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Energy Fuels 2010, 24, 1037–1042 : DOI:10.

Published on Web 01/14/2010

Molecular and Isotopic Analysis of Motor Oil from a Biodiesel-Driven Vehicle

Emily E. Peacock,*,† J. Samuel Arey,‡ Jared A. DeMello,† Ann P. McNichol,§ Robert K. Nelson,† and
Christopher M. Reddy†

Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543,

Environmental Chemistry Modeling Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland,
and §National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543

Received October 7, 2009. Revised Manuscript Received December 20, 2009

Biodiesel, a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), is increasingly recognized as a renewable fuel.
While some environmental impacts of biodiesel usage have been investigated, accumulation of organic
compounds in motor oil, which can subsequently leak onto roads, has not been studied. Because studies
have shown that toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) accumulate in the motor oil of engines
fueled with fossil diesel or gasoline, the objective of this study was to determine if this also occurs for
engines fueled with biodiesel. Here, we sampled and analyzed motor oil of a biodiesel-powered 2005
Volkswagen Passat Wagon over 3240 km of personal-use driving. Using gas chromatography with flame
ionization detection (GC-FID), we found a total of 0.5% FAMEs in the motor oil after 3240 km. We also
used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography
and did not detect PAHs or other organic compounds not present in the initial motor oil. Using natural
radiocarbon analysis, a powerful technique capable of detecting biodiesel-derived carbon that would be
otherwise undetectable by gas chromatography, we found a total of 0.68% biodiesel-derived carbon after
3240 km. This is similar to the amount of FAMEs found in these samples with GC-FID, indicating that
the primary source of biodiesel-derived carbon in the motor oil is FAMEs (and not PAHs or other
carbonaceous species). This result suggests that used motor oil of biodiesel vehicles can be less toxic based
on PAH content than vehicles fueled with fossil diesel or gasoline.

Introduction use associated with producing biodiesel,3,9-12 but efforts are

underway to develop alternative sources and production techni-
Biodiesel is a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs)
ques.13-16 Hence, understanding the environmental impacts of
derived from animal fats or vegetable oils. The environmental and
biodiesel usage continues to warrant study.
health impacts of the biodiesel lifecycle have received considerable
To evaluate the environmental impacts of this alternative
attention over the last 2 decades.1-3 Large-scale implementation
fuel in the context of factors commonly associated with the use
of biodiesel continues to be of great interest because of its potential
of traditional fossil diesel, it is prudent to at least consider
to be a “low carbon fuel” that is nearly interchangeable with fossil
terrestrial and marine spills, biodegradability, exhaust emis-
diesel,2 usually with a minimal decrease in engine power and
sions, and accumulation of toxic compounds in motor oil.
increase in fuel consumption.1,4-6 It also presents an opportunity
Biodiesel biodegrades rapidly in seawater and rainwater rela-
to lessen the dependence upon foreign oil imports for many
tive to fossil diesel.17,18 Numerous studies have focused on the
countries.7,8 Some concerns exist about excess water and land
regulated exhaust emissions associated with biodiesel combus-
tion, with the general result of a reduction of most emissions
*To whom correspondence should be addresssed. Telephone: but an increase in NOx gases.7,19,20 In one study of biodiesel
(508)-289-3568. Fax: (508) 457-2134. E-mail: use under low-speed, urban conditions and in engines that are
(1) Basha, S. A.; Gopal, K. R.; Jebaraj, S. Renewable Sustainable
Energy Rev. 2009, 13, 1628–1634.
(2) Inderwildi, O.; King, D. Energy Environ. Sci. 2009, 2, 343–346. (11) Searchinger, T.; Heimlich, R.; Houghton, R. A.; Dong, F.;
(3) Petrou, E. C.; Pappis, C. P. Energy Fuels 2009, 23, 1055–1066. Elobeid, A.; Fabiosa, J.; Tokgoz, S.; Hayes, D.; Yu, T.-H. Science
(4) Peterson, C. L.; Hammond, B. L.; Reece, D. L. Proceedings of the 2008, 319, 1238–1240.
Third Liquid Fuel Conference, Liquid Fuels and Industrial Products from (12) Mudge, S. M. J. Environ. Monit. 2008, 10, 701–702.
Renewable Resources; American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE): (13) Xu, H.; Miao, X.; Wu, Q. J. Biotechnol. 2006, 126, 499–507.
St. Joseph, MI, 1996; pp 116-127. (14) Chisti, Y. Biotechnol. Adv. 2007, 25, 294–306.
(5) Agarwal, A. K. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part D 2005, 219, 703–713. (15) Chhetri, A. B.; Tango, M. S.; Budge, S. M.; Watts, K. C.; Islam,
(6) Barnitt, R.; McCormick, R. L.; Lammert, M. Technical Report M. R. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2008, 9, 169–180.
NREL/TP-540-43486, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Gold- (16) Hertwich, E. G.; Zhang, X. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 4207–
en, CO, 2008; pp 1-23. 4212.
(7) Knothe, G. Energy Fuels 2008, 22, 1358–1364. (17) DeMello, J. A.; Carmichael, C. A.; Peacock, E. E.; Nelson, R. K.;
(8) Van Gerpen, J. The basics of diesel engines and diesel fuels. In The Arey, J. S.; Reddy, C. M. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 2007, 54, 894–904.
Biodiesel Handbook; Knothe, G., Van Gerpen, J., Krahl, J., Eds.; AOCS (18) Prince, R. C.; Haitmanek, C.; Lee, C. C. Chemosphere 2008, 71,
Press: Urbana, IL, 2005; pp 17-25. 1446–1451.
(9) Dominguez-Faus, R.; Powers, S. E.; Burken, J. G.; Alvarez, P. J. (19) Durbin, T. D.; Collings, J. R.; Norbeck, J. M.; Smith, M. R.
Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 3005–3010. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2000, 34, 349–355.
(10) Fargione, J.; Hill, J.; Timan, D.; Polasky, S.; Hawthorne, P. (20) Gomez, M. E. G.; Howard-Hildige, R.; Leahy, J. J.; O’Reilly, T.;
Science 2008, 319, 1235–1237. Supple, B.; Malone, M. Environ. Monit. Assess. 2000, 65, 13–20.

