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International Accounting Standard 1

Presentation of Financial Statements

International Accounting Standard 1

Presentation of Financial Statements

This Standard prescribes the basis for presentation of general purpose financial statements to
ensure comparability both with the entitys financial statements of previous periods and with the
financial statements of other entities. It sets out overall requirements for the presentation of financial
statements, guidelines for their structure and minimum requirements for their content.


An en tity sh all apply th is Stan dard in preparin g an d presen tin g gen eral pu rpose
fin an cial statemen ts in accordan ce with In tern ation al F in an cial Reportin g Stan dards
(IF RSs).

Other IFRSs set out the recognition, measurement and disclosure requirements for specific
transactions and other events.

This Standard does not apply to the structure and content of condensed interim financial
statements prepared in accordance with IAS34 Interim Financial Reporting. However, paragraphs
1535 apply to such financial statements. This Standard applies equally to all entities, including
those that present consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS10 Consolidated
Financial Statements and those that present separate financial statements in accordance with
IAS27 Separate Financial Statements.

This Standard uses terminology that is suitable for profit-oriented entities, including public sector
business entities. If entities with not-for-profit activities in the private sector or the public sector
apply this Standard, they may need to amend the descriptions used for particular line items in the
financial statements and for the financial statements themselves.

Similarly, entities that do not have equity as defined in IAS32 Financial Instruments: Presentation
(eg some mutual funds) and entities whose share capital is not equity (eg some co-operative

entities) may need to adapt the financial statement presentation of members or unitholders


Th e followin g terms are u sed in th is Stan dard with th e mean in gs specified:

Gen eral pu rpose fin an cial statemen ts (referred to as fin an cial statemen ts) are th ose
in ten ded to meet th e n eeds of u sers wh o are n ot in a position to requ ire an en tity to
prepare reports tailored to th eir particu lar in formation n eeds.
Impracticable Applyin g a requ iremen t is impracticable wh en th e en tity can n ot apply it
after makin g every reason able effort to do so.
In tern ation al F in an cial Reportin g Stan dards (IF RSs) are Stan dards an d In terpretation s
issu ed by th e In tern ation al Accou n tin g Stan dards Board (IASB). Th ey comprise:

In tern ation al F in an cial Reportin g Stan dards;


In tern ation al Accou n tin g Stan dards;

IF RIC In terpretation s; an d
SIC In terpretation s. 1

Material Omission s or misstatemen ts of items are material if th ey cou ld, in dividu ally
or collectively, in flu en ce th e econ omic decision s th at u sers make on th e basis of th e
fin an cial statemen ts. Materiality depen ds on th e size an d n atu re of th e omission or
misstatemen t ju dged in th e su rrou n din g circu mstan ces. Th e size or n atu re of th e
item, or a combin ation of both , cou ld be th e determin in g factor.
Assessing whether an omission or misstatement could influence economic decisions of users, and
so be material, requires consideration of the characteristics of those users. The Framework for the
Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements states in paragraph 252 that users are
assumed to have a reasonable knowledge of business and economic activities and accounting and
a willingness to study the information with reasonable diligence. Therefore, the assessment needs
to take into account how users with such attributes could reasonably be expected to be influenced
in making economic decisions.
Notes con tain in formation in addition to th at presen ted in th e statemen t of fin an cial
position , statemen t(s) of profit or loss an d oth er compreh en sive in come, statemen t of
ch an ges in equ ity an d statemen t of cash flows. Notes provide n arrative description s
or disaggregation s of items presen ted in th ose statemen ts an d in formation abou t
items th at do n ot qu alify for recogn ition in th ose statemen ts.
Oth er compreh en sive in come comprises items of in come an d expen se (in clu din g
reclassification adju stmen ts) th at are n ot recogn ised in profit or loss as requ ired or
permitted by oth er IF RSs.
The components of other comprehensive income include:


changes in revaluation surplus (see IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 38
Intangible Assets);


remeasurements of defined benefit plans (see IAS 19 Employee Benefits);

gains and losses arising from translating the financial statements of a foreign operation (see
IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates);
gains and losses on remeasuring available-for-sale financial assets (see IAS39 Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement);
the effective portion of gains and losses on hedging instruments in a cash flow hedge (see
IAS 39).


