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May 14, 2010

NASCOE Negotiation Team in Washington DC, April 2010

All Sea World, Busch Gardens, Adventure Island,

SWA- Chance Fenoglio Sesame Place and Water Country USA tickets are
Email: available through the Sea World Website. Members
should access the tickets and vacations section of the
website for ticket discounts
The following link will allow members to access all Sea
World, and affiliate, locations and buy tickets at a
discounted rate. I have been assured that if members use
this link to buy their tickets they will get the best possible
rate at that time. If there is a need for paper coupons I
can make arrangements through this website to get
them to members.


Six Flags and affiliates are available through the Six Flags website (user id and password needed
and in the email below) Parks include:

California- Discovery Kingdom, Vallejo, Magic Mountain, LA, Hurricane Harbor, LA.
Georgia- SF over Georgia and Hurricane Harbor, Atlanta
Illinois- SF Great America, Chicago
Kentucky- SF Kingdom, Louisville
Maryland- SF America, DC
Massachusetts- SF New England, Springfield
Mississippi- SF St. Louis
New Jersey- SF Great Adventure, Hurricane Harbor, SF Wild Safari, Jackson
New York- Great Escape & Splashwater Kingdom, Great Escape Lodge & indoor water park,
Lake George
Texas, SF over Texas, Hurricane Harbor, Arlington, SF Fiesta Texas, San Antonio
Canada, LaRonde, Montreal
Mexico, SF over Mexico, Mexico City

To buy discount tickets for Six Flags/Hurricane Harbor and affiliates you can access the following link and
enter the zip code near the park you want to visit. That will pull up the park(s) to select and you can buy
tickets at a discounted rate through the site as well as print coupons.


The user id is NASCOEOT and the password is SixFlags9

SEA- Cristy Cook

Sea World and Six Flags discounts can be obtained on website. See SWA
information for details.

MWA- Dee Ann Lehn


Holiday World/Splashin' Safari


Adventureland/Adventure Bay

I have a vacation guide with

information on the Wisconsin Dell

Kings Island corporate partner page is now live. Please use the following
address to access your corporate partner page:
22-PM Amendment 94
All FSA offices recently received Amendment 94 to 22-PM (Revision 1). If you haven‘t had a
chance to read this amendment you need to take time to do so in the near future. Even if you aren’t a
CED or a PT that works in Administrative or Personnel Management you need to read this amendment
which deals exclusively with the NASCOE Labor-Management agreement. Here is a quick overview of
this agreement that will hopefully explain just how important NASCOE is to all COF employees.
In paragraph 800 A the handbook states “NASCOE has been granted exclusive recognition to
Represent FSA County employees at the national level.” This agreement is not for members only but
rather for all FSA county office employees. According to the agreement this authority was granted by
the Secretary of Agriculture on June 12, 1962. This was done to accord FSA county employees rights
similar to those provided regular Federal employees by Executive Order 10988 approved by the
President January 7, 1962.
This representation includes the ability to consult and negotiate with management for the
betterment of the FSA. Both FSA and NASCOE pledge to conduct all consultations and negotiations
objectively and in good faith for the purpose of fair and equitable solutions. Furthermore the
agreement indicates FSA where practical will consult with NASCOE before implementing any major
change affecting terms of employment or working conditions.
Each year your NASCOE officers and executive committee have two meetings with management
in Washington D.C. A third meeting is usually held during the National Convention when many FSA
representatives attend and participate. During these meetings the concerns of membership are brought
to the attention of management. These meetings usually result in significant changes for the
betterment of the agency.
The labor-management agreement also allows NASCOE or state affiliate officials to sit in on
employee hearings which are held as a result of disciplinary action up and including removal. This right
is available and may be exercised when requested by the employee that is affected by these personnel
type actions.
At the state level NASCOE affiliates with over 50% membership may also request recognition at
the state level. Many states have had this recognition for many years as is the case in my home state of
Oklahoma. These agreements provide a great opportunity to work with state management for the
betterment of the agency. Typically state officers and/or directors meet with their SED, STC, and AO
and in some cases other program chiefs. These meetings provide opportunity for dialog and discussion
on a host of items, all for the benefit of the Farm Service Agency, COF employees, and our producers.
If you are an officer in a state that hasn’t had an agreement with your state, now is a great time
to seek recognition from your SED with the issuance of this recent amendment. I would encourage you
to send a letter to your SED referencing this 22-PM amendment in your request. The request should
emphasis the benefit of this type of agreement for both the agency and the employees. I would be glad
to visit with any of you about this issue and what other states have and are doing. Give me a call at
(580) 924-4131 ext. 2 if you have any questions or need additional information.
In closing, it is because of this agreement COF employees have FERS retirement, health and life
insurance, annual leave, sick leave, compressed work schedules, etc. Each of you have benefited
regardless of your NASCOE membership. However, if you are a member I want to personally thank you
for your ongoing support of NASCOE. If you are considering membership hopefully this article will be the
final reason you decide to join.