r 2010 American Chemical Society 1037

Energy Fuels 2010, 24, 1037–1042 : DOI:10.1021/ef9011388 Peacock et al.

optimized for petroleum diesel, it was found that regulated changes in motor oil viscosity using experimental bench en-
exhaust emissions increased relative to emissions observed with gines.44-47 In a 1994 study comparing fossil diesel and biodiesel
petroleum diesel use.21 However, the combined results of recent (B100) in bus engine oil, it was found that biodiesel accumu-
studies affirm that more work is needed regarding emission lated in bus motor oil to a much higher level (9.5%) than fossil
levels, especially with respect to toxicity.22,23 For example, diesel (2.5%) after about 10 000 km of driving.48 More recently,
particle extracts of exhaust emissions from biodiesel usage a bench engine experiment using B100 exhibited only a fuel
exhibit increased cytotoxicity or mutagenicity compared to accumulation of 3.5% in the used motor oil after 150 h of
those from fossil diesel exhaust.24,25 Finally, the analysis of operation.49
motor oil for toxic organic compounds has yet to be studied for Here, we investigated whether organic compounds accumu-
biodiesel-operated vehicles. late in the motor oil of a modern, biodiesel-fueled car. Our
For traditional diesel and gasoline engines, numerous motivation was to determine whether motor oils from biodiesel-
studies have shown that used motor oil contains toxic and driven cars could become a major PAH (as well as other
mutagenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that organic compounds) input term to the aquatic environment,
accumulate steadily with mileage. This is due to direct leakage presuming that the usage of this fuel continues to increase. In
of fuel into the motor oil as well as the accumulation of addition, our hope was that this study may shed light on the
incomplete combustion products.26,27 For gasoline-driven performance of modern engines fueled by biodiesel.
vehicles, levels as high as 10 000 μg g-1 or about 1% of fuel-
derived PAHs have been measured in used motor oil.26-31 Experimental Section
Diesel motor oils also accumulate PAHs, although typically at We employed an approach similar to that of Pruell and
lower amounts than gasoline-driven vehicles.26,32 Used motor Quinn,27 who sampled the oil of a 2 1/2-year-old Mazda GLC
oil is a main contributor of PAHs to urban runoff and, gasoline-fueled automobile and found that PAHs increased with
consequently, to the aquatic environment.33-39 Thus, as a mileage following an oil change. Here, we analyzed the motor oil
new fuel enters the market, it is important to determine what of a biodiesel-fueled car for FAMEs and PAHs via gas chromato-
organic compounds, including PAHs, will accumulate in graphy with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and mass
motor oil from biodiesel-operated vehicles. spectrometry (GC-MS), respectively. We also analyzed the
Research on used motor oil from engines operating with initial and final samples on comprehensive two-dimensional gas
biodiesel has focused primarily on the accumulation of metals chromatographs with either a flame ionization detector (GC 
GC-FID) or time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC  GC-MS).
as an indication of engine wear. Replacing fossil diesel with
Finally, building on previous work, we analyzed select samples
biodiesel reduces engine wear as well as the accumulation of for natural radiocarbon (14C; half-life of 5730 years)50-52 to
aluminum, iron, chromium, and lead in the motor oil.5,40-43 In quantify the total biodiesel-derived carbon in the motor oil,
addition, a number of studies from the early 1980s examined including components that may be undetected via gas chroma-
tography. This approach relies on differences in the 14C abun-
(21) Fonteras, G.; Karavalakis, G.; Kousoulidou, M.; Tzamkiozis, dance in motor oil and biodiesel.52 Motor oil, derived from fossil
T.; Ntziachristos, L.; Bakeas, E.; Stournas, S.; Samaras, Z. Fuel 2009, 88, carbon, contains no detectable 14C. Biodiesel has contemporary
1608–1617. or modern levels of 14C.52 Hence, 14C is an ideal tracer for
(22) Swanson, K. J.; Madden, M. C.; Ghio, A. J. Environ. Health biodiesel in motor oils because it is effectively prelabeled with 14C.