Own ers are h olders of in stru men ts classified as equ ity.

Profit or loss is th e total of in come less expen ses, exclu din g th e compon en ts of
oth er compreh en sive in come.
Reclassification adju stmen ts are amou n ts reclassified to profit or loss in th e cu rren t
period th at were recogn ised in oth er compreh en sive in come in th e cu rren t or previou s
Total compreh en sive in come is th e ch an ge in equ ity du rin g a period resu ltin g from
tran saction s an d oth er even ts, oth er th an th ose ch an ges resu ltin g from tran saction s
with own ers in th eir capacity as own ers.
Total comprehensive income comprises all components of profit or loss and of other
comprehensive income.

Although this Standard uses the terms other comprehensive income, profit or loss and total
comprehensive income, an entity may use other terms to describe the totals as long as the
meaning is clear. For example, an entity may use the term net income to describe profit or loss.


The following terms are described in IAS32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and are used in
this Standard with the meaning specified in IAS32:

puttable financial instrument classified as an equity instrument (described in paragraphs

16A and 16B of IAS32)


an instrument that imposes on the entity an obligation to deliver to another party a pro rata
share of the net assets of the entity only on liquidation and is classified as an equity
instrument (described in paragraphs 16C and 16D of IAS32).

Financial statements
Purpose of financial statements

Financial statements are a structured representation of the financial position and financial
performance of an entity. The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the
financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of
users in making economic decisions. Financial statements also show the results of the

managements stewardship of the resources entrusted to it. To meet this objective, financial
statements provide information about an entitys:



income and expenses, including gains and losses;


contributions by and distributions to owners in their capacity as owners; and

cash flows.

This information, along with other information in the notes, assists users of financial statements in
predicting the entitys future cash flows and, in particular, their timing and certainty.

Complete set of financial statements


A complete set of fin an cial statemen ts comprises:

a statemen t of fin an cial position as at th e en d of th e period;

a statemen t of profit or loss an d oth er compreh en sive in come for th e period;

a statemen t of ch an ges in equ ity for th e period;


a statemen t of cash flows for th e period;


n otes, comprisin g sign ifican t accou n tin g policies an d oth er explan atory
in formation ;


comparative in formation in respect of th e precedin g period as specified in

paragraph s 38 an d 38A; an d


a statemen t of fin an cial position as at th e begin n in g of th e precedin g period

wh en an en tity applies an accou n tin g policy retrospectively or makes a
retrospective restatemen t of items in its fin an cial statemen ts, or wh en it
reclassifies items in its fin an cial statemen ts in accordan ce with paragraph s

An en tity may u se titles for th e statemen ts oth er th an th ose u sed in th is Stan dard.
F or example, an en tity may u se th e title statemen t of compreh en sive in come in stead
of statemen t of profit or loss an d oth er compreh en sive in come.

An en tity may presen t a sin gle statemen t of profit or loss an d oth er compreh en sive
in come, with profit or loss an d oth er compreh en sive in come presen ted in two
section s. Th e section s sh all be presen ted togeth er, with th e profit or loss section
presen ted first followed directly by th e oth er compreh en sive in come section . An en tity
may presen t th e profit or loss section in a separate statemen t of profit or loss. If so,
th e separate statemen t of profit or loss sh all immediately precede th e statemen t
presen tin g compreh en sive in come, wh ich sh all begin with profit or loss.


An en tity sh all presen t with equ al promin en ce all of th e fin an cial statemen ts in a
complete set of fin an cial statemen ts.




Many entities present, outside the financial statements, a financial review by management that
describes and explains the main features of the entitys financial performance and financial
position, and the principal uncertainties it faces. Such a report may include a review of:

the main factors and influences determining financial performance, including changes in the
environment in which the entity operates, the entitys response to those changes and their
effect, and the entitys policy for investment to maintain and enhance financial performance,
including its dividend policy;



the entitys sources of funding and its targeted ratio of liabilities to equity; and


the entitys resources not recognised in the statement of financial position in accordance
with IFRSs.