By Kevin Dale, SWA

Executive Committee Member

The NASCOE Store

Thank you! Era Jarrard, owner of the NASCOE Store just informed me that we have just passed $40,000.00 in sales so
far this year! From now until June 30th, every item you purchase earns a full 10% commission that goes directly to the
NASCOE Scholarship fund.

I am looking for ideas on fun items that we can make available for the National Convention in Hot Springs. Era
mentioned flip flops with a small NASCOE logo on them, I thought it would be fun for Gangster night to have
traditional garter belts and sleeve garter belts with a small NASCOE logo on them. If you have any ideas that I can
pass on to Era, please let me know!

Thank you again for shopping at the NASCOE Store ( and for your strong support of
the NASCOE Scholarship Program!

Distinguished Service Awards

It is with great honor that I present to you your 2010 NASCOE Distinguished Service Award Winners!

Your Service to NASCOE Award winner is Jeannine P. Wendel, CED in Young County Texas.

Your Service to FSA-Agriculture Award winner is William r. Koger Jr., CED in Hampton County South Carolina.

Your Service to Community Award winner is Lora Owen, Program Technician in Davidson-Davie County North

Congratulations to this years winners!

Once we get the convention photos, we will post their photos and complete nomination submissions on the NASCOE
web site.

Tom Oasen,

NASCOE ASE Chairperson

Do You Know How Fortunate You Are?
It’s a simple question… Do you know how fortunate you are? Take a look around you at the
people who are jobless or have a job with little or no benefits or are only paid minimum wage. We as
FSA employees are extremely fortunate to have the jobs we have and to provide service to some of the
best people in the world. It is so easy for us, as human beings, to take these things for granted. But, our
pay and benefits didn’t just “happen” all by themselves. It is the continued hard work of our NASCOE
organization that provides these benefits that we all enjoy.

I said all that to get you thinking. Is your job worth $1.50 per week? With the talks of the new
farm bill, FSA is facing some drastic changes… changes that FSA may not survive. You as an FSA
employee and NASCOE member can contribute only $3.00 per pay period ($1.50 per week) to the
NASCOE P.A.C. These contributions go to help make contributions to key members of the House and
Senate Agricultural Appropriations Committee and the House and Senate House Agricultural Committee.
The funds are distributed based on the recommendations of our NASCOE’s Legislative Consultant Bob
Redding and under the approval of NASCOE’s President, Vice President and Legislative Co-Chairs.
Signing up to do your part in making contributions to the NASCOE P.A.C. is simple. Sign on to the
NASCOE website click on the PAC button. Put in a user id and put your state name in the comment box
and hit submit. Tricia Lutman will verify your membership and send you back a password. Once you
receive that password, sign back in to the NASCOE website, click on the PAC button and sign in with your
user id and your new password. There are step by step instructions to sign up for the contributions.
PLEASE be sure and use your home computer to do this! If you have any questions about the PAC or
the sign up process, contact Mike Mayfield, Loren Nelson, or you’re Area Legislative Chairperson.

