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ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology

Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

Design of Machine Tool Gearboxes Driven by Double Speed

Electric Motors
Dr M. A. Asy
Department of Production Engineering & Mech. Design
University of Menoufia
Shebin El-kom, Menoufia, Egypt
Abstract: In Machine tool applications, the variety of
speeds are very important because of the cutting conditions.
Cutting conditions, specially cutting speed, and feed speed depend
mainly on the machined material properties and the surface finish
accuracy. The purpose of a gearbox system is to convert input
speed and torque into a different output speeds and torques. The
wide range of speeds with near steps requires a large number of
elements i.e. gears, shafts and bearings. This leads to large
gearbox size and losses. To bridge those problems double speed
electric motor as a prime mover for the gearbox is used. The 24
and 12 speeds were achieved through 12 and 6 structural
diagrams gearboxes. The structural formulae, structural
diagrams, and ray diagrams, as well as the number of teeth for all
gears, actual speeds, deviation between theoretical and actual
speeds, saving percentage ratio for the used elements and
utilization factors for these elements were considered in this
design. The proposed design achieves the required number of
speeds with small number of rotating elements, smaller
dimensions and higher overall efficiency at the least deviation
between theoretical and actual speeds.
Keyword- Gearbox, Structural Diagram, Ray Diagram,
Transmission Ratio.

1- Introduction
The materials of the tool and work piece, the shape of the
tool, the type of machining process and the required quality of
the surfaces to be produced determine the optimum and most
economical speeds for the two machining movements- the
cutting and the feed movement. Single -purpose machines,
which are intended and designed for only single operation
often only need to be designed for a single cutting speed and
feed rate required for that operation. The designer of multipurpose machines has to provide a certain speed range which
covers the requirements of different operations, types and
shapes of work pieces and qualities of the surfaces that are to
be machined. The values of the required cutting speeds depend
upon technical (cutting properties of the tools, surface finish of
the machined surfaces) and economic considerations
(minimum tool life between-regrinds, grinding costs). The
greater variety of materials used for tools and work piece, the
wider speed range is the required for cutting speed range.
Literature survey clears that there is a great lack in the
published material about the design of multi- speed machine
tool gearboxes [1-11]. For roughing operations this is often


measured by the rate of metal removal and during batch

production by the quantity of work pieces which can be
machined in a minimum time between regrinds [3][4][6].
Concept from optimization and decision theory can play an
important role in all steps of design stages. Gearboxes present
a very important group of machine members. They are utilized
in a great number of engineering fields. They which must
satisfy very rigorous technical requirements regarding
reliability, efficiency, precise manufacturing of products,
bearing, etc. Literature survey clears that there is a great lack
of the published material about the design of machine tool
multi-speed gearboxes especially those driven by double speed
electric motors. In this study a proposed design for those
gearboxes is presented. Minimization the teeth number leads to
reduction of the gears dimensions and consequently decreasing
the overall size of the gearbox. Structural formulae, structural
diagrams, and ray diagrams i.e. speed chart were constructed.
The number of teeth for all gears, deviation between
theoretical and actual speeds is estimated in more easier and
accurate than that given in reference [7]. Improvement of
gearboxes by reducing the number of rotating elements in 12,
16, 18, 24& 32 speeds gearboxes is studied for these systems
when they are driven by double speed electric motors. The
saved number and saving percentage ratio of each element in
these gearboxes are calculated. The utilization factors of the
rotating elements in the same gearboxes are also calculated.
Improvement by using double speed electric motors is
significant. Two case studies for achieving 24 and 12 speeds
through 12 and 6 structural diagrams gearboxes respectively
are considered in this paper. Improvement in utilization factor
in gears is 39, 33, 20, 28, 25 %, while it is 33, 25, 33, 25, 21%
in shafts and 33, 25, 33, 25, 18.5% in bearings for 12, 16, 18,
24 and 32 speeds gearboxes respectively.
2- Design Procedure:
The proposed design procedure to achieve gearbox of
minimum deviation between theoretical and actual speeds as
well as maximum saving in rotating elements and maximum
utilization factor of these elements can be summarize in the
following statements:
Structural Diagram

ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

The structural diagram can be achieved according to the

structural formulae. It gives information about the number of
shafts and the number of gears on each shaft. By analyzing the
gearbox speed number to its coefficients i.e. the transmission
stages, the characteristics of each stage and the number of
transmission ratio in each stage can be calculated [1] & [4].
Ray Diagram (Speed Chart) [1] & [4]
Ray diagram is the diagram from which the transmission ratio
and the rpm values of each gearbox shaft can be determined.
The speed chart construction is necessary to determine the
transmission ratio. Therefore, the following remarks must be
- The horizontal ray in the speed chart means that there is no
speed change i.e. the transmission ratio i=1
- The upward inclination ray represents speed increasing, i.e.
- The downward inclination ray means speed reduction, i.e.
From the speed chart the minimum transmission ratio, i.e.
maximum speed reduction can be calculated.
In the following, the steps of designing a two stages gearbox
(3*2) driven by a double speed electric motor to deliver twelve
speeds were carried out.
Formula Required: [3], [4], [6], [7] and [8].
1- Rn= N1/Nz= fz-1
Rn= (N1/ Nz) i.e. Range ratio, N1= Nmax, Nz= Nmin, Z= No. of
gearbox output speeds, and f= Progression ratio.
2- f= Rn(1/z-1)
3- Z= log (Rn. f/ log f
Structural formula Z= P1 (x1). P2(x2)
Where: P1= No. of speed steps (transmission ratios) in the first
transmission stage, and x1 its characteristics
Im= f (pm-1)xm
Where: Pm= No. of speed steps in mth stage and xm= its
characteristics, Im= transmission range of mth group.
5- Transmission ratio restriction (Ig 8)
The transmission range of group
6- Ig = Imax/ Imin = 2/ (1/4) =8
Where Imax 2 & Imin
minimum tot shaft size (dmin).
7- x1 x2 x3 .. x u-1 xu
UT = No. of stages.
3-Improving Gearbox System by Reducing its Elements
Saving a number of power transmitting elements in gearboxes
driven by double speed motors added a considerable
improvement. This improvement because of decreasing the
overall size of the system and consequently reduce its cost. In
the following we consider some gearboxes with different


numbers of speed output and calculate the number of each

main element used in each system for both cases of driving i.e.
single or double speed motors. Also, we compare between the
number of these elements for the same gearbox capacity, and
we calculate the saved number of each element, saving
percentage ratio for each element and the minimum percentage
ratio of the overall saving.
Nsaved = Ns - Nd
Nsaved = No. of saved elements.
Ns = No. of elements used in case of single speed motor
Nd = No. of elements used in case of double speed motor.
Nsaved %= (Ns - Nd)/ Ns*100 %
4- Utilization Factor Analysis
Reducing the number of power transmitting elements in
gearboxes driven by double speed motors leads to the increase
in the utilization of the rest of the elements. In the following,
the utilization factors for the main elements in the gearbox i.e.
shafts, gears and bearings, for different speed capacities are
Utilization Factor for the Main Elements of Gearboxes Driven
by Single Speed Motors:
Cu-ssh = (Z/ No. of shafts),
Cu-sg = (Z/ No. of gears),
Cu-sb = (Z/ No. of bearings) (iii)
Utilization Factor For the Main Elements of Gearboxes Driven
by Double Speed Motors:
Cu-dsh = (Z/ No. of shafts),
Cu-dg = (Z/ No. of gears),
Cu-db = (Z/ No. of bearings)
Cu-ssh and Cu-dsh = Utilization Factor for shafts if the gearbox is
driven by single or double speed motor respectively.
Cu-sg and Cu-dg = Utilization Factor for gears if the gearbox is
driven by single or double speed motor respectively.
Cu-sb and Cu-db = Utilization Factor for bearings if the gearbox
is driven by single or double speed motor respectively.
Percentage Ratio of Increasing Utilization Factor Cu for Each
Element in Different Gearboxes Speed Capacities Driven by
Double Speed Motors
For shafts: Cu - sh= [(Cu-ssh - Cudsh)/ Cussh]* 100
For gears: Cu-g= [(Cu-sg - Cudg)/ Cusg]*100
For bearings: Cu= [(Cu-sb - Cudb)/ Cusb]* 100



Where: Cus = Utilization Factor in case of using single speed

Cud = Utilization Factor in case of using double speed motors.

ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

In the following through two case studies a complete solution

to calculate the minimum number of teeth for all gears in the
gearboxes, driven by double speed motors, according to the
previous procedure, and calculate the actual produced speeds.
The actual speeds are compared with theoretical speeds to
calculate the deviation which is found in the permissible limits.
Case Study (1):
For a gearbox driven by double speed electric motor to deliver
12 speeds, it is required to calculate the number of teeth for all
the gears, actual speeds carried out from the gearbox, the
deviation occurs between the actual and theoretical speeds
considering the following data: Nmin= 80 rpm, Nmax = 1000
rpm, Um (ratio between the motor speeds)= 2, f = 1.26 N m=
Motor speeds =1440/720 rpm
Step 1: Structural Formulae [9].
The delivered speeds (Z) which can be achieved by a gearbox
driven by a double speed electric motor may defined as:
Z= [number of motor speeds (2)] * [number of gearbox speeds
From data: Z = 12 speed, then
12 = 2*[6]
By analyzing the number of gearbox speeds into its
coefficients i.e. transmission stages UT= 2, one can obtain the
following two arrangements:
12= 2 * [3*2]
12= 2 * [2*3]
(Here the transmission stages i.e. UT=2 i.e. No. of coefficients)
Structural formulae for the first arrangement:
a) Z= 2 * [P1(x1)* P2(x2)]
Z= 2* [3(1)* 2(3)]
b) Z= 2 * [P1(x2)* P2(x1)]
Z= 2* [3(2) * 2(1)]
Here x1= 1 & x2= characteristics of x1= P1=2
Step 2: Structure Diagrams
To construct the structural diagram the following steps must be
1) Draw UT+1 vertical line at convenient distance where UT=
No. of stages (for above formula UT=2; two transmission
Note: The first vertical line represent the transmission from
motor shaft and the rest represent the transmission groups
of speed box.
2) Draw array of horizontal lines equal to the number of
speed steps Z of speed intersecting the vertical lines
distance of (log f) from each other.
Step 3: The Best Structure Diagrams:
The best structure diagram should ensure the following:
1- The nmin values of the intermediate shafts are maximum
and nmax values are minimum.


2- The rays should be narrower towards the starting point.

3- The number of gear pairs between the last two shafts in
the gearbox must be minimum.
I) Transmission Ratio Restriction
Ig Imax/ Imin = 2/(1/0.25) =8 & Im= f (pm-1)xm
By analysing structure diagrams of two options shown in Figs.
(1-a & 1-b) i.e. equations (14-i & 14-ii).
Apply stage restriction or transmission ratio restriction
Option 1:
Between shaft I & II
m=1, Ig= Imax/Imin = f(p1-1)x1= f2
Between shaft II & III
m=2, Ig= Imax/Imin = f(p2-1)x2 = f3
Hence the maximum transmission range for option (1) is f 3.
Option 2
Between shaft I & II
m=1, Ig= Imax/Imin = f 2
Between shaft II & III
m=2, Ig= Imax/Imin = f1
Hence the maximum transmission range for Fig. (1- b) is f2
Now, Analyze for condition, ig 8
For Figs. (1- a& 1- b), f2 < 8 = (1.26)2 8 (condition is
Apply Minimum Shaft Size Criterion i.e dmin i.e x1<x2<x3
For Fig. (1-a) x1<x2
For Fig. (1-b) x1> x2
(Not satisfy)
Then, Fig. (1- a) satisfies both conditions. Also, maximum
speed on intermediate shaft is minimum and minimum speed is
Indications of Structural Diagram Forms
The layout of rays on the gearbox shafts in the structural
diagram has an indication for the selection of the best version.
For example option (1) has a narrower ray towards the starting
point i.e. input point. Hence option (1) is considered as the
best version of structural diagram
Step 4: Ray Diagram Construction
To construct the ray diagram of a gearbox driven by a double
speed electric motor, the following considerations must be
i- The first shaft has two speeds i.e. one according to the high
speed of the motor (represented by solid circle) and the other
according to the low one (represented by an empty circle
filled with sign x).
ii- Each shaft has a number of speeds equal to double the
speeds on the same shaft if a single speed electric motor is
used. Halve of these speeds obtained from the high speed of
the motor and the other obtained from the low one.
iii- The number of high and low speeds on each shaft is equal.

ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

iv- The higher speeds on each shaft is attached to the high

speed of the motor, and followed by the speeds attached to the
low speed of the motor.

Rays (transmission ratios) for the first stage steps in the speed
chart shown in Fig. (2-a)
i1 = z1/z2 = 1/f (i)
i3 = z5/z6fii

Assuming fj/gi the ratio between the teeth number of the driver
to driven gear for pair number j according to the transmission
ratio ij, and (fj+gj) is the summation of numerator and
denominator of that ratio.
Conversion of Fraction into Form of Numerator and Denominator.
i1 = z1/z2

i2 = z3/z4

i3 = z5/z6

6 = 3(1) * 2(3).

6= 3(2) * 2(1).

Fig. 1 Structural Diagrams of the Two Structural Formulae for the First

v- The change from high speeds to low speeds and vice versa
occurs after a number (k) determined by the following
Um = f k
Um = the ratio between the motor speeds, f = Progression
k = the number after which the speeds change from high to
low and vice versa.
Comparison between Speed Charts for 6 Speeds Gearbox Driven by a Double
Electric Motor with Different Values of Transmission Ratios between Second
and Third Shafts.
Option (1)
Option (2)
Fig. 2-a
Fig. 2-b
Gear ratio ( ray restriction)
Stage restriction (Rs)
Summation of node should be minimum
5+9+13 = 28

Gearbox Speeds and Transmission Ratios Analysis

Gearbox speeds and transmission ratios analysis, when it is
driven by a double speed electric motor, can be derived as
follow [8]:
Z = motor speeds * [gearbox speeds]
12 = 2 * [6]
12 = 2 * [3*2]
No. of gears = (3+2) *2 = 10 gears


Fig. 2 Speed Charts for 6 Speeds Gearbox Driven by a Double Speed Electric
Motor with Two Options of Transmission Ratios between Second and Third

The maximum power involves the minimum size gear i.e.

passes through the minimum transmission ratio between the
first and second shafts.
Hence, imin = 4/10 = fmin/g
Here fmin.
where fmin./(fmin +g) = 4/(4+10) = 4/14 = 2/7
Assuming the minimum number of teeth for machine tools
gearboxes equals 17 teeth, the summation of teeth for each pair
of gears between the first and second shafts (CI) is calculated
as follows:
CI= (fmin + g )* 17/ fmin

ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

CI= 7*17/2 = 60 teeth

The gear teeth calculations assumed a constant module for the
first stage gears:
Z1= CI * f1/(f1+g1) = 60 * 6/16 = 23
Z2= CI * g1/(f1+g1) = 60 * 10/16 = 37
Z3= CI * f2/(f2+g2) = 60 * 6/15 = 20
Z4= CI * g2/(f2+g2) = 60 * 10/15 = 40
(iv) (27)
Z5= CI * f3/(f3+g3) = 60 * 4/14 = 17
Z6= CI * g3/(f3+g3) = 60 * 10/14 = 43
In the same arrangement for the second stage
Ray i4= z7/z8= f = (1.262) = 1.6 = 16/10
i5 = z9/z10 = f = 1/(1.264) = 0.4 = 4/10


Theoretical and Actual Speeds and Deviation Calculations. [i=1Z]


Conversion of Fraction into Form of Numerator and Denominator.

