JFK Example Outlines and Works Cited

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Phoebe Buffet

Public Speaking/ Jodie Bowers

Informative Speech
Full Sentence Outline
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John F. Kennedy
Attention Getter: Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your
country. These famous words were spoken by John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th (This is an
example of an oral citation) president of the United States of America. He has been considered
one of the greatest presidents of all time to many people, but why? Many would say it was
because of his youth, charisma, and sophistication. Others may say its because of the way he
handled the Cuban Missile Crisis as the threat of nuclear war grew larger. Credibility Statement
and preview of the main points covered in speech: I have decided to research Kennedys greatest
successes and failures in life as well as his death and conspiracies that have followed since the
day he was shot to find what made him so popular.

John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in Massachusetts.

a. He was the second oldest of nine children and,
b. He became known as Jack among his family and friends.
c. Kennedy attended a Catholic boarding school in Connecticut, but did not excel.
i. He then moved to a preparatory school, where he showed his brilliance
when he applied himself,
ii. However, Kennedy remained an average student according to an article
entitled John F Kennedy Biography from bio.com (another example of
an oral citation).
d. After he graduated high school, Kennedy attended Princeton for one semester
before transferring to Harvard to finish his degree.
e. After graduating from Harvard, Kennedy joined the US Navy.
i. While patrolling a torpedo boat in the South Pacific, his boat was hit by a
Japanese warship.
ii. Although Kennedy was injured, he pulled a fellow soldier who had been
wounded to a nearby island.
iii. According to whitehouse.gov (a 3rd oral citation), John F Kennedy was
awarded the Purple Heart and the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for his
heroic conduct.

Transitional Statement (This is moving from main point I to main point II. It is essential for
smooth flow of the speech): After Kennedy was discharged from the Navy, he worked as a news

reporter for a short amount of time before deciding to run for the US House of Representatives in
1946, at the age of 29, thus launching his political career.

US House of Representatives and Senate

a. Due to the fact that he was a war hero and he had strong connections with many
family members who already held government positions, Kennedy easily won the
b. However, he found the work to be very boring, so he decided to run for a seat in
the Senate after serving three terms in the House of Representatives.
i. Kennedy won by a narrow margin
ii. (The above point needs to be expanded on; perhaps with the results and
who he was running against also needs a citation).
c. He met Jacqueline Bouvier after his election
i. They were married a year later according to whitehouse.gov (4th oral
ii. They had a daughter and two sons: Caroline, John Jr., and Patrick.
iii. (More information on Jacqueline Kennedy would really round this section
out. After all, she was very well known).
d. After serving eight years in the Senate, John F. Kennedy decided to run as the
Democratic presidential candidate, running against Republican Richard Nixon.
i. This campaign was the first to be televised and Americans loved
Kennedys charisma and youthfulness according to an article by Stephen
Knott entitled What Might Have Been (5th oral citation).
ii. Kennedy won the election and was sworn into office on January 20, 1961.

Transitional Statement (Connecting main point II to main point III): Kennedy had both great
successes and failures while he served in the Oval Office. One of his biggest failures was his
handling of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, while perhaps his greatest success as President was how he
handled the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Kennedy will always be remember for the Bay of Pigs Invasion as one of his office
a. In 1959, on the Island of Cuba, a new dictator had just come to power named
Fidel Castro.
i. Castro began cutting of ties with America because he did not like their
approach to how they dealt with business in Cuba. (This needs an oral
ii. The above point also needs to be expanded on like a specific example to
support Castros disdain toward international trade with America.
b. Kennedy organized a group of Cuban Exiles to be trained to invade Cuba and start
a rebellion to overthrow Castro.
i. He wanted it to be a secret, so the Soviet Union would not see this as an
act of war.
ii. On the day they invaded Cuba, things went horribly wrong.
1. After Castros military pinned the invaders, the Cuban Exiles were
forced to surrender without even fighting for a whole day.
2. This caused even more tension between the United States and the
Communist Soviets which soon led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

c. Though the Bay of Pigs Invasion failed, Kennedy was able to salvage his
reputation with his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
i. After the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Fidel Castro began forming a relationship
with the Soviet Union.
1. This was during the time that the United States and the Soviet
Union were in the midst of the Cold War.
2. Above point needs to be strengthened with supporting info such
as the dates of the Cold War.
ii. When news spread of a Soviet nuclear missile in Cuba facing toward the
US, fear began to spread across the states.
1. Kennedy formed a team of experts together to avoid the threat of
nuclear war.
2. Eventually the Soviets took the missile out of Cuba. (Needs an oral
Transitional Statement: Many Americans began to view Kennedy as a hero after he handled the
Cuban Missile Crisis.

