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Publication List (June 2016)

1. Berman-Frank, I., Zohary, T., Erez, J. and Dubinsky, Z. 1994. CO2 availability,
carbonic anhydrase and the annual dinoflagellate bloom in Lake Kinneret. Limnology
and Oceanography, 39: 1822-1834.
2. Zohary, T., Erez, J., Gophen, M., Berman-Frank, I., and Stiller, M. 1994. Seasonality of
stable carbon isotopes within Lake Kinneret food web. Limnology and Oceanography,
39: 1030-1043.
3. Berman-Frank, I., Kaplan, A., Zohary, T. and Dubinsky, Z. 1995. Carbonic anhydrase
activity in a natural bloom forming dinoflagellate. Journal of Phycology, 31: 906-913.
4. Berman-Frank, I. and Erez, J. 1996. Inorganic carbon pools in the bloom forming
dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense. Limnology and Oceanography, 41: 1780-1789.
5. Berman-Frank, I., Erez J., Zohary, T. and Dubinsky, Z. 1996. Adaptive strategies of
phytoplankton to CO2 limitation in nature: The Lake Kinneret case study. Steinberger Y.
[Ed.] Preservation of Our World in the Wake of Change. ISEEQS Pubs. 6B: 574 576.
6. Berman-Frank, I., Erez, J. and Kaplan, A. 1998. Changes in inorganic carbon uptake
during the progression of a dinoflagellate bloom in a lake ecosystem. Canadian Journal of
Botany, 76: 1043-1051.
7. Vardi, A., Berman-Frank, I., Rozenberg, T., Hadas, O., Kaplan, A. and Levine, A.
1999. Programmed cell death of the bloom forming dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense
is mediated by CO2 limitation, oxidative stress and a conditioning factor. Current
Biology, 9: 1061-1064. (these authors contributed equally to this work).
8. Berman-Frank, I. and Dubinsky, Z. 1999. Balanced growth of aquatic plants: myth or
reality? BioScience, 49: 29-39.
9. Dubinsky, Z. and Berman-Frank, I. 2001. Uncoupling primary production from
population growth in photosynthesizing organisms in aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic
Science, 63: 4-17.
10. Berman-Frank, I., Cullen, J.T., Shaked, Y., Sherrell, R.M. and Falkowski, P.G. 2001.
Iron availability, cellular iron-quotas, and nitrogen fixation in Trichodesmium.
Limnology and Oceanography, 46(6): 1249-1260.
11. Berman-Frank, I., Lundgren, P., Chen, Y., Kupper, H., Kolber, Z., Bergman, B., and
Falkowski, P.G. 2001. Segregation of nitrogen fixation and oxygenic photosynthesis in
the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Science, 294: 1534-1537.
12. Berman-Frank, I., and Falkowski, P.G. 2002. On the evolution of N2 fixation. Science,
295: 799.
13. Berman-Frank, I., Lundgren P., Falkowski P. 2003. Nitrogen fixation and
photosynthetic oxygen evolution in Cyanobacteria. Research Microbiology, 154: 157164.
14. Berman-Frank, I., Bidle, K., Haramaty, L. and Falkowski, P. 2004. The demise of the
marine cyanobacterium, Trichodesmium spp., via an autocatalyzed cell death pathway.
Limnology and Oceanography, 49(4):997-1005.