Perspect. 2007, 115, 496–499. We began this study with an oil change of a 2005 Volkswagen
(23) Chien, S.; Huang, Y.; Chuang, S.; Yang, H. Aerosol Air Qual.
Res. 2009, 9, 18–31. Passat Wagon (2.0 L engine; 18 805 km driven) using an Elf
(24) Swanson, K. J.; Kado, N. Y.; Funk, W. E.; Pleil, J. D.; Madden, 5W-40 synthetic motor oil, the only product used in this vehicle.
M. C.; Ghio, A. J. Open Toxicol. J. 2009, 3, 8–15. We then collected oil samples during a total of 3240 km of routine
(25) Krahl, J.; Knothe, G.; Munack, A.; Ruschel, Y.; Schr€ oder, O.; driving in the Los Angeles region of California. The current
Hallier, E.; Westphal, G.; B€ unger, J. Fuel 2009, 88, 1064–1069. owner purchased the car when it had 3494 km and since then had
(26) Grimmer, G.; Jacob, J.; Naujack, K. W.; Dettbarn, G. Fresenius’
J. Anal. Chem. 1981, 309, 13–19. used only B99.9. During the course of the study, the owner used
(27) Pruell, R. J.; Quinn, J. G. Environ. Pollut. 1988, 49, 89–97. only B99.9 from one fueling station, and fuel was collected for
(28) Payne, J. F.; Martins, I. Science 1978, 200, 329–330. analysis at three time points. Because B99.9 gels at ∼3 °C,53 we
(29) Clonferno, E.; Nardini, B.; Marchioro, M.; Bordin, A.; Gabbani, chose to perform this experiment in a warm climate, where average
G. Mutat. Res. 1996, 368, 283–291.
(30) Wong, P. K.; Wang, J. Environ. Pollut. 2001, 112, 407–415. temperatures for the study time period are between 18 °C (low) and
(31) Lu, S. T.; Kaplan, I. R. Environ. Forensics 2008, 9, 295–309.
(32) Carmichael, P. L.; Jacob, J.; Grimmer, G.; Phillips, D. H.
Carcinogenesis 1990, 11, 2025–2032. (44) Fort, E. F.; Blumberg, P. N.; Staph, H. E.; Staudt, J. J. SAE Tech.
(33) Hunter, J. V.; Sabatino, T.; Gomperts, R.; MacKenzie, M. J. Pap. 820317, 1982.
J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 1979, 51, 2129–2173. (45) Pischinger, G. H.; Seikman, R. W.; Falcon, A. M.; Fernandez,
(34) Eganhouse, R.; Simoneit, B. R. T.; Kaplan, I. R. Environ. Sci. F. R. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels
Technol. 1981, 15, 315–326. and Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 1982.
(35) Latimer, J. S.; Hoffman, E. J.; Hoffman, G.; Fasching, J. L.; (46) Siekmann, R. W.; Pischinger, G. H.; Blackman, D.; Carvalho,
Quinn, J. G. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 1990, 52, 1–21. L. D. Proceedings of the International Conference on Plant and
(36) Latimer, J. S.; Quinn, J. G. Estuaries 1998, 21, 91–107. Vegetable Oils as Fuels, American Society of Agricultural Engineers
(37) Eganhouse, R.; Kaplan, I. R. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1981, 15, (ASAE), Fargo, ND, 1982.
310–315. (47) Blackburn, J. H.; Pinchin, R.; Nobre, J. I. T.; Crichton, B. A. L.;
(38) National Research Council. Oil in the Sea III: Inputs, Fates, and Cruse, H. W. SAE Tech. Pap. 831355, 1983.
Effects; The National Academies Press: Washington, D.C., 2003. (48) Sadeghi-Jorabchi, H.; Wood, V. M. E.; Jeffery, F.; Bruster-Davies,
(39) Hoffman, E. J.; Mills, G. L.; Latimer, J. S.; Quinn, J. G. Environ. A.; Loh, N.; Coombs, D. Spectrosc. Eur. 1994, 6, 16–20.
Sci. Technol. 1984, 18, 580–587. (49) Y€ €
uksek, L.; Kaleli, H.; Ozener, € guz, B. FME Trans. 2009,
O.; Ozo
(40) Schumacher, L. G.; Peterson, C. L.; Van Gerpen, J. Appl. Eng. 37, 91–97.
Agric. 2005, 21, 153–158. (50) Bennett, M.; Volckens, J.; Stanglmaier, R.; McNichol, A. P.;
(41) Agarwal, A. K.; Bijwe, J.; Das, L. M. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power Ellenson, W. D.; Lewis, C. W. Aerosol Sci. 2008, 39, 667–678.
2003, 125, 820–826. (51) Cheng, A. S.; Buchholz, B. A.; Dibble, R. W. SAE Tech. Pap.
(42) Agarwal, A. K. Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 2007, 33, 233–271. 2003-01-2283, 2003.
(43) Agarwal, A. K.; Srivastava, D. K.; Dwivedi, G.; Kawatra, G.; (52) Reddy, C. M.; DeMello, J. A.; Carmichael, C. A.; Peacock, E. E.;
Kumar, M. R. P.; Bhardwaj, O. P.; Abraham, M.; Jaura, A. SAE Tech. Xu, L.; Arey, J. S. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42, 2476–2482.
Pap. 2008-28-0077, 2008. (53) Joshi, M. R.; Pegg, M. J. Fuel 2007, 86, 143–151.
Energy Fuels 2010, 24, 1037–1042 : DOI:10.1021/ef9011388 Peacock et al.

