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Don't allow to be used

HIV basics: Good sex for HIV positives Dear youth, we have also
Good sex is after studies and when you been in that stage. Don’t let
can handle sex outcomes such as a baby. anyone abuse your body. If
Talk to your partner about your HIV status you are in school and want
and test together. If you are sexually to be a doctor, concentrate
active, use condoms to prevent HIV re- on that. Try to do everything
infection, unwanted pregnancies and in its right time. Wagalukka
STDs. Nuru Nabumba Benah, a teacher at Nyenga
More on good sex for HIV on pg 3 SS, Mukono.

Students of St Lucia
SS, Mpigi. Sometimes
girls are forced out
of school because of
bride price. Boys may o.4 April 2010
steal to raise bride Vol.16 N
price. This is not cool.
Pick the good things
about bride price and
avoid the bad things.

Can be a sign
of love, respect Bride price can
deny a woman dignity and
and seriousness safety in her marriage. She
can suffer lack of freedom to
Bride price is an old speak and make decisions.
tradition practised by many Asite Sunday, Maracha SS, from being of age and mature It can expose her to violence
communities across the world. In adds: “It is a token of appreciation in thinking, we are materially
Uganda bride price is known by and not a price tag.” able to support a family.
family." and leave her stuck in an
different names, such as “Enjugano”” abusive relationship.
or “omukaaga” in western Uganda, Buni Dission, S6, Wandi To Vivian Naigaga, Some parents force
“lim” in the north, “omutwalo” in Progressive Arua says: "Bride price S3, 15, Comprehensive their daughters to
central Uganda. The husband-to- is a way of testing the boy's ability to College Kitetikka,
be takes gifts such as cattle, goats, take care of the wife and eventually Wakiso, bride price creates marry early so that
cloths, local brew and money to children. In our community we are strong marriages. "It brings they can gain riches
the bride's family before marriage. proud to show our in-laws that apart a sense of accountability into from bride price. This
In response to a quiz in October's marriage, giving both families
Straight Talk, 98 of you wrote to us.
can deny girls the
a say in it."
We loved your letters. Here right to study or a free
we start with positive ones.
But watch out! choice of husband.
Boys also face
Napayo Caroline, Bride price can also
Iganga SS, says: “Bride back fire on young hardship as they
price is open recognition of men and woman. Read struggle to pay.
women as valuable members this Straight Talk and
Sometimes they
of society. It is the official stamp think seriously about
the marriage you want. miss marrying the
of marriage.”
girl they love, who
Jackie Midiya, S6, has been forced to
Cityland College, Wakiso, Namatende Zaina, S3,
marry an older often
says: “Bride price shows a Kakungulu HS, Wakiso, says:
woman’s value. In the Bible, “Bride price is outdated and turns girls polygamous man for
Adam had to be put to sleep into property. Some men abuse their wives bride price. Atuki
and a part of him used to physically or emotionally. They feel wives are Turner, Mifumi
create Eve. He somehow paid. purchased commodities; like cows or cars.”
Read more on page 2.
4 Straight Talk, April 2010
Some religious leaders want men

to marry men and women marry
women so as to stop HIV/ AIDS,
but can this make people multiply?
Is this really God’s commandment?

Adriko Dick, St Joseph’s College
Ombachi, Arua
Adriko, men and women can both
get HIV/AIDS by having sex with a
O. Boxx 22 36 6
P.P.O. Bo 22 36 6 man or woman. In fact, the risk is
K KA M P A L A higher for men who have sex with
men and women who have sex with
women than for men who marry
Some people say that if you grow women. Also, multiplication cannot
pimples on the face you are ready to take place when a man marries a
have sex. Is this true? Namugenyi man or a woman marries a woman.
Harriet, 16, Sanje SS, Kabale To create children a man should
That is wrong. Pimples are one have sex with a woman. That is what
of changes your body gets during God intended. So it is against God’s
puberty. They are caused by commandment for a man to marry
hormones in your body. They don’t a man and a woman to marry a
mean you are ready for sex. They last woman.
only a few months or years, and then Students of Happy Hours SSS enjoy Straight Talk papers.
go away. Focus on your studies and Can you get Hepatitis B through
don’t listen to wrong advice. having sex with someone does not medicines must be given by a kissing? Akurut Joan, Dabani
prove love. For example, if you are health worker. Ask a health worker Girls SS, Busia
I have a girlfriend but each time raped it does not mean you are in to tell you more about them. But Yes, you can get Hepatitis B through
I meet her, she demands sex to love because you have had sex. If Felix, you are still studying. If you kissing. This is a virus that causes
prove my love for her. What does she really loves you, she will respect decide to have sex now, you have serious swelling of the liver. Other
she mean? Olwa Samuel, S.6, and listen to you. If she insists, then to remember the risks. Pregnancy ways you can get infected are having
Kyambogo College School, she is not good for you. is one of them. If you make a girl sex with an infected person and
Kampala pregnant, chances of finishing sharing sharp instruments such as
Love is tricky to understand. There When a girl swallows tablets and school will reduce. You can even razors, toothbrushes or earrings.
are times we fall in love and feel plays sex, is it true that she can’t get be arrested or get HIV/STDs. Think
like having sex. This is all natural pregnant? If yes, which tablets are about the outcomes of sex carefully. Counsellor: Dr Paul Semugoma,
and normal. But we have to be in those? Okello Tony Felix, Apac SS International Hospital, Kampala
charge of our lives. Sex has serious I am afraid it is not as simple as just
outcomes such as pregnancy or drinking water. There are special
getting HIV/STDs. You can be
arrested for making someones
medicines called contraceptives,
or family planning pills which Know your body: the foreskin
daughter pregnant. Tell her that can prevent pregnancy. But these The head of the penis is called the glans. It is shaped like an oval bulb
and is a little larger than the shaft (tube shaped length of a penis).
The glans is covered by a piece of loose skin, which is removed during
circumcision. The skin that covers the glans is called the foreskin whose

