BREAST CANCER. What Every Woman Should Know About BREAST CANCER

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What the Great Champions know, yet Coaches seldom teach


This book is a
It will change the way you think about cancer.

First published by TGP MEDIA in 2016

Robert A. Opie, 2016
The Game Plan is a Johannesburg and Durban based Specialist Brand Consultancy
Websites: and
Cover design, graphics and website thanks to Marc and Brittany at
Collectiv :
Thanks to all those who gave their valued input in edit process .Thanks Team
Special thanks to Rachel Bey Miller for her input during final edit process.
And thank you to all the great champions who selflessly shared their esoteric knowledge
and collective wisdom contained within these pages without you
What every woman should know about Breast Cancer would not have happened!
Thanks to you, we at The Game Plan have the opportunity through Project Cancer Champions,
to pursue our vision of making this a happier and healthier planet.
Project Cancer Champions:
Changing the Way of the World One Life at a Time
All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-4314-2098-8
Edit and layout by TGP Media (Pty) Ltd in 2016
53 Aspen, Kopje road
South Africa
Set in Berkeley Old style 9.8/13.5pt
Disclaimer: An important note to the reader
The information contained in this book is not intended as medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for
consulting with your medical doctor. This information is shared to help you to do life better, and may not address all possible
actions, precautions, side effects or interactions.
All matters regarding your health require the supervision of a medical doctor who is familiar with your medical needs.

About the Author ... .......... 6

Introduction...... 8

How to Conquer and prevent

1. The Reality Check .......10
2. Understanding Dis-ease .......12
3. Why breast cancer? Why me? Why now?.........15
4. THE FOUR VITAL STEPS back to health and happiness...19
5. Re - boot your new Balanced Lifestyle.........................................................................23
Frequently asked questions:.... 25

About the Author

About the Author

About the author

Rob Opie is a University of Cape Town Business Science graduate, Human Brand Specialist, Key
Note Speaker, Author and The Brand Coach to organizational teams and individuals.
For over two decades I have explored what the great champions of life and health know, do and
do not do to live happier and healthier lives.
My great passion is to explore human greatness. My higher purpose is to inspire and help people:

to unlock and unleash their full potential in life.

My special interest in helping cancer patients began way back in 1999, with the untimely death of
one of my golfing buddies to colon cancer the legendary West Indian cricketer, Malcolm Macko
His death created a burning desire to find the answers, where none seemed to exist.
A burning desire to find a solution for those facing up to cancer.

They dont always make the headlines, but among the great champions of life
are not just those who have won Olympic Gold or conquered Everest, but
also the many who have conquered cancer.
It takes guts and human ingenuity to conquer one of lifes greatest challenges.
In this short book, I pay tribute to the great Cancer Champions who have conquered cancer
those whom I have had the privilege to study both distilling their strategies and modeling their
Great Cancer Champions such as Nelson Mandela, Lance Armstrong, Kylie Minogue, Martina
Navratilova and many less famous who have selflessly shared their esoteric knowledge and
collective wisdom, in order to inspire and help others to live happier and healthier lives:

Helping others to do life better.

For more insights and inspiration on how to conquer and importantly, how to prevent cancer
please visit my Cancer Resource site at
Here you may download for FREE my first book on how to conquer and prevent cancer
Cracking the Cancer Code The Way of the Great Cancer Champions


When United States President Richard Nixon signed the National Cancer Act into effect in 1971,
most Americans and the rest of the world believed that if America could put a man on the
moon, the war against cancer would soon be over.
More than 45 years later rogue cancer cells continue to cause death , destroy lives and devastate
families. Every day in the US alone, more than 1500 people succumb to the dis-ease.
In South Africa that number is estimated to be 150.
Worldwide more people die of cancer than Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria combined.
Every year more than 14 million people worldwide hear the words.