Many entities also present, outside the financial statements, reports and statements such as
environmental reports and value added statements, particularly in industries in which environmental
factors are significant and when employees are regarded as an important user group. Reports and
statements presented outside financial statements are outside the scope of IFRSs.

General features
Fair presentation and compliance with IFRSs

F in an cial statemen ts sh all presen t fairly th e fin an cial position , fin an cial performan ce
an d cash flows of an en tity. F air presen tation requ ires th e faith fu l represen tation of
th e effects of tran saction s, oth er even ts an d con dition s in accordan ce with th e
defin ition s an d recogn ition criteria for assets, liabilities, in come an d expen ses set ou t
in th e F ramework. 3 Th e application of IF RSs, with addition al disclosu re wh en
n ecessary, is presu med to resu lt in fin an cial statemen ts th at ach ieve a fair
presen tation .


An en tity wh ose fin an cial statemen ts comply with IF RSs sh all make an explicit an d
u n reserved statemen t of su ch complian ce in th e n otes. An en tity sh all n ot describe
fin an cial statemen ts as complyin g with IF RSs u n less th ey comply with all th e
requ iremen ts of IF RSs.


In virtually all circumstances, an entity achieves a fair presentation by compliance with applicable
IFRSs. A fair presentation also requires an entity:

to select and apply accounting policies in accordance with IAS8 Accounting Policies,
Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. IAS8 sets out a hierarchy of authoritative
guidance that management considers in the absence of an IFRS that specifically applies to


an item.
to present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant,


reliable, comparable and understandable information.

to provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRSs
is insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other
events and conditions on the entitys financial position and financial performance.


An en tity can n ot rectify in appropriate accou n tin g policies eith er by disclosu re of th e

accou n tin g policies u sed or by n otes or explan atory material.


In th e extremely rare circu mstan ces in wh ich man agemen t con clu des th at complian ce
with a requ iremen t in an IF RS wou ld be so misleadin g th at it wou ld con flict with th e
objective of fin an cial statemen ts set ou t in th e F ramework, th e en tity sh all depart
from th at requ iremen t in th e man n er set ou t in paragraph 20 if th e relevan t regu latory
framework requ ires, or oth erwise does n ot proh ibit, su ch a departu re.


Wh en an en tity departs from a requ iremen t of an IF RS in accordan ce with paragraph

19, it sh all disclose:

th at man agemen t h as con clu ded th at th e fin an cial statemen ts presen t fairly th e
en titys fin an cial position , fin an cial performan ce an d cash flows;


th at it h as complied with applicable IF RSs, except th at it h as departed from a

particu lar requ iremen t to ach ieve a fair presen tation ;


th e title of th e IF RS from wh ich th e en tity h as departed, th e n atu re of th e

departu re, in clu din g th e treatmen t th at th e IF RS wou ld requ ire, th e reason wh y
th at treatmen t wou ld be so misleadin g in th e circu mstan ces th at it wou ld
con flict with th e objective of fin an cial statemen ts set ou t in th e F ramework,


an d th e treatmen t adopted; an d
for each period presen ted, th e fin an cial effect of th e departu re on each item in
th e fin an cial statemen ts th at wou ld h ave been reported in complyin g with th e
requ iremen t.


Wh en an en tity h as departed from a requ iremen t of an IF RS in a prior period, an d th at

departu re affects th e amou n ts recogn ised in th e fin an cial statemen ts for th e cu rren t
period, it sh all make th e disclosu res set ou t in paragraph 20(c) an d (d).


Paragraph 21 applies, for example, when an entity departed in a prior period from a requirement in
an IFRS for the measurement of assets or liabilities and that departure affects the measurement of
changes in assets and liabilities recognised in the current periods financial statements.


In th e extremely rare circu mstan ces in wh ich man agemen t con clu des th at complian ce
with a requ iremen t in an IF RS wou ld be so misleadin g th at it wou ld con flict with th e
objective of fin an cial statemen ts set ou t in th e F ramework, bu t th e relevan t regu latory
framework proh ibits departu re from th e requ iremen t, th e en tity sh all, to th e maximu m
exten t possible, redu ce th e perceived misleadin g aspects of complian ce by
disclosin g:

th e title of th e IF RS in qu estion , th e n atu re of th e requ iremen t, an d th e reason

wh y man agemen t h as con clu ded th at complyin g with th at requ iremen t is so
misleadin g in th e circu mstan ces th at it con flicts with th e objective of fin an cial
statemen ts set ou t in th e F ramework; an d


for each period presen ted, th e adju stmen ts to each item in th e fin an cial
statemen ts th at man agemen t h as con clu ded wou ld be n ecessary to ach ieve a
fair presen tation .


