former home.
For some time, the Town has expressed concerns
about the former St. John law building on the west side
of Main Street across from the cenotaph. CAO Jenkins
reported that Tanners Crossing Planning District Development Officer, Brian Skatch had given the buildings owner, Norm Sims, until May 31st to have the old
crumbling building torn down. Mr. Sims responded
with a letter asking for an extension to August 31st to
clean the building. Council discussed the situation and
agreed to grant the request providing that the old St.
John building is demolished and lots cleaned by August
Council also dealt with two subdivision proposals from Murray Parrott on behalf of Prairie Oasis Ltd.
The existing four and six-plexs located along the river
behind the former Armoury are being converted into
bare land condominiums.

Continued on Page 2

Photo by Darryl Holyk

(L-R): Waine Mansell (Legion Vice President), Wayne Hopkins (Legion Treasurer and Clubroom
Manager), Duane LaCoste (Legion President), Valerie St. John (Legion Ladies Auxiliary President),
Wayne Currah (Clinic Committee Chair), John Mendrikis (Clinic fundraising committee),
Ray Morgan (Clinic fundraising committee), and Ray Orr (Mayor).

he Hugh Dyer #138

Branch of the Royal
Canadian Legion has decided to financially support the fundraising efforts for Minnedosas new
Primary Care Clinic.
On Monday, the presentation of $100,000 was
made by members of the
local Legion and Ladies
Auxiliary to the fundraising committee at the future site of the clinic just
west of the Minnedosa
Health Centre.
The Primary Care
Clinic steering committee
has approached a number
of organizations, service

groups and neighbouring

municipalities regarding
the value of investing in
this much needed project
which will serve residents
in not only the immediate
Minnedosa Minto-Odanah area but also from a
much greater regional aspect.
When the group first
approached the local legion members, the executive discussed the project
and voted unanimously
to financially support the
clinic project.
We feel it is necessary to attract and retain
doctors in our community
and to keep those of our
community who are in

need of health care here

rather than having to travel to facilities elsewhere,
stated Legion President,
Duane LaCoste. This, of
course, is important to
many of our members
who are advancing in age.
We also acknowledge that
the community has been
very supportive of the Legion and our activities and
we see this as an opportunity to give back to the
It is our hope that
this new facility will attract more physicians and
I think it should certainly
help that process. That is
really what we need, added Valerie St. John, former

Minnedosa physician and

current president of the
Legion Ladies Auxiliary.
The committee is
overwhelmed by the commitment of the local Legion, stated Primary Care
Clinic Chairman, Wayne
Currah. Hopefully this is
a sign of things to come
from other service groups
and individuals to help
the fundraising that we
will be pushing hard on
over the next few months.
A public meeting regarding the new Primary
Care Clinic will be held
the evening of Wednesday, June 15th. Watch next
weeks edition for more

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