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Here are comments made by teachers to correct some aspect of students

Why, in each of these cases, are the learners misbehaving?
e.g. Dont write it down, just speak to each other.
Possible explanations:

Im worried I wont remember it later.

Im not confident with my pronunciation.
If I write it, the teacher can correct it for me.
I dont like my partner.

1. Explain student misbehaviour for each of the teachers comments a-h below:
a) Why arent you writing? I want you to prepare examples now.
I am worried I will make spelling mistakes.
I didnt understand the task.
I dont like the task.
b) Only speak in English, please!
I am not confident with my pronunciation.
I do not have enough vocabulary to be able to express my ideas.
I feel frustrated and limited.
c) Please, why arent you checking with your partner?
I do not trust my partners English.
I do not like my partner.
I prefer the teacher to correct me.
d) Dont look up the new words in your dictionary.
I cannot go on further if I dont know this term.
I want to express something but I cannot find the word in English.
I need to understand this term in order to understand the idea of the sentence.
I am curious.
e) Dont translate it, just try to explain it in English.
I do not have enough vocabulary to explain but I know the meaning of the word in my
I do not know the meaning of the word in English nor in my language but I know its
f) Why doesnt anyone ever do the homework?!
I didnt understand the task.
I didnt understand the lesson so I was unable to do my homework.

I was not interested in the subject.

The homework was not motivating and challenging.
I forgot about it.
g) You two, can you please stop talking? Mary and Brian are presenting their dialogue now.
I do not like Mary and Brian.
I cannot hear Mary and Brian speaking.
I cannot understand what they are saying.
h) Speak louder!
I am not very sure whether my answer is correct.
This is just the way I speak.
You should come closer to me.

2. Suggest a possible solution / remedy to each of the student difficulties a-h above.
a) The teacher should make sure that everyone has understood the task.
b) Encourage students to speak even if they do not know all the words but allow them to say it
in Romanian and then provide the unknown word to them. Also the teacher should teach them
how to explain or describe the item if they do not know the word for it. The teacher should also
participate to the dialogue and encourage them.
c) From time to time students should be allowed to change their partner
d) Teachers should allow and encourage students to search for new words. But also, he should
teach them how to understand the main idea of a text without knowing all the words.
e) The teacher should make sure that students know what is the definition of the word so that
they may explain it otherwise they will be unable to explain it in other words.
f) The teacher should make sure everybody understood the homework. The teacher should make
sure that the students have noted their homework. The teacher should also make sure the
homework is motivating enough.
g) In this case the teacher should encourage interaction between Mary and Brian and the rest of
the class. For instance students to ask them questions and so on.
h) Arrange the desks in such a way so that everybody has visual contact with everybody.
Encourage students to state their opinion even if they make mistakes.

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