For the purpose of paragraphs 1923, an item of information would conflict with the objective of
financial statements when it does not represent faithfully the transactions, other events and

conditions that it either purports to represent or could reasonably be expected to represent and,
consequently, it would be likely to influence economic decisions made by users of financial
statements. When assessing whether complying with a specific requirement in an IFRS would be
so misleading that it would conflict with the objective of financial statements set out in the
Framework, management considers:

why the objective of financial statements is not achieved in the particular circumstances;


how the entitys circumstances differ from those of other entities that comply with the
requirement. If other entities in similar circumstances comply with the requirement, there is a
rebuttable presumption that the entitys compliance with the requirement would not be so
misleading that it would conflict with the objective of financial statements set out in the

Going concern

Wh en preparin g fin an cial statemen ts, man agemen t sh all make an assessmen t of an
en titys ability to con tin u e as a goin g con cern . An en tity sh all prepare fin an cial
statemen ts on a goin g con cern basis u n less man agemen t eith er in ten ds to liqu idate
th e en tity or to cease tradin g, or h as n o realistic altern ative bu t to do so. Wh en
man agemen t is aware, in makin g its assessmen t, of material u n certain ties related to
even ts or con dition s th at may cast sign ifican t dou bt u pon th e en titys ability to
con tin u e as a goin g con cern , th e en tity sh all disclose th ose u n certain ties. Wh en an
en tity does n ot prepare fin an cial statemen ts on a goin g con cern basis, it sh all
disclose th at fact, togeth er with th e basis on wh ich it prepared th e fin an cial
statemen ts an d th e reason wh y th e en tity is n ot regarded as a goin g con cern .


In assessing whether the going concern assumption is appropriate, management takes into
account all available information about the future, which is at least, but is not limited to, twelve
months from the end of the reporting period. The degree of consideration depends on the facts in
each case. When an entity has a history of profitable operations and ready access to financial
resources, the entity may reach a conclusion that the going concern basis of accounting is
appropriate without detailed analysis. In other cases, management may need to consider a wide
range of factors relating to current and expected profitability, debt repayment schedules and
potential sources of replacement financing before it can satisfy itself that the going concern basis is

Accrual basis of accounting


An en tity sh all prepare its fin an cial statemen ts, except for cash flow in formation ,
u sin g th e accru al basis of accou n tin g.


When the accrual basis of accounting is used, an entity recognises items as assets, liabilities,
equity, income and expenses (the elements of financial statements) when they satisfy the
definitions and recognition criteria for those elements in the Framework.4

Materiality and aggregation


An en tity sh all presen t separately each material class of similar items. An en tity sh all
presen t separately items of a dissimilar n atu re or fu n ction u n less th ey are immaterial.


Financial statements result from processing large numbers of transactions or other events that are
aggregated into classes according to their nature or function. The final stage in the process of
aggregation and classification is the presentation of condensed and classified data, which form line
items in the financial statements. If a line item is not individually material, it is aggregated with other
items either in those statements or in the notes. An item that is not sufficiently material to warrant
separate presentation in those statements may warrant separate presentation in the notes.


When applying this and other IFRSs an entity shall decide, taking into consideration all relevant
facts and circumstances, how it aggregates information in the financial statements, which include
the notes. An entity shall not reduce the understandability of its financial statements by obscuring
material information with immaterial information or by aggregating material items that have different
natures or functions.


Some IFRSs specify information that is required to be included in the financial statements, which
include the notes. An entity need not provide a specific disclosure required by an IFRS if the
information resulting from that disclosure is not material. This is the case even if the IFRS contains
a list of specific requirements or describes them as minimum requirements. An entity shall also
consider whether to provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements
in IFRS is insufficient to enable users of financial statements to understand the impact of particular
transactions, other events and conditions on the entitys financial position and financial


An en tity sh all n ot offset assets an d liabilities or in come an d expen ses, u n less

requ ired or permitted by an IF RS.