CAPWIZ goes hand in hand with PAC. CAPWIZ is a tool that we have that is almost too good to
be true! Here’s how it works… When an issue comes up in congress, the congressional leaders put all
correspondence they get on an issue in a pile. The biggest pile gets the most attention. All we have to
do to get the biggest pile is for ALL of us to sign up for CAPWIZ and click on “Take Action”… It’s that
simple! The letter is already written for you! If you haven’t signed up for CAPWIZ, you can do so by
going to the NASCOE website and clicking on the CAPWIZ button, filling in your name, address and
HOME e-mail address. Again, PLEASE do this from your home computer! Anytime an issue comes up
that would affect our agency, a letter is written by your NASCOE Legislative team, and an action alert is
sent to your home e-mail address. You click on the e-mail, it will take your directly to the alert, read the
letter, if you agree to its contents, click submit. Yes, it’s just that easy! That helps add to our “pile”. If
you need assistance on registering for CAPWIZ, contact your Area Legislative Chairperson.

The farm bill field hearings are currently underway. If you see that one is in your area, please
inform you’re Area Legislative Chairperson and we will get the information to you to have someone
present it at the hearing.

These things are critical to the livelihood of our agency. Do your part now and skip buying that
Pepsi. Put that $1.50 to some good use and start your PAC contributions today!!!

Sincerely Submitted by,

Charla Daly

Southeast Area Legislative Chairperson

FYI: The following updated FAQs will be posted on the OPM web page soon.

Service Credit — Frequently Asked Questions

1. When was the interest problem discovered?

Errors in the computation of interest and consequently, incorrect balance amounts on receipts,
were discovered in 2008, which led to the July 2008 shut down of parts of the system.

2. What is the issue that created problems in the calculation of interest?

Interest on pre-October 1, 1982, deposits and redeposits under the Civil Service Retirement
System (CSRS) is fixed at an annual rate of 3 percent and accrues daily. Interest on post
October1, 1982, deposits and redeposits under both CSRS and the Federal Employees
Retirement System (FERS) is variable and accrues annually. In some cases, interest was
applied at the variable interest rates instead of the fixed 3 percent rate, which caused the
interest to be understated and in other cases, the reverse happened, which caused interest to
be overstated. There were also some instances where interest was not charged at all for the
year which also caused an understatement of the amount due.

3. Why has it taken so long to resolve the problems with the Service Credit System?

It first appeared that the erroneous statements and other errors resulting from the system
change could be quickly resolved; however, during the same time period we lost key
programming staff which significantly slowed corrective efforts. In addition, a number of other
posting issues surfaced during this period that needed to be analyzed, resolved and tested. This
effort further contributed to the delay in restoring the system.
4. Is it possible that some account holders will have to pay additional interest and some
will be getting a refund?

Yes. It is also possible that some account holders with a mix of pre-October 1, 1982 service and
post-September 30, 1982 service, who have deposits and/or redeposits have overpaid interest
on one type of service and underpaid interest on another type of service.
5. How will I know how much I owe or if I am due a refund?

OPM will prepare and deliver corrected statements to all active account holders showing
whether you owe additional monies or if you are due a refund. We will post additional FAQs
relating to the information on the corrected statements when they are sent.

6. How do I obtain an updated statement until the Service Credit System is fully
functional and new statements are sent out?

Receipts cannot be provided until OPM has completed updating and has fully tested the Service
Credit System, which is currently underway.
7. When will I receive my next statement?

You will receive a current statement as soon as we finalize the testing and conduct a
reconciliation of all affected accounts.

8. How do I obtain a paid in full receipt?

Until the Service Credit System is fully functional, please send your request by e-mail to and a response will be returned by e-mail. Be sure to include your name,
date of birth and CSD Claim Number.

9. How do I find out what my "balance due" is until the Service Credit System is fully
functional and new statements are sent out?

Send your request by e-mail to and a response will be returned by e-mail.
Be sure to include your name, date of birth and CSD Claim Number.


10. How do I find out if a payment I made has been received by OPM?

Until the Service Credit System is fully functional, please send your request by e-mail to and a response will be returned by e-mail. Be sure to include your name,
date of birth and CSD Claim Number.

11. How do I make payments on my Service Credit Account?

You may make payments by sending a check made out to Office of Personnel Management and
mailing it to U. S. Office of Personnel Management, P.O. Box 979035, St. Louis, MO 63197-
9000. Be sure to include your name, date of birth and CSD Claim Number. You can also make
payments online at

12. I would like to have payments taken out of my checking or savings account to pay my
Service Credit Account, what do I need to do?