1/ f
i4= z7/z8
i5 = z9/z10
The maximum power involves the minimum size gear i.e.
passes through the minimum transmission ratio between the
second and third shafts.
imin = 2/5 = f5/g5 while fmin =2
Assuming the minimum number of teeth for machine tool
gearboxes equals 17 teeth, the summation of teeth for each pair
of gears between the second and third shafts (CII) is calculated
as follows:
CII = (fmin. +gi)* 17 / fmin = 7*17/2 = 60 teeth
The gear teeth calculations assumed constant module for the
second stage gears:
Z7= CII * f4/(f4+g4) = 60*8/13 = 37
Z8 = CII * g4/(f4+g4) = 60* 5/13 = 23
teeth (ii)
Z9 = CII * f5/(f5+g5) = 60*2/7 = 17
teeth (iii)
Z10 = CII * g5/(f5+g5) = 60 * 5/7 = 43
teeth (iv)
Theoretical Speeds:
From machine tool design references theoretical speeds when
the progress ratio f= 1.26 can be listed as following:
1000, 800, 630, 500, 400, 315, 250, 200, 160, 125, 100, and
80 rpm
Actual Speeds:
N1 = 1000 * 23/37 * 37/23 = 1000
N2 = 1000 * 20/40 * 37/23 = 804
N3 = 1000 * 17/43 * 37/23 = 635
N4 = 500 * 23/37 * 37/23 = 500
N5 = 500 * 20 /40 * 37/23 = 402
N6 = 500 * 17/43 * 37/23 = 317
N7 = 1000 * 23/37 * 17/43 = 246
N8 = 1000 * 20/40 * 17/43 = 198
N9 = 1000 * 17/43 * 17/43 = 156
N10 = 500 * 23/37 * 17/43 = 122
N11 = 500 * 20/40 * 17/43 = 99
N12 = 500 *17/ 43 * 17/43 = 78


Fig. 3 Kinematic Diagram for Six Speeds Gearbox for Single Speed Motor
and 12 Speeds for Double Speed Electric Motor.

Case Study (2)

For a gearbox driven by a double speed electric motor to
deliver 24 speeds, it is required to calculate the number of
gears teeth, actual speeds delivered from the gearbox, the
deviation occurs between the actual and theoretical speeds
considering the following data:
Nz = 5 rpm, N1 =1000 rpm, Z = 24 speed, UT=3, f1.12 &
Um = 1500/750 rpm.

ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

Step (1) Transmission Ratio Stages:

The number of gearbox speeds has to be analyzed to its
Z = [motor speeds (2)] * [gearbox speeds (12)]
24 = 2*[12] = 2* [3*2*2]
According to the sequence of these coefficients the following
arrangements can be carried out:
= 2* [3*2*2]
= 2* [2*3*2]
= 2* [2*2*3]
Transmission speed stages (UT = 3)
For each arrangement, we can obtain six structural formulae,
each one is used to draw a corresponding structural diagram.
For 1st arrangement:
Structural formulae can be written in the following forms:
24 = 2*[3*2*2]
= 2*[P1(x1)* P2(x2) *P3(x3)] = 2*[3(1)* 2(3)*2(6)] (i)
= 2*[P1(x1)* P2(x3) *P3(x2)] = 2*[3(1)* 2(6)*2(3)] (ii)
= 2*[P1(x2)* P2(x1) *P3(x3)] = 2*[3(2)* 2(1)*2(6)] (iii)
= 2*[P1(x2)* P2(x3) *P3(x1)] = 2*[3(2)* 2(6)*2(1)] (iv)
= 2*[P1(x3)* P2(x1) *P3(x2)] = 2*[3(4)* 2(1)*2(2)] (v)
= 2*[P1(x3)* P2(x2) *P3(x1)] = 2*[3(4)* 2(2)*2(1)] (vi)
With the same sequence, we can obtain six structural formulae
to draw six structural diagrams for each one of the other two
arrangements. So, for the present system, we can obtain
eighteen structural formulae for eighteen structural diagrams.
Step (2) Structural Diagrams Construction:
Considering the first arrangement, one can draw the structural
diagrams, according the previous sex formulae, as shown in
Fig. (4).

