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Affine forms. Biaffine forms.

affine forms
Affine forms

Lect.dr. Mihai Chiş () Lecture 7 31.III.2009 1 / 26

Affine forms. Biaffine forms. Quadratic
affine forms
Affine forms

Let A be a K−affine space, with the director space dir (A) = L. An
affine function F : A −→ K is called an affine form on A.

Lect.dr. Mihai Chiş () Lecture 7 31.III.2009 1 / 26

Affine forms. Biaffine forms. Quadratic
affine forms
Affine forms

Let A be a K−affine space, with the director space dir (A) = L. An
affine function F : A −→ K is called an affine form on A.

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F : A −→ K is affine if and only if

F (αP + βQ) = αF (P) + βF (Q) , (∀)P, Q ∈ A, α, β ∈ K .α + β = 1.

If F : A −→ K is an affine form, then there is a linear form f : L −→ K
such that for any points O, P ∈ A

f (OP) = F (P) − F (O) (= F (O)F (P) in the affine space K .)

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F : A −→ K is affine if and only if

F (αP + βQ) = αF (P) + βF (Q) , (∀)P, Q ∈ A, α, β ∈ K .α + β = 1.

If F : A −→ K is an affine form, then there is a linear form f : L −→ K
such that for any points O, P ∈ A

f (OP) = F (P) − F (O) (= F (O)F (P) in the affine space K .)

If we denote OP = r and F (O) = b, then

F (P) = f (r ) + b .

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F : A −→ K is affine if and only if

F (αP + βQ) = αF (P) + βF (Q) , (∀)P, Q ∈ A, α, β ∈ K .α + β = 1.

If F : A −→ K is an affine form, then there is a linear form f : L −→ K
such that for any points O, P ∈ A

f (OP) = F (P) − F (O) (= F (O)F (P) in the affine space K .)

If we denote OP = r and F (O) = b, then

F (P) = f (r ) + b .

Hence F is completely determined by the pair (f , b), formd by the

linear form f associated to F and b = F (O), the value of the affine
form F at some fixed origine O ∈ A.
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F : A −→ K is affine if and only if

F (αP + βQ) = αF (P) + βF (Q) , (∀)P, Q ∈ A, α, β ∈ K .α + β = 1.

If F : A −→ K is an affine form, then there is a linear form f : L −→ K
such that for any points O, P ∈ A

f (OP) = F (P) − F (O) (= F (O)F (P) in the affine space K .)

If we denote OP = r and F (O) = b, then

F (P) = f (r ) + b .

Hence F is completely determined by the pair (f , b), formd by the

linear form f associated to F and b = F (O), the value of the affine
form F at some fixed origine O ∈ A.
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If A is finite dimensional, and F = (O; (vi )i=1,n ) is a cartesian frame in
A, then the equation of F is

F (P) = a1 x1 + a2 x2 + · · · + an xn + b .

The coefficients (a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b) are called the coordinates of F with

respect to the frame F.

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If A is finite dimensional, and F = (O; (vi )i=1,n ) is a cartesian frame in
A, then the equation of F is

F (P) = a1 x1 + a2 x2 + · · · + an xn + b .

The coefficients (a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b) are called the coordinates of F with

respect to the frame F.

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The kernel of an affine form F : A −→ K is

Ker (F ) := F −1 (0) = {P ∈ A| F (P) = 0} .

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A subspace A0  A is a hyperplane of A if and only if there is a
nonconstant affine form F : A −→ K, such that A0 = Ker (F ). In this
case, if L0 = dir (A0 ), then L0 = Ker (f ), where f : L −→ K is the linear
form associated to F .

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Biaffine forms

A function G : A × A −→ K is called a biaffine form, if for any points
P1 , P2 , Q ∈ A and any scalars α1 , α2 ∈ K, such that α1 + α2 = 1, the
following equalities hold:

1) G (α1 P1 + α2 P2 , Q) = α1 G (P1 , Q) + α2 G (P2 , Q) ,

2) G (Q, α1 P1 + α2 P2 ) = α1 G (Q, P1 ) + α2 G (Q, P2 ) .