Table 1. Isotopic Composition of Motor Oil and Select Samples of Fuel Used in the Study
distance after NOSAMSa
sample type date oil change (km) δ13C (%) Δ14C (%) accession number
motor oil sampled motor oil 7/4/2006 0 -29.0 -996 OS-66205
from a 2005 motor oil 7/7/2006 188 nab na na
Volkswagen Passat Wagon motor oil 7/8/2006 591 -29.0 -994 OS-67370
motor oil 7/10/2006 787 na na na
motor oil 7/26/2006 1556 -29.0 -993 OS-67371
motor oil 8/3/2006 1868 na na na
motor oil 8/12/2006 2210 -29.0 -992 OS-67369
motor oil 8/14/2006 2634 na na na
motor oil 8/23/2006 2989 na na na
motor oil 9/4/2006 3240 -29.0 -989 OS-66206

fuels used during experiment B99.9 fuel 7/4/2006 0 -28.9 7.7 OS-56773
B99.9 fuel 7/8/2006 591 -28.6 9.7 OS-56774
B99.9 fuel 8/16/2006 2797 -27.8 11 OS-56775
National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility located at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA. b Not

29 °C (high). The motor oil was sampled a total of 10 times, of PAH g-1 of oil. Solvent blanks were free of PAHs and other
starting immediately after the oil change during July, August, petroleum hydrocarbons. On the basis of replicate analysis, preci-
and September of 2006 (Table 1). Each sample was collected sion of PAH content in oil was 10% or lower. Recoveries of PAHs
when the engine was cold using the dipstick of the engine to spiked into the synthetic motor oil were greater than 90%.
transfer the oil directly to precombusted 4 mL amber glass vials We analyzed the initial and final motor oil samples on a Leco
with solvent-cleaned Teflon-lined caps. All samples were ship- GC  GC-FID system that employed a dual-stage cryogenic
ped to our laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, and stored at 1 °C modulator installed in an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph
until analysis. Samples were prepared for gas chromatographic configured with a 7683 series split/splitless autoinjector, two
analysis by dissolving 25 mg of sample into 5 mL of methyl capillary gas chromatography columns, and a flame ionization
tert-butyl ether (MTBE). In addition, both the original and final detector. The extract was injected in splitless mode, and the purge
(after 3240 km of driving) motor oil samples were esterified in vent was opened at 1.0 min. The inlet temperature was 300 °C.
methanolic HCl to check for any changes in the amount of free The first-dimension column and the dual-stage cryogenic modu-
fatty acids. lator reside in the main oven of the Agilent 7890A gas chromato-
We quantified FAMEs using a Hewlett-Packard 5890 Series II graph. The second-dimension column is housed in a separate
GC-FID. A 0.5 μL sample was injected cool-on-column. Com- oven installed within the main GC oven. The first-dimension
pounds were separated on a glass capillary column (J&W DB-1MS, column was a nonpolar Restek Rtx-1MS (19 m, 0.2 mm inner dia-
30 m, 0.25 mm inner diameter, 0.25 μm film) with H2 as the meter, 0.2 μm film), programmed to remain isothermal at 110 °C
carrier gas at a constant flow of 5 mL min-1. The GC oven (10 min hold) and then ramped from 110 to 330 °C at 1.5 °C min-1.
temperature was programmed from 45 °C (5 min hold) to 315 °C Compounds eluting from the first-dimension column were cryo-
at 7 °C min-1 to 320 °C at 20° min-1 (10 min hold). Samples were genically trapped and re-injected (modulated) onto the second-
spiked with an internal standard hexadecane-d34, and FAMEs dimension column at a period of 5 s. The modulator cold jet gas