Download OPM form RI 16-28, Authorization for Direct Payments, at Enter RI
16-28 in the search box. Complete the form (make sure to mark the New Enrollment box) and
mail it to U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Direct Payment Program, P. O. Box 979035, St
Louis, MO 63197-9000.

13. How do I stop the payments being taken out of my checking or savings account to
pay my Service Credit Account?

Download OPM form RI 16-28, Authorization for Direct Payments, at Enter RI
16-28 in the search box. Complete the form (make sure to mark the Discontinue Pre-Authorized
Direct Payment Service box) and mail it to U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Direct
Payment Program, P. O. Box 979035, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.
14. I would like to change the order in which my payments are applied. Who do I contact?

You may make an e-mail request to, and a response will be returned to
you by e-mail. Be sure to include your name, date of birth and CSD Claim Number.

15. Will I be able to use the money paid for Service Credit on my annual income tax

Please consult with the Internal Revenue Service concerning any tax implications. IRS
Publication 721, Tax Guide to U.S. Civil Service Retirement Benefits, may also be of further

16. I do not see the money I paid back for my service credit account on my leave and
earnings statement.

Non-military service credit payments are not shown on leave and earnings statements because
these payments are made directly to OPM and not to the Federal agency that issued the leave
and earnings statement.

OPM keeps a record of the money paid and this record, along with any other records sent in by
your agency, are consolidated when you transfer to another agency, die, or retire.

New Applications

17. I filled out an application to make Deposit or Redeposit and mailed it to OPM, but I
have not received a response.

OPM's Boyers, PA office processes applications for Service Credit. You can send an e-mail
request to and a response will be returned by e-mail. Be sure to include
your name and date of birth.

Military Service

18. How can I get a receipt for my Military Deposit or I would like to find out information
on my Military Deposit.

OPM does not compute or collect deposits for military service performed after 1956.

If you are a current Federal employee, you need to contact your local servicing personnel office
to obtain information about your military deposit or how to make a military deposit.

If you are a separated Federal employee, your former employing agency should have
transferred your military deposit record to OPM. You can obtain a copy of the record by sending
an e-mail to Be sure to include your name and date of birth.
2010 Elections

National Association of FSA County Office Employees

Candidacy Announcement
NASCOE President
Myron Stroup

I am announcing my candidacy for the position of NASCOE President. If re-elected I

pledge to provide the level of dedication and service to this organization that you all expect
and deserve from your elected leaders.

The purpose of NASCOE, as defined in the book titled The History of NASCOE, is to
improve the welfare of county office employees. This purpose has served NASCOE well for
fifty years. I will continue with the efforts in these areas. Many issues and concerns have
come before this organization and its leadership team. A proactive approach, trying to stay
in front of issues, has been the motto.

If re-elected, I will continue to be the voice of our membership in representing your

concerns/issues with the Department and Agency Officials. One of the great assets of
NASCOE is the equality of its membership and equal voice in the organization.

The past NASCOE accomplishments were not achieved by a few but by the collective
efforts of all NASCOE members. This is becoming more important as the future
uncertainties become today’s reality.

It has been an honor and privilege to serve the past year as your President. I ask for your
support is re-electing me as your President for a second term.

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare"

National Association of FSA County Office Employees

NASCOE Vice Presidential

Candidacy Announcement
John Lohr
April 17, 2010
After eight months of service as your NASCOE Vice President, I am announcing my candidacy for
a second term.

During my first year as Vice President, I have been fortunate to be right along side President
Myron and not in his shadow. Together Myron and I have attended all NASCOE’s meetings with
FSA management, and he regularly solicits my input on all matters of NASCOE business.

During my travels this past year, I have met many of our members, and I continue to be
impressed with their dedication to our association. Their common belief in the ideals and goals
of NASCOE never ceases to amaze me and gives me even more incentive to step up and serve.

My experiences as the Pennsylvania association president, my time with the national legislative
committee, and my two years on the NASCOE Executive Committee have helped prepare me to
be your Vice President. In retrospect, I now realize that I have spent my 34-year FSA career
preparing for the day when I could offer to serve NASCOE in this capacity.

As I announce my candidacy, I have the support of my family, my staff, my County Committee,

and my SED. Now I am asking for your support in Hot Springs, and if elected your Vice
President, I promise to work as hard as I can to help lead this great association.
TREASURER Announcement:
I am announcing that I am seeking re-election as your NASCOE Treasurer.