An entity reports separately both assets and liabilities, and income and expenses. Offsetting in the
statement(s) of profit or loss and other comprehensive income or financial position, except when
offsetting reflects the substance of the transaction or other event, detracts from the ability of users
both to understand the transactions, other events and conditions that have occurred and to assess
the entitys future cash flows. Measuring assets net of valuation allowancesfor example,
obsolescence allowances on inventories and doubtful debts allowances on receivablesis not


IAS18 Revenue defines revenue and requires an entity to measure it at the fair value of the
consideration received or receivable, taking into account the amount of any trade discounts and
volume rebates the entity allows. An entity undertakes, in the course of its ordinary activities, other
transactions that do not generate revenue but are incidental to the main revenue-generating
activities. An entity presents the results of such transactions, when this presentation reflects the
substance of the transaction or other event, by netting any income with related expenses arising on
the same transaction. For example:

an entity presents gains and losses on the disposal of non-current assets, including
investments and operating assets, by deducting from the proceeds on disposal the carrying


amount of the asset and related selling expenses; and

an entity may net expenditure related to a provision that is recognised in accordance with
IAS37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets and reimbursed under a
contractual arrangement with a third party (for example, a suppliers warranty agreement)
against the related reimbursement.


In addition, an entity presents on a net basis gains and losses arising from a group of similar
transactions, for example, foreign exchange gains and losses or gains and losses arising on
financial instruments held for trading. However, an entity presents such gains and losses separately
if they are material.

Frequency of reporting

An en tity sh all presen t a complete set of fin an cial statemen ts (in clu din g comparative
in formation ) at least an n u ally. Wh en an en tity ch an ges th e en d of its reportin g period
an d presen ts fin an cial statemen ts for a period lon ger or sh orter th an on e year, an
en tity sh all disclose, in addition to th e period covered by th e fin an cial statemen ts:

th e reason for u sin g a lon ger or sh orter period, an d


th e fact th at amou n ts presen ted in th e fin an cial statemen ts are n ot en tirely



Normally, an entity consistently prepares financial statements for a one-year period. However, for
practical reasons, some entities prefer to report, for example, for a 52-week period. This Standard
does not preclude this practice.

Comparative information
Minimum comparative information

Except wh en IF RSs permit or requ ire oth erwise, an en tity sh all presen t comparative
in formation in respect of th e precedin g period for all amou n ts reported in th e cu rren t
periods fin an cial statemen ts. An en tity sh all in clu de comparative in formation for
n arrative an d descriptive in formation if it is relevan t to u n derstan din g th e cu rren t
periods fin an cial statemen ts.


An en tity sh all presen t, as a min imu m, two statemen ts of fin an cial position , two
statemen ts of profit or loss an d oth er compreh en sive in come, two separate
statemen ts of profit or loss (if presen ted), two statemen ts of cash flows an d two
statemen ts of ch an ges in equ ity, an d related n otes.


In some cases, narrative information provided in the financial statements for the preceding period(s)
continues to be relevant in the current period. For example, an entity discloses in the current period
details of a legal dispute, the outcome of which was uncertain at the end of the preceding period
and is yet to be resolved. Users may benefit from the disclosure of information that the uncertainty
existed at the end of the preceding period and from the disclosure of information about the steps
that have been taken during the period to resolve the uncertainty.
Additional comparative information


An entity may present comparative information in addition to the minimum comparative financial
statements required by IFRSs, as long as that information is prepared in accordance with IFRSs.
This comparative information may consist of one or more statements referred to in paragraph 10,
but need not comprise a complete set of financial statements. When this is the case, the entity
shall present related note information for those additional statements.


For example, an entity may present a third statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive
income (thereby presenting the current period, the preceding period and one additional comparative
period). However, the entity is not required to present a third statement of financial position, a third
statement of cash flows or a third statement of changes in equity (ie an additional financial
statement comparative). The entity is required to present, in the notes to the financial statements,
the comparative information related to that additional statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income.