were quantified using previously published methods.17 was dry N2, chilled with liquid N2. The thermal modulator hot jet
We checked the identity of the individual FAMEs with two air was heated to 35 °C above the temperature of the main GC
standards purchased from Supelco, FAME Mix Rapeseed Oil oven (thermal modulator temperature offset = 35 °C). The hot
Lot Number LB-34981 and FAME Mix RM-6 Lot Number jet was pulsed for 0.33 s every 5 s, with a 2.17 s cooling period
LB-37097. The estimated method detection limit for individual between stages. Second-dimension separations were performed
FAMEs was 0.05 μg g-1 oil. Solvent blanks were free of FAMEs. on a 50% phenyl polysilphenylene-siloxane column (SGE
Precision of FAMEs content based on duplicate analysis was BPX50, 1 m, 0.10 mm inner diameter, 0.1 μm film) that was
about 10%. To test the performance of the method, FAMEs were programmed to remain isothermal at 125 °C (10 min hold) and
spiked into synthetic motor oil. The recoveries of the FAMEs then ramped from 125 to 345 °C at 1.5 °C min-1. The carrier gas
were greater than 95% (we employed a similar approach to was H2 at a constant flow rate of 0.95 mL min-1. The FID
evaluate PAH analysis). detector signal was sampled at 100 Hz.
PAHs were measured with an Agilent 6890 series gas chromato- We also analyzed the initial and final motor oil samples on a Leco
graph with an Agilent 5973 mass selective detector (GC-MS). GC  GC time-of-flight-mass spectrometer. GC  GC-MS oven
The instrument was operated in full-scan mode ranging from temperature conditions were identical to the GC  GC-FID, with
50 to 800 amu. Compounds were separated on a J&W DB-XLB the following exceptions: the main GC oven on the GC  GC-MS
capillary column (60 m, 0.25 mm inner diameter, 0.25 μm film) system is a 6890N; the carrier gas was He; and the first-dimension
with He as the carrier gas at a constant flow of 1.5 mL min-1. The column was a Restek Rtx-1MS (25 m, 0.2 mm inner diameter,
GC oven had an initial temperature of 50 °C (1 min hold) and 0.2 μm film). The MS detector signal was sampled at a data rate of
was ramped at 20 °C min-1 to 115 °C (10 min hold) and then at 50 Hz. The transfer line from the second oven to the MS was
5 °C min-1 to 320 °C (10 min hold). Samples were spiked with the deactivated fused silica (0.5 m, 0.18 mm inner diameter) that was
following standards: naphthalene-d8, fluorene-d10, acenaphthene- held at a constant temperature of 275 °C. The MS source tempera-
d10, phenanthrene-d10, dibenzothiophene-d8, fluoranthene-d10, ture was 225 °C; the detector voltage was 1575 V; the mass scan
chrysene-d10, and perylene-d12. We then analyzed for the following range was 50 to 650 amu; and the MS mass defect was manually set
parent PAHs and their alkylated homologues: naphthalene, phe- at 98.6 amu 100 units-1. The mass spectrometer was set at 70 eV
nanthrene/anthracene, fluorene, dibenzothiophene, fluoranthene, electron ionization and with a push-pulse rate of 5 kHz.
pyrene, chrysene, benz[a]anthacene, benzofluoranthenes, benzo-
[e]pyrene, benzo[a]pyrene, and perylene. Method detection limits,
estimated from replicate analysis of PAH-containing bunker fuel (54) Glaser, J. A.; Foerst, D. L.; McKee, G. D.; Quave, S. A.; Budde,
using the approach of Glaser et al.,54 ranged from 0.004 to 0.05 μg W. L. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1981, 15, 1426–1435.
Energy Fuels 2010, 24, 1037–1042 : DOI:10.1021/ef9011388 Peacock et al.