Ad vi ce 2 Bw ay o Fred out part is the same as rest the skin covering

the entire penis. It is a flexible double layered
fold of skin which is always wet, soft and free to
Bwayo Fred, 17, Kiboga slide up and down.
Fred, having a girlfriend is
Progressive SS is The inside layer of foreskin is soft like the
not bad but the timing
concerned. In ST Feb inside of an eyelid, nose or mouth. During sex,
is not right. You are
2010, Bwayo asked the wet soft membrane of the foreskin can
still a student and
for advice. He says: break and make it easy for the HIV to enter the
having a girlfriend bloodstream. In addition, as the foreskin rolls
My friends have got at school will
girlfriends. They are off the tip of the penis, the special cells inside
cause you the foreskin can get exposed to the virus. HIV
encouraging me to confusion.
also get one. Is having enters a boy's body by connecting onto these
Feel good and special cells.
a girlfriend the only way to happy. You will have a girlfriend
prove that you are a true boy? when you finish studies. Kusolo
Kenneth, S6, Kampala
Straight Talkers, thank you
for your advice. Think of your future. What is
You all wi n your priority? Friends should not
pressure you to get a girlfriend.
Straight Talk Having a girlfriend does not prove
that you are a true boy. Taaka

T- sh ir ts Penina, Busia Girls SS

Fred, your friends are wrong.

It is not true that boys with There are many boys who have
girlfriends are the true boys. had girlfriends but they have
Being a true boy means ended up making girls pregnant
respecting yourself and doing and getting HIV/STDs. Don’t mix
things you are supposed to do a girlfriend and books. You have
at the right time. Don’t listen to to choose one. Concentrate on
false stories. Nalwoga Anna, your books. Vivian Naigaga, S3,
S3, Comprehensive College 15, Comprehensive College
Kitetikka, Wakiso Kitetikka, Wakiso

Straight Talk Club members of Yesu Akwagala SS, Masaka

Advise MB ,
Straight talk FOUNDatiON
Gulu Comprehensive SS 4 Acacia Ave, PO Box 22366, Kampala (U) tel: 0312-262030/1, E-mail:, Web: www., President: C. Watson Executive Director: J. Wiltshire, Director Print: t. agutu, Edito-
I am in S4 but I don’t understand anything in class. rial Manager: M. akello, Editors: F. Ouma, P. kiwuuwa, J. abongowath, J. Nafula,
Should I leave school and get married? Please advise me Chief Designer: M. eB kalanzi, Designers: g.B Mukasa, a.B Dentine,
Funded by CiVil SOCiEtY FUND: DaNiDa, DFiD, SiDa, iriSh aiD, USaiD
2 Straight Talk, April 2010

End this pain and suffering

is built on good communication
between two parties.