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Biaffine forms

A function G : A × A −→ K is called a biaffine form, if for any points
P1 , P2 , Q ∈ A and any scalars α1 , α2 ∈ K, such that α1 + α2 = 1, the
following equalities hold:

1) G (α1 P1 + α2 P2 , Q) = α1 G (P1 , Q) + α2 G (P2 , Q) ,

2) G (Q, α1 P1 + α2 P2 ) = α1 G (Q, P1 ) + α2 G (Q, P2 ) .

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Let O ∈ A be a fixed point. The function G : A × A −→ K is a biaffine
form if and only if there are a bilinear form G : L × L −→ K, two linear
forms f1 , f2 : L −→ K and a scalar c ∈ K such that

G (P, Q) = g (OP, OQ) + f1 (OP) + f2 (OQ) + c , (∀)P, Q ∈ A .

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The system (g , f1 , f2 , c) is called system of forms associated to the
biaffine form G , corresponding to the origin O.

The system of forms associated to the biaffine form G , corresponding
to the origin O is given by

c = G (O, O)
f1 (OP) = G (P, O) − G (O, O)
f2 (OQ) = G (O, Q) − G (O, O)
g (OP, OQ) = G (P, Q) − G (P, O) − G (O, Q) + G (O, O) .

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The system (g , f1 , f2 , c) is called system of forms associated to the
biaffine form G , corresponding to the origin O.

The system of forms associated to the biaffine form G , corresponding
to the origin O is given by

c = G (O, O)
f1 (OP) = G (P, O) − G (O, O)
f2 (OQ) = G (O, Q) − G (O, O)
g (OP, OQ) = G (P, Q) − G (P, O) − G (O, Q) + G (O, O) .

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Let G : A × A −→ K be a biaffine form, O, O 0 ∈ A two points, and
(g , f1 , f2 , c) and (g 0 , f10 , f20 , c 0 ) the corresponding systems of forms
associated to G . Then
 0
 g (OP, OQ) = g (OP, OQ)
 0

f1 (OP) = f1 (OP) + g (O 0 P, OO 0 )
f 0 (OQ) = f2 (OQ) + g (OO 0 , O 0 Q)
 20

c = c + f1 (OO 0 ) + f2 (OO 0 ) + g (OO 0 , OO 0 )

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Let An be a n−dimensional K−affine space and F = (O, (vi )i=1,n ) a
cartesian frame of An . A function G : An × An −→ K is a biaffine form if
and only if there are scalars aij , bi(1) , bj(2) , c ∈ K
X n
X n
G (P, Q) = aij xi yj + bi(1) xi + bj(2) yj + c ,
i,j=1 i=1 j=1

for any points P(xi ), Q(yj ) ∈ An . The scalars (aij , bi(1) , bj(2) , c) are called
the coordinates of G with respect to the frame F.

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In matrix form, if
    
x1 y1 a11 a12 . . . a1n
 x2   y2   a21 a22 . . . a2n
X = . , Y = , A=
    
.. .. .. .. ..
 ..   .   . . . .
xn yn an1 an2 . . . ann

B1 = [b1(1) . . . bn(1) ] , B2 = [b1(2) . . . bn(2) ] ,

G (P, Q) = X t AY + B1 X + B2 Y + c .

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The matrix
A B1t
B2 c
is called the matrix associated to the biaffine form G with respect to the
frame F. We have
A B1t
t Y
G (P, Q) = [X 1] · · .
B2 c 1

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The matrix
A B1t
B2 c
is called the matrix associated to the biaffine form G with respect to the
frame F. We have
A B1t
t Y
G (P, Q) = [X 1] · · .
B2 c 1

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Let An be a n−dimensional K−affine space, F = (O, (vi )i=1,n ) a
cartesian frame of An , and G : An × An −→ K a biaffine form. The
rank of G is the rank of the associated matrix D:

ρ = rank(G ) := rank(D) .

The determinants

∆ := det(D) , δ := det(A)

are called ”the big”, respectively ”the small” determinant associated to

G at the point O.

