Second Chance

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Second Chance

By Kelvin Walls

The weather was dreary and wet that day in the pacific northwest. Evan had taken up
foraging and was strolling through the woods by his house, inspecting plants and nibbling on
this and that. It gave him time to think about his dismal life. He was twenty-four and had no
education and no direction. He hadnt had a job in years, lived with his widowed mom and his
only full time endeavor was an online video game called Spite that he played mainly to fulfill his
social needs. As it began to drizzle, Evan looked at his watch. Id better get home. I have an
online game session soon, he thought. A cold loneliness washed over him. He turned to head
home as something caught his eye; a peculiar looking bush stationed next to a giant evergreen
tree. It was short and bushy with purple tipped leaves and a red stem with yellow speckles all
over the plant. He remembered his father talking about a plant that fit this description when he
was a kid and how he said that it promoted healing. A tear formed in his eye as he thought
about his dad, who was the only role model he ever had in his life and had tragically died of
cancer ten years ago. Tentatively, he ripped a leaf off and started chewing on it as he began his
trek back home. The taste was bitter but interesting, and the smell was skunky with a hint of
mint. As he was walking his attention faded and he didnt realize he was getting too close to a
cliff. Evan tumbled seventy-five feet to the bottom, striking his head on a stump that rendered
him unconscious.
When he woke, the rain had stopped. He was disoriented. About to make his way
around the steep cliff, Evan noticed an incredible sight off in the distance. It looked like a scene
straight out of a disney movie, with beautiful flora and giant trees that reached the sky. Every
feature had a pristine glow to it and there was a giant waterfall regally placed in the center. He
felt compelled to go to this land, but he thought he would never make it. Even if he did, what
would he do when he got there? Im not strong enough to do anything out of the ordinary, he
thought to himself. Disheartened, he turned and began trudging back up the side of the cliff to
meet his companions online.
Where are you going young man? a weathered voice from behind him said. Evan
turned around to see a very old, thin, dark-skinned man wearing tattered robes squinting at him.
His hair was long, black, and messy. His eyes were a shiny grey that seemed to pierce right
through the young man. Did he just appear out of thin air? Evan thought to himself.
Going home, why? the boy replied.
Why not leave that behind and head that way, the old man said as he gestured towards
the newly found land that stood shimmering in the distance.
I would never make it, Evan said as his eyes dropped to the ground.
Thats not the Evan I know. the old man said.
You dont even know anything about me, Evan snapped back.
I know much more than you think, for example I know you are late for your Spite game.
How do you know I play Spite?
Nevermind that. Have you ever wondered why you have always had an inherent feeling
that you were something much greater than your reality reflects? You have no idea who you
are... Evan stumbled back, stunned at what the old man was saying to him. The old man
approached him and put his hand on his chest, and looked into his eyes with intent. Anything is