If a woman fails to express her views

Culture is good but bride price Traditio ns freely with their partner, who shuts
males as
can force girls into marriage so that view fend males as her because he paid bride price, it
that their brothers can get cows subordinate the fight to
fails family development to its fullest.
for marriage. Girls can end up as superior hinder ns. Auma Winfred, Busia Girls
HIV infecto
co-wives married to much older prevent new adds: “Bride price is meant to make a
men because boys their age can woman powerless. It is a shame.”
not raise bride price. Boys have
to marry late because they can • objects of traDe
not raise bride price. Read on. Wawiso Titus, Comprehensive
College Kitetikka, Wakiso, says:
• Violence Compulsory bride price means men
Nabucha Betty, 20, S6 Bumbo and women are not equal as human
SS, Manafwa strongly says beings. It devalues girls and reduces
something is wrong when men abuse them to objects of trade.”
their women in the name of bride
price. Tumwesige Prossy, S6, Trinity
College Nabbingo, Wakiso,
Kyasimire Evaline, Ruhaama SS, says: “Bride price makes a woman
Ntungamo, says: “Some men think the property of her father to be
they have a licence to treat women as ‘sold’ to another man. She then
slaves because of bride price. Parents Girls from Mukono becomes a ‘servant’ of the buyer;
encourage their daughters as young as HS say hi! to fellow bearing children, providing sex, and
10 years old to get married instead of Straight Talkers. performing household work.”
going to school.”
According to MIFUMI, an No, no. No human being should be
"Recently, in the news a woman in NGO based in Tororo, many an object of trade.
marry an old man who gave a few
Pallisa was forced by the husband to goats and cows as pride price. She got Ugandan girls are married off
breast feed puppies. He claimed he HIV in marrage.” before the age of 18 because • failure to marry
had paid cows which used to give parents want bride wealth. Such Akullo MD, 19, Gulu HS, says:
milk for his dogs as her bride price," girls are denied the chance to “Bride price still exists in Acholi where
Early and forced marriages are
says Nareeba Kabs, Equatorial education and to marry when I was born. Unfortunately a lot of poor
against the law. Such marriages
College, Ibanda they are adults. boys can’t get married because they
deny people their right to choose a
can’t afford."
marriage partner.
• early marriages • Decision making
Solomon, Vurra SS, Arua, adds: “I am a Pokot from Karamoja. In compromiseD • theft
“Bride price has turned into a money- Wanyama Crispus, S5, Busia SS “There is a boy who loved a certain
our culture a girl cannot get married
making business. Many parents look adds that bride price compromises girl so much. One day he decided
without bride price. It is a source of
at their daughters as a source of quick a girl’s freedom and decision-making to steal two goats to pay the bride
wealth. I know of a girl who was
money. This has increased early and in her own home. price. After a few months the owner
forced to marry at 14. The man was
forced marriages thus girls school of the goats found them with the girl’s
very old but paid 20 heads of cattle.”
drop-out. A good marriage or relationship parents. The poor boy was arrested
Amuge Rhoda, Tororo Girls Sch.
and embarrassed. Now he does not
Muto Mushabe, St Francis Voc want to marry.” OR, Ojigo SS,
SS, Bushenyi, says: “In our village a Nebbi
little girl whose parents did not want
to educate was forced to get married
to an old man who paid the bride
price immediately. A year later she Think
died while giving birth.”
Anayo Loyce, Pingiri SS, Soroti,
says: “A friend who lost both parents
Crispus speaking
was forced by her grandparents to Things come and go
but good manners

o rn er : Sy p
are timeless. Good
Bride price brings pain
too young when my sis memories. I was
ter was forced into S c ien c e c hilis manners mean respect,
care, and consideration
for oneself and others.
marriage by our father
. He arranged with the Syphilis is a sexually
boy's parents Being a good listener
to marry my transmitted bacterial infection. is better than speaking.
It is passed from person to
sister without Think before speaking.
person through sexual contact. You don’t need to have
her knowing. It can also be passed from an an opinion on everything.
Today my sister infected pregnant woman to If you are to speak,
is suffering her unborn child. choose your words wisely.
and the man Syphilis cannot be spread through Practice speaking to a
doesn't care. contact with toilet seats, doorknobs, mirror, it works! It also
She cannot swimming pools, basins, shared clothing or utensils. Syphilis increases confidence in
leave the man is treatable with antibiotics. If you have any unusual speaking.
discharge, sore, or rash, especially in the groin area, stop
because my having sex and seek health care urgently. Tell all sex partners
father already to seek care, too. Without treatment, syphilis moves through
'ate' the money
and the goats.
the body in stages, damaging many organs over time.
Infected persons are highly infectious during the early stages. QyoU IZ:
She struggles To prevent syphilis: Have u or a friend
on her own to • Do not have sex with persons who have genital sores; ever been beat bul-
en ,
• Use condoms with new sex partners; abused, threat
look after the children. or defiled?
If • If you think you are infected, avoid sex. Get treatment from lied, raped
forced into early marria my sister was not a health worker with your partner Tell us yo ur st ories.
ge, she would not be ht
be suffering and tied to • All pregnant women should have a blood test for syphilis. Write to Straig
Ocako Robert, Ojigo SS is man. 36 6,
Dr Oundo Abanga, Bugiri Hospital Talk Box 22
, Nebbi Kampala
Straight Talk, April 2010 3

Stick to the good side of bride price

Let us re-think bride price and it makes it impossible for her to move
focus on its original purpose out of an abusive marriage. It is time
of honouring the parents for the custom is abolished and the
raising the daughter. woman set free.”