Figure 1. Time series of GC-FID chromatograms of the five engine oil samples that were also analyzed for 14C: (a) 0 km, (b) 591 km, (c) 1556 km,
(d) 2210 km, and (e) 3240 km. The peak marked with an asterisk is the internal standard. The boxed area in each panel is an expanded view of the
FAMEs that are labeled in e.

Finally, we analyzed the fuel samples and select motor oil Results and Discussion
samples for stable carbon and radiocarbon content using methods
previously described in detail.52,55 Briefly, each sample was quanti- In this study, we investigated the accumulation of organic
tatively converted from organic carbon into CO2 and then into compounds in motor oil from a biodiesel-driven car starting
graphite for isotopic analysis. On a small fraction of the CO2, the at the time of an oil change and sampling periodically over
stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) were determined via isotope 3240 km (Table 1).
ratio mass spectrometry. The 14C content of the graphite was In the GC-FID chromatograms, the biodiesel FAMEs
measured by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) at the National elute between the n-C19 and n-C22 alkane elution window and
Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (NOSAMS) faci- prior to three humps (panels a-e of Figure 1). These humps or
lity in Woods Hole, MA.55 In this study, all 14C measurements are unresolved complex mixtures residing within the elution
expressed with the Δ14C nomenclature, as defined in Stuiver and window of n-C23 and n-C43 alkanes are consistent with
Polach;56 Δ14C expresses the deviation of the radiocarbon content published chromatograms of Elf 5W-40 synthetic oil;57 their
of a sample, normalized to a constant δ13C (-25%) and time relative abundance and distribution did not change through-
(1950), from “modern” as defined by the international radiocarbon out the study. However, the amount of FAMEs in the motor
community. With this nomenclature, fossil carbon and modern oil increased steadily with mileage from 0.1 to 0.5% during the
carbon have Δ14C values of -1000 and >0%, respectively. The course of the study (Figures 1 and 2) [in the initial sample, we
precision and accuracy of these measurements are discussed in assume that the FAMEs content (0.1%) was a carryover of
detail elsewhere.52 the residual oil from the previous change]. The final amount of

(55) McNichol, A. P.; Osbourne, E. A.; Gagnon, A. R.; Fry, B.; Jones,
G. A. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B 1994, 92, 162–165. (57) Mao, D.; Lookman, R.; Vanermen, G.; De Brucker, N.; Diels, L.
(56) Stuiver, M.; Polach, H. A. Radiocarbon 1977, 19, 355–363. Fuel 2009, 88, 312–318.
Energy Fuels 2010, 24, 1037–1042 : DOI:10.1021/ef9011388 Peacock et al.