Youve got cancer

One in four South Africans is associated with cancer in some form or another. Either they have it
themselves, or they have a relative or a friend battling the dis -ease.
In April 2013, Time magazine reported that:

The the probability of developing some type of cancer over ones life time is for
men, one in two, and for women, one in three.
Despite the genius advances of modern medicine in symptomatic cancer treatments and early
detection programmes, there is still a distinct lack of progress.
Recently there has been talk about cancer dream teams in the US who are collaborating to find
the cure, but in reality something needs to be done differently to effect different results.
Forty five years on, we require a:

Fundamental Tactical Shift.

This book will give you a new perspective on cancer, by sharing with you what the great Cancer
Champions know, do, and do not do to conquer one of lifes greatest challenges.
Yes. Cancer can be conquered.
This book will empower you with the right approach, whilst providing you with a practical guide
on how to conquer and prevent breast cancer.
Hopefully, it will change the way you view cancer .You will come to know that cancer is not the
enemy most perceive people it to be, but rather an opportunity to improve your life to do life
This books primary goal is to put the power back in your hands.

In hindsight, cancer has been a blessing. I view the gift of life and living with an
infinitely more spiritual perspective and appreciate the miraculous balancing act
that underpins all our life experiences, in a new way.
A Cancer Champions perspective on life and health

Chapter One

The Reality
I came. I saw. I conquered
Julius Caesar

at is not something one is given in life. Great is something one must take in life. At age 34,
the 2015 Rugby World Cup will probably be New Zealand rugby captain Richie McCaws
swansong, so I took some time to find out what has taken this legend to the very top of world
rugby and kept him there.

The Reality Check

Youve got cancer
These daunting words can invoke fear, helplessness, uncertainty and often a sensation of little
But , this need not be the case, if one is open minded and takes heed of the message that is cancer.
By searching the Internet, youll have found cancer sites flooded with information, but starved of
the real insight, innovation and the inspiration that you require to bounce back to:

Health and Happiness

In this FREE book, I will share with you insights, innovation and inspiration to inspire and help
you to conquer and prevent breast cancer.
The good news is that cancer can most certainly be conquered.
But, for most facing up to cancer, it will require a fundamental tactical shift in approach.
Most doctors believe that cancer is the enemy, and the preferred approach is to fight and
eradicate cancer cells with a triad of potent symptomatic treatment processes, namely
chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.
But, in reality, what cancer patients really want to understand is:

Why cancer? Why me? Why now?

A wise medical doctor once told me that pain is our friend. Pain is the human bodys way of
telling you something is wrong something is out of balance. Pain carries a message. In the very
same way, cancer carries a universal message.
And if one is open to the message, one can soon be back on the road to living a healthy and happy
life a better life.
Are you open?

Cancer an Everest analogy

Conquering Cancer can be best likened to conquering Everest.
Every great Everest Champion knows that one cannot fight or beat the mountain.
The mountain carries a message and those who choose to fight the mountain,
face the risk of death on the mountain.
One must work with the mountain never against it.
Whether atop Everest or in the Cancer wards
the human smart thing to do is to take heed of

The Cancer Message


Chapter Two

Pain is not the enemy.
Its the human bodys way of telling you
something is wrong out of balance.

Understanding Dis-ease


Understanding dis-ease
Everyone has a doctor within him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The
natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.
Hippocrates (460-377BC)

Conquering cancer requires an awareness and understanding of the universal principles of

health and life that govern our daily lives. Its what I refer to in this book as:

The Right Knowledge.

In reality, the human body is built tough. It can take many knocks and it has an innate ability to
bounce back from most challenges.
And through the genius of modern medicine we are now living longer and longer lives.
But, the startling cancer statistics do not lie.
With cancer, we are getting it humanly wrong when it comes to some of the universal principles
of health and life.
Lets explore further.
In health, the human body is designed to operate in a state of balance and functions optimally
as a harmonious, synchronised unit.
When the mind, body and spirit are all in sync, there is an optimal state of life balance.
Life is good, but the good life demands that we are responsible for creating and maintaining this
ongoing state of balance, so that the body can do its job correctly. Lets call this a state of ease.
However, as emotional beings, we live mostly hectic, fast-paced lives and many stressors are
often responsible for disturbing and disrupting this optimum state of balance.
Sometimes we unwittingly get it wrong. Sometimes we get it habitually wrong when we
humanly create an ongoing state of imbalance.
One of the most powerful universal principles of health and life reads as follows:

Too much or too little of anything for too long,

creates a state of imbalance
It is this ongoing state of imbalance that eventually triggers what we term a state of dis-ease.
We can create these imbalances in one of three ways lets look at examples :
Firstly, in the physical realm of life and health:
This happens when we subject our body to too much or too little of something for too long.