I have been a member of OASCOE/NASCOE my entire FSA career (over 25

years). I have served as your National Treasurer for 3 years. Prior to that I
served as your National Program Committee Chair for 2 years, and prior to that
I was the MWA Membership Chair for 3 years.

Over the past three years as your NASCOE Treasurer I have developed and
then improved upon a detailed annual budget so that the NASCOE Board and
membership could see exactly where their money was coming from and where it
was going.

The NASCOE Executive Board is a wonderful team of hard working individuals

which I have been honored to serve with for the past 3 years. Communication
has been the key to its successes over the past year, and will be necessary to
face our challenges in the future. We, as Board members, try to listen to the
voice of membership, then compile your thoughts and concerns and represent you
accordingly. I feel the Board’s professionalism and strong sense of teamwork
over the past year has also strengthened our relationship with our membership
and with our FSA management in WDC. I would like to continue this work as a
member of the NASCOE Board.

I remain committed to NASCOE, its membership, and its goals. I would

appreciate your consideration of me as a candidate to serve you another year as
NASCOE Treasurer.

Shelly Odenkirk
Candidacy Announcements NASCOE Secretary 2010

NASCOE Secretary by Annette M. Hyman

At this time I would like to announce my Candidacy for NASCOE Secretary. After much thought
and careful consideration I feel that I am a qualified and worthy candidate. I have the support
of my family, staff, DD, SED, and NYASCOE membership. I will be completing my term this year
as NYASCOE President after starting in July 2008. Prior to being President I served as Vice
President and 2nd Vice President for NYASCOE. I have attended and participated in three
legislative conferences. In August 2009 I was elected the Northeast Area Alternate Executive.
Most recently I participated in the Negotiation/Consultation Session with Management in April
of 2010. To me this was an eye opening experience of what our NASCOE Executive Board does
for each and every one of us as members. It was a tremendous learning experience; not only
in regard to the protocol by which NASCOE negotiates, but also to meet and witness our
leadership in WDC.

I am currently a CED in Erie County, NY. I started my career with FSA in 1996 as a Program
Technician. I had just returned from the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) Annual
meeting in Nashville, TN that I attended with my husband as our milk cooperative’s young
couple. It was the first time we had attended a conference together. The information and
knowledge that I brought back home inspired me to do something more for agriculture on a
greater scale beyond my responsibilities I currently had on our family farm. An opening
became available in Erie County and I was selected. I remained a Program Technician for 8
years. In 2004 I became a CED in a county 87 miles from my home. After three years of
commuting back and forth on weekends, I was selected as the CED in Erie County in December
2007. I think being a Program Technician for eight years allows me to look at issues from two

My first Legislative Conference was amazing. I have to admit that I was hesitant to attend. I
had Frank Bender as my mentor. What a phenomenal teacher! Frank told me to follow his lead
and that I did. NY has always had great representation and to be part of the team was a
privilege. Once again I came home inspired to make a difference for NASCOE members and
our producers. I feel being knowledgeable is one of the best assets I can have as a manager.
I enjoy speaking not only with fellow employees on program and benefit issues, but also with
our producers on issues that relate directly with them. Our producers appreciate the fact that
I have used my own time to help be a voice for agriculture.

Few things are dearer to my heart than farmers. I was born and raised on a dairy farm and my
oldest son is the 7th generation farmer on the Hyman Crest Farm. Even though this is a very
difficult time for dairy producers, I couldn’t be prouder that he has never given up. I helped
raise our four children to achieve all they can and be appreciative for all they have.

In 2008 I had my first experience organizing the NEA Rally as the Chairperson. I love to
organize, plan and entertain. NY hosted a great weekend event. The winery tour and banquet
received great reviews, not to mention we had a very successful auction. Once again this was
all due to the terrific team work put forth by NYASCOE.

In 2010 I felt inspired to run for NEA Alternate Executive after no one volunteered. The day I
decided I would run, another person announced their candidacy. I could have backed out, but I
had made my decision and felt an obligation to continue. So many NEA members were excited
to actually see more than one name on the ballot. Once again it was a learning experience for
me. Meeting new members and “campaigning” at the convention was fun. I was elected and
now able to experience even more of what NASCOE does.

