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Action Plan to improve my performance

After analyzing my interview videos and feedback received, I found that I was
not upto date with current topics, which are happening around in India,
especially Indian Politics. As student of MBA, I need to update myself on the
current issues/topics, which may have major impact in Operations field, such as
GST Bill. I need to be focused and keep myself upto date with latest news and
current affairs.

Also, need to brush up my basic concepts of operations. During the interview, I
expalin the Bull-whip effect as a term and but puzzled, when I was asked why it
is called Bullwhip and who coined the term. I cannot afford these types of
mistakes in my final placement interviews. Thats why, I have started to brush up
concepts/terms, who coined them and their applications in the industry.

In an interview, we should think twice in back of our mind and then answer the
answer. I was in a hurry to give answer and losing my confidence as the
interview proceeded. It was mainly, due to lack of preparation and efforts. I need
to be well prepared and high on confidence level. Higlights my strengths during
the interview instead of portraying my weakness to the interviewer. If give a
chance in an interview, I must choose a topic/hobby of which I have a strong
knowledge. Never make the interviewer feel that I am nervous or loosing my
interest. I also need to improve my body posture while giving an interview and
do not get too much excited, if I know the answer of the question being asked. If I
dont know the answer, politely says no, instead of giving answer, which might
damage the image that I have made in the mind of interviewer.

In order to achieve all these milestones, I need to work hard and attain mock
interviews, which are organized by Xplore HR during placement season, to see
how much I have improved myself. Secondly, get in touch with faculty guides to
improve my concepts knowledge. I have already started reading newspaper on
daily basis, to update myself on the current issues/topics going around the world
or any major development in field of Operations in recent years. Also, analyze the
profile and company portfolio before applying in the company.

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