An example of a physical imbalance is sunburn. We trigger a state of dis-ease by staying in the

sun for too long.
Secondly, in the chemical realm of life and health:
This happens when we feed our body too much or too little of something for too long.
Its what we put in our mouths. An example of a chemical imbalance is a hangover we trigger a
state of dis-ease when we drink too much alcohol.
Thirdly, in the emotional realm of life and health:
This happens when we fill our minds with too much or too little of something for too long.

An example of an emotional imbalance is Cancer. We trigger a state of dis-ease

when we fill our minds with long term negative emotions toxic emotions.
When the human body detects a physical, chemical or emotional state of imbalance (any toxin), it
comes rushing to our assistance by sending us a pain message a bodily symptom to guide one
back to an optimal:

State of Balance
Hence the body is compelling one to restore balance. Its telling one to remove the physical,
chemical or emotional toxin.
Pain is the bodys way of protecting, informing and guiding.
Here is the key point:

The symptom is NEVER the problem its merely the messenger.

The message can vary from minor states of dis-ease like sunburn to serious life threatening
ones like cancer.
Its time to take heed and make the necessary changes to ones lifestyle.
One must get out the sun. One must stop consuming alcohol, or in the case of cancer one must
stop subjecting oneself to a negative toxic emotion which will be revealed in the next chapter.
And heres the good news about the human body:
Just as we can unwittingly and habitually create any state of imbalance (dis- ease), so can we can
also re- create a state of balance (ease).
The human body has its own innate intelligence and a wonderful ability to bounce back to health.
Its all about the choices we make.

Love your life and body and good things happen.

Transformation through finding harmony in your life leads to self-induced
Dr. Bernie Siegel


Chapter Three
Why Breast Cancer?

Why Me? Why now?

You can tell whether a man is clever
by his answer. You can tell whether a
man is wise by his questions."
Naguib Mahfouzne


Why breast cancer? Why me? Why now?

This chapter will change the way you think about cancer in that it reveals the surprisingly
simple truth behind what triggers:

Breast Cancer
Are you ready?
We now live in the most medically advanced society that mankind has ever known, yet we
remain in near ignorance of some of the powerful universal principles of health and life that
govern our daily lives.
The genius of modern medicine can never be doubted, but it has conditioned us to fight pain
and hence fight cancer with potent symptomatic drugs.
But, in reality one really wants to know:

Why cancer? Why me? Why now?

The symptomatic approach of conventional medicine therefore often leads to the cancer message
being largely ignored.
But, heres the good news.
If one asks the right questions one will arrive at the right answers the answers that matter.
The human smart cancer question is:

Whats the ONE COMMON DENOMINATOR every single cancer patient has?
Yes, there is only one.
Surprisingly this one and only common denominator, does not originate from either physical or
chemical realms of life and health as most people perceive and believe.
It comes from the most powerful realm of health and life the emotional realm.
Of all the cancer patients I have either helped and/or studied through hundreds of case studies
I have found only one common denominator.
Every cancer patient is holding onto a highly toxic negative emotion, namely:


Whether it is held consciously or sub-consciously, it is always there in every single cancer
When a tipping point is reached, cancer is triggered.


Holding onto long term resentment is the fuel of cancer.

In reality, most of us have little or no awareness of the mind-body connection and how
consciously or sub consciously held toxic emotions can play havoc with our health and lives.
So, lets explore this concept further.

Resentment is a messy and confusing emotion to handle.