possible to someone who believes. Immediately when he said this Evan felt as if his chest was
on fire and instantly his whole world had been turned upside down. The dark cloud that had
been following him around for years seemed to melt away. Now lets see what that new land is
all about anyway. I will walk with you. the old man said as he grinned.
As the two walked Evan was still reeling about what had just happened. He was still
unsure about the whole situation, but he felt that as long as he stayed with his new friend he
would be ok. Plus, despite the man being really old, he still enjoyed the company. It had been
awhile since he had spent any significant amount of time with another human being in person.
The two approached a forest that was very dark and ominous looking. The rocks looked
sharper and the trees seemed to reach down at them. Fresh pine permeated the air. Suddenly,
Evan heard something rustling behind a tree. There was clanging noises and he heard a voice
singing over and over, No one is as rich as me, the shiny king is me indeed!
What are you doing? Evan yelled. Out from behind the tree came a little orange
gopher, walking on two legs with a giant mustache and a bushy bowl-cut. Startled, Evan fell to
the floor.
Hello mate! the gopher exclaimed cheerily. Evan just stared at the gopher. What are
you two doing strolling through these parts of the forest?
We were headed towards Alter Locus. The old man said to the gopher.
Never heard of it, The gopher replied.
Would you like to come with us? said Evan optimistically.
Oh no I cant. Theres no way. I have been working in this forest for the past two years
collecting precious stones. Im the richest gopher in Illume forest! Thats my pile back there.
The gopher pointed to a large mound of glass, rocks and other random oddities.
Have you ever thought that maybe theres even better stones to find in Alter Locus?
Evan questioned, clearly seeing that what the gopher had was nothing of significant value.
Sometimes you have to let go of what you have in order to obtain something greater,
the old man said, looking directly at Evan. Evan stirred uncomfortably.
I guess thats true, replied the gopher. I will go with you then!
As they continued to walk, Evans stomach began to rumble. Im starving. What the
heck are we supposed to eat out here anyway? Evan said, as he glared at the old man.
I know of a stream just past this next clearing. Let us stop and get some fish, said
Gopher. Evan approached the stream, hungry and thirsty. As he stuck his head into the water
for a drink, a giant arapaima leapt out and stood right next to him.
You scared away my dinner! cried the fish.
You talk too? said Evan.
My trajectory was absolutely perfect and his range of vision was compromised by the
turbid water! Not to mention that salmon had just eaten a large meal and he had enough insulin
in his blood to put a grown man in a coma! Uh! It doesnt get better than that you halfwit!
Im sorry, I didnt mean to
Curses! How I could go for some bangers and mash right about now!
Were on our way to Alter Locus. Its an absolutely beautiful land that has the largest
waterfall you have ever seen, said Evan.
Alter where? Ive never heard of it, and I know this whole area. Do you have any proof
or evidence that this place exists?

Well no.. I saw it with my own eyes though.

The fish snickered to himself. Sounds like wishful thinking to me. I will have none of
these fairy tales. Have fun on your wild goose chase. Now if youll excuse me I am late for a
discussion on the plausibility of string theory. Good day gentlemen. The arapaima plunged his
head into the murky water and disappeared.
Discouraged and hungry, Evan and the gang found some nuts and started to snack on
them while they settled down to camp for the night. What if the fish was right, Evan thought.
What if I only imagined that I saw the waterfall? No thats impossible, I know that I saw it. The
gopher tended the fire while the old man sat silently, staring at the open flame. Out of the corner
of his eye Evan noticed the fire begin to form into a face with jagged teeth and menacing eyes.
What do you expect to find out here? the fire said. Theres nothing out here for you.
You are a worthless nobody that is only good for online gaming.
But Im different now! Evan yelled, as if trying to convince himself.
You arent any different now than you ever were. Youll never be anything but ordinary
and weak. Turn back and spare yourself the embarrassment.
Morning came too quickly. The trio packed up and rounded a corner where they found a
giant cave with a mangled corpse lying in front of it. As they approached, Evan identified the
animal as a deer, except much bigger, with impressively intricate antlers and giant green eyes
that appeared lifeless. The stink of death was almost unbearable. The deer was oozing what
looked like blood, the difference being that it was purple and more viscous.
You weaklings must be lost, came a deep, scratchy voice from behind them. Evan
turned around to see a massive brown bear that had a full, gorgeous mane like that of a lion.
Gophers eyes rolled into the back of his head and he just fell backwards. The old man just
stared at the bear as if he was an old friend, completely unafraid.
Were just passing through to reach Alter Locus, replied the old man, stepping forward.
Well this is my land. Im the king. Im the biggest, baddest animal in all of Illume forest!
The bear relaxed and his tone changed. Only problem is, Ive killed all of the prey and theres
nothing left to eat anymore.
So why dont you move on to somewhere else? You are welcome to join us if youd
like, said Evan. The question seemed to disturb the bear.
Not interested! he snapped, as he turned away.
Well why not? said Evan. You yourself just said theres no food left here. Why would
you stay here when theres nothing left to feed on?
Well, Ive lived here all my life. I guess Im afraid that if I move somewhere else than I
wont be the biggest or the baddest anymore. I dont wanna deal with that.
Evan took a deep breath, surprised at the bears transparency. A comfort zone is hard to
leave. It takes courage to change and face the unknown, even if it means that you wont be the
alpha anymore. Besides, without competition you cant grow. Dont you want to stretch the limits
of your capabilities? Evan said. The old man smiled at the boy and nodded.
I like you kid, said the bear. But I have heard of this Alter Locus. There is a giant
volcano guarding the boundary, and he doesnt like visitors.
What, the almighty bear is afraid? Evan taunted. The bear let out an intimidating growl
right into the face of Evan, sending him into the fetal position.
Nobody challenges me! Im in. Lets go pipsqueaks. But dont say i didnt warn you.