Hence, there was no detectable generation or accumulation of

free fatty acids.
GC-MS analysis of the motor oil samples revealed that
there were no PAHs present at levels above our method
detection limits. This indicates that replacing fossil diesel with
biodiesel can lead to less input of toxic compounds to the
environment from leaking oil as well as improper disposal.
The presence of FAMEs is viewed without any major con-
cerns because they are not harmful and have been shown
to biodegrade readily in laboratory studies.17,18,58 Taken
together, the presence of FAMEs and absence of PAHs
suggests that the motor oil composition changed because of
the direct dilution by fuel during operation. This is consistent
with previous work on gasoline-fueled vehicles. Grimmer
et al.26 found that the major portion of the PAH accumulation
in the motor oil of a gasoline-powered car originated from the
fuel and not incomplete combustion that could produce
PAHs. To evaluate our PAH data, we considered the follow-
ing calculations. At the end of the study, the used motor oil
had 5 mg g-1 of FAMEs (total biodiesel) in the motor oil.
Because the fuel did contain 0.1% fossil diesel, which un-
doubtedly also leaked into the motor oil, then it is reasonable
that PAHs from this leakage also occurred. Generally, total
PAHs are about 5% for a fossil diesel.59 Then, the resulting
PAH content in the motor oil would be 5% of 5 μg g-1 or
250 ng g-1. However, because that amount of total PAHs is
split among many individual compounds (∼25),59 we calcu-
late that each compound would be ∼0.01 μg g-1 in the used
motor oil. Such levels are at or below our calculated method
detection limits. This would imply that, when used with
biodiesel, motor oil contains PAH levels that are 2-3 orders
Figure 2. Plots of changes in chemical composition versus the of magnitude lower than reported values for PAH levels in
distance traveled. (a) FAMEs measured by GC-FID (all samples) used diesel motor oils26,32 and 4-5 orders of magnitude
and (b) 14C content (select samples). Note that the 14C approach
smaller than PAH levels in used gasoline motor oil, which
does not have an estimate for the beginning of the study because we
used the Δ14C value of the initial motor oil as an end member. were 100-1000 μg g-1.26,27
GC  GC further confirmed results found using GC-FID
FAMEs is much lower than levels published in previous and GC-MS. The initial and final samples were analyzed by
efforts. For example, in one study using a bench engine GC  GC-FID and GC  GC-MS (Figure 3; GC 
running at full power burning 100% fatty acid ethyl esters GC-FID images only shown). In comparison to traditional
(FAEEs), the motor oil was over 20% fuel at the end of the gas chromatography, this technology separates and resolves
experiment.47 A more recent study employing a bench engine at least an order of magnitude more compounds, has a much
combusting biodiesel found a 3.5% accumulation of FAMEs larger signal-to-noise ratio, and sorts compounds based on
in the motor oil after 150 h of engine operation.49 It is difficult their chemical class; hence, it provides highly refined inven-
explain these differences compared to our results; presumably, tories of organic compounds in complex mixtures.60 GC 
numerous factors may be responsible, including the study GC chromatograms confirmed the accumulation of FAMEs
conditions or engine performance. and absence of PAHs (and other organic compounds) in the
Further analysis of GC-FID data provided additional used motor oil.
information about the FAMEs in the motor oil. The FAMEs, To determine whether any breakdown products of com-
identified in Figure 1e, include methyl hexadecanoate busting biodiesel, not detected by GC, were present in the
(C16 FAME), methyl octadecanoate (C18 FAME), and C18 motor oil samples, we measured Δ14C values for five select
FAME isomers with one, two, or three double bonds refer- samples (Table 1). The 14C content in the motor oil samples
red to as C18:1, C18:2, or C18:3 FAMEs, respectively. The rela- increased with time and mileage, exhibiting Δ14C values of
tive distribution of the FAMEs was nearly constant over -996.0 ( 0.4% at the time of the oil change and -989.2 (
3240 km but differed from the three fuel samples, which had 0.4% after 3240 km of driving. These values indicate that
similar distributions, taken during the sampling period most of the carbon in the sample has a fossil origin, which
(results not shown). Comparing the fuel to the motor oil, we
observed a relative increase in the proportion of C16:0 and (58) Owsianiak, M.; Chrzanowski, Le.; Szulc, A.; Staniewski, J.;
C18:0 FAMEs and a decrease in C18:2 FAME, indicating the Olszanowski, A.; Olenjnik-Schmidt, A. K.; Heipieper, H. J. Bioresour.
preferential loss of unsaturated FAMEs, likely because of Technol. 2009, 100, 1497–1500.
(59) Stout, S. A.; Uhler, A. D.; McCarthy, K. J.; Emsbo-Mattingly, S.
oxidation. Because we did not sample B99.9 at every fill up, we Chemical fingerprinting of hydrocarbons. In Introduction to Environ-
are hesitant to make further inferences based only on mental Forensics; Murphy, B. L., Morrison, R. D., Eds; Academic Press: San
GC-FID data. To test for any free fatty acids buildup with Diego, CA, 2002; pp 137-260.
(60) Reddy, C. M.; Eglinton, T. I.; Hounshell, A.; White, H. K.; Xu,
usage, we esterified the initial and final oil sample. No increase L.; Gaines, R. B.; Frysinger, G. S. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2002, 36, 4754–
in the overall FAME content of the motor oils was observed. 4760.
Energy Fuels 2010, 24, 1037–1042 : DOI:10.1021/ef9011388 Peacock et al.

Equation 2 shows that the proportion of biodiesel carbon in the

sample fuel blend (FC,bio) can be determined on the basis of the
measured Δ14Cmixture of the sample and the a priori known
Δ14Cbio and Δ14Cmotor values. The percentage of biodiesel
carbon is therefore

Δ14 C mixture -Δ14 C motor

%C, bio ¼  100 ð3Þ
Δ14 C bio - Δ14 C motor

Applying these calculations, we found that, after 591, 1556,

2210, and 3240 km, the %C,bio was 0.14 ( 0.04, 0.30 ( 0.05, 0.43
( 0.05, and 0.68 ( 0.06%, respectively. These results are similar
to the amount of FAMEs found in these samples with
GC-FID (Figure 2), indicating that the main source of biodie-
sel carbon is the FAMEs. Because we were not able to sample
every B99.9 used by this vehicle, it is possible that the Δ14C
values could have a wider range of values. In a previous study,
we found that B99.9 and B100 samples exhibited a Δ14C range
of þ10 ( 10%; therefore, we also applied these values in our
calculations.52 This did not change the results.

