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Week 10



Tutor report form notice (What tutors to wright about) to give

to Paul and put it up when the forms arrive.
Book a meeting with SVP (Directors report forms)
Watch fire safety video on Lunch (Everyone on room prep can
help) Notice?
Rehearsal period notice for 3D instead of Turbo
Emails to non-sofa tutors that are effected by all day showings
& exam
Talk to managers about cleaning day
Notice about 2D workshop
Notice about Christmas Concert rehearsal (with recording on
Emmas phone tomorrow, ask Johan to take his recording
equipment to school)
Do notice about workshop next week 2D
Paul is teaching evening students in music room (remind him)
Make a new VP list
Print new schedule for 3D
Copy turbo from Isabell 2D and 3D


Give Isabel the script for Brighton (4D)


All day showing starts at ?


All day showings start at ?

Showing list for Monday showings from TG (& KD)
Notice up for flat painting on Tuesday (?)


Reh. for Monday showings (?)


Petty cash (end of month check)

Reh. For Monday showings

General notes

Give non sofa Tutors student report forms when they come in (SVP can
help you sort them)
Remind Sofa tutors whos teaching where the class is in the syllabus and
the classes
CS fix a shelf for Cline (JR?)
Anojan clean directors shelf
Isaac clean directing shelf
Johan, to walk the exam with evening students and ask if they want to be
a part of it
Isha suspension notice PM
Email tutors about new VP
Get confirmed about Thursday with Katy All day showings 11am start
Email Pedro about Cancelling
Take away Christiana and
Email tutors about Christina and Lucas from all lists
New Petti cash papers -SVP can make new in computer
Make new VP list
Dates Notice for Brighton Fringe
Children Classes Performance remind people after all day showings Friday
Make notice about
Karen Showcase monolog give Philip
EJ give LM list: Workshops 4D
Workshops tutors and general
EJ clean computer make folders
Next week Sofa Class with 1D next topic wait with FT exercise
MM know about KOW teaching and AG showing his
Dates for the Grad-play get in in the Notice on PM desk about Brighton, we
have to have the Getting for Matilda the weekend before we go to
Brighton, will be in Brighton the weekend we should have had the getting.
Alex Dower to teach 3D tomorrow, he has to know about where we are
what has be taught and foffted.
EJ send an email to all tutors about exam and assessment and all day
showings, but not to Sofa Tutors.
Who will look after MM Grad-play? Send Thomas all the dates and let him
know PM did not think it was a good idea about anyone outside school
doing it at the moment.
Follow up on if the tutor report forms are on their way and make notice
about them, use old one.

Module meeting next tutor, PM will make the email to tutors but make a
notice for students to show PM. 6-9.30pm Tuesday the 1 st December.
Student representatives and PM, KD, all non-sofa tutors but not the newest
ones for this term (stage combat and circus).
Tell PM no one knows how this student rep thing is working. Need to have
it in the handover somehow.
Tell Dennis about the broken door
Celine will get her Directing shelf VP asks someone with communityservice.
Alicia and Jenniefer will take over the Directing shelfs from IK AVF.
Send email to Thomas about MM Grad play dates
Tell MM and PM that MM cant stand up in a bigger room the week we have
Light introduction with VM after mediation Tuesday and Wednesday. Make
a notice.
Make a theatre trip to a play end of this term outside or crimes at heart.
Scarface talk to 2nd 3rd years to not scare the others
Lock to the courtyard
The recording of singing Christmas carols Tuesday. Make notice and Johan
fix better recording Tuesday morning? Recording on EJ phone at the
moment, try out.
Buy fill out for staplers
Wednesday, walk who set up in which room. Adrian set up in L-Shaped
night before?
Ask if the Stills can move to Thursday, to even out the nr. of pieces. They
dont have any actors.
Tell 4D about workshop tomorrow Monday have to black out and have
Order two new stage lamps for the exam.
CD players fixed for exam
Buy ben post notice papers etc.
Graduation is same week as MM Grad-play. Email TG about possible
change of dates. Monday Dress (ask MM again if she rather do that than
have the dress on Wednesday). Tuesday normal showings-day for
Isabell wanted to speak to EJ when she was in next
Email Annabel and ask if she can do next Monday morning extra class
Update AD where we are in the theory 3D
Let Vala know that next two weeks she can continue with the Theory with
Do we have the 1st aid kit coming? Ask Dennis. And green paper and tutor
Christiana do evening course?
Worse case cash Brighton. Tell students about money for Brighton.
Email Annabels Email to students
Inform students about Christmas concert and Christmas cabaret
Put some people on to do Christmas cabaret (Anojan wanted to)

Change dates for Alicia and Jenniefer to be SVPs. Everyone has to be this
academic year. Shorten the time.
10 pound fines. Tina show LM how. EJ has to fill in the ones she did not.
Tutors who has to know asap for next term teaching is the Circus guy and
Ken, acro.
Kow about bank account Brighton?
Put in emails in the computer
Book in dates auditions Christmas concert sun and Wednesday for the last
Tell Dennis Boiler dont work in green room and that
Meeting all Module leaders about Brighton
Make notice about cleaning day
Make notice about flat painting
Make notice abpoput Christmas concert

Christmas Consert this friday

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