SAR Study Questions

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The Sun Also Rises Study Guide Questions

Directions: Please answer all questions. It is your choice to type or

handwrite your answers, but most important of all is to be prepared to
discuss all questions together in class.
Areas of Interaction: Approaches to Learning
Student Expectations:
TAKS Obj. 3. 10. B: Reading/literary response.
The student will demonstrate the ability to analyze and critically evaluate
culturally diverse written texts and visual representations.
The student is expected to use elements of text to defend, clarify, and
negotiate responses and interpretations.

Book I
Chapter 1
1. Describe Roberts experiences with women. Why was he devastated by his
divorce? How has Frances affected his life? How has their relationship changed?
Why? How does this prepare the way for Roberts relationship with Brett?
2. Explain why Hemingway begins the novel with this chapter. Why is Cohn
important enough to describe in detail? What clues does Jake give the reader to his
negative feelings toward Robert?
Chapter 2
3. Compare Jakes and Roberts views of life. Why does Robert think South America
will cure his dissatisfaction? How have Roberts interests and goals been developed?
4. Discuss this quotation: Nobody ever lives their life all the way up except
bullfighters. How does this foreshadow Jakes aficin values? Why does Jake feel
life must be lived to the fullest? How does the lost generation fit into this attitude?
Chapter 3
5. Show Paris as a wasteland. How are perversions of love demonstrated? How does
Georgette fit into this? What is the significance of Jakes anger in the dancing club?

6. Explain Georgettes comment, Everybodys sick. How is this a statement on

society? How does Jakes injury represent society? Are there other sick characters
in the novel?
Chapter 4
7. Explain Bretts quote, Dont we pay for all the things we do . . . ? Why does Brett
feel she is being punished? How? To what extent are the wounds the result of
external forces?
8. How does Jake deal with his impotence? How do other people see it? Explain the
quotation, You, a foreigner . . . have given more than your life. Does Jake agree?
How is his impotence relevant to societys?
Chapters 5-6
9. Describe the relationship between Frances and Robert. How does Frances feel his
leaving her demonstrates the aspect of his character of seeking adventures through
books? Why doesnt Robert defend himself? How was their relationship developed
through his insecurities?
10. Contrast the normal people presented in the reading with Jakes Paris friends.
How are Krum and Woolsey different from Jakes other friends? Why does Jake walk
to work? How do the characters presented as normal working people contrast to
Harvey Stone? Frances?
Chapter 7
11. Describe Count Mippipopolous. What things does he value? What do all those
things have in common? How does he represent the lost generation?
12. Explain Bretts statement, You havent any values. Youre dead, thats all. How
does this describe Paris as a wasteland in Book I? How does this relate to the count?
Jake? Herself?

Book II
Chapter 8
13. Relate the incident with racial prejudice in Vienna. Why does Bill remember this
so vividly? Why does Brett compare Vienna to Paris? How does she feel about this?
14. Contrast Mike and Bill. How do they each handle alcohol? What is the difference
between their finances? What are their topics of conversation (i.e., prejudice in
Vienna vs. Bretts hat)?
Chapter 9
15. How does Bretts revelation about San Sebastian affect Jake? Why had she

gone? What does this tell about Brett? How does this drive a deeper wedge between
Robert and Jake?
16. Describe the scenes on the train. How does the pilgrimage to Rome of the
Catholics on the train parallel to the pilgrimage of Jake, Bill, and Robert? What are
they looking for? What is the relationship of Jake to the Catholic church?
Chapters 10-11
17. Compare Bill and Jakes comments on surroundings with Cohns for
appropriateness. How is this indicative of the way Robert and Jake approach life?
How does this impact the deterioration of Jake and Roberts relationship?
18. Contrast France and Spain. How does each represent a difference in values?
What do the churches that are described have to do with those values? How does
Jakes statement, I only wish I felt religious and maybe I would the next time fit
Chapter 12
19. Comment on Bills feelings about expatriates who lose touch with the soil . . .
drink yourself to death . . . become obsessed by sex . . . spend all your time talking,
not working. How does this describe Jake or his friends? Jakess attitude? Why is
this good or bad?
20. Show how Bill and Jakes fishing trip is similar to a religious experience? How
does the wine drinking resemble communion? How does Bills observation Our stay
on earth is not long. Let us rejoice and believe and give thanks relate? What does
this have to do with the theme?
Chapter 13
21. Discuss aficin. How does Montoya treat aficins differently? How does this
relate to Jake? Montoya? Bill?
22. What is the difference between bulls and steers? What does this conversation
represent in the values and characters of the people of Hemingways time? In Jakes
group, who are bulls and who are steers?
23. Tell Mikes story of the medals. What does this demonstrate about his character?
How is this incident representative of the lost generation?
Chapters 14-15
24. Explain Jakes statement, Enjoying living was learning to get your moneys
worth and knowing when you had it. What is it? Why is Jake more interested in
how to live rather than why? Where does Jakes relationship with Robert fit into this?

25. Show Romero as a Christ figure. What are the circumstances when the reader
first sees him? Explain the quote, The others cant ever learn what he was born
with. How does this fit the religious reference?
Chapter 16
26. Describe the setting up of Brett and Romeros affair. What is the significance of
it? Tell why Jakes role in the affair violated his code. Discuss Roberts charge that
Jake is a pimp.
27. Explain why Montoya wants to protect Romero. How does he do that? How does
Jake react to the invitation from the American ambassador? How does his
involvement with Brett and Pedro contradict this? How does Montoya react?
Chapter 17
28. Describe Roberts fights for Brett. How does this relate to Roberts experiencing
life through books? Why is Robert the loser though he badly beat Jake? Romero?
29. Describe Jakes awakening after Robert calls him a pimp and hits him. Why is
the statement the truth? How does his walk show renewed sensations about life?
What does the bath represent?
30. Explain the quote, All for sport. All for pleasure. How does this relate to
bullfighting? Relationships? The lost generation? Jake?
Chapter 18
31. Describe the ceremony before and during the final bullfight. Why does Romero
wait to kill the bull? What are examples of the tradition involved? Compare
Romeros final fight with his fight with Robert.
32. Compare and contrast the three bullfighters. Why does Romeros attention to
the old style make him more skillful? Why does Belmonte think Pedro had the
greatness? Do their styles suggest other characters in the novel?

Book III
Chapter 19
33. Compare the bullfighters and bike racers. What is meant by, They did not take
the race seriously except among themselves. How does his relate to the lost
34. Give reasons for Brett and Romeros breakup. How does this show growth for
Brett? What does the quote, Its sort of what we have instead of God, mean?
35. Explain Jakes comment, Send a girl off with one man. Introduce her to another
to go off with him. Now go and bring her back. And sign the wire with love. That was

it all right. How does this relate to the final quote: Isnt it pretty to think so. Does
this show growth for Jake? What does it mean?

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