We investigated the accumulation of biodiesel components
in the motor oil of a biodiesel-operated vehicle. FAMEs
increased to 0.5% after the car had traveled 3240 km with
the same oil. We did not detect any PAHs in our motor oil
samples above our method detection limits for individual
compounds (5 μg g-1 of oil). In comparison, previous studies
with fossil-diesel- and gasoline-powered vehicles found total
Figure 3. GC  GC-FID images of the (A) initial and (B) final PAH values of ∼20026,32 and 10 00026-31 μg g-1 of oil,
engine oil samples. A volatility-based separation with a nonpolar respectively. Radiocarbon analysis indicated that the FAMEs
column occurs along the x axis. A polarity-based separation with a measured with GC-FID were the only significant biodiesel
semi-polar column yields chemical class-type separation along the components in the motor oil samples.
y axis. The FAMEs, hopanes, which are chemical fossils found in
synthetic motor oil, and bulk motor oil peaks are annotated. No Future work may employ this dual chromatographic and
other peaks appear in the final sample relative to the initial sample isotopic approach for studies on different types of diesel
besides the FAMEs. These chromatograms also are consistent with engines burning biodiesel, such as trucks, buses, or older,
previous studies on Elf motor oil.57 more worn engines, as well as engines using different types of
motor oil. A parallel need also exists in the study of emissions
would again be -1000%, reflecting that the sample is predomi-
and source apportion PAHs from biodiesel vehicles,61 where
nantly composed of synthetic motor oil. By comparison, the
conflicting evidence has suggested either decrease, increase, or
B99.9 fuels used in the car and collected from fueling stations 3
no change in certain PAH emissions with the use of bio-
times during the experiment had values Δ14C ranging from 7.7 to
diesel.62,63 A complete understanding of PAH input from both
11% (Table 1). The δ13C values of the motor oil samples
engine oil and emissions would allow for a true estimation of
remained constant at -29%, while the fuel samples ranged from
the decreased input of these compounds to the environment
-27.8 to -28.9%; we did not consider these results in our
that would result from large-scale replacement of fossil diesel
with biodiesel. In addition, it would be prudent to subject
We determined the amount of biodiesel-derived carbon that
biodiesel engine oil to sensitive biological testing to further
was accumulating in the used motor oils based on its 14C
ensure that it does not contain any mutagenic or carcinogenic
content as follows. First, we apportioned the carbon of the
compounds at extremely low concentrations that would not
fuel blend with respect to the biodiesel component and motor
have been detected by this study. Overall, the current work
oil component using Δ14C mass balance
indicates that using biodiesel may decrease the input of PAHs
Δ14 C mixture ¼ Fc, bio Δ14 C bio þ ð1 - Fc, bio ÞΔ14 C motor ð1Þ in the environment, relative to fossil diesel, related to the
leaking of motor oil from vehicles.
where Δ14Cmixture is the measured 14C content of used motor oil
via AMS. We assigned Δ14Cbio from the values of the B99.9 Acknowledgment. We thank Steven Volpin for providing the
collected 3 times in the study. The Δ14Cmotor was fixed at a value samples for this study and Dr. Li Xu for assistance with the
of -996% (on the basis of the measurement of the motor oil at radiocarbon analysis. We also thank Dr. John Farrington and
Dr. James Quinn for their thoughtful ideas and comments.
the beginning of the experiment). Finally, FC,bio is the mass
fraction of the total mixture of carbon that is derived from (61) Reddy, C. M.; Pearson, A.; Xu, L.; McNichol, A. P.; Benner,
biodiesel carbon. Rearranging eq 1, FC,bio can be expressed as B. A.; Wise, S. A.; Klouda, G.; Currie, L. A.; Eglinton, T. I. Environ. Sci.
Technol. 2002, 36, 1774–1782.
Δ14 C mixture - Δ14 C motor (62) Zou, L.; Atkinson, S. Environ. Technol. 2003, 24, 1253–1260.
FC, bio ¼ ð2Þ (63) Karavalakis, G.; Alvanou, F.; Stournas, S.; Bakeas, E. Fuel 2009,
Δ14 Cbio - Δ14 C motor 88, 1078–1085.


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