In April of 2010 I was asked to fill in for Patsy Wiles as the NEA Executive for the
Negotiation/Consultation Session in WDC. To say I was honored is an understatement. This
was something I really was interested in. I researched my items and felt prepared. I witnessed
mutual respect and determination among the Executive Board. Even though I hadn’t been part
of the pre-negotiation meeting I felt completely at ease. I enjoyed the long discussions and
meetings. I can assure you I was not shy. I observed the different personalities and
responsibilities everyone had. I was observant of the Secretary’s responsibilities; especially
here as they were very involved during the meetings with management. After returning home
I once again felt that I could provide a bigger service to both NASCOE. This meeting was very

I feel that I am a very qualified candidate for NASCOE Secretary. I have taken minutes and
notes at many meetings. Some might believe they are a little too detailed, but most appreciate
my attention to the small details. I am organized and professional. I have a terrific office staff
that will allow me to take the needed time to fulfill all my duties. My husband and children are
very supportive. They too share the excitement and enthusiasm I have toward my work,
NYASCOE, the NEA, and NASCOE. I have no intensions of leaving FSA or my position as a CED
until retirement. If I am elected Secretary I will be dedicated, professional, and honored to
work with the current and future Executive Boards of NASCOE, WDC management, and all
NASCOE members. I believe in the mission and vision of NASCOE.

NASCOE Secretary 2010
I would like to announce my candidacy for the Position of NASCOE Secretary.

The Secretary position, along with the Treasurer position, is the backbone of any organization. Not only
are organization and efficiency required, but leadership ability is mandatory because the secretary is
part of the Executive Committee. This position is not about taking notes, it is about careful record
keeping, maintaining history, and providing reference materials; this is the thread that the Secretary
uses to sow and bind NASCOE together as a cohesive and effective organization. The NASCOE secretary
is also the National Convention Chairperson, so again, leadership and organizational skills are critical.

I have been the secretary of the following organizations: CUDA Youth League Football (3 yrs), the
Central Wisconsin Pop Warner Youth Football League (3 yrs), The AXIOM Youth Center (3 yrs), The Colby
Booster Club (3 yrs), The Colby Choir Parent’s Group (5 yrs), and the WASCOE secretary (3 yrs). I know
that I possess all the elements required for a good secretary. I have been on the Executive Committees
for all of these organizations and currently hold the positions of President for the Colby Ladies VFW
Auxiliary Post 2227, Jr. Vice President of District 7 for the Ladies VFW Auxiliary, and the Vice President,
Legislative Chairperson, the Emblems Chairperson and the Publicity Chair and Webmaster for WASCOE.
I am also the Mid West Area Publicity Chairperson and Webmaster. I have been the secretary for the
Midwest Area meetings at the Midwest Area Rallies and at the last few National Conventions. As the
Publicity Chair, it is my responsibility to gather material and publish newsletters and then post such
information to the websites.

I have organized WASCOE state conventions and endless events for the community groups I have been
involved in and I have attended 7 of the past 8 NASCOE National Conventions and numerous Midwest
Rallies and other Midwest Area state conventions, in addition to the WASCOE conventions.

WASCOE has designated me to be the delegate for our state at the past several National Conventions
and I have taken this role very seriously. I take extensive notes during the conventions and the Midwest
Area meetings and share these notes with others throughout the country. For the last two years, I
posted my unofficial notes to the Midwest site to be utilized by others if they chose to. I am currently
the Legislative Chairperson for WASCOE and in that capacity I do all the scheduling with our
congressional representatives and organize our participation in the legislative conferences. I have
participated in at least 6 legislative conferences.

I have been a member of WASCOE/NASCOE for my entire career with FSA and I am passionate about this
wonderful employee association. I have a deep desire to do more NASCOE and its members and feel I
can accomplish this through the NASCOE secretary position. I know that I will be an excellent Secretary
and I humbly ask for your support at the National Convention in Arkansas this year.

Respectfully Submitted
Deborah Esselman
Area Executive and Alternate Executive Announcements:
NASCOE NWA Executive Committee Person

Cindy Hall

I am taking this opportunity to announce my candidacy for a second term as NWA Executive
Committeeperson for NASCOE.

