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Smart service business news / Winter 2010


End-to-end business PlanMill SaaS

processes tamed 3 Business Suite 4 CLOUD IS HERE! 7

Smart steps for service business

Get set for our common battlegrounds in 2010! in the growth-oriented service industry, every
How we’ll do it, you might ask. The answer is step of the way. Thanks to our trusted partners
simple. We follow PlanMill’s focus on delive- and successful customers for a successful year
ring premium customer service for existing in spite of rough economic times. We aim to
customers, generate prospects and leads, and provide more tangible results for you in the
reiterate and reinforce our reliability and trust- coming years.
worthiness. Our key target is 100% service bu-
siness, primarily SMEs (small and medium size FREEDOM OF CHOICE PlanMill SaaS or On-
enterprises). Streamline, automate, collaborate Premise. You decide, we provide! Changing
your business processes to meet your business business needs can’t be based on one model,
Thomas Hood objectives. so we give you integrated solutions. We under-
CEO & Partner stand your needs for scalability, growth, easy

A complete management solution for

CUSTOMERS LEAD THE WAY Entrepreneurs are and cost-effective software suite that enhan-
agents of economic growth, so we are always on ces teamwork and does not deter operations

end-to-end business process

the lookout for new ways to generate more pro- due to prolonged implementation periods.
ductivity and profitability for you. An increasing Because PlanMill systems are up and running
number of our clients in service business are quickly, you can relax and enjoy quality time
building success globally. Since we also thrive in-between projects. 
on customer-driven solutions, services, innova- PlanMill Administer
tions, and values, we are your reliable partners

CRM Project, time Invoice & Online Outsourced

& expense E-Invoice accounting finance
“All media is social and all social is media” FaceBook

In PlanMill, we are keen to give our users the edge over competi- PlanMill customers can now be- PAPERLESS ACCOUNTING  panies to achieve better control and
tors by defining the current trends shaping the marketing, adver- Twitter nefit from a complete real-time Administer is a leading electronic finan- transparency throughout their entire ser-
tising, web analytics realms using lead generation and business cial accounting company in Finland and a vice business process, Aho continued.
solution to streamline end-to-
networking tools. PlanMill systems are now connected with a Lin- ground-breaking operator in reshaping ac- Hood reiterated PlanMill’s total commit-
kedIn account profile available as a widget – users can easily view
Google YouTube end service business process. counting routines and management, ser- ment to simplify business processes and
all Contacts within the system through LinkedIn. In My Workspace, ving SMEs and publicly listed companies. to help organisations achieve the eco-
PlanMill Ltd. together with Administer
Twitter widgets can be added using custom parameters. Below is a Screen friendly goals.
Ltd. launched PlanMill Finance Connec-
shortlist of popular online communities where you can now view MySpace – Our service includes the outsourcing of – When most actions can be mana-
-casts tor for eFina, a new real-time connector
and connect with PlanMill.  LinkedIn our customers’ entire financial accounting ged without paper work and crea-
integrated with Administer’s eFina sys-
tem, a solution uniquely designed for or parts of it, consulting services and the te savings in many levels, we can sup-
service business and related SMEs. Com- tasks of an outsourced financial controller. port our clients’ ecological goals at