Its bitter indignation. Its insidious.
It festers. Its toxic.
It can go on for years and years.
It drives internal repressed anger, pain, human frailty and ultimately creates a
State of Human Imbalance
Its this ongoing state of imbalance that drains the well of human energy, turning toxic at some
point in time and sending the human cell formation process into life-threatening disarray.
This is the way of the human body.
It sends out a physical symptom a message to say stop to stop subjecting the mind and body to
this highly toxic emotion.
A tipping point is reached and breached. It can be best likened to the flashing fuel gauge in your

Restore the Mind and Body to a State of Balance.

Lets now explore how LONG TERM RESENTMENT manifests and triggers in the specific case of
breast cancer.
The female breasts are designed to breastfeed: to nurture and to nourish.
But, they are designed to do this for a limited period of time only.
The World Health Organisation recommends exclusive breast-feeding for a period of six months.
Often, caring, kind and giving women are inclined to continue figuratively breastfeeding their
children, sometimes their husbands (or someone close to them), or sometimes a cause for very
long periods of time sometimes their whole lives.
By giving more and more of themselves for a long period of time, they are unwittingly and
habitually creating an ongoing state of imbalance in their lives.
The Universal Principle of Balance dictates that one must Give and Take in life.
By unwittingly and habitually giving and giving, one opens up a bumpy road of imbalance, which
can lead to breast cancer.
Breast cancer patients have a common personality trait. They are People Pleasers. At heart ,
they are givers and by focusing too much on giving, they neglect to nurture and nourish


They give too much of themselves their lives to their loved ones for too long, until one day no
nourishment is left for themselves.
They neglect their own true aspirations in life for the sake of others.

I know for myself, having breast cancer means a refusal to nourish the self. I spent
every minute serving someone else and did not take care of myself.
Cindy Giles: Cancer Champion

Ultimately their own nourishment well their own human energy well just runs dry.
Underlying it all, one will always find a very high level of subconsciously driven resentment.
While striving for their ideal world, and not believing that they can actually resent their loved
ones their out of balance and emotionally degenerative lifestyle continues unabated.
One day the breast cancer message triggers, sending a universal message:

Restore Life Balance

Push the stop button
Stop figuratively breastfeeding others.
Say the word NO.
Become more nurturing, nourishing and loving of yourself.
This is not to say that one must change ones personality, but merely restore life balance.
A fundamental lifestyle change is required.
Ok, if you still not sure, put it to the test.
Forget all the distracting cancer messages and you will discover that every breast cancer
patient has it either conscious or sub-consciously held long term resentment. Its just there.
They have been giving too much of themselves for too long:

To some person in their lives.

To some others in their lives, or
To some cause in their lives.
The resulting emotion is long term resentment and it turns toxic at some point in time.
Consequently, conquering breast cancer demands learning to nourish and nurture one-self first
and foremost.
This demands self honesty, and an equal measure of self love.
And the healing will begin when one can say the words:

I Get It!


Chapter Four

Vital Steps
back to health and happiness

Just like Everest,

Conquering Cancer is a Choice



back to health and happiness
Lance Armstrong in his book: Its Not About The Bike, selflessly shared the model he used to
conquer cancer.
Sadly, it has gone mostly unnoticed and unappreciated for its value.
In this chapter, I will distill Lance Armstrongs model , and those of many other great Cancer
Champions and share it all with you through a game-changing FOUR STEP MODEL that you can
use to both conquer and prevent cancer.
The esoteric knowledge that underpins the model will put the power back in your hands the
power to conquer one of lifes greatest challenges.
But , one word of caution, ultimately conquering cancer requires a high level of self- induced
healing a realisation that you will always be the #1 Doctor.
Here are the four steps that the great cancer champions take to conquer and prevent cancer.
Please think of the four steps as a four legged table. Each leg of the table is as important as the
others, and needs to be balanced if one is to go on and conquer cancer.


The Power of Human Purpose

The dictionary definition of RESOLVE

The dictionary definition of RESOLVE is:

to decide firmly or formally on a course of action; to determine or decide in

purpose; to free from doubt; to fix, to lay at ease, to clarify , to make ready in mind
Resolve is a form of defiant action, and one thing is for sure no one conquers Everest without
high levels of resolve.
The same can be said for all the Cancer Champions who have conquered one of lifes greatest
Resolve is that zero doubt commitment one must develop to do something in life. And resolve is
something Lance Armstrong has in abundance.