15. Kpper, H., Ferimazova, N., etlk, I. and Berman-Frank, I. 2004. Traffic lights in
Trichodesmium: regulation of photosynthesis for nitrogen fixation studied by chlorophyll
fluorescence kinetic microscopy. Plant Physiology, 135: 2120-2133.
16. Berman-Frank, I. Rosenberg, G., Levitan, O., Haramaty, L., Mari X. 2007. Coupling
between autocatalytic cell death and transparent exopolymeric particle production in the
marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Environmental Microbiology, 9:1415-1422
17. Vardi, A., Eisenstadt, D., Murik, O., Berman-Frank, I., Zohary, T., Levine, A. and
Kaplan, A. 2007. Synchronization of cell death in a dinoflagellate population is mediated
by an excreted thiol protease. Environmental Microbiology, 9: 360369.
18. Levitan, O., Rosenberg, G., Setlik, I., Setlikova, E. , Grigel, J., Klepetar, J., Prasil, O.
and Berman-Frank, I. 2007. Elevated CO2 enhances nitrogen fixation and growth in the
marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. Global Change Biology, 13:531-538.
19. Milligan, A., Berman-Frank, I., Gerchman Y., Dismukes, C., Falkowski P.G. 2007.
Light-dependent oxygen consumption in nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria plays a key role in
nitrogenase protection. Journal of Phycology, 43:845-852.
20. Berman-Frank, I., Quigg, A., Finkel, Z. V., Irwin, A. J., and Haramaty, L. 2007.
Nitrogen-fixation strategies and Fe requirements in cyanobacteria. Limnology and
Oceanography, 52:2260-2269.
21. Man-Aharonovich, D., Kress, N., Bar Zeev, E., Berman-Frank, I., and Beja, O. 2007.
Molecular ecology of nifH genes and transcripts in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Environmental Microbiology, 9:2354-2363.
22. Kpper, H. Seibert, S., etlk, I., Pril, O., etlikova, E., Lohscheider, J., Levitan, O.,
Strittmatter, M., Adamska, I., and Berman-Frank, I. 2008. Iron Limitation in
Trichodesmium reveals new insights into regulation of photosynthesis for N-fixation.
New Phytologist, 179:784-798.
23. Bar Zeev, E., Yogev, T., Man-Aharonovich, D., Kress, N., Herut, B., Bj, O. and
Berman-Frank, I. 2008. Seasonal dynamics of the endosymbiotic, nitrogen-fixing
cyanobacterium Richelia intracellularis in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The ISME
Journal, 2: 911-923.
24. Berman-Frank, I., Chen, Yi-bu, Gao, Y., Fennel, K., Follows, M., Milligan, A., and
Falkowski P.G. 2008. Feedbacks between the Nitrogen, Carbon and Oxygen Cycles.
Capone, DG, D Bronk, M Mulholland and EJ Carpenter, Eds. Nitrogen in the Marine
Environment, 2nd edition. San Diego, Academic Press/ Elsevier ISBN 9780123725226.
25. Bar-Zeev, E., Berman-Frank I., Liberman, B., Rahav, E., Passow, U., and Berman,T.
2009. Transparent exopolymer particles: potential agents for organic fouling and biofilm
formation in desalination and water treatment plants. Desalination and Water Treatment,
26. Berman-Frank, I. and Berman, T. 2009. Introduction to primary production in
seagrasses and macroalgae: closing the GAP between concepts and measurements.
Aquatic Botany,7: 125-126

27. Berman-Frank, I., Berman T., MacIntyre H. 2009. (Coeditors AME special volume on
GAP workshop) Progress and perspectives in aquatic primary productivity: introduction.
Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 56: 109111
28. Bar-Zeev, E., Berman-Frank, I., Stambler, N., Vzquez Domnguez, E., Zohary, T.,
Capuzzo,E., Meeder, E., Suggett, D.J., Iluz, D., Dishon, G., and Berman, T. 2009.
Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) link phytoplankton and bacterial production in
the Gulf of Aqaba. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 56:217-225
29. Suggett, D.J., Stambler, N., Pril, O., Kolber, Z., Quigg, A., Vzquez-Dominguez,E.,
Zohary,T., Berman, T., Iluz, D, Levitan, O., Lawson,T., Meeder, E., Bar-Zeev, E.,
Medova, H., and Berman-Frank, I. 2009. Nitrogen and phosphrous limitation of oceanic
microbial growth during spring in the Gulf of Aqaba. Aquatic Microbial Ecology,
30. Kelman, D., Ben-Amotz, A., and Berman-Frank, I. 2009. Carotenoids provide the major
antioxidant defense in the globally significant N2 fixing marine cyanobacterium
Trichodesmium . Environmental Microbiology, 11(7): 1897-1908
31. Tzahor, S., Man-Aharonovich, D., Kirkup, B.C., Yogev, T., Berman-Frank, I., Polz,
M.F., Beja, O., and Mandel-Gutfreund, Y. 2009. A supervised learning approach for
taxonomic classification of core-photosystem-II genes and transcripts in the marine
environment. BMC Genomics, doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-229. 10:229
32. Ionescu, D., Oren, A., Levitan, O., Hindiyeh, M., Malkawi H., and Berman-Frank, I.
2009. The cyanobacterial community of the Zerka Main hot springs, Jordan:
morphological and molecular diversity and nitrogen fixation. Algological Studies, 130:
109 124
33. Man-Aharonovich, D., Philosof, A., Kirkup, B.C., Le Gall, F., Yogev, T., BermanFrank, I., Polz, M.F., Vaulot, D., and Bj, O. 2010 Diversity of active marine
picoeukaryotes in the eastern Mediterranean Sea unveiled using photosystem-II psbA
transcripts. The ISME Journal, 4(8):1044-52.
34. Levitan, O., Brown, C.M., Sudhaus, S., Campbell, D., LaRoche, J., and Berman-Frank,
I. 2010. Regulation of nitrogen metabolism in the marine diazotroph Trichodesmium
IMS101 under varying temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Environmental
Microbiology, 12(7):1899-1912.
35. Levitan, O., Kranz, S., Spungin, D., Prasil, O., Rost, B., and Berman-Frank, I. 2010.
The combined effects of pCO2 and light on the N2 fixing cyanobacterium
Trichodesmium IMS101: A mechanistic view. Plant Physiology, 154.
36. Kranz, S., Levitan, O., Prasil, O., Richter, K.-U., Berman-Frank, I., and Rost, B. 2010.
Combined effects of pCO2 and light on the N2 fixing cyanobacteria Trichodesmium
IMS101: Physiological responses. Plant Physiology, 154. 10.1104/pp.110.159145