panies that already enjoy this seamless Purchase and sales invoices can be writ- the same time, summarized Hood.
add-on includes GIA (Global Intelligen- ten, accepted and stored electronically,
Global SaaS Revenue to Reach $14 Billion by 2013 ce Alliance Group Oy) and Edimaster. Peter Aho, CEO, from Administer said. PlanMill’s Open API is a key to streamlining
process management through connec-
Using the financial connector for eFina, all
A new Gartner report confirms tremen- – SaaS companies are uniquely positio- effects. Through social media features in – This can be integrated to various other tions with 3rd party applications. It offers
customer information, account receiva-
dous market potential for online business ned to leverage the Internet for their own PlanMill CRM, we answer the demanding bles, and general ledger-related informati- systems including PSA, CRM, and ERP. PlanMill ecosystem members, application
providers. It said global software-as-a- business processes by enabling customer needs of competitive online business whe- on is automatically available at eFina. Pur- Furthermore, this solution allows seam- developers and customers alike, Open API
service revenue will reach $7.5 billion this
interactions through their offering, ma- re dynamic customer interaction is crucial. chase invoices received by eFina can then less integration of E-Invoices. Aho com- (application programming interface) to
year, a 17.7 percent increase from 2008 king it easier for online customers to find, be transferred to relevant PlanMill projects. mended the joint efforts with PlanMill enable information exchange between
revenue of $6.4 billion, reveals “Market try, buy and use their product, US-based Within PlanMill dashboards, you can for its unique competitive advantage. various business applications and PlanMill
Trends: Software as a Service, Worldwide, industry analyst Joel York wrote in his read industry issues, monitor online COMPLETE STREAMLINING  – This continuous approach enables com- CRM, Project, PSA and ERP. 
2008-2013, Update.” blog “Winning at SaaS”. SaaS ERP adopti- company feedback, and deliver real- – Together with Administer, we have simp-
lified the continuous chain of actions and
on is higher among SMEs, because most time knowledge using top social me-
created the vital links to the financial
The report revealed that CRM and ERP so- are just starting their move onto this type dia tools - LinkedIn, Google Maps, and
management of billings and accounting, Administer Ltd. is a steadily growing accounting agen-
lutions make up the bulk of SaaS revenues. of system. Twitter. Using the system’s Accounts said Thomas Hood, CEO, PlanMill Ltd. cy providing electronic financial accounting services in
Alongside content, communications and or Contacts, a person’s LinkedIn pro- – This fresh approach for an integrated Finland. They are a certified member of the Association
collaboration, the customer relationship As one of the early providers of SaaS in Fin- file can be viewed within PlanMill. solution allows management and project of Finnish Accounting Firms and a pioneer in electronic
management market had the largest share land, PlanMill encourages connecting cus- As an option, Twitter widgets can be ad- managers a firm control and dynamic financial accounting. Administer offers its customers an
of SaaS revenue generating $2.3 billion in tomers to customer’s customers and deli- ded to My Workspace using custom para- handling of the whole project cycle. End- advanced service package that is based on web-based
2009, up from $1.9 billion in 2008. ver even greater value through network meters.  to-end process activities are streamlined financial accounting system – eFina.
through the PlanMill and Administer so- See