Change in accounting policy, retrospective restatement or reclassification


An en tity sh all presen t a th ird statemen t of fin an cial position as at th e begin n in g of

th e precedin g period in addition to th e min imu m comparative fin an cial statemen ts
requ ired in paragraph 38A if:
it applies an accou n tin g policy retrospectively, makes a retrospective
restatemen t of items in its fin an cial statemen ts or reclassifies items in its
fin an cial statemen ts; an d

th e retrospective application , retrospective restatemen t or th e reclassification

h as a material effect on th e in formation in th e statemen t of fin an cial position at
th e begin n in g of th e precedin g period.


In the circumstances described in paragraph 40A, an entity shall present three statements of
financial position as at:



the end of the current period;

the end of the preceding period; and


the beginning of the preceding period.

When an entity is required to present an additional statement of financial position in accordance

with paragraph 40A, it must disclose the information required by paragraphs 4144 and IAS 8.
However, it need not present the related notes to the opening statement of financial position as at
the beginning of the preceding period.


The date of that opening statement of financial position shall be as at the beginning of the
preceding period regardless of whether an entitys financial statements present comparative
information for earlier periods (as permitted in paragraph 38C).


If an en tity ch an ges th e presen tation or classification of items in its fin an cial

statemen ts, it sh all reclassify comparative amou n ts u n less reclassification is
impracticable. Wh en an en tity reclassifies comparative amou n ts, it sh all disclose
(in clu din g as at th e begin n in g of th e precedin g period):
th e n atu re of th e reclassification ;




th e amou n t of each item or class of items th at is reclassified; an d


th e reason for th e reclassification .

Wh en it is impracticable to reclassify comparative amou n ts, an en tity sh all disclose:


th e reason for n ot reclassifyin g th e amou n ts, an d


th e n atu re of th e adju stmen ts th at wou ld h ave been made if th e amou n ts h ad

been reclassified.

Enhancing the inter-period comparability of information assists users in making economic

decisions, especially by allowing the assessment of trends in financial information for predictive
purposes. In some circumstances, it is impracticable to reclassify comparative information for a
particular prior period to achieve comparability with the current period. For example, an entity may
not have collected data in the prior period(s) in a way that allows reclassification, and it may be
impracticable to recreate the information.


IAS8 sets out the adjustments to comparative information required when an entity changes an
accounting policy or corrects an error.

Consistency of presentation

An en tity sh all retain th e presen tation an d classification of items in th e fin an cial

statemen ts from on e period to th e n ext u n less:

it is apparen t, followin g a sign ifican t ch an ge in th e n atu re of th e en titys

operation s or a review of its fin an cial statemen ts, th at an oth er presen tation or
classification wou ld be more appropriate h avin g regard to th e criteria for th e
selection an d application of accou n tin g policies in IAS8; or


an IF RS requ ires a ch an ge in presen tation .

For example, a significant acquisition or disposal, or a review of the presentation of the financial
statements, might suggest that the financial statements need to be presented differently. An entity
changes the presentation of its financial statements only if the changed presentation provides
information that is reliable and more relevant to users of the financial statements and the revised
structure is likely to continue, so that comparability is not impaired. When making such changes in
presentation, an entity reclassifies its comparative information in accordance with paragraphs 41
and 42.

Structure and content


This Standard requires particular disclosures in the statement of financial position or the
statement(s) of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, or in the statement of changes in
equity and requires disclosure of other line items either in those statements or in the notes. IAS7
Statement of Cash Flows sets out requirements for the presentation of cash flow information.


This Standard sometimes uses the term disclosure in a broad sense, encompassing items

presented in the financial statements. Disclosures are also required by other IFRSs. Unless
specified to the contrary elsewhere in this Standard or in another IFRS, such disclosures may be
made in the financial statements.

Identification of the financial statements


An en tity sh all clearly iden tify th e fin an cial statemen ts an d distin gu ish th em from
oth er in formation in th e same pu blish ed docu men t.


IFRSs apply only to financial statements, and not necessarily to other information presented in an
annual report, a regulatory filing, or another document. Therefore, it is important that users can
distinguish information that is prepared using IFRSs from other information that may be useful to
users but is not the subject of those requirements.