Without cancer, I never would have won a single Tour de France. Cancer taught
me a plan for more purposeful living and that in turn taught me how to train and
to win more purposefully. It taught me that pain has a reason and that sometimes
the experience of losing things whether health or a car or an old sense of self, has
its own value in the scheme of life.
Lance Armstrong


Conquering cancer takes resolve the resolve to make lifestyle changes; the resolve to bounce
back; the resolve to take back health and life ; the resolve to live life purposefully.
Resolve is the burning desire that makes anything possible in life.
It comes when one lives life with authenticity, simplicity and synchronicity.
Abandon the past .Create your authentic life. Be Yourself.
Its your life .Own it. Live it.

By RESOLVE, we mean the mindset to CONQUER cancer not to fight cancer.



The Power of Human Awareness

Cancer presents choice.

I have seen cancer patients approach cancer in many different ways.
From denial, to just giving up, to fighting cancer with everything they have , to relying solely on
symptomatic treatment , to saying that they will leave it in Gods hands cancer patients make
their own personal choices.
But, unfortunately, none of these choices will provide a cure.
The right thing to do is to get the best possible medical advice and care to know where one
stands. Symptomatic treatments, such a chemotherapy, radiation and surgery can certainly help
to knock out cancer cells but they do not provide a cure.
Cancer Champions do more. Those who successfully undergo any of the symptomatic treatments
and recover fully also do something else.
They put themselves through a period of introspection.
They adopt a new lifestyle approach. They make life- design changes.
They become aware and understand that cancer is a:

Human Emotion Dis-ease. (H.E.D)

Cancer is not the physically or chemically triggered dis-ease, that many people like to believe it is.
Its the human body detecting an ongoing state of human emotional imbalance, triggered by long
term resentment and its now sending out a compelling message to restore life balance.
A more appropriate, accurate and descriptive label for cancer would be RESENT- ITUS
The message is profound. Its time to cut off the toxic fuel of cancer:

Long Term Resentment


This is The Right Knowledge; which one requires to put oneself back on the road to health and

Step Three: Having The RIGHT SUPPORT

The Power of Human Collective

Stood alone on a mountain top, starin out at the Great Divide .I could go east, I
could go west, it was all up to me to decide
Bob Seger
Cancer can be a very lonely place. It should not be.
Get the right support leverages off what is called the power of the human collective.
All the great champions of life build powerful inner circles of trust , confidants , people they can
rely on when the times are good, and when the times are bad.
While I have pointed out that you will always be the #1 Doctor, its equally important to get:

The Right Support

Stay far away from nay- sayers. Stay away from those who believe cancer is the enemy. Stay away
from listening to any negative prognosis. Stay away from those who say cancer is terminal. Stay
away from those who continue to push the cancer statistics to argue their case and often their
own business interests.
You are not a statistic.
Stay close to those who are willing to help and support you in your mission to bounce back to
health and happiness.
Lance Armstrong knew this from the power of the peloton in cycling. With the right peloton in
place a cyclist can do 40% more.
With the right people supporting you, you can bounce back faster up to 40% faster.
Choose wisely, and never forget that the most powerful form of support ultimately comes from
within. You are the #1 doctor.

Faith, Confidence and Belief (F.C.B.)

are the hallmark of every great champion of life.
You will also need equal measures of self honesty and self love. Remember, breast cancer
patients get it humanly wrong when they fail to support themselves. They neglect themselves
and their own interests in life. They keep giving, with an inability to say NO to those who
continue to drain their emotional energy levels.

A friend had said to me at the time, you need to be a little bit selfish. Its not in my
nature to be selfish, but now is the time to let people take care of you.
Kylie Minogue: Cancer Champion


You have to choose very carefully to avoid those who continually drain you and to avoid at all
costs those who provide the wrong support.