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Let An be a n−dimensional K−affine space, F = (O, (vi )i=1,n ) a
cartesian frame of An , and G : An × An −→ K a biaffine form. The
rank of G is the rank of the associated matrix D:

ρ = rank(G ) := rank(D) .

The determinants

∆ := det(D) , δ := det(A)

are called ”the big”, respectively ”the small” determinant associated to

G at the point O.

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The big and small determinant of G satisfy the equality

∆ = cδ − B2 · A∗ · B1t .

Also, if r := rank(g )(= rank(A)), then

r ≤ ρ ≤ r + 2.

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A biaffine form G : A × A −→ K is called symmetric if

G (P, Q) = G (Q, P) , (∀)P, Q ∈ A .

1) G is symmetric if and only if g is symmetric and f1 = f2 .
2) If G is symmetric, then

G (P, Q) = g (OP, OQ) + f (OP + OQ) + G (O, O) .

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A biaffine form G : A × A −→ K is called symmetric if

G (P, Q) = G (Q, P) , (∀)P, Q ∈ A .

1) G is symmetric if and only if g is symmetric and f1 = f2 .
2) If G is symmetric, then

G (P, Q) = g (OP, OQ) + f (OP + OQ) + G (O, O) .

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Quadratic affine forms

If G : A × A −→ K is a symmetric biaffine form, the function
H : A −→ K, defined by H(P) = G (P, P), (∀)P ∈ A, is called a
quadratic affine form(associated to G ).

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Quadratic affine forms

If G : A × A −→ K is a symmetric biaffine form, the function
H : A −→ K, defined by H(P) = G (P, P), (∀)P ∈ A, is called a
quadratic affine form(associated to G ).

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If G : A × A −→ K is a symmetric biaffine form, and H : A −→ K the
quadratic afine form associated to G , then
1 1 1
G (P, Q) = 2H P + Q − (H(P) + H(Q)) , (∀)P, Q ∈ A .
2 2 2

Knowing the quadratic affine form H, one can determine the
corresponding symmetric biaffine form G , using the above formula. We
call G the polar form associated to the quadratic affine form H.

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If G : A × A −→ K is a symmetric biaffine form, and H : A −→ K the
quadratic afine form associated to G , then
1 1 1
G (P, Q) = 2H P + Q − (H(P) + H(Q)) , (∀)P, Q ∈ A .
2 2 2

Knowing the quadratic affine form H, one can determine the
corresponding symmetric biaffine form G , using the above formula. We
call G the polar form associated to the quadratic affine form H.

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Since for a symmetric biaffine form G the equality

G (P, Q) = g (OP, OQ) + f (OP + OQ) + G (O, O)

holds, we deduce that

H(P) = h(OP) + 2f (OP) + H(O) ,

where h is the (linear) quadratic form associated form associated to the

symmetric billinear form g (by h(v ) = g (v , v ), (∀)v ∈ L). Also, in
matrix form, one has

H(P) = X t AX + 2BX + c .

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Since for a symmetric biaffine form G the equality

G (P, Q) = g (OP, OQ) + f (OP + OQ) + G (O, O)

holds, we deduce that

H(P) = h(OP) + 2f (OP) + H(O) ,

where h is the (linear) quadratic form associated form associated to the

symmetric billinear form g (by h(v ) = g (v , v ), (∀)v ∈ L). Also, in
matrix form, one has

H(P) = X t AX + 2BX + c .

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Let An be a n−dimensional K−affine space, F = (O, (vi )i=1,n ) a cartesian
frame of An , H : An −→ K a quadratic affine form, and
G : An × An −→ K the polar form of H. The rank, the ”big” and the
”small” determinant associated to H with respect to the origin O are the
the same as those of G :
A Bt
ρ := rank(H) = rank(G ) = rank(D) , D =
B c
r = rank(h) = rank(g ) = rank(A) ,
∆ = det(D) , δ = det(A) .

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Let An be a n−dimensional K−affine space, H : An −→ K a quadratic
affine form, and h : L −→ K the induced (linear) quadratic form. Then
there is a cartesian frame of An with respect to which H has one of the
following expressions:
a) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 , if ρ(= rank(H)) = r (= rank(h)).