As they crossed a narrow river, Bear reached down with his paw, grabbed a pink salmon
and threw it towards Evan.
Here, eat this. Cant have you dieing on me if were gonna do this, said the bear. Evan
ripped into the fish with his teeth like he hadnt seen a meal in ages.
Bear motioned to the old man, How bout you O.G.?
Not hungry, but thank you kindly, said the Old man. He was beginning to look a bit worn
out from the journey.
Ill take one of those if youre just handing them out, said an eager voice from behind
them. Evan turned around to find a fox lying on a giant construction of leaves and grass
sandwiched in between three trees that looked quite comfortable. But this fox was unlike
anything Evan had ever seen before. This animal was.. well, plump to say the least. He had a
round face with thick, black-framed circular glasses. His giant red ears matched his red fur and
a tuft of white hair was nestled between them. In his hand he held a giant cigarette of sorts, and
the smell in the air had a biting sweetness to it. As he puffed casually on the pungent cigarette,
he nodded at Evan; Would you like a puff of this? Its the strongest herb youll find in Illume
No, Im good Evan said with some reservation.
You just keep that nonsense away from the boy, the old man said.
Chill old man, replied Fox. Nothing wrong with a little relaxation, am I right?
I guess little is a subjective term, said Bear, eyeing Fox from head to toe.
Gopher covered his nose with his mustache hairs. Evan thought of his comfortable
gaming chair at home right next to his jar of marijuana and felt nostalgic. He shook the thought
from his head. Thats not who I am anymore, he thought to himself. Fox coughed loudly and
repeatedly for several seconds, wheezing his way into every breath.
Whats with the human? said Fox.
Were all headed to Alter Locus.. Its a land filled with rare gems and other stones. Hes
helping us get there! said Gopher.
Evan looked away, unsure of how to react to Gopher implied expectation of leadership.
Would you like to come with us? said Evan, starting to feel sympathy for Fox situation,
noticing that he laid shockingly close to a large putrid pile of his own excrement.
Oh thats way too far.. Besides, Im comfortable here man, said Fox.
Yeah but youre going to die if you continue to just lay here eating and smoking! Havent
you ever had a dream Mr. Fox? Evan asked, with concern in his voice.
The question caught the jolly out-of-shape predator off guard. Fox looked down. His
smirk faded and his expression turned serious. He took a deep breath and said, Yeah, I did
once. I wanted to be a professional hunter. I was best in my class. But then my father died of
cancer. Fox paused for a moment, staring blankly in front of him. A rush of emotion came over
Evan as he thought of his own father.
Gave up on dreams after that. Lifes too short and has no meaning. Might as well enjoy
myself. Its much easier to sit here, relax, and get free food from travelers like you.. Evan felt
sick. He knew all too well how Fox felt.
The old man reached out and put his hand on Evans shoulder. Just as he did this, Evan
saw a vision of Fox helping other animals who were injured. Evan looked up at Fox, with a
sense of purpose and eyes that resembled a burning flame and said, Fox youre not going to