2 3

PlanMill SaaS Business Software Suite Automate your finance process

and save costs
SMART. SIMPLE. SCALABLE. Automate your finance process and
save costs! Efficient invoice processing
demands a tight integration with your
bookkeeping to be transmitted elec-
tronically from PlanMill PSA and ERP to
your financial system. 
finance or accounting system. PlanMill
On this final issue of Accelerator in 2009, we highlight PlanMill’s web- t Connector for Tikon
Connectors allow data transmissions
based business suite as an integrated, scalable, and real-time system to to and from your financial system with tConnector for Wintime
little to no effort from your internal IT tConnector for eFina
PlanMill Add-ons.
manage your entire service business – anywhere, anytime around the
development staff – no synchronizati- tConnector for EmCe
world using the Internet.
on processes for them to struggle with,

Perfect for
tConnector for Netvisor
As we approach 2010, we can say it has solidate and streamline manual report- no complex data extraction algorithms
tConnector for ProCountor

been a rewarding journey this year with ing processes, too. Project and task man- for them to write. All related data of
our customers in around 25 countries agement has never been so enjoyable. customer information, invoice, and tConnector for Econet
using PlanMill browser-based solutions
on the cloud or on-premise deploy- PlanMill PSA (Professional Services Au-

Business Mill!
ment options. To summarize our main tomation) provides a single, affordable
product offering, here is the shortlist. and flexible answer to integrate the end-
to-end business processes in project and
PlanMill CRM (Customer Relationship service organisations. This provides an
Management) is suitable for growing, uninterrupted workflow and shorter cy-
mid- sized and large corporations with cle times for maximum operational ef-
the cutting-edge tools for a successful ficiency in real-time. It includes all fea-
customer relationship management – in- tures from PlanMill Project as well as
cluding accounts, contacts, campaigns, important functions in Campaigns, Op-
opportunities and actions. As a web- portunities, Competences, and Finances.
based solution, it generates a solid and
reliable base – streamlining sales, serv- PlanMill ERP (Enterprise Resource Plan- be a distant reality – in competitive en-
ice, marketing, and help desk opera- ning) integrates front office customer vironments, slow movers get left behind.
tions. Guarantee customer satisfaction relationship management (CRM), port- We are proud of the steps we took to
at each sales and service stage better folio project management (PPM) with serve you better especially during diffi-
than ever! CRM SaaS users can upgrade back-office ERP in one powerful appli- cult times. 
easily to PlanMill PSA or ERP products. cation which is modular and flexible to
meet specific business needs. Get ready
PlanMill Project (Project Portfolio Man- to take control of your entire service
agement) cuts away unnecessary activities
already at planning stages, helps to meet
business and enjoy centralized man-
agement of your whole operations.
PlanMill Email Capture
demanding schedules, and enable SMBs
with an international team to network on Connect your applications through Plan- Customer support teams and project leaders are selected persons or teams! Sending and receiv-
a global scale. This is a comprehensive way Mill Open API using our seamless Con- excited about the cool and nifty PlanMill Email ing processes are automated because the key
to track project status and analyze profit- nect & Upgrade solutions. PlanMill takes Capture. Now, you can direct all emails to one com- data is generated from other PlanMill modules
ability, identify and schedule right people pride in our roots from Finland, known for mon location, so that everybody can access, view, such as Projects and Requests. Enjoy smoother
(or resources) projects, manage time, ex- being at the top of the IT world. Success- and monitor actions based on customer requests. workflow.
pense, and billing more accurately. Con- ful service business operations need not Share, assign, and follow-up the task/request to
PlanMill E-Invoice
PlanMill Absence PlanMill Open API PlanMill’s E-Invoice offers invoicing
solutions in an electronic format (Fin-
ware Plc, available immediately and can
be implemented quickly. E-invoicing
voice) and routes them to an invoice enhances accounts payable and receiv-
PlanMill Absence is an affordable ab- management have been hailed already Open platform applications are excellent to the most common activities with data- processing or printing services, de- able process by reducing the amount of
sence management to help HR workflow prior to its release. tools for community building. PlanMill now base queries. pending on the recipients’ choice. By errors during manual invoice process-
and reduce operational costs of compa- PlanMill Absence manages the work- offers application developers and custom- PlanMill customers who wish to use the using the add-on, both invoice sender ing, giving exceptional cost savings by
nies and organisations. – The potential flow for requesting and accepting ab- ers open API (application programming in- interface should contact PlanMill support. and recipient can automate the entire automating and accelerating invoicing
to change a company’s entire HR culture sences, automates annual holiday cal- terface) to enable information exchange Application Developers are offered an up-to- invoicing process. This is the easiest and processes and related workflows. Send
is great, Thomas Hood, PlanMill’s CEO culation, and easily imports and exports between various business applications and date documentation of the information con- cost-effective solution created in col- electronic invoices within a worldwide
revealed. Its possibilities in workplace data within demanding HR systems. PlanMillPlanMill Open API provides access tent (modules, fields, lists of values). laboration with software company Bas- network – all with one connection.

4 5

Success in Service Business:

PlanMill offers SMEs a dynamic ecosystem in
PlanMill PSA (Professional Services Auto- project management systems was set up
mation) was selected in August 2009 by in no time for Kwantic’s 20 specialists in
Kwantic Oy, the leading online measure- web analytics, internet marketing, analy-

ment and research agency in the Nordics sis, market research, marketing, sales and
with topnotch customers including Kone, usability.
Nokia, and Nokia Siemens Networks. – Prior to PlanMill we used to plan and re-
ding vacation planning, real-time indica- port our business in Excel, which was time
– This system is very good for our pur- tors and finance & billing information, as consuming and laborious. After only two
poses and is going to become pivotal to well as sales invoice and accounting using months of using the system, we can see at
our operations, said Director Steve Jack- PlanMill Finance Connector for Econet. the touch of a button exactly how our bu-
son, Kwantic Oy. The main modules are siness is performing. PlanMill allows us to
portfolio and project management, work With the web-based PlanMill PSA SaaS, an concentrate on our clients which is better
schedules, tasks & assignments, actions, integrated and scalable system to support for them and us, said Jackson. 
service requests, and time tracking inclu- the company’s customer relationships and

PlanMill Loves Start-ups

Entrepreneurship is the most effective economic influence on our well-being in the future, said Antti Vilpponen
of ArcticStartup, a primary information resource of Nordic and Baltic startups and the entrepreneurs behind
them (see PlanMill in ArcticIndex). PlanMill marketing executive Sheila Riikonen attended the MindTrek Con-
ference on September 30 - October 2, 2009 in Tampere, Finland. This event gathered 800 international partici-
pants from the world of interactive media, web, mobile, games, mashups, and enterprise 2.0.

We are delighted to mention that PlanMill customer MultiTouch, creator of modular hardwarewon the distinction of being
the most innovative digital media productreceiving mentoring from Tekes, Finnvera, Technopolis Ventures, Finpro, Diges,
Lexia and Hermia. SMEs are an exciting and growing sector, as we know. In both Finland and Sweden around 60% and 40%
of the workforce, respectively, work in small companies. Considering the employment effect of smaller companies in Finland Cloud computing is a common buzz 1. Moving to the cloud is easy. Transfer 4. Manage the cultural adjustment
after the millennium, companies are responsible for 80% of the new jobs being created and a large part of the productivity but many business are still unclear of business information into the cloud is and enjoy a more collaborative way of
that has supported the growth of the economy at large. what is it all about and what are bene- very straightforward. No need to install working. Using cloud computing app-
fits for them. new hardware or software as everything lications, people can work more closely
is run by the cloud provider. together even if they come from different

Listening to Customers
Around 56% of European IT Heads were parts of the world.
not familiar with cloud computing, accor- 2. Cost savings and greater level of
ding to a recent survey of Portio Research. security. Businesses that move to the 5. Flexibility to scale up or scale down
We listened to movers, shakers, and “Cloud computing, or software as a servi- cloud can make savings on many diffe- your business. Cloud based ”pay as you
visionaries at Slush last November 3 ce (SaaS), is when IT software and services rent levels - IT hardware and software go” style services allow you increase your
and 4. Keynote speaker Risto Siilasmaa are delivered over the web and through a expenditure is cut dramatically and fe- use of cloud services as your business
founder of F-Secure, reiterated that browser. This transfers the responsibility wer staff or support resources are needed grows, or decrease your spend if you need
“entrepreneurs are agents of change”. for IT maintenance, software upgrades and for IT maintenance. IT infrastructure me- to temporarily scale down. PlanMill provi-
any system issues onto the service provider, ans lower costs for hardware, software, des painless upgrades. As the SaaS provi-
Meanwhile, Andreas Weigend, the for- allowing enterprises to focus on their core and the people needed to manage it all. der, we manage all updates for everybody
mer Chief Scientist of advo- business instead of their infrastructure.” within the ecosystem and there are no pat-
cated customer-centric business models Cloud computing can be more secure than ches for you to download or install.
and learning from consumers by listening PlanMill’s focus on SMEs is consistent. We traditional IT solutions since everything is
from their conversations. are able to serve our customers accor- stored in the cloud and not on your com- 6. Improved business flexibility/ Free-
ding to their needs, highlighting their st- pany devices. dom of Choice. “Anywhere, anytime” con-
At PlanMill, we can’t emphasize strongly rengths and turning their challenges, such cept. In contrast to traditional IT models
enough that “our focus is 100% on service as small workforce or IT maintenance, 3. Improved productivity. If your busi- involving expensive software licenses and
business”. As a leading provider of user-fri- eering, finance, and others, efficient and At PlanMill, we take simplicity, in- into advantages. A list on “Getting started ness demands mobility, the cloud could be long lock-in contracts, the cloud model of-
endly, integrated and fully browser-based streamlined operations remain crucial. For sight, and big IT savings seriously. in the cloud” by Google Enterprise for a straightforward and affordable way. Be- fers far more flexibility. Historically, com-
SaaS & On-Premise CRM, Project, PSA & most, being smart means “no software, SMEs on reiterates our goals at PlanMill. cause most people are familiar with using panies were required to buy, build, and
ERP solutions and services, we cater main- no hardware, just Internet”. We understand that small companies the Internet to find what they need, SaaS maintain their IT infrastructures despite
ly to SMEs. Our best-of-breed solution is cannot afford unnecessary risks and thus So into Cloud Computing today and take apps tend to have high adoption rates, exponential costs. Now, you can plug in
something we are proud of always and Thus, PlanMill web-based business suite avoid obstacles and barriers to successful advantage of PlanMill SaaS solutions.  with a lower learning curve. and subscribe to services built on shared
thrive in our customers’ feedback. offers dynamic solutions to meet current product launches or market entries. “Start infrastructure via the Internet.
For small & midsize service business in ICT, customer requirements, so they can take today” is not merely a slogan, but a way of
Advertising & media, consulting, engin- control of their business from day one. conducting your business. 