I have been involved with NASCOE for many years. I have attended all but one national
convention since the Colorado Springs Convention. I have also attended many Legislative
Conferences. I have served on the NEBRASCOE board as Publicity Chair, Secretary and 6
terms as President. I was co-chair for the 2008 National Convention and have served as your
Northwest Area Executive Committee Person since September after serving two years as
Alternate Exec.

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the current Executive Board and feel we have a great
working relationship. We don’t always agree, but we can agree to disagree when necessary.

I have done my best to keep the lines of communication open with my area by starting a
FACEBOOK page and an email distribution list of members in the Northwest Area.

If I am elected, I will do my best to work with the NASCOE Exec board and the members of the

Candidacy Announcement NEA Executive 05/08/10

I, Patsy Wiles, would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for the Northeast Area
Executive Committeeperson. During the last year, I have gained so much from everyone in the NEA. If
elected, I will continue to work as hard as I can to help lead the NEA and in turn better the association. I
truly believe in what the association represents; Loyalty, Service, Courtesy, and Effort. I continue to
meet new members and I am so impressed by members’ total dedication to the organization.

I am a 15 year FSA employee and have been a member of NASCOE for the entire time. I have served
by NASCOE efforts in so many ways; on DMASCOE Membership & Special Events committees, as
DMASCOE President for four years, as a DMASCOE Delegate many years, participated in three Legislative
Conferences, as Host for the successful “B’ more in 2004” National Convention, as the Alternate NEA
Area Executive Chairperson for two years, and now as your NEA Executive Chairperson for the past eight
months. I have attended fourteen DMASCOE Annual State Meetings, twelve NEA Annual Meetings, and
seven National Conventions.

I will continue to represent every PT and CED in FSA to the best of my ability with the many
challenging responsibilities that lie ahead of me, if I am elected to be your NEA Executive
Dear NASCOE Friends,

I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for Midwest Area

I believe that NASCOE is the backbone for FSA employees. FSA has been challenged
with staffing, budgetary and program issues. It is now more important than ever for good
Employee-Agency communication. NASCOE is the avenue that will make this possible.
With issues including the upcoming Farm Bill, providing fair and equal treatment of CO
employees, staffing, program and budgetary issues, it is now more important than ever
that your NASCOE leadership stays on the front line, keeping the lines of communication
open with both our Congressional and FSA leadership. It is my intent to keep the lines of
communication open with you, the members. This is your association, and you need to know
how it is working for you.

Having been a Program Technician in the Iroquois County, Illinois FSA office for 23 years,
I currently serve in my district as the Conservation Advisory Contact and a SURE Advisory
Contact. I have been the secretary-treasurer for IASCOE since 2005-2006. For the
past three years I have served you as the MWA Alternate Executive and I have been the
MWA Negotiation Consultant for the past four years.

I would appreciate your support as I seek the office of Midwest Area Executive.


Charlene Neukomm
Southwest Area Executive Committee

Candidate Announcement

Kevin Dale

My name is Kevin Dale and I am formally announcing my candidacy for a

second term as the Southwest Area Executive Committee member. I have worked
for FSA 22 years and currently serve as the CED in Bryan County Oklahoma.
Since 1989 I have also been active in the Oklahoma NASCOE affiliate
OKASCOE, serving on the board of directors, and in the position of both Vice
President and President. I began my NASCOE experience attending legislative
conferences. For the past 15 years I have I have attend several legislative
conferences, area rallies and national conventions. I have also served my area as
the SWA Awards Chair, SWA legislative chair and SWA alternate executive
committee member.
In addition to my previous NASCOE duties, I have had numerous leadership
roles in my church, my state and my community. These include serving as a small
group leader, as well as a member of our church internet prayer ministry. Here in
Oklahoma I served as a member of the Oklahoma State Agriculture Leadership
class for two years traveling throughout the state and nation as a representative of
Oklahoma Agriculture. Here in my community I served several terms on the
Kiwanis Club Board of Directors and one term as the Kiwanis Club President. I
also served on the board of directors of both the Dayspring Mission Board and
Christ Mission Inc. Finally I have served several years as a volunteer for
“Families Feeding Families” a local Soup Kitchen for the homeless and less
I truly believe in NASCOE and the motto our association represents,
“Loyalty, Courtesy, Effort and Service”. I am also proud that NASCOE is an
association comprised of both PT’s and CED’s. If you are involved in NASCOE
you are just a member and no one really cares what function you have in the
county office. This is one of the major reasons NASCOE has remained strong for
over 50 years.
For the past year I have enjoyed serving as your Southwest Area Executive
Committee Member. I have had the pleasure to travel throughout much of the
SWA and meet many of you. If elected to a second term I will do my best to
represent the Southwest Area well, and to perform my duties with hard work,
honesty and integrity.
Candidacy Announcement