Adriko Fred, a 20 year old Justice Steven Kavuma said

student of St Michael SS, Arua parties may decide not to ask for the
says: "Bride price can be anything as refund of the bride price to minimize
little as an old rare coin. Abuse of this problems when the marriage ends.
custom is unacceptable. Keep it for
what it really is." Boys, bride price is not an excuse for
abusing your loved one. Make it a
Nakanwagi Masturah, from gift and let the principle of love and
Kakungulu HS, Wakiso says there respect guide you. Atuki Turner,
is need to redefine bride price to Mifumi.
eliminate ‘gold diggers’ (people who
want riches without working for it).”
Frances Akello, Minister in
Iteso Cultural Union, says: “
from St Mary's College Kisubi share
a light moment at their school recently QUIZ:
Are you
Our culture does not allow the
circumcised or do
beating of women, even if bride
Justice Alice Mpagi Bahigeine know anyone who has
price was paid. Poverty has changed oro
some people's thinking. Some said bride price does not create mifumi has worked with tort been circumcised? Why
domestic violence because violence District to pass a bri da l gif did you get circumcised?
parents are asking for too much. Talk regulate
to your parents to be reasonable against women happens world over ordinance (a local law) to . the Tell us how you felt
even in countries where the term the payment of bride pri ce during circumcision. If you
when asking for bride price. price
bride price is unheard of. Judge ordinance states that bride ma nded
come from a place where
Constance Byamugisha and will be a gift tha t is no t de traditional circumcision is
Concerned by the sad stories
fueled by bride price MIFUMI, Leticia Kikonyogo agreed with her. or refunde d. done, what are you proud
of and what would you
an NGO based in Tororo, last ed at
year asked court to abolish bride However, Justice Amos this is a positive move aimd abuse. like to be changed
Twinomujuni said bride price no reducing bride pri ce rel ate about it? Write to
price. Five High Court judges made cide
a ruling on bride price on March, 27, longer serves any useful purpose. "It the boy's family is left to de en of
PO Box 22366,
has become commercialised, highly what it can afford as a tok Kampala
2010. Four of them said bride price gir l's fam ily.
should not be abolished. exploitive and humiliating to women. appreciation to the
It subjects a woman to slavery when

The diary of a young

Joe is 18. He was born
Having more than
one type of HIV
In October 2009, we asked you
to describe a picture of a fishing
village and identify actions
Some are 'squeeze' dancing. There
are also bad touches where a man
is touching a girl’s breast. The
with HIV. Here Joe talks makes treatment and risky places. Many of you dangerous places are the bars, dark
about his sex life. One more difficult and responded. Thank you. corners and behind buildings."
time one of my former weakens immunity
girlfriends came to visit and more. Nafula Dorcus R, Busia Girls Many things happen in fishing
spent a night. We could SS wrote: “The picture is about communities and people are always
not resist each other. We NURU a fishing community. People are on the move. Migration, prostitution,
had sex without a condom; ANSWERS fishing, selling fish, smoking fish poverty are some of risky factors.
psychologically that sex yOUR and loading luggage on the lorry.
did not satisfy me. I was QUESTIONS The risky actions include drinking Nafula, you win an ST T-Shirt
so scared I thought I had alcohol which can damage the
infected her. Nuru was born brain.
with HIV. She
I told myself, "How will now answers
I ever forgive myself for your questions.
knowingly giving someone
HIV?" I tested HIV
positive. How
If you are HIV positive like me can I live positively? You
and are
you have a boyfriend or girl special and so is everyone livi
friend ng
who does not know your stat with HIV. You can still enjoy
us, tell life to
him or her. They have the righ the fullest.
t to
know. Encourage them to go
with Positive living involves visiting
you for an HIV test. If they find the
they doctor regularly for check ups
are negative and you are pos ,
itive, eating well (e.g greens, eggs,
they will be thankful. This wil milk,
l help beans, fish and gnuts), resting
them understand why you wa from
nt to work, sleeping under a mosqu
abstain. Thank God my girl did ito
not net to prevent malaria and drin
get infected with HIV. king
boiled water. You also need
If you are both HIV positive, exercise e.g. doing little walk
use and
condoms whenever you hav work, and talking with people
e sex. .
There are different types of HIV
. Your Do things that make you hap
partner could have a differe py so
nt type long as they are not a risk to
from yours. You can get infe your
cted life and others.
with more than one HIV typ

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