die here. Your father would not have wanted that. Its time to dream a new dream, because you
have a heart that wants to help other animals get healthy.
How do you know this? Fox questioned. Evan remained silent. Truth is, he had no idea
how he knew it. Fox looked as if he was waging a war inside himself. Finally, he looked up at
the group.
I have always had a dream of becoming a doctor. But Im too old, and look at me
Look what Ive done to myself..
One step at a time Fox, said Evan, gripping his hand. Well do this together ok?
Well, I guess I can try, Fox said. His expression lightened as he slowly made his way to
his feet.
It was getting dark as the five friends continued their march through the dense woods. A
large boulder up ahead caught the attention of Evan. It had a large mouth with malicious red
eyes. As he approached he realized that it was staring right at him, with a cocky smirk on its
face. Arent you tired yet? said the boulder. Youll never make it to Alter Locus! Its too far and
you are too weak of a person. What have you done with your life the past ten years? You
wasted your life, and youre the reason your mom hasnt remarried! accused the giant rock.
Evan fell to his knees. He felt as if someone had punched him right in the stomach. A
heavy weight of shame and sadness fell over his entire body; paralyzing him and leaving him
shivering. The old man bent down and picked Evan up off the ground, dusting off his blue jeans.
Evan looked up and saw that the boulder was no longer there.
Its ok son, the old man said. Strangely enough, Evan believed him. His wise, warm
gaze had a strange calming effect. The old man suddenly collapsed in a heap in front of him.
Are you ok? Evan said, pulling him up by the arm.
Dont worry about me, Ill be fine, The old man said, flashing a tired smile at the boy.
You should really have something to eat, Evan pleaded.
Im fine, replied the old man. Besides, this journey is not about me. Im just here to
help you. The old man stared off in the direction of Alter Locus for a moment before fixing his
grey eyes back on Evan. I want you to promise me that you will never stop fighting until your
reality reflects who you truly are... In here, said the old man, pointing at Evans heart. No
matter what.
You got it buddy, I promise. he replied. The young man was beginning to see in himself
what the old man saw in him the whole time.
The group decided to rest and set up camp for the evening. Gopher began to sing Shell
be coming down the mountain when she comes while Bear was roasting marshmallows. Fox let
out a hearty chuckle as he watched Gopher sing. The sight of gopher singing folk songs with his
oversized mustache and bowl-cut swinging from side to side was enough to make an exhausted
young man crack a smile. As much as Evan wanted to stay up and socialize with his new
friends, before he knew it he was fast asleep on a makeshift bed of bright green ferns.
When Evan awoke in the morning, the old man was nowhere to be found. Whered the
old man go? Evan asked wildly. The three animals looked at each other and shrugged their
Im sure hes fine. We have to get going pint-size, said Bear. Weather is starting to
turn. We should reach the volcano in a few hours.

After some convincing by the other animals, Evan reluctantly agreed to keep moving
without his friend. It was only a short hike before a massive volcano sprang into view in front of
the team of travelers. Evan looked back as Fox came huffing and puffing from around the
corner, sweat dripping down his face.
You ok Fox? said Evan.
Never better! Fox said optimistically. I havent felt this alive in years! Foxs optimism
gave Evan a needed boost of energy. The ground began to rumble as the group approached the
volcano. Out from the earth, where the volcano stood, came a titanic entity made of stone and
lava. Standing on two feet it stretched as it looked to the sky, arms wide and slightly flexed. It
had hollow eyes, and it spewed molten lava from his mouth; a jagged opening in the middle of
its face. As the earth shook, a smell of fresh earth gusted past them. The volcano focused its
gaze on Evan.
What do you want echoed the volcano.
Were here to cross into Alter Locus, said Evan. The volcano became violently angry.
Why do you want to leave this land? You have lived here all your life! You cant leave
now, said the volcano.
We saw the land on the other side of this volcano, and this land truly sucks in
How did you see Alter Locus? Thats impossible you werent supposed to see that! I did
everything I could to hide that place! Its not for the likes of you or your friends!
Thats not what the old man told me.
THAT OLD MAN IS A FOOL! yelled the volcano. Evan clinched his fists.
Youll never make it past me anyway, said the volcano. I own you and everything that
stands on this land. YOU are nothing but a weak, lazy, degenerate with no life. There are no
second chances for you.
You are a liar! Evan shouted.
Oh am I? You havent a shred of education and you havent had a job in years. You are
a loser and you always will be!
Ok weve heard enough rocks-fer-brains, said Bear, as he let out a mighty roar and
charged recklessly at the volcano. A well-placed backhand strike sent Bear soaring through the
You bully!! Gopher screamed, as he picked up a small stone and hucked it towards the
twenty-five foot tall mass of smoking land and fire. The pebble bounced off of the volcanos
oversized head and fell to the ground.
Uh oh. Bad idea, said Gopher, his tiny feet frozen in place. The giant grunted as he
shifted stances, turned his head towards Gopher and let out a mighty, prolonged wail. Every bit
of hair on the furry creature buckled under the hurricane-like winds.
Hes too strong kid, Bear said as he slowly got back up on all fours. Its useless.
Shows over.
This cant be Evan said as he fell to his knees onto the cold rocky ground. A tear
rolled down his face and disappeared into a tiny patch of moss. He looked back at his new
friends and saw the disappointment begin to take root in their eyes. Evan couldnt help but feel
responsible. Maybe it WAS all a lie, he thought to himself. But something inside of him just
couldnt believe that, not after all hed been through. Evan locked eyes with Fox and said with

authority, You will be the greatest doctor that Alter Locus has ever seen. Foxs expression
immediately changed from sad to elated as his eyes lit up and a smile formed on his round face.
He believed it.
Your father would be ashamed of you, added the volcano.
Evan lifted his head and focused his eyes on the volcano. He felt every part of his body
flood with fresh warm blood, preparing him for the showdown. He heard the voice of the old
man, his friend, echoing in his mind, Anything is possible to someone who believes.
You dont know anything about me! said Evan to the volcano. My past doesnt define
me. You are a liar, and Its time to shut you up once and for all! The volcanos expression
changed to that of sheer terror as he began to charge towards it.
Evan picked up the largest rock he could find. The volcano began to shoot lava out of his
mouth, trailing the young man by only inches. He leapt onto the volcanos knee, then up to his
arm, and finally slam dunked the rock into the mouth of the volcano. The volcano grabbed his
own throat as he choked on the rock. His head began to grow and his hollow, black eyes got
RUN! cried Evan, covering his head as the volcano exploded into a million pieces and
lava was flung in all directions.
When the young man finally opened his eyes he saw the entrance to Alter Locus.
Hot dog! Shouted Gopher, running and jumping ecstatically towards Evan. Gopher
turned to Fox, Did you see that!? Evan just took down a volcano for crying out loud!
Hell yeah! That was badass! Thats my dude right there! said Fox, waddling up the hill
with one arm raised, the other pointing at Evan. Evan cracked a smile as he watched his friends
The five conquerors walked through the large wooden gate that separated old from new,
and life from death. The beauty was exquisite. The colors were unexplainable and the waterfall
that stood at the heart of Alter Locus was more breathtaking than they could have ever
imagined. The salmon were so abundant that the water had a pink hue.
Not too bad pipsqueak, said Bear, as he gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder.
Oh the stones! Oh the beautiful stones! cried Gopher, as he ran from stone to stone,
admiring the radiant shine and color of each one.
Evan turned to Fox, whose eyes were welling up with tears of joy. I cant thank you
enough for what youve done for me. You made me believe in myself again. he said, as the two
shared a congratulatory embrace. If it wasnt for you, I would have died right in the spot you
found me. Im sure of it. That old man was right to believe in you.
Evan wondered what the old man would say to him if he were there with them now. He
had no idea who that man was, where he came from, or where he went. What he did know was
that he had changed Evans life dramatically. And for that, he felt blessed and grateful.
Suddenly, An intense light appeared and enveloped him, eventually blinding the young man. He
covered his eyes and stumbled backwards right into an uncovered tree root, falling flat on his
Evan, are you awake? said a soft female voice. He looked up to see a beautiful nurse
staring down at him.
Where am I? he said groggily.

Evan you are at the hospital. Some hikers found you lying on the ground in the woods
near your house
In walked a cheery looking doctor with a round face and circular glasses.
Im glad to see that you are awake, Im Dr. Fox, stated the man. A big smile formed on
the face of Evan.
Of course you are, said Evan, with a gleam in his eye. The Dr. looked confused.
Anyway, Im glad that you are alive. You must have ingested some Wild Banes
breath... Dr. Fox paused and took a deep breath. You nearly died son. Youre lucky those
hikers found you when they did!
Its like I have a second chance at life then, huh? said Evan, still smiling from ear to
ear. Evan knew his life would never, ever be the same again.

The End

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