An en tity sh all clearly iden tify each fin an cial statemen t an d th e n otes. In addition , an
en tity sh all display th e followin g in formation promin en tly, an d repeat it wh en
n ecessary for th e in formation presen ted to be u n derstan dable:

th e n ame of th e reportin g en tity or oth er mean s of iden tification , an d an y

ch an ge in th at in formation from th e en d of th e precedin g reportin g period;


wh eth er th e fin an cial statemen ts are of an in dividu al en tity or a grou p of

en tities;


th e date of th e en d of th e reportin g period or th e period covered by th e set of

fin an cial statemen ts or n otes;



th e presen tation cu rren cy, as defin ed in IAS21; an d


th e level of rou n din g u sed in presen tin g amou n ts in th e fin an cial statemen ts.

An entity meets the requirements in paragraph 51 by presenting appropriate headings for pages,
statements, notes, columns and the like. Judgement is required in determining the best way of
presenting such information. For example, when an entity presents the financial statements
electronically, separate pages are not always used; an entity then presents the above items to
ensure that the information included in the financial statements can be understood.


An entity often makes financial statements more understandable by presenting information in

thousands or millions of units of the presentation currency. This is acceptable as long as the entity
discloses the level of rounding and does not omit material information.

Statement of financial position

Information to be presented in the statement of financial position

Th e statemen t of fin an cial position sh all in clu de lin e items th at presen t th e followin g
amou n ts:

property, plan t an d equ ipmen t;


in vestmen t property;


in tan gible assets;


fin an cial assets (exclu din g amou n ts sh own u n der (e), (h ) an d (i));


in vestmen ts accou n ted for u sin g th e equ ity meth od;


biological assets with in th e scope of IAS 41 Agricu ltu re;


in ven tories;

(h )

trade an d oth er receivables;


cash an d cash equ ivalen ts;


th e total of assets classified as h eld for sale an d assets in clu ded in disposal
grou ps classified as h eld for sale in accordan ce with IF RS5 Non -cu rren t
Assets Held for Sale an d Discon tin u ed Operation s;


trade an d oth er payables;


provision s;


fin an cial liabilities (exclu din g amou n ts sh own u n der (k) an d (l));

(n )

liabilities an d assets for cu rren t tax, as defin ed in IAS12 In come Taxes;


deferred tax liabilities an d deferred tax assets, as defin ed in IAS12;


liabilities in clu ded in disposal grou ps classified as h eld for sale in accordan ce
with IF RS5;


n on -con trollin g in terests, presen ted with in equ ity; an d

issu ed capital an d reserves attribu table to own ers of th e paren t.

An en tity sh all presen t addition al lin e items (in clu din g by disaggregatin g th e lin e
items listed in paragraph 54), h eadin gs an d su btotals in th e statemen t of fin an cial
position wh en su ch presen tation is relevan t to an u n derstan din g of th e en titys
fin an cial position .


When an entity presents subtotals in accordance with paragraph 55, those subtotals shall:

be comprised of line items made up of amounts recognised and measured in accordance

with IFRS;


be presented and labelled in a manner that makes the line items that constitute the subtotal
clear and understandable;


be consistent from period to period, in accordance with paragraph 45; and


not be displayed with more prominence than the subtotals and totals required in IFRS for
the statement of financial position.


Wh en an en tity presen ts cu rren t an d n on -cu rren t assets, an d cu rren t an d n on -cu rren t

liabilities, as separate classification s in its statemen t of fin an cial position , it sh all n ot
classify deferred tax assets (liabilities) as cu rren t assets (liabilities).


This Standard does not prescribe the order or format in which an entity presents items. Paragraph
54 simply lists items that are sufficiently different in nature or function to warrant separate
presentation in the statement of financial position. In addition:

line items are included when the size, nature or function of an item or aggregation of similar
items is such that separate presentation is relevant to an understanding of the entitys
financial position; and


the descriptions used and the ordering of items or aggregation of similar items may be
amended according to the nature of the entity and its transactions, to provide information
that is relevant to an understanding of the entitys financial position. For example, a financial
institution may amend the above descriptions to provide information that is relevant to the
operations of a financial institution.


An entity makes the judgement about whether to present additional items separately on the basis of
an asses

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