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Integrative Seminar
TST216, 2015-16
Room C214
(Update 18 February)


1. 18th February, Introduction
2. 25th February: The Search for the Historical Jesus
Reading: Choose one from the following
ALLISON, D.C., Jesus Christ, K.D. Sakenfeld, ed., The New Interpreters
Dictionary of the Bible Vol. 3, Nashville, 2008, 261-293.
CHARLESWORTH, J.H., The Historical Jesus: An Essential Guide, Nashville,
2008, ix-32
DUNN, J.D.G., Jesus Remembered, Cambridge 2003, 25-97 51 D
LOEWE, W.P. The College Students Introduction to Christology, 55B
Collegeville, Min, The Liturgical Press, 1996, 15-42.
MEYER, B.F. N.T. WRIGHT, Jesus, D.N. FREEDMAN, ed., The Anchor Bible
Dictionary Vol. 3, New York, 1996, 773-803 SL 10 FQ1
Question: As this author writes about the historical Jesus, what are the
presuppositions and methodological approach that he employs? How does this
influence his conclusions?
3. 3th March: The Resurrection of Jesus: What Kind of Judgment?
Reading: Choose from one of the following:
--R. BROWN, `The Resurrection and Biblical Criticism,' in God Jesus and
Spirit, ed. Daniel Callahan (London, 1969), [Mag 50 B] 72-84.
--C. F. D. MOULE, The Phenomenon of the New Testament, London 1967.
[Mag 10 CS 1], 43-75.
--G. OCOLLINS, The Easter Jesus, London 1973, [Mag 16G 125], 57-74.
--G. OCOLLINS, Jesus Risen, New Jersey, 1987, [Mag 16G 150], 128-147.
--B.VAWTER, This Man Jesus, London 1975. [Mag 16 A], 33-51.
--C. H. DODD, The Founder of Christianity, London 1971, [Mag 16 S 24],
167172, especially 170172.
Question What kind of judgment is it to affirm the Resurrectionhistorical?
a leap of faith?
4. 10th March: Christ Died for Our Sins the Doctrine of the Atonement
Exercise this Week. Readings and Questions:
Jot down a few notes on your own understanding of how it is that the death
(and resurrection) of Jesus Christ leads to forgiveness of sin.
Read Cur Deus Homo. Book 1: I-XV,XIX-XXV and Book 2: I-VIII, XIV,
XVIII(b) XX) [This classic medieval text is 60 pages long and is found
on various sites on the internet e.g.


Try to summarise the argument of these sections in a paragraph, and also

note a couple of points you find particularly helpful and a couple you find
rather incomprehensible or challenging.
Compare your notes on Anselm with the thoughts you jotted down at the
beginning of this exercise.

5. 17th March: Christ and the Trinity

(Background reading, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, nn. 232-267)
JOHN ODONNELL Trinity and the Paschal Mystery in John ODonnell
The Mystery of the Triune God, 57-74 (See Virtual Office).
JEAN HIGGINS Redemption in Vernon Gregson The Desires of the Human
Heart: An Introduction to the Theology of Bernard Lonergan, Paulist Press,
New Jersey, 1988), 201-221 (See Virtual Office).
STEPHEN HAPPEL The Sacraments: Symbols Redirect Our Desires.
in Vernon Gregson The Desires of the Human Heart: An Introduction to the
Theology of Bernard Lonergan, Paulist Press, New Jersey, 1988), 237-254
(See Virtual Office).
WILLIAM P. LOEWE, Jesus the Savior: Soteriology and the Stages of
Meaning, in Salvation in Christ: Comparative Christian Views, ed. Roger R.
Keller and Robert L. Millet (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham
Young University, 2005), 105123 (See Virtual Office).
Question: How is the Trinity involved in our salvation?
6. 7th April: Jesus and a Contemporary Theology of Mission and Ministry
Reading: BENEDICT XVI, Jesus of Nazareth, New York, 2007, pp. 9--63
KASPER, W., Introduction, and Chapter 4, in Jesus Message of Gods
Mercy, in Mercy: The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life,
(Mahwah New Jersey, Paulist Press, 2014), pp. 1-20, 61-82. I
KASPER, W., Chapter 5: Systematic Reflections, in Mercy: The Essence of
the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life, pp. 83-130.
MOLTMANN, J., The Way of Jesus Christ, London,1990, pp. 73-116
OCOLLINS, G., Jesus: A Portrait, London, 2008, 1-37
Question: What are the presuppositions and methodological approach of the
author you chose? How do these factors influence his conclusions? (We note
that the choices are of European or Australian men)
7. 14th April: Jesus in Contextual Theologies: Asian Christology
Reading: PETER C. PHAN, Christianity with an Asian Face, New York,
2003, Chapter 5, Jesus With an Asian Face, 98-105.
PETER C. PHAN, Christianity with an Asian Face, Chapter 7, Jesus with a
Chinese Face, 98-105.
Question: In your opinion, what role does context play in our formulating our
understanding of Jesus? How is this related to the understanding of Jesus that
comes to us from tradition?