2 *3(1) * 2(3) * (6)

Imax/Imin = 8= f6

2 *3(1) * 2(6)* 3)
Imax/Imin = 8= f6

2*3(2)*2(1)* 6)
Imax/Imin = 8= f6

2 *3(4) * 2(2) 2(1)
Imax/Imin = 8= f8

2 *3(4) * 2(1) * (2) 2 *3(2)* 2(6)*(1)
Imax/Imin = 8= f8
Imax/Imin = 8= f6

Fig. 4 Structural Diagrams According to the Structural Formulae of the First


(Apply min. shaft size criterion i.e. dmin i.e.

x1 x2 x3
It is noticed that this condition is satisfied for Fig. (4- a) only,
and all other Figs. are not satisfied. So, Fig. (4-a) Satisfies
both conditions i.e. transmission ratio restriction & min. shaft
size criterion.
Table (5)
Compare between Speed Charts Given in Figure 5
Option (1) Fig. 5-a
Option (2) Fig. 5-b
Stage restriction (Rs)
Summation of node
should be minimum

9+14+17+25 = 65


So, Fig. (5- b) is the best speed chart. For that figure:
In the first stage between shaft I&II
No. of rays =3
i1 = z1/z2= 1/ f = 1/1.122 = 0.8 = 8/10
i2 = z3/z4=fii
i3 = z5/z6= f= o.63 = 63/100



(iii )


ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

Z5 = 44 * 63/163 = 17
Z6 = 44 * 100/163 = 27



For the second stage:

i4= z7/z8 = 1/ f = 1/1.122 = 1/1.25 = 4/5 = 0.8
i5 = z9/z10 = 1/ f


Conversion of Fraction into Form of Numerator and Denominator
1/ f
i4= z7/z8
i5 = z9/z10

The maximum power involves min. size gear.

Hence, imin= 57/100 = f/g
Here fmin. = 57
Where (fmin+g) = 157
Assuming the minimum number of teeth equals 17,
CII = (fmin+g) * 17/ fmin
CII = 157*17 /57= 47 teeth
The gear teeth calculations assumed constant module for the
second stage gears:
Z7 = 47 * 4/9 =21
Z8 = 47 *5/9 = 26
Z9 = 47 * 57/100 = 17
Z10 = 47 * 57/100 = 30
For the third stage in this arrangement:
i6 = f= 1.124= 1.6 = 8/5 = 1.6

Fig. 5 Twenty Four Gearbox Speed Charts driven by Double Speed Electric

Conversion of Fraction into Form of Numerator and Denominator.
i6 = z11/z12
1.57= 157/100
i7 = z13/z14

Conversion of Fraction into Form of Numerator and Denominator.

i1 = z1/z2
i2 = z3/z4
i3 = z5/z6

1/ f
1/f2 =1/1.26
1/f3 = 1/1.4
1/f4 = 0.63



The maximum power involves the minimum size gear.

Hence, imin. = 63/100 = f/g
Here fmin. = 63 where fmin./ (fmin.+g) = 63/163
Assuming the minimum number of teeth for machine tools
gearboxes equals 17 teeth, Assuming the minimum number of
teeth for machine tool gearboxes equals 17 teeth, the
summation of teeth for each pair of gears between the first and
second shafts (CI) is calculated as follows:
CI = (fmin+g)* 17/ fmin
CI = 163* 17/63 = 44 teeth
The gear teeth calculations assuming constant module for the
first stage gears:
Z1 = 44 * 4/9 =19
Z2 = 44 *5/9 = 25
Z3 = 44 * 7/17 = 18
Z4 = 44 *10/17 = 26



The maximum power involves min. size gear.

