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Smart service business news / December 2008

Cost-Effective PlanMill
SaaS Solutions Now Available!

PlanMill has introduced user-friendly, cost effec-

tive and quickly implemented CRM, Project, PSA
and PSA ERP solutions, both in Finnish and Eng-
lish, to the market in Software as a Service form.


PlanMill SaaS - Software as a Service solutions

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a softwa- structure, manages backups and data se- Thomas Hood.
re delivery model where the application curity and provides support. One provider 35 percent of Western European com-
is provided over the internet. There is no thus provides a service for many clients. panies using CRM and 32 percent using
need for the user organisation to invest in PlanMill’s groundbreaking work has SCM are looking to change their current
software licenses or install new hardware given it a place among the leading SaaS systems to SaaS.
or software. The solutions are mainly used providers in Finland. – This was to be expected, because SaaS
over the internet, using a browser. The – We believed in the SaaS model years is a significantly more cost-effective and
SaaS provider manages all updates and ago and started to build it with determina- quicker to implement solution for the busi-
upgrades, maintains the scalable IT infra- tion and an open mind, says PlanMill CEO ness environment of the future.

Tietoviikko / Gartner / December 3, 2008 KEY

In 2009, Every Third Company will Change to SaaS
Nine out of ten companies are going to The research also revealed that North CRM =
increase their use of software as a service American companies are more eager to in- Customer Relationship Management
(SaaS) solutions next year, according to re- vest in tailored SaaS solutions than Europe-
search company Gartner. an companies. The researchers interviewed
Professional Services Automation
Over a third (37 %) of the companies 258 IT Managers in eight countries.
taking part in the research plan to replace According to the IDC, SaaS is grow- ERP =
their software with SaaS solutions in order ing more quickly than the expected rate, Enterprise Resource Planning
to lower their overall IT costs. According which is 30 percent a year over the next
SaaS =
to Gartner, companies are changing to five years. The strongest interest in SaaS
Software as a Service
SaaS because it is cost-effective and easy is among the growing and midsize busi-
to expand. nesses, as well as bigger companies. PPM = Project Portfolio Management

Web-based CRM, Project, PSA and PSA ERP Software as a1Service (SaaS) solutions for service businesses 1

SaaS – The Smart Choice!

Are the software systems managing your business based business applications to run their entire
non-integrated and labour-intensive? Could the company. PlanMill SaaS solutions can be comple-
integration and streamlining of these systems be mented with several financial management solu-
beneficial in managing your business? tions such as eFina, Econet, EmCe, Netvisor, Pro-
PlanMill’s flexible and integrated solution ef- Countor and Tikon.
ficiently and cost-effectively combines customer Whether your services team is small and local
relationship management (CRM), portfolio project or large and global, PlanMill can help automate
management (PPM) and project, resources, time, and optimise your services operation. This is why
Thomas Hood expense, and finance management, as well as en- PlanMill’s service business solutions power more
CEO & Partner terprise resource planning (ERP). billable services organisations than any other so-
Is your current solution able to do all this, or is lution.
it more labour-intensive than productive? Isn´t it time for you to really take control of your
PlanMill is one of the first companies to give business? Be smart – get in touch.
growing and midsize service businesses SaaS web-

Frantic’s Media Business Boosted

by PlanMill’s Integrated SaaS PSA Solution
PlanMill Ltd has provided With this new integrated PSA solution, The company also wanted to ensure
Frantic will improve the processes related that the selected PSA solution can be ex-
Frantic Media Ltd with a
to customer relationship management panded as needed, anticipating the de-
browser-based SaaS PSA and development, monitoring of work mands of a networked business environ-
hours and costs, monitoring of support ment in the future.
(Professional Services
requests, sales orders and projects, and – We wanted an agile and user-friendly
Automation) solution for invoicing. The Visma Econet financial man- system, one that would be fast and easy to
agement solution is also integrated. implement and cost-effective to integrate
a networked business
with our outsourced financial manage-
environment. Sami Relander, CEO of Frantic, says that ment system, Sami Relander says.
their fast-growing company spent a long In a short time, PlanMill Ltd has become
time looking for a suitable system. Finland’s leading provider of PSA solutions
– We were hoping to find a system that for organisations providing software and
would cover all of the main processes of consulting services in the ICT and digital
our business, one that would be suitable marketing fields.
both for the development of demanding – Co-operation with Frantic further
customer relationships and for managing strengthens our position as a leading pro-
consulting and delivery projects. It also vider of PSA solutions for growth-oriented
had to be a centralised and cost-effective service businesses, says Thomas Hood,
Software as a Service (SaaS) system, says PlanMill’s CEO.
New website Free trial for 30 days New clients
Our website has experienced some major Boost your service business anywhere, anytime. Our new clients include Adage, Aureolis, Edita
changes in an most exiting way. It has not only It’s easy, integrated, scalable and affordable – Press, Frends Technology. Learn more about
had an visual update but its content provide and great way to work smarter. Try now for free! our customers and how they use PlanMill solu-
you now with all kinds of new features. Utilise tion to optimize their workforces, work smarter,
them to your benefit! and increase profitability.

2 Web-based CRM, Project, PSA and PSA ERP Software as a2Service (SaaS) solutions for service businesses

Nitro Chooses PlanMill PSA

for its International Growth
Software tester Nitro FX Ltd has chosen a With the new PSA solution Nitro has stream-
lined its processes involving customer re-
replaces its old web-based PSA solution from
lations, control of personnel, projects and
PlanMill to support its grow- also key financial processes, such as billing.
systems with The new PSA solution replaces Nitro’s old
ing international business. The
PlanMill PSA SaaS self-made and self-developed systems, as
real-time service is provided as a well as Excel-based systems.
Software testing company Com-IQ According to Nitro’s CEO Pasi Niit-
SaaS solution to all of Nitro’s
Ltd chose a web-based PSA (Pro- tymäki the company was looking for a
fessional Services Automation) so- offices across Finland, Latvia system that could provide support in dif-
lution from PlanMill to support its ferent countries and could grow as their
and Estonia.
growing business needs. With the business needs developed.
new PSA solution Com-IQ enhances – We wanted to find a unifying system
its customer relations processes, easy enough for creative staff to use that
those involving control of person- would also allow our staff to work from
nel and projects, as well as key fi- various locations, says Niittymäki.
nancial processes such as billing. – For us the system flexibility and the
ability to add features according to our
Com-IQ’s Managing Director Ant- needs is vital. Also, it needed to be easily
ti Öfversten saw that the company integrated into our outsourced account-
urgently needed to find a web- ing management system, summarises Pasi
based system that would provide Niittymäki of their decision.
them support in different client lo-
cations and that can grow as their
business needs develop. Pasi Niittymäki
The company prides itself on
the flexibility of their own business
operations, being able to act fast
Hood joins the top 100 IT-influencers in Finland
in order to support their clients’
needs. Tietoviikko magazine has, for the sixth published on the December 13, once again
time, nominated their annual top 100 in- honours Thomas Hood, PlanMill’s CEO, in fluential figures in the IT industry. The list, the top 100 of Finnish IT influencers.

Christmas cheer for families

Once again, the time of year has come when we like to thank you for an eventful year, and
for sharing your valuable time with us. Thank you also for the plentiful feedback we have
received, which is valuable in further developing our operations and services.
The funds we set aside for Christmas greetings have been donated to the Lahti branch
of The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare. This charitable association will give the mo-
ney to needy families with children to bring them some Christmas joy.

PlanMill Ltd | Westendintie 1 | FI-02160 Espoo | |

PlanMill Ltd develops real-time, browser-based ACCELERATOR is our customer and interest Magazine production:
PSA solutions for service businesses. Our solutions group magazine, which is also available on our EKLEKTI Finland Ltd
help to improve the control of customer relation- website. Please feel free to share your thoughts Pyynikintie 25
ships, projects and business processes, which in and comments on the content and the format FI-33230 Tampere
turn improves the productivity and profitability of the magazine.
of PlanMill’s customer companies.

Web-based CRM, Project, PSA and PSA ERP Software as a3Service (SaaS) solutions for service businesses 3

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