A special note to readers:
In our healing , it is important to recognise ,understand and respond to any underlying message
of dis-ease .We need to find answers to why this, why now, why me and why the disruption of a
life of ease? But , it must never be about judging oneself, or making one wrong or bad. The aim of
self-induced healing is self- honesty and self -love in equal measure. Its not self- criticism and
judgment that are needed, but more self- love and inspiration to power our lives and that
demands the right support.



The Power of Human Focus

The most important thing, which I learnt early in my life, is to

focus my energy on what is important in life
Bill Gates
One of the most important things that the great champions of health and life do is to create
Game Plans for health and happiness, which are made of:

The Right Stuff

They get their Passion, their Purpose, their Priorities and their Performance optimally aligned
and balanced. They focus their energy on the right stuff.
However, cancer patients get it humanly wrong when they unwittingly focus their primary
energies on the wrong stuff thereby creating an ongoing state of imbalance.
They unwittingly and habitually run their energy tanks dry by placing others first and foremost
in their lives to their own detriment.
Although each and every one of us is different and has a unique set of hierarchical priorities,
there are common patterns that dictate whether one is on the road of balance or the road of
The great champions set up right for health and life by creating extreme clarity of their priorities.
Heres a model to guide you.
Priority # One:



Priority # Two: Your Purpose

Priority # Three: Your Family and Friends
Priority # Four: Your Health and Wealth
Priority # Five: Your Lifestyle
For someone who has experienced breast cancer, their hierarchical order of priorities would look
very different.
At Priority #1 would be FAMILY and FRIENDS or sometimes a CHOSEN CAUSE.
Breast cancer patients do not place themselves first, and this creates a state of imbalance.
Its important in life to focus first and foremost on oneself build oneself strong thereby one
creates a solid base from which one can help others.
Consider the following wisdom:

The Great Champions of life recognize that self -interest is central to ones human
make up, but count the greatest gain as the goodwill of fellow humankind
Bob Bulford
Put another way, we all have an all important innate responsibility to nourish and nurture our
own needs first and foremost thereafter we can look after others in the best way possible.
The key is to get the balance right .Live life in balance.
Its a subtle, yet fundamental principle of life and health.
Breast Cancer patients must learn to stop living other peoples dreams and lives for them.

Its your life. Own it. Live it.


Chapter Five
Re-boot your new
Balanced Lifestyle
Life is not about finding yourself.
Its about creating yourself
George Bernard Shaw

Re-boot your new Balanced Lifestyle.


Cancer loves labels.

And it has its own dictionary if you consider the following cancer words:

Cancer survivor , metastasize , remission , stage four, malignant , mammogram ,

lymphoma, leukemia, tumor carcinogenic, denial, melanoma, oncology, prognosis ,
benign, Hodgkins, sarcoma, pre- cancerous , relapse , terminal and on and on
In this book, I have steered well clear of most of these cancer labels.
Truth is that they can create a victim mentality, and keep one stuck in the cancer juggernaut.
However, these very labels can and should be spin-doctored to spark a burning desire within
you a burning desire to lose the label. To bounce back to a life of health and happiness.
We all have choices. A choice on how we choose to see cancer:

Either as the enemy (the destructor) or ones friend (the messenger)

Lets consider one of these cancer words, terminal, which is often used in association with
We are often told that cancer is a terminal dis-ease.
In reality, this is just an opinion.
One can say NO, to this thinking.
Rather choose to see terminal as in one of five terminals at Heathrow Airport.
It represents an opportunity to begin a new journey in life.
Thats the fundamental Cancer Message:

Cancer is an opportunity to re-boot, re- birth, re- ignite ones life.

This is what all the great cancer champions know and do.

Pain and loss are great enhancers

Lance Armstrong
Wisdom tells us that our greatest challenges are often our greatest opportunities.
I hope that in this book you have found the Insight, Innovation and Inspiration to bounce
back to live a healthy and happy balanced life.
Its time to re-ignite your lifestyle. Ignite your new balanced life.
Start today.