Perry Dykes
Southeast Area Executive Committee Person

I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for Southeast

Area Exec. For the past year I have enjoyed representing county office employees
in the southeast and have enjoyed visiting with many of you. The upcoming Farm
Bill will present many challenges for our workplace and job security. I am
committed to doing my part to ensure that county office employees are protected
and given the tools to serve the American farmer.
I ask for your support and look forward to seeing each of you at the 2010 National
Convention in Hot Springs.
Alternate Area Executive Positions:

To My Midwest Area Friends,

Hello, my name is Dennis Ray, and I would like to take this opportunity to
introduce myself and announce my intentions to run for the Midwest Area
Alternate Executive. To give you a little professional background, I
currently serve as the CED in Perry County, Missouri. During my career
with ASCS/FSA, I have worked as a Field Assistant, a temporary PT, a COT
and have been a CED since June of 1991. Most of my career has been
spent serving Missouri producers; however I did spend 2 years as CED of
Union County, Illinois. I am fortunate to have worked with many
outstanding folks during my tenure with the agency.

From a NASCOE perspective, I have been a member of the association since 1991 until the present. I
have served multiple terms as a board member of the Missouri Association and served as President for
two terms. I believe that we have to be proactive in promoting the concerns, welfare and abilities of the
members of the association, and I have done so by participating in legislative trips to Washington DC. I
have represented Missouri as a delegate to the National Convention and believe that active
participation in the association is vital to our continued growth and strength. I also believe that our
association can only sustain our strength and effectiveness by encouraging new employees to become
members as well.

I am running for this position because I have deep appreciation and a great deal of gratitude for the hard
work that others have done on my behalf. Each of us have personally benefited from the dedication and
tireless efforts of those who have come before us. I am at a position in my career and personal life that
I can devote the time that is necessary to do this job effectively. There are a couple of things I have
come to realize over the years that will benefit me in this position. The first is, it is amazing how much
can get done when no one cares who gets the credit. And second, it pays to take turns doing the hard
jobs. With that thought in mind, I simply believe that it is my time to share a bigger part of the load.

On a personal note, my wife Julie and I have been married for over 32 years and have 2 daughters and 3
grandchildren. We love traveling and vacationing by motorcycle and have ridden in 28 states so far and
would love to hear about the back roads and hidden treasures in your state. I look forward to seeing
old friends and meeting new ones at the National Convention in Hot Springs. Until then you can contact
me by personal email at or in what can only be described as a sign of the
times, you can find me on Facebook.

Thanks for any consideration you may show me during this process.

Dennis Ray

Lorrie L. Marquis
Program Tech, New Jersey

I am Lorrie Marquis and I am asking for your

vote for this year’s Alternate Northeast Area

I am currently a Program Technician in the

Freehold New Jersey Service Center and about
to celebrate my ten-year anniversary with FSA. I
am married with two children and four
grandchildren. My career with the Farm Service
Agency began in Warren County, Iowa, but my
roots in the Farming community go back for
several generations.

I have always been an advocate for others and believe that constructive, forward movement
is necessary in order to see positive change. I am sensitive to those who fear ‘making
waves’, but believe without waves there is no movement.

I have strong beliefs in teamwork and enjoy a proactive approach to solving problems.
Together we can make things happen. I have been fortunate enough to attend two National
Legislative Conferences and have spoken to many national officials on behalf of agriculture.
Keeping American farming alive is of vital importance to us all. Keeping those of us on the
frontline supporting the American Farmer on the cutting edge is imperative to the mission of
the Agency.

As the alternate Northeast Area Executive, I would work very hard to see our ideas
implemented, goals met, and horizons broadened.

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