Hence, imin= 2/5 = f/g
Here fmin. = 2
Where (fmin+g) = 7
Assuming the minimum number of teeth equals 17, this leads
CIII = (fmin+g) *17/ fmin
CIII= 7*17/2= 60 teeth
The gear teeth calculations assumed constant module for the
third stage gears:
Z11 = 60* 157/257 =37
Z12 = 60 *100/257 = 23
Z13 = 60* 2/7 =17
Z14 = 60* 5/7 =43



ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

Saved Number of Gearbox Elements (Ns) for Various Gearboxes Driven by
Single or Double Speed Motors and the Percentage Saving Ratio for each

Fig. 6 Kinematic Diagram of 12 Speeds Gearbox for Single Speed Motor and
24 Speeds for Double Speed Electric Motor.

The present study clears that; the solution technique has a
good suitability to calculate the minimum number of teeth for
gears used in machine tool gearboxes driven by double speed
electric motors. The output speeds carried out by these systems
have allowable deviations from the theoretical speeds. Also,
the using of double speed electric motor as a prime mover
leads to reduce the number of main elements in the gearboxes
(shafts, gears and bearings) which consequently reduce the
gearbox size, and increasing the utilization factor for the rest
elements with significant percentage ratios. The utilization
factor for each element increases as well as increasing the
system speeds. Improvement in utilization factor of rotating
elements for gearboxes driven by double speed electric motors
compared with those driven by single speed electric motor.
Improvement in utilization factor in gears is 39, 33, 20, 28, 25
%, while it is 33, 25, 33, 25, 21% in shafts and 33. 25. 33, 25,
18.5% in bearings for 12, 16, 18, 24 and 32 speeds gearboxes
respectively. The calculations of saved number of gearbox
elements (Ns) for various gearboxes driven by single or double
speed electric motors and the percentage saving ratio for each
element are listed in table (9), and plotted in Figs. (7, 8,
9&10). The utilization factor for the same elements in the
same gearboxes also listed in table (10) and plotted in Figs.
(11, 12& 13).

Fig. 7 Shows the Relation between the Number of Speeds and Number of
Used and Saved Gears in Case of Using Single or Double Speed Motors.

Fig. 8 Shows the Relation between the Number of Speeds and Number of
Used and the Saved Shafts in Case of Using Single or Double Speed Motors.


ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

Fig. 11 The Relation between the Number of Speeds and Gear Utilization
Factor for Gearboxes Driven by Single and Double Speed Motors

Fig. 9 Shows the Relation between the number of Speeds and Number of
Used and the Saved Bearings in Case of Using Single or Double Speed

Fig. 12 The Relation between the Number of Speeds and Shaft Utilization
Factor for Gearboxes Driven by Single and Double Speed Motors
Fig. 10 Shows the Relation between the Number of Speeds and the Saving
Ratio for Gears, Shafts, and Bearings.

Table (10) shows Cu for each element in different gearboxes,

and rate of Cu increasing in each case. Figs. (10- 12) show the
relation between gearboxes speeds and Cu for different
elements, in the case of single and double speed motors.
Utilization Factors for Gearbox Components (Cu) for Gearboxes Driven by
Single and Double Speed Motors and the Percentage Improvement for each
Fig. 13 The Relation between the Number of Speeds and Bearing Utilization
Factor for Gearboxes Driven by Single and Double Speed Motors

1. The proposed design of gearboxes driven by double speed
electric motors achieves the required number of speeds with
small number of rotating elements, smaller dimensions and
higher overall efficiency at the least deviation between
theoretical and actual speeds.
2. Gearboxes driven by double speed electric motors give
output speeds in the allowable limits of permissible deviation.
3. Lower cost as a result of reducing the number of the


ISSN No: 2309-4893

International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology
Vol-03, Issue-03, March 2015

4. Gearboxes driven by double speed motors insure high

utilization factors reaches to 39% in gear, 33% in shafts and
24% in bearings.
5. The increase of utilization factor values is significant
when using gearboxes driven by double speed motors.
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