Chapter Six

You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him
find it for himself
Galileo Galilee


Frequently asked questions

In this book , I have hopefully put to rest many of the myths surrounding cancer and particularly
breast cancer.
I trust that you now feel more confident with your new found way of thinking about cancer a
fundamentally new approach to conquering cancer.
But ultimately, you will always be the #1 doctor.
You now have the right knowledge to begin a process of self-induced healing, and the power to
bounce back to live a life of happiness and health.
Your doctors are there to support you with symptomatic treatments, but you will have to do the
hard yards of introspection and self-action.
Please make sure you have the right support around you.
You deserve that.
Below are a few of the tougher questions that often get asked by breast cancer patients.
I provide short answers that I trust will help bolster your knowledge your awareness and put
the power back in your hands to conquer one of lifes greatest challenges.

Did I bring this on myself?

A tough one, where the answer is: Yes and No.

Obviously, no one ever wills oneself to be sick.
We all want to live lives of ease, not dis-ease.
But, as emotional human beings, we often unwittingly and habitually create ripe platforms for
the onset of a state of dis-ease. Thats life.
We can do this physically, chemically or emotionally as explained in Chapter Two.
And by far the least understood is the emotional realm life and health.
If and when we do get it humanly wrong, we need to understand that self -induced healing is the
most effective road back to health and happiness.
This demands equal measures of self-honesty and self-love.


Its important that we recognise, understand and respond to any underlying message of dis-ease,
and ask the tough questions:

Why this, why now, why me and why the disruption of a life of ease?
In doing this, its critical that one doesnt begin to self judge or make oneself wrong or bad, as we
are only human beings travelling a path through life.
Its certainly not self-criticism and judgment that are needed, but rather more self-honesty and
self-love to power our lives back to health and happiness.
Ultimately, when it comes to breast cancer YOU will always be the No.1 doctor.

How important is nutrition in healing breast cancer?

Nutrition is vital for ones overall vitality, but it presents a Catch 22 scenario with cancer.
Please do not fall into the media driven cancer trap that so many foodstuffs are carcinogenic.
Carcinogenic commonly means:

any substance which may cause cancer

That says it all. It may or it may not cause cancer.
Simply put , this means that there is no proof of this or that food actually causing cancer.
And besides, the inbuilt intelligence of the human body is evident when one considers the
multiple and direct ways it has of sending us a message when we create any form of imbalance in
the chemical food realm.
For example, indigestion, bloating, hangover, diarrhoea, allergic reaction, acidosis, right through
to gout.
Hence the body reacts very fast to toxic food substances taken in through the mouth.
However, and as explained, cancer is not one of the messages triggered from what goes into ones
Its best to see nutrition only as a vital support role in conquering cancer.
Thats because the human body operates optimally when it is in balance in all three of the energy
fields of life and health, namely physical, chemical and emotional.
Yes, eating healthily will certainly help to accelerate your road back to vitality and health.
But, dont create any unnecessary stress by falling into the media trap that every second food
causes cancer.
Thats just people with vested interests talking and promoting their business.


Cancer patients often deprive themselves of what they want in life. Dont punish yourself further
by saying you cannot eat this or that. Maintain a balanced diet.
Eat and drink healthily to generate healthy new cells. Take supplements.
But, you will have to do more to conquer cancer as explained.

Is Breast Cancer hereditary?

Is Angelina Jolie right?

The answer is NO.
But, lets first acknowledge Angelina Jolie for the outstanding inspirational work she does to
promote so many causes. Shes a great humanitarian, and with the history of cancer in her family,
one can try to understand where her thinking lies. But, she is unfortunately sending out the
wrong message to the world when she takes a lead on promoting preventative surgery to
reduce the chances of breast and cervical cancer.
Lets explore and explain.
Many years back, most family doctors would simply opt to remove tonsils when they became
infected. Modern thinking is thankfully changing, and doctors are realising the value of every
human body part and the role the human body part plays in maintaining optimal life.
Why just cut and remove especially if it is preventative surgery?
In Angelina Jolies case, she has opted to have what she terms preventative surgery.