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Let An be a n−dimensional K−affine space, H : An −→ K a quadratic
affine form, and h : L −→ K the induced (linear) quadratic form. Then
there is a cartesian frame of An with respect to which H has one of the
following expressions:
a) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 , if ρ(= rank(H)) = r (= rank(h)).
b) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 + µ, if ρ = r + 1.

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Let An be a n−dimensional K−affine space, H : An −→ K a quadratic
affine form, and h : L −→ K the induced (linear) quadratic form. Then
there is a cartesian frame of An with respect to which H has one of the
following expressions:
a) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 , if ρ(= rank(H)) = r (= rank(h)).
b) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 + µ, if ρ = r + 1.
c) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 − 2ur +1 , if ρ = r + 2.

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Let An be a n−dimensional K−affine space, H : An −→ K a quadratic
affine form, and h : L −→ K the induced (linear) quadratic form. Then
there is a cartesian frame of An with respect to which H has one of the
following expressions:
a) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 , if ρ(= rank(H)) = r (= rank(h)).
b) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 + µ, if ρ = r + 1.
c) H(P) = λ1 u12 + λ2 u22 + · · · + λr ur2 − 2ur +1 , if ρ = r + 2.

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An expression as those above is called a canonical expression of the
quadratic affine form H, whereas a cartesian frame with respect to
which H has a canonical expression is called a canonical frame
corresponding to H.

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If An is a real affine space, the canonical expression of H can be
reduced to the following form:
a) H(P) = y12 + · · · + yp2 − yp+1
2 − · · · − yr2 , if ρ = r .
b) H(P) = y1 + · · · + yp − yp+1 − · · · − yr2 + µ, if ρ = r + 1.
2 2 2

c) H(P) = y12 + · · · + yp2 − yp+1

2 − · · · − yr2 − 2yr +1 , if ρ = r + 2.

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If An is a real affine space, the canonical expression of H can be
reduced to the following form:
a) H(P) = y12 + · · · + yp2 − yp+1
2 − · · · − yr2 , if ρ = r .
b) H(P) = y1 + · · · + yp − yp+1 − · · · − yr2 + µ, if ρ = r + 1.
2 2 2

c) H(P) = y12 + · · · + yp2 − yp+1

2 − · · · − yr2 − 2yr +1 , if ρ = r + 2.

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A point P0 ∈ A is called a symmetry center for the quadratic affine form
H if H takes equal values in any two points which are symmetric with
respect to P0 .

A point P0 ∈ A is a symmetry centre for the quadratic affine form H if
and only if
H(P) = G (P0 , P) , (∀)P ∈ A ,
where G is the polar form of H.

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A point P0 ∈ A is called a symmetry center for the quadratic affine form
H if H takes equal values in any two points which are symmetric with
respect to P0 .

A point P0 ∈ A is a symmetry centre for the quadratic affine form H if
and only if
H(P) = G (P0 , P) , (∀)P ∈ A ,
where G is the polar form of H.

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A quadratic form H is constant on the set of its centers.

The set A0H of all centers of the quadratic affine form H is an affine
subspace of A. If A0H 6= ∅, the director space of this subspace is the
nullspace of the associated billinear form g .

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A quadratic form H is constant on the set of its centers.

The set A0H of all centers of the quadratic affine form H is an affine
subspace of A. If A0H 6= ∅, the director space of this subspace is the
nullspace of the associated billinear form g .

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In coordinates, one must have
aij xj + bi = 0 , (∀)i = 1, n .

This system is compatible if and only if rank(A) = rank([A B t ]).

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In coordinates, one must have
aij xj + bi = 0 , (∀)i = 1, n .

This system is compatible if and only if rank(A) = rank([A B t ]).

A quadratic affine form H has a symmetry center if and only if
ρ ≤ r + 1.

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In coordinates, one must have
aij xj + bi = 0 , (∀)i = 1, n .

This system is compatible if and only if rank(A) = rank([A B t ]).

A quadratic affine form H has a symmetry center if and only if
ρ ≤ r + 1.

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If H has a unique center P0 , and we consider a frame with origin at P0 ,

H(P0 ) = .

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