Blood and Lymph Tutoring

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Blood and Lymph Tutoring

ADH, Chap 7, 15, 16
1. If you have a problem with your blood cells and do not have enough of them,
what do you have
a. Anemia
2. If you have a problem with white blood cells, what is that disorder called
a. Leukopenia
3. What does neutropenic mean
a. That you dont have enough neutrophils
4. Why are neutrophils important
a. They are the most mature WBC and they fight infection
5. If you dont have enough platelets, what is that called
a. Thrombocytopenia
6. What are the different types of anemia
a. Pernicious Anemia
b. Iron Deficient Anemia
c. Sickle Cell Anemia
d. Aplastic Anemia
7. What does it mean when you have pernicious anemia
a. Lacking in the ability to absorb B12 r/t lack of intrinsic factor
8. What are signs and symptoms of pernicious anemia
a. Low B12 level
b. Lethargy
c. Bleeding
d. Bruising
e. Tongue be very sore, inflamed, and burning
9. What is the lab level you are going to look at for pernicious anemia
a. B12
10.What does iron do in the body
a. Carry oxygen
11. If you have iron deficiency Anemia, what does that mean
a. You are not circulating enough oxygen through your blood stream
12. What lab level are you going to look at to determine Iron deficiency anemia
a. Hgb (hemoglobin)
13. If you suspect anemia what lab level do you normally look at
a. Hct (hematocrit) and Hgb
14. Iron deficiency anemia is treated how
a. Change in diet
b. Iron supplements
15. If you are giving an oral iron supplement what pt teaching do you do
a. Take with Orange Juice
b. Take with food
16. What are foods that are high in iron
a. Spinach
b. Red meat
c. Eggs
d. Organ meats (liver)
e. Dark green leafy vegetables

17. If you have hypovolemic anemia what is the cause
a. Blood loss, hemorrhaging of some sort
b. Slow GI bleed
18.How do you treat hypovolemic anemia
a. Blood transfusions of Packed RBCs
19. Where are blood cells formed
a. In the bone marrow
20. If you have aplastic anemia, what is the cause
a. Suppression of RBC being made
21.What are lab levels are you going to look at when you suspect aplastic
a. RBCs
b. Hct
c. Hgb
d. WBCs
e. Platelets
22.People with aplastic anemia are at high risk for
a. Infection
b. Bleeding
23.If you have sickle cell anemia, what does that mean
a. You have RBCs that are like a little C/crescent/sickle shaped
24. What is a symptom of sickle cell anemia
a. Pain
25. What does a pt with sickle cell anemia experience pain
a. Because the sickle cells do not flow through the blood stream well, and
tend to clump up and clog, and cause obstructions in the blood
vessels, which then causes Pain
26.What population is at most risk for sickle cell anemia
a. African Americans
27. How did the pt acquire sickle cell anemia
a. Genetically
28. What types of cancers affect blood cells
a. Leukemiasabnormal WBCs
b. Lymphomaslymphocytes
c. Multiple myelomaaffects the hematopoietic cells in the bone
29. What type of cells does lymphomas an leukemias attack/ effect
a. Lymph cells
30.A pt with low WBC is at risk for
a. infection
31.What is leukemia
a. Abnormal white blood cells
b. Have high WBC counts
32. If you blood does not have enough platelets what type of disease process is
a. Thrombocytopenia ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura)
b. It means that you have a low platelet count and they are not sure why
they are affected and nothing else
33. If a pt comes in with ITP, what kind of precautions would they be on

a. Bleeding precautions
b. Trying to avoid injury
34. What is another abnormal hematological condition in which the number of
platelets is reduced to fewer than 150,000/mm3
a. Thrombocytopenia
35. What is a hereditary coagulation disorder that is characterized by a
disturbance of the clotting factors
a. Hemophilia
36. What is the antihemophilic factor that is absent in hemophilia
a. Factor VIII
37. What are the two most common antihemophilic factors
a. Factor VIII
b. Factor IX
38.Why is factor VIII so important
a. It is essential for the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin through
the thromboplastin component
39. What test would a pt that is missing factor VIII
a. Clotting factors
40. What are some patient teaching precautions for a pt that has ITP or
a. Trying to avoid injury
b. No contact sports
41.What kind of sport could someone participate in that would be safe
a. swimming
42. How do you treat hemophilia
a. Giving them factor VIII or IX, the factor that they are missing
43.Lymphoma, what are the two kinds
a. Hopkins lymphoma
b. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
44. What is the difference between Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
a. Hodgkins has Reed-Sternberg Cells
45. What are the different stages in lymphomias
a. Stage Ieffects one primary lymph node
b. Stage IIis more regional more than one lymph node
c. Stage IIIhas grown to an additional region
d. Stage IVdepending on if it has crossed above or below the diaphragm
46. If you are giving a blood transfusion, what do you need to watch for
a. An allergic reaction
47.What does an allergic reaction to a blood transfusion entail
a. Flushing
b. SOB
c. Increase b/p
d. Tachycardia
e. Itchiness
f. rashes
g. Hives
h. Temperature spike +1 degree
48. What is the most important reaction to monitor when you are giving a blood
a. Temperature spike of 1 degree

