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Our Business and Integrated Value Approach

5 Table of Contents

Progress Toward Goals

6 Our Business and Integrated

Value Approach

Discussions of our performance to goals and future goals are integrated into each relevant section of this report. The following table provides a high-level summary
of our company-wide goals in key corporate responsibility areas. Click or tap the report section names in the table for details on our goals and performance in other
sections of this report. A summary of our goals for 2014 and beyond is included on the next page of this report.

Company Profile
Strategy and Governance

Progress Toward Goals Summary

Risk Management and

Business Continuity
Ethics and Compliance
Public Policy and Political

Report Section


2013 Progress

Caring for the Planet

In 2012, we set 2020 environmental goals to drive reductions in

greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, water use, and waste generation,
as well as increases in recycling and product energy efficiency.

We made progress toward our 2020 goals through investments in energy

conservation and renewable energy, and both our water consumption and
solid waste generation decreased compared to 2012. However, chemical
waste generation continued to rise, due to the increased complexity of
our manufacturing processes and product design.

Caring for Our People

We set a goal to continue to drive improvements in the organizational

health of the company in 2013, targeting at least 70% employee
participation in our Organizational Health Survey (OHS), and maintaining
or improving 95% of the survey scores. We also set a goal to drive key
improvements in diversity and hiring of technical under-represented
minorities and women. To maintain our world-class safety performance,
we set an aggressive safety recordable rate goal of 0.40, as well as a goal
to promote early reporting of ergonomic injuries.

We did not conduct an OHS in 2013. We continued to engage in goodfaith efforts under our affirmative action plans to meet our hiring goals.
We maintained our world-class safety levels compared to our peer
companies and industry benchmarks, but did not meet our aggressive
safety goals.

Inspiring the Next


We set a global employee volunteer goal of 40% to continue supporting

our local communities. We also set goals to provide technology training
to more than 1 million healthcare workers by 2015, establish education
programs in 100 countries by 2014, and grow the education market
segment to 100 million units by 2014.

Our global volunteer rate was 43%, exceeding our goal and resulting in
1.2 million volunteer hours. We made progress toward our healthcare
worker goal and reached our education initiative goal.

Building the Supply

Chain of the Future

We set goals to complete or review 75 on-site supplier audits, track

the percentage of our top 75 suppliers that have published Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI)-based sustainability reports, and roll out our
new Program to Accelerate Supplier Sustainability (PASS). We also set a
goal to manufacture the worlds first microprocessor that is conflict-free
for the minerals tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold.

We exceeded our audit goal, verified that half of our top 75 suppliers
had published GRI-based sustainability reports by the end of 2013, and
introduced PASS to approximately 100 of our top Tier 1 suppliers. We
also achieved our goal of manufacturing conflict-free microprocessors.1

Respecting Human

We set goals to conduct a targeted human rights impact assessment for

our software business, strengthen grievance and remediation processes
related to human rights concerns, and work with our subsidiaries to
further align our policies and management processes.

While we continued to meet with our McAfee subsidiary about its

human rights screening process, we postponed the human rights impact
assessment for our software business.

Stakeholder Engagement
Key Sustainability Challenges
and Opportunities
Financial Results and
Economic Impact
> Performance Summary,
Recognitions, and Goals
Looking Ahead
30 Caring for Our People
46 Caring for the Planet
71 Inspiring the Next Generation
87 Building the Supply Chain
of the Future
102 Respecting Human Rights
107 Appendix

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2013 Corporate Responsibility Report

Conflict-free means DRC conflict free, which is defined by Securities and Exchange Commission rules to mean products that do not contain conflict minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, and/or gold) that directly or indirectly finance or benefit
armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or adjoining countries. We also use the term conflict-free in a broader sense to refer to suppliers, supply chains, smelters, and refiners whose sources of conflict minerals do not
finance conflict in the DRC or adjoining countries.


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