Prophylactic double mastectomy to decrease the risk of breast cancer in future as

she believes she has the same faulty BRCA 1 gene that her mother had,
and it is assumed to predispose one to cancer.
There is one thing wrong with this line of thinking.
Far too many assumptions, and which faulty genes are we talking about?
Statistics do show that there is often a family link with cancer patients, but this is far more likely
to be due to parental conditioning patterns a way of living not faulty genetics.
Lets take a case in point.
If a mother and father are obese, it often follows that their kids are obese. They are conditioned
to eat too much from a very early age.
The obesity is due to parental conditioning to think, to perceive, to behave, to believe and to act
like their parents. Its what they know and do best.
Now; if parents have battled cancer, their thinking and way of life in creating imbalances, are
often conditioned and ingrained in their children from an early age.


A very high probability exists that these thinking patterns are passed on, hence inherited by the
children, through behavioural conditioning patterns.
This is the high risk that Angelina Jolie has to face up to. If ones parents harbour negative
thinking patterns and long-term resentments, often the children will unwittingly and
habitually do likewise.
One can say with a very high probability that Angelinas Jolies mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who
died of cancer, failed to create life balance, and that she harboured long-term resentments.
Living a balanced and fulfilled life and never holding on to toxic resentment will mean there
will be no need for preventative surgery

Should I do chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a powerful cancer drug that works symptomatically. And there is certainly a
time and a place for symptomatic treatment. But, one must remain acutely aware that one has to
do more than just treat cancer symptomatically.
Its important to remember that you will always be the No.1doctor.
Yes, chemotherapy can certainly assist you, but only if a parallel life change programme is
undertaken. If you explore the cancer champions who have successfully undergone
chemotherapy, and gone on to live cancer free fulfilled lives you will see that they also did
something in parallel.
They all went through a process of self- introspection and all chose to:

Restore Life Balance.

Therefore LIFE BALANCE is the No.1 anti cancer drug.
Life Balance puts the power back in your hands.

How does one eliminate LONG TERM RESENTMENT?
Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies

Nelson Mandela

Resentment is one of the BIG FIVE human emotional destructors namely Hate, Guilt, Criticism,
Self -Pity and Resentment.
Its an ever powerful and messy emotion to handle. And it eventually will turn toxic.

Resentment is bitter indignation in belief that one has been treated unfairly.

In this booklet we have pointed out the importance of


And here is more good news.
There are three potent positive emotions that act as powerful anti-dotes to resentment.
They are the great healers of the world.
Healer #2: GRATITUDE.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and
creates a vision for tomorrow.

Melody Beattie
In life and health, luckily these positive emotions are far more powerful than the negative ones
and by choosing to focus ones life energy on these positive emotions, one will override the
negative ones.

What should my next step be?
Youve got breast cancer
These daunting words can invoke fear, helplessness, uncertainty and often a sensation of little
But, there is always a way back to health and happiness.

Step One:
Get the very best medical advice possible.

Step Two:
Decide on your preferred route of action.

Step Three:
Begin a parallel process of introspection.

Step three involves making lifestyle changes to initiate your healing process.


At we leverage a powerful three step self- healing model in support of your
chosen medical route.

Step One:
The Reality Check: Whats going on?

Step Two:
The Diagnostics: Why Cancer, Why Me, Why Now?

Step Three:
The Game Plan: Creating a new high level Game Plan for life.
If you would like to know more about our lifestyle approach to conquering cancer, please visit or contact myself personally at

From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
Theres more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give
In the circle of life
Its the wheel of fortune
Its the leap of faith
Its the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life
Some of us fall by the wayside
And some of us soar to the stars
And some of us sail through our troubles
And some have to live with the scars
Theres far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round
Lyrics from Circle of Life by Tim Rice


Thank you for taking time out to read this book.

If you can share this book with as many people as possible, you too can help make this a healthier
and happier planet.
If you require further help and support to conquer cancer,
please do visit our cancer resource site at
Or send your questions to
I can be personally contacted for any help at
All relevant feedback is greatly appreciated.
And most of all please do share your story with us.
It can help others.
And it can help save more lives.

If you can fill the unforgiving minute, with sixty seconds of distance run,
yours is the earth and everything thats in it
Rudyard Kipling


Number Seven


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