49.What do you do if there is an elevation in temperature to the pt receiving a
blood transfusion
a. Stop the transfusion
b. Push saline IV (clear the blood in the tubing)
50. What is the source that causes the most severe allergic reaction
a. Bee sting
51. What is the most severe allergic reaction called
a. Anaphylaxis shock
52. In an anaphylaxis shock pt what is the most important thing
a. Airway
53. What is the treatment for anaphylaxis shock
a. Epinephrine
54.What is DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation)
a. A serious bleeding disorder, the pt is critically ill, the pt is very
stressed, a lot of times there are multiple systems involved (diseased),
blood clotting in the micro vascular areas, which then stimulates more
bleeding and less clotting factors, and the body doesnt know how to
react sometimes. In severe DIC the pt can be bleeding out from several
orifices, and it is very difficult to stop.
55. What is lymphitis,
a. Inflammation of the lymph vessels, or possible obstruction
56. What happens to a pt that has lymphitis
a. Massive Edema in the affected area
57.What is the normal Hgb
a. Men12-18
b. Women12-14
58.What is the normal Hct
a. Men42-52
b. Women37-47
59.What is the normal RBC
a. Males4.7-6.1
b. Females4.2-5.4
60. What is the normal platelet count
a. 150,000 mm3
61.What is the normal Prothrombin time PT
a. 11-12.5 seconds
62.What is the normal International normalized ration
a. 0.7-1.8
63.What is the normal Partial thromboplastin time PTT
a. 60-70 seconds
64.What is the normal WBC
a. 5,00010,000/mm3
65.What is the normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR
a. Male0-15mm/hr
b. Female0-20 mm/hr
66. What has to be done to be able to do a blood transfusion
a. Type and screen
b. Type and cross
67.What is the universal blood donor type

a. O
68.What is the universal recipient
a. AB
69.What 2 types of immunity do we have
a. Acquired
b. Innate
70.What is the natural/innate immunity
a. Things in your body that protect you
b. Skin, saliva, tears, acid in the GI tract
71.Adaptive or acquired immunity is when
a. Your WBCs form antibodies/ antigens
72. What is the drug usually used when your pt has a less severe allergic
a. Benadryl
b. Hydrocortisone or
c. CorticosteroidsFlunisolide (AeroBid)
73. What is another major allergy related to healthcare
a. Latex
74. What does it mean if you have an auto immune disorder
a. That your body is attacking itself
75. What are some examples of autoimmune disorders
a. Lupus
b. Rheumatoid Arthritis
c. Guillain-Barre
d. Rheumatic Fever
e. Sjogrens syndrome
f. Ulcerative colitis
g. Male infertility
h. Myasthenia gravis
i. Multiple sclerosis
j. Addisons disease
k. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
l. Thrombocytopenic purpura
m. Type I diabetes mellitus
n. Glomerulonephritis
o. Systemic lupus erythematous
76. To be diagnosed with HIV, how many lab tests have to be positive in order to
confirm a positive diagnosis
a. 3
77. In an HIV lab diagnostics test what are the two tests that are preformed to
confirm a positive diagnosis of HIV
a. Wasserman1st test and if that is positive then they perform the
b. Western Blot
78. How long does it take to perform a positive HIV
a. 3-6 months
79. What is the determination when you have converted from HIV to AIDS
a. When the CD4 is less than 200 or your T$ count
80. What is the average length of time to convert
a. 8-10 years
81.If you are positive for HIV but not AIDS, are you still contagious

a. YES
82.The treatment for HIV needs to be what
a. Antiretroviral and heart, a combination of 3 different drugs from the 3
70 question test lots of Math!!

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