37. Rachamim, T., Stambler, N., Zohary, T., Berman-Frank, I., and Gal, G. 2010.
Zooplankton contribution to the particulate N and P in Lake Kinneret, Israel, under
changing water levels. Hydrobiologia, 655:121135
38. Sharon, Y., Levitan, O., Spungin, D., Berman-Frank, I. and Beer, S. 2011
Photoacclimations of the seagrass Halophila stipulacea to the dim irradiance at its 50 m
depth limit. Limnology and Oceanography, 56(1): 357362.
39. Levitan, O., Sudhaus, S., LaRoche, J., and Berman-Frank I. 2010. The influence of
varying pCO2 and temperature on gene expression of carbon and nitrogen pathways in
Trichodesmium IMS101. PLoS One, 5(12): e15104. doi:10.1371
40. Yogev, T., Rahav, E., Bar-Zeev, E., Aharonovich, D., Stambler, N., Kress, N., Beja, O.,
Mulholland, M., Herut, B., and Berman-Frank, I. 2011. Is dinitrogen fixation significant
in the Levantine basin- eastern Mediterranean Sea? Environmental Microbiology, 13(4),
41. Bar-Zeev, E., Berman, T., Rahav, E., Dishon, G., Herut, B., Kress, N., and BermanFrank, I. 2011. Transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) dynamics in the eastern
Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 431:107-118
42. Rubin, M., Berman-Frank, I., and Shaked, Y. 2011. Dust- and mineral-iron utilization
by the marine dinitorgen-fixer Trichodesmium. Nature Geosciences, 4:529534
43. Berman-Frank, I. and Rahav, E. 2012 Nitrogen fixation as a source for new production
in the Mediterranean Sea: a review. In N. Stambler (Ed.). Life in the Mediterranean Sea.
Nova Science Publishers. NY, Ch. 8, 199-226.
44. Bar-Zeev, E., Belkin, N., Liberman, B., Berman, T., and Berman-Frank, I. 2012. Rapid
sand filtration pretreatment for SWRO: Microbial maturation dynamics and filtration
efficiency of organic matter. Desalination, 286: 120-130
45. Belkin, N., Bar-Zeev, E., Berman, T., and Berman-Frank, I. 2012. Two innovative
devices for depth sampling in granular filtration systems. Desalination, 286: 115-119.
46. Bar-Zeev, E., Berman-Frank, I., Girshevitz, O., and Berman, T. 2012. Revised
paradigm of aquatic biofilm formation facilitated by microgel transparent exopolymer
particles. PNAS, 109: 9119-9124
47. Moore, C.M., Mills, M.M., Arrigo, K.R., Berman-Frank, I., Bopp, L., Boyd, P.W.,
Galbraith, E.D., Geider, R.J., Guieu, C., Jaccard, S.L., Jickells, T.D., La Roche, J.,
Lenton, T.M., Mahowald, N.M., Maran, E., Marinov, I., Moore, J.K., Nakatsuka, T.,
Oschlies, A., Saito, M.A., Thingstad, T.F., Tsuda, A., and Ulloa, O. 2013. Processes and
patterns of oceanic nutrient limitation. Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo1765
48. Sorek, M., Yacobi, Y.Z., Roopin, M., Berman-Frank, I., and Levi, O. 2013.
Photosynthetic circadian rhythmicity patterns of Symbiodium, the coral endosymbiotic
algae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 280:
49. Bar-Zeev, E., Belkin, N., Liberman, B., Berman-Frank, I., and Berman, T. 2013.
Bioflocculation: Chemical free, pre-treatment technology for the desalination industry.
Water Research, 47:3093-3102.

