American Revolution

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The United States

won its independence

A. Spain
B. France
C. Britain

The Revolutionary
War lasted from:
A. 1775-1777
B. 1775-1783
C. 1776-1779

These famous words - "We

hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are
created equal ... " are part of:
A. The Constitution of the
United States
B. The Bill of Rights
C. The Declaration of

Which American
Revolution figure was
sentenced to death in
the French Revolution?:

A. John Adams.
B. Sam Adams..
C. Thomas Paine

The second half of

the war was fought
almost entirely in:
A. The South.
B. The mid-Atlantic.
C. New England.

Before being executed by the

British, this 21-year-old Patriot
recited a line from Joseph
Addison's tragedy Cato - "I only
regret I have but one life to give
for my country":

The people who

opposed the
Revolution were
A. Loyalists.
B. Whigs.
C. Republicans.

Freedom was promised

to slaves if they would
A. In the British army.
B. In the American
C. Neither.

A. John Paul Jones.

B. Benedict Arnold.
C. Nathan Hale.

To win the Revolution,

America needed the
help of:
A. The Hessians.
B. The Indians.
C. The French.

On July 4, 1826, the fiftieth

anniversary of American
A. Both John Adams and
Thomas Jefferson died.
B. The first July 4
celebration was held.
C. The Washington
Monument was opened.

A famous Revolutionary War

pamphlet began:
A. It was the best of times,
it was the worst of times.
B. These are the times that
try men's souls.
C. The time has come, the
walrus said, to talk of many

How many battle

deaths did the
Americans suffer in
the war?:
A. 4,400.
B. 14,400.
C. 40,400.

A total of 25,000 people died

as a result of the Revolution.
Relative to the size of the
population, which would that
be equal to today?

A. 50,000
B. 100,000
C. 1 million
Yankee Doodle called the feather
in his cap macaroni because:

A. That was the name of a

popular clothing fashion.
B. He could boil and eat it if
food didn't arrive.
C. He was pretending he
could eat it if food didn't

What percent of
colonists actively
backed the Revolution?:
A. 90 percent
B. 67 percent
C. Less than 50 percent

For most of the war,

Washington's chief
accomