Creating Your Individual Development Plan (IDP) : Competency Self-Assessment

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Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

Creating Your Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Part I:
Competency Self-Assessment

Job Group: Strategic Leader

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

Questionnaire Instructions
Background and Purpose
Ongoing management development is the key to effective management practices in FAS. Management
development is a method for closing the gap between current abilities and needed abilities. This
assessment is in support of FAS strategic objective L4.
The management development process that you are about to undertake is based on eleven
management competencies that were identified by the FAS Leadership Group and Senior Leaders as
essential to successful management at UCSF.
This phase of the process entails a self-assessment of your skills and confidence in enacting these key
eleven competencies successfully.
Your responses to this self-assessment are confidential and will not be shared with anyone. The accrued
number of faxed documents will assist FAS verify completion of strategic objective, L4.
Self-Assessment Instructions
1. Reflect on these questions:

What knowledge, skills and abilities are needed from me in my current job?

In what direction is my organization going and what will the organization need from me in
the future?

What are my goals over the next three to five years?

What are my greatest strengths and how can I build on them more effectively?

Do I have any weaknesses that make it difficult to do my job or prevent me from reaching
my goals?
2. With your responses in mind, review each competency below and rate your skill and confidence in
enacting them for success in your current position. Use the following scale.
1. No development needed in this competency at this time.
2. Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized development is needed in this competency.
3. Low skill or confidence. Overall development is needed in this competency.
3. Present your findings to your supervisor for approval to proceed to the developmental planning stage.
(More to come on this later.)
4. Fax your signed summary page to Campus Human Resources at 415-476-6276 by June 30, 2007.

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment




= No development needed in this competency

at this time.
= Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
= Low skill or confidence. Overall
development is needed in this competency

Competency Adaptability

Maintaining effectiveness when experiencing constantly shifting priorities, workload

volume changes/ fluctuations, or new processes/procedures/ equipment, occurring either
in the moment-to-moment timeframe or on a more predictable basis.

Key Actions

Organizational agilityKnows the organizations culture and how things work, and how get things
done through formal and informal networks.

Understands and communicates changeIdentifies/Recognizes the need to shift priorities and

staff work assignments to meet changing patient/customer needs. Explains rational for change to
staff members.

Approaches change or newness positivelyAdjusts effectively to new or different situations.

Focuses on the beneficial aspects of change. Role models flexibility behaviors for others.

Adjusts behaviorQuickly modifies behavior to deal effectively with changes and to deal with risk
associated with ambiguous and uncertain situations with patience. Anticipates the need for change
to meet shifting demands.
Building Trust


1. = No development needed in this

competency at this time.
2. = Somewhat skillful and confident.
Specialized development is needed in
this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall
development is needed in this

Competency Building Trust


Interacting with others in a way that gives them confidence in ones intentions and those
of the organization.

Key Actions

Operates with integrity and fairnessDemonstrates honesty; keeps commitments; behaves in a

consistent and ethical manner whether in good or bad times, rewards the right values and
disapproves of others.

Discloses own positionsShares thoughts, feelings, and rationale so that others understand
personal positions, as well as personal strengths, weaknesses, and limitations; admits mistakes, is
open about personal beliefs and feelings; is easy to get to know by those who interact with him/her

Remains open to ideasListens to others and objectively considers others ideas and opinions,
even when they conflict with ones own.

Supports othersDemonstrates genuine interest in, and compassion for direct reports. Treats
people with dignity, respect, and fairness; gives proper credit to others; stands up for others and their

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

ideas even in the face of resistance or challenge. Is sympathetic and available to listen with empathy
and to offer help to others.
Customer Orientation


1. = No development needed in this

competency at this time.
2. = Somewhat skillful and confident.
Specialized development is needed in this
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall
development is needed in this competency

Competency Customer Orientation


Cultivating strategic customer relationships and ensuring that the customer perspective is
the driving force behind all value-added business activities.

Key Actions

Works collaboratively with others

Establishes positive customer relationships through partnership and teamwork, and by sharing
information and resources to maintain customer trust over the long-term and to achieve common
goals. (Collaboration)

Fosters accountability for quality work the first time

Demonstrates ownership for results, provides clear expectations and standards, empowers others
and assures accountability for results and applicable compliance. (Accountable)

Acts to meet customer needs responsively

Acts quickly, flexibly, and sensitively to resolve customer problems, to keep customers informed of
work status, and to deliver results on time and accurately. (Responsiveness)

Delivers quality goods or services cost efficiently

Accomplishes work in a cost effect way by improving work processes, developing effective work
plans, focusing on priorities, and developing appropriate skills. (Efficient)

Seeks to understand customerMaintains a customer focus by actively seeking information to

understand customer circumstances, problems, expectations, and needs.

Educates customerShares information with customer to build their understanding of issues.

Recognizes customer service issuesIdentifies when actions or decisions will affect the customer
in a positive or negative way; expresses concerns to others.

Creates win/win solutionsUses understanding of customer needs and expectations to generate

mutually beneficial solutions or alternatives.

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

Developing Strategic Relationships

1. = No development needed in this competency at this
2. = Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall development is
needed in this competency


Competency Developing Strategic Relationships


Using appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods to influence and build
effective relationships with business partners (e.g., peers, functional partners, external
vendors, and alliance partners).

Key Actions

Clarifies informationQuestions and probes to seek information to understand the position others
have regarding an idea, plan, or activity.

Establishes shared goalsDescribes shared goals by identifying needs, expectations, problems,

and the impact on each partner; increases awareness of implications of problems and needs; gains
commitment to shared goals.

Formulates influence strategyDevises an approach that best positions an idea, plan, or activity;
leverages supportive factors, breaks through barriers, and addresses the unique needs and
preferences of key decision makers.

Collaboratively develops solutionsDevelops others and own ideas by seeking and building on
the suggestions of others, presenting own ideas, and making procedural suggestions.

Influences actionPresents an idea, plan, or activity so others clearly see how it would meet the
needs and provide benefit; builds confidence in and commitment to the idea, plan, or activity.

Builds commitmentSpurs others to action or gains enthusiastic agreement regarding an idea,

plan, or activity.

Cultivates an active networkDemonstrates understanding of the importance of relationships and

alliances; proactively builds and uses key relationships (network) to gain cooperation without formal

Acknowledges contributionsRecognizes contributions, competencies, and potential; listens and

responds to the affect and content of concerns.
Driving for Results



1. = No development needed in this competency at this

2. = Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall development is
needed in this competency

Setting high goals for personal and group accomplishment; using measurement methods
to monitor progress toward goal attainment; tenaciously working to meet or exceed those
goals while deriving satisfaction from the process of goal achievement and continuous

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

Key Actions

Targets opportunitiesSystematically evaluates business opportunities and targets those

opportunities with the greatest potential for producing positive business results.

Action orientedEnergetic in the face of challenges, not fearful of acting with a minimum of

Establishes stretch goalsEstablishes stretch goals for self and others that are designed to
achieve positive business results.

Directs othersEstablishes clear direction and objectives, lays out work in an organized manner
and distributes workload appropriately, communicates about results.

Motivates othersCreates a climate that brings the best out in director reports, teams or project
members; invites input, shares ownership and visibility, and is someone people like working for and

Achieves goalsWorks tenaciously toward and derives satisfaction from achieving stretch goals
related to positive business results.

Stays focusedPrioritizes activities by zeroing in on the critical few priorities, manages time,
remains self-disciplined, and works with perseverance in the face or resistance or set-backs;
measures progress and evaluates results; reprioritizes as appropriate; prevents irrelevant issues or
distractions from interfering with timely completion of important tasks.

Diversity complianceApplies existing policies and systems to ensure equal access to

opportunities; creates systems and policies that account for workforce diversity.
Establishing Strategic Direction



1. = No development needed in this competency at this

2. = Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall development is
needed in this competency

Establishing and committing to a long-range course of action to accomplish a long-range

goal or vision after analyzing factual information and assumptions; taking into
consideration resources, constraints, and organizational values.

Key Actions

Gathers informationIdentifies/Recognizes the need for additional information and obtains it by

clearly describing what needs to be known and the means to obtain it; asks relevant and specific
questions to verify facts and obtain additional information.

Organizes informationOrganizes qualitative information and data to identify/explain trends,

problems, and their causes; compares, contrasts, and combines information to identify underlying
issues; sees associations between seemingly independent problems or events to recognize trends,
problems, and possible cause-effect relationships.

Performs data analysisOrganizes and manipulates quantitative data to identify/explain trends and
problems and their causes.

Evaluates/Selects strategiesGenerates options to achieve a long-range goal or vision; develops

decision criteria considering relevant factors (e.g., cost, benefits, risks, timing, buy-in, and
organizational goals and values) and the decisions impact on employees, the organization, and
customers; considers the opportunities and risks associated with various options; selects the course
of action with the highest probability of success.

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

Develops timelinesAnalyzes short- and long-term strategic goals and determines long-range
objectives; develops broad, initial timelines based on these strategic goals.

Executes planIdentifies the critical tasks and resources (including people) necessary to achieve
the desired objectives; takes action to ensure superior execution.



1. = No development needed in this competency

at this time.
2. = Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall development
is needed in this competency

Using appropriate delegation to create a sense of ownership of higher-level organizational

issues and encouraging individuals to stretch beyond their current capabilities.

Key Actions

Chooses targetsGives work to the most appropriate person based on time, skills, experience,
position, and growth opportunities.

Defines latitudeDefines latitude of action and boundaries that provides enough autonomy in
decision making to encourage ownership of tasks; pushes decision making and autonomy downward
through the organization.

Promotes accountabilityDelegates; provides encouragement and support to others in accepting

responsibility with accountability; promotes risk taking, explores the reasons for mistakes, and learns
from them.

Provides guidanceChecks for understanding; provides instruction, resources, and guidance as

appropriate to support success without undermining the individuals full ownership of issues.

Follows upBuilds follow-up and accountability into organizational processes to monitor issues.
Information Monitoring



1. = No development needed in this competency

at this time.
2. = Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall development
is needed in this competency

Setting up ongoing procedures to collect and review information needed to manage an

organization or ongoing activities within it.

Key Actions

Identifies monitoring needsDetermines which processes or areas need to be monitored;

identifies what information needs to be obtained.

Develops monitoring systemsEstablishes systems to monitor activities or outputs that are easy
to use and that provide timely and pertinent information.

Implements tracking systemsEffectively puts in place monitoring systems with minimal

interruption for other organizational processes.

Reviews dataCollects and reviews data on a regular basis to determine progress, anticipate
needs, and make necessary adjustments to personnel or processes.

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

Mobilizing Resources
1. = No development needed in this competency
at this time.
2. = Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall
development is needed in this competency



Managing staff and resources consistent with organizational goals; proactively negotiating
and accessing resources outside ones immediate domain when necessary.

Key Actions

PrioritizesIdentifies more critical and less critical activities consistent with organizational goals.

Develops and considers alternativesGenerates and encourages others to generate options to

address issues and utilize available resources; evaluates/selects alternatives considering business
priorities, available resources, and the availability of additional resources.

Deploys resourcesMarshals, prioritizes and organizes resources consistent with organizational

goals to get things done; negotiates and accesses additional resources (including those outside of
immediate domain of control) when necessary for critical tasks.

Delegates-Delegates routine and important tasks and decisions, share accountability, and trusts
people to perform.
Team Development


1. = No development needed in this competency at this

2. = Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall development is needed
in this competency

Using appropriate methods and interpersonal styles to develop, motivate, and guide a
team toward successful outcomes and attainment of business objectives.

Key Actions

Builds teamEvaluates resource needs and recruits, attracts, selects, and retains talented
individuals; works to develop teams both locally and across organizational boundaries.

Establishes team expectationsWorks collaboratively with colleagues and team members to

establish performance expectations necessary to achieve objectives.

Clarifies roles, responsibilities, and objectivesWorks with and involves team members in
clarifying the team roles and responsibilities necessary for success.

Encourages teamLooks for and capitalizes on opportunities to motivate, celebrate, and reward
successful team performance.

Monitors team performanceStays close to team performance; helps to keep the team on track;
facilitates adjustments when necessary.

Provides team supportOffer the team own personal time; helps in overcoming barriers; provides
ongoing feedback and appropriate guidance.

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

Valuing Diversity

1. = No development needed in this competency at this

2. = Somewhat skillful and confident. Specialized
development is needed in this competency
3. = Low skill or confidence. Overall development is needed
in this competency

Appreciating and leveraging the capabilities, insights, and ideas of all individuals; working
effectively with individuals of diverse style, ability, and motivation.

Key Actions

Leverages DiversitySeeks out and uses ideas, opinions, and insights from diverse and various
sources and individuals; maximizes effectiveness by using individuals particular talents and abilities
on tasks or assignments.

Seeks UnderstandingEstablishes relationships with and learns more about people of other
cultures and backgrounds (e.g., special issues social norms, decision-making approaches,

Champions DiversityAdvocates the value of diversity to others; takes actions to increase diversity
in the workplace (e.g., by recruiting and developing people from varied backgrounds and cultures);
confronts racist, sexist, or inappropriate behavior by others; challenges exclusionary organizational

Takes actions that respect diversityExamines own biases and behaviors to avoid stereotypical
actions or responses; plans and takes actions that consider the diversity of those involved or

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training

Individual Development Planning

Phase 1: Competency Self-Assessment

Transfer your ratings to this grid by checking (X) the rating associated with each competency. Your
development needs will become the basis of your individual development plan (IDP).

1= No development
needed in this
competency at this time.

2= Somewhat skillful and

confident. Specialized
development is needed in
this competency.

3=Low skill or confidence.

Overall development is
needed in this

Building Trust
Customer orientation
Developing strategic
Driving for results
Establishing strategic
Information monitoring
Mobilizing resources
Team development
Valuing Diversity

Employee Identification
Last Name: ________________ First Name: _______________ Department: ________________
Position Title: _____________________ Phone: _____________ Email: ________________
Manager: _________________________ Phone: _______________ Email: ________________
Self-assessment date: _______________________
Fax this page only by June 30, 2007 to Campus Human Resources at 415-476-6276 after completing the
information above and getting your supervisors signature.
Employee signature
Managers signature

UCSF: Human Resources/Development & Training


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