50. Rahav, E., Herut, B., Stambler, N., Bar-Zeev, E., Mulholland, R.M., and BermanFrank, I. 2013. Uncoupling between dinitrogen fixation and primary productivity in the
Eastern Mediterranean Sea. JGR Biogeosciences, 18:195-202, doi: 10.1002/jgrg.20023.
51. Rahav, E., Herut, B., Levi, A., Mulholland, R.M. and Berman-Frank, I. 2013.
Springtime contribution of dinitrogen fixation to primary production across the
Mediterranean. Ocean Sciences, 9: 1-10, doi: 10.5194/os-9-1-2013.
52. Bar-Zeev, E., Avishay I., Bidle K.D., and Berman-Frank I. 2013. Programmed cell
death in the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium mediates carbon and nitrogen export.
The ISME Journal, 7:2340-2348
53. Rahav, E., Bar-Zeev, E., Ohayon, S., Elifantz, H., Belkin, N., Herut, B., Mulholland,
M.R. and Berman-Frank, I. 2013. Dinitrogen fixation in aphotic oxygenated marine
environments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 4:227. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00227
54. Krom, M., Kress, N., Berman-Frank, I., and Rahav, E. 2013. Past, present and future
patterns in the nutrient chemistry of the Eastern Mediterranean. In Goffredo, S. and
Dubinsky, Z. (ed.) The Mediterranean Sea: Its history and present challenges. Springer,
New-York. pp. 49-68
55. Pfreundt, U., Kopf, M., Belkin, N., Berman-Frank, I., Hess, W.R. 2014. The primary
transcriptome of the marine diazotroph Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101. Scientific
Reports, 4: 6187
56. Spungin, D., Berman-Frank, I., and Levitan, O. 2014. Trichodesmiums strategies to
alleviate phosphorus limitation in the future acidified oceans. Environmental
Microbiology, 16: 1935-1947
57. Pfreundt, U., Miller, D., Adudumilli, L., Stambler, N., Berman-Frank, I., and Hess,
W.R. 2014. Depth dependent metatranscriptomes of the marine pico-/nanoplanktonic
communities in the Gulf of Aqaba/Eilat during seasonal deep mixing. Marine Genomics,
18(B): 93-95.
58. Rahav, E., Herut, B., Mulholland, M.R., Belkin, N., Elifantz, H. and Berman-Frank, I.
2015. Hetrotrophic and autotrophic contribution to dinitrogen fixation in the Gulf of
Aqaba. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 522: 67-77.
59. Dutkiewicz, S., Morris, J.J., Follows, M.J., Scott, J., Levitan, O., Dyhrman, S.T., and
Berman-Frank, I. 2015. Impact of ocean acidification on the structure of future
phytoplankton communities. Nature Climate Change, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2722.
60. Belkin, N. Rahav, E., Elifantz, H., Kress, N. and Berman-Frank, I. 2015. Enhanced
salinities, as a proxy of seawater desalination discharges, impact coastal microbial
communities of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Environmental microbiology17.10 (2015):

61. Levi A., Bar-Zeev E., Elifantz H., Berman T. Berman-Frank, I. 2016. Characterization
of microbial communities in water and biofilms along a large scale SWRO desalination
facility: site-specific prerequisite for biofouling treatments. Desalination 378: 44-52.
62. Berman-Frank, I., Spungin, D., Rahav, E., Van Wambeke, F., Turk-Kubo, K., and
Moutin, T. 2016. Dynamics of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) during the VAHINE

mesocosm experiment in the New Caledonia lagoon, Biogeosciences., doi:10.5194/bg2015-612, 2016

63. Bonnet, S., Berthelot, H., Turk-Kubo, K., Fawcett, S., Rahav, E., l'Helguen, S., and
Berman-Frank, I.2016. Dynamics of N2 fixation and fate of diazotroph-derived nitrogen
in a low nutrient low chlorophyll ecosystem: results from the VAHINE mesocosm
experiment (New Caledonia), Biogeosciences, 13, 2653-2673, doi:10.5194/bg-13-26532016, 2016.
64. Spungin, D., Pfreundt, U., Berthelot, H., Bonnet, S., AlRoumi, D., Natale, F., Hess, W. R.,
Bidle, K. D., and Berman-Frank, I. 2016. Mechanisms of Trichodesmium bloom demise
within the New Caledonia Lagoon during the VAHINE mesocosm experiment
Biogeosciences., doi:10.5194/bg-2015-613, 2016
65. S. Bonnet, M. Baklouti, A. Gimenez, H. Berthelot, I. Berman-Frank. Biogeochemical and
biological impacts of diazotroph blooms in a Low Nutrient Low Chlorophyll ecosystem:
synthesis from the VAHINE mesocosm experiment (New Caledonia).
Biogeosciences., doi:10.5194/bg-2015-668, 2016
66. U. Pfreundt, D. Spungin , S. Bonnet; I. Berman-Frank , W. R. Hess. Global analysis of
gene expression dynamics within the marine microbial community during the VAHINE
mesocosm experiment in the South West Pacific. Biogeosciences, doi:10.5194/bg-2015564, 201

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