8. 21rd April Christology in Latin America and Africa

GUSTAVO GUTIERREZ & JON SOBRINO, A Spirituality of Liberation,
and Thesis for a Historical Christology, in Third World Liberation
Theologies: A Reader, ed. D.W. Ferm, New York, 1986, 17-21, 135-159.
KWESI A. DICKSON, Theology in Africa, New York, 1984, 47-74, 185-199.
Question: Why have these approaches to Christology proven controversial?
What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the author you have
9. 28th April: Jesus, Salvation and the Other Religions
Reading: Option 1: both Deus Caritas Est, and Instruction on Certain Aspects
of Liberation Theology (CDF, 1984)
Option 2: Avery Dulles, Faith and Belief, in Catholic Engagement with
World Religions, Becker & Morali (eds), (Maryknoll, New York, 2010), 303316.
Option 3: Gavin DCosta, Pluralist Arguments, in Catholic Engagement
with World Religions, Becker & Morali (eds), (Maryknoll, New York,
Question: On the question of salvation and the role of non-Christian
religions, what different aspects of systematic theology (dogmatic theology)
need to be considered?
10. 5th May: Jesus in Art
Exercise this Week:
Bring with you an artistic image (picture or sculpture) of Jesus which appeals
to you or strikes you in some way (a powerpoint slide would be a good idea).
Be prepared to speak briefly about it in the following terms
Origins: Where did it come from? how did you come across it?
Meaning: Why did you choose it? What do you think the artist is trying to
communicate? What does it say to you?
Analysis: How does this relate to the Gospels? To Christological doctrine?
To contemporary theology?
11. 12th May: Jesus in Music
Exercise this Week:
Bring with you on CD, MP3, print or tape a song, hymn or piece of music
about Jesus on which you would like to comment. If you have chosen a longer
piece (e.g. a musical or oratorio) then select a song or item from it to share
with the class. Your commentary should include
Brief remarks on why you chose it
Remarks on the key elements of Christology communicated by the text,
including any particular strengths and/or weaknesses
Remarks on the emotional content the way the song engages the
singer and/or listener
12. 19st May: Meetings with Professor concerning essays
13. 26th May: Jesus in Film

Exercise: Jot down some notes on the content of and your response to Jesus of
Either watch or recall another film which is explicitly or (in your opinion)
implicitly Christological and be prepared to comment on its content, what you
think the filmmaker was trying to communicate, and your response to it. Also
look up some critical responses to the film on the internet and choose one or
two to print out and bring with you to the class.
Question: How effective do you think this film is in mediating Christ
to culture?
Reading: Optional background resources
LLOYD BAUGH Imaging the Divine
G. HALLBCK & A HVITHAMAR, Recent Releases: The Bible in
Contemporary Cinema, Phoenix, Sheffield, 2008
MELANIE J WRIGHT, Religion and Film: An Introduction, Taurus, London,
2007 does film reviews from a theological perspective
as does


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