On September 22, 1963, President Kennedy was in Dallas Texas for a campaign
a. As he was riding toward Dealey Plaza through a crowd of people cheering for
him, he was shot from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.
i. He was rushed to the Parkland Memorial Hospital, but was declared dead
just thirty minutes after arriving.
ii. President Kennedy was only 46 years old.
b. Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, a former Marine who apparently had
Soviet sympathies according to bio.com (6th oral citation)
i. However, many Americans have formed their own opinions and
conspiracies about how and why Kennedy was killed.
ii. The above point needs more information to support it for example
talking about one of the more popular conspiracies.

Conclusion: Americans were devastated by the death of President Kennedy. Many of them
during this time described Kennedy as one of the greatest presidents because of his symbol of
hope and purpose in America. Although John F Kennedy had many faults and flaws, there is no
denying that he touched the hearts of Americans (very brief summary of the main points talked
about in the body of the speech) during this time and left his mark on society.

Key Word Outline

John F. Kennedy
Introduction: Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
These famous words were spoken by John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United
States of America. He has been considered one of the greatest presidents of all time to many
people, but why? Many would say it was because of his youth, charisma, and sophistication.
Others may say its because of the way he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis as the threat of
nuclear war grew larger. I have decided to research Kennedys greatest successes and failures in
life as well as his death and conspiracies that have followed since the day he was shot to find
what made him so popular.

Early Life
a. Birth/Childhood
i. Born on May 29, 1917
ii. Second oldest of nine and known as Jack
iii. Attended Catholic boarding school before moving to a preparatory school
iv. Attended Princeton before moving to Harvard
b. US Navy
i. Joined navy after graduating from Harvard
ii. Hit by Japanese warship while patrolling in the South Pacific
iii. Pulled a fellow wounded soldier to shore
iv. Received Purple Heart and Navy and Marine Corps Medal for heroic

Transitional Statement: After Kennedy was discharged from the Navy, he worked as a news
reporter for a short amount of time before deciding to run for the US House of Representatives in
1946, at the age of 29.

Political Career
a. US house of Representatives and Senate
i. Won the election very easily
ii. Found work to be boring so decided to run for a spot in the Senate
iii. Won by a narrow margin
iv. Met Jacqueline Bouvier after his election and married her a year later
v. Had a daughter and two sons: Caroline, John Jr., and Patrick
b. Presidency
i. Served eight years in the senate before running for president
ii. First campaign to be televised and Kennedy won because of his charisma
and youthfulness
iii. Kennedy won election and was sworn in on January 20, 1961

Transitional Statement: Kennedy had both great successes and failures while in office. One of his
biggest failures was his handling of the Bay of Pigs Invasion, while perhaps his greatest success
as President was how he handled the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Bay of Pigs Invasion and Cuban Missile Crisis

a. Bay of Pigs
i. New dictator Fidel Castro had just come to power in Cuba and began to
cut ties with United States
ii. Kennedy organized a group of Cuban Exiles to try to start a rebellion in
iii. Wanted to keep invasion a secret so Soviets would not see it as an act of
iv. Things went horribly wrong on day of invasion, and the Exiles
surrendered before even fighting a day
v. Caused more tension between the US and Soviets
b. Cuban Missile Crisis
i. Fidel Castro began forming relationship with Soviets
ii. News spread of Soviet nuclear missile in Cuba and Americans were
iii. Kennedy formed team of experts to avoid nuclear war, and Soviets took
missiles out of Cuba

Transitional Statement: Many Americans began to view Kennedy as a hero after he handled the
Cuban Missile Crisis.

a. September 22,1963, Kennedy was in Dallas, TX for campaign appearance
i. Riding through Dealey Plaza when he was shot
1. Rushed to the hospital but died thirty minutes later at the age of 46
ii. Killed by Lee Harvey Oswald who had Soviet sympathies
1. Many Americans began forming their own opinion about how and
why Kennedy was killed

Conclusion: Americans were devastated by the death of President Kennedy. Many of them
during this time described Kennedy as one of the greatest presidents because of his symbol of
hope and purpose in America. Although John F Kennedy had many faults and flaws, there is no
denying that he touched the hearts of Americans during this time and left his mark on society.

Works Cited
"Bay of Pigs Invasion." History.com. A&E Television Networks. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.
"Cuban Missile Crisis." History.com. A&E Television Networks. Web. 08 Feb. 2016.
"John F. Kennedy." The White House. The White House. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.
John F Kennedy Biography. Bio.com. A&E Television Networks. Web. 16 Mar. 2016.
Hopkins, Michael F. "A New Biography Of John F. Kennedy." Contemporary Review 285.1664
(2004): 178-180. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Mar. 2016.
Knott, Stephen F. "What Might Have Been." Review Of Politics 76.4 (2014): 661-670.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

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