6 7

Sympa Oy chooses PlanMill customers

PlanMill’s ERP SaaS to lead the way

boost HR software business PlanMill’s customers include more

than 7,000 users from the most suc-
cessful leading IT and professional
Sympa Oy chooses web-based Plan- service organizations in 25 count-
Mill ERP SaaS solution to boost its ra- ries. We are proud to serve and share
the success of our new SaaS and On-
p i d l y g ro w i n g H R s o f t w a re b u s i -
Premise customers and we are com-
ness ser ving topnotch customers. mitted to support them all the way.

PlanMill ERP SaaS is a comprehensive ans- t Axxion

wer to portfolio and project management, t Citat Finland
work schedules, tasks & assignments, t Forum Virium
actions, service requests, expense, time t F-Secure
and absence tracking including vacation t Kwantic
planning. In addition, real-time indicators, t SofTieto
finance and billing information, as well as t Starcut
sales invoice and accounting using Plan- t TNNet
Mill Finance Connector for Econet are part t Tuokko Laskenta
of the solution package. t Wonder Design
According to Sympa’s CEO Taina Sipilä,
selecting PlanMill’s ERP solutions was an for our expanding reach not just in Finland
easy choice. They needed a reliable and
trusted business solution that can meet
but also globally.
As one of Deloitte Technology’s Fast Rising
Christmas Cheer!
demanding requirements in customer Star in 2009 and a Microsoft Certified Gold During Christmas, PlanMill sup-
relationships, project and time manage- Partner, Sympa is steadily growing its ope- ports and donates to The Manner-
ment systems in no time. rations since 2005 with more than 100 % heim League for Child Welfare in
– This multilingual system is very good revenue growth yearly.  Lahti (

PlanMill CEO Thomas Hood is named

Top 100 IT Influential Figures in Finland
PlanMill CEO Thomas Hood is named as take the opportunity to thank my team.
one of Top 100 IT Influential Figures in Without their constant suppor t and
Finland on December 11, 2009. Hood won hard work our achievements would not
this prestigious accolade for the third have granted us this honor, said Hood.
time. The annual recognition is published
by the prestigious Tietoviikko magazine in The Tietoviikko list in 2009 contains 33
honor of the top 100 IT Finnish influencers. new names in several categories including
IT infrastructure, mobile technology, and
– I am pleased to be nominated again software security encompassing visionary
by Tietoviikko into this prestigious entrepreneurs as well as successful global
group of movers and shakers in this companies. Related materials (in Finnish):
field. At the same time I would like to Tietoviikon TIVI-lista 2009. 

PlanMill Ltd | Westendintie 1 | FI-02160 Espoo | |

PlanMill Ltd develops real-time, web-based CRM, Project, ACCELERATOR is our customer and interest Magazine production:
PSA and ERP Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for serv- group magazine, which is also available on our EKLEKTI Finland Ltd
ice businesses. Our solutions help to improve the control website. Please feel free to share your thoughts Palmrothintie 2,
of customer relationships, projects and business processes, and comments on the content and the format FI-33950 Pirkkala, Finland
which in turn accelerates the productivity and profitability of the magazine.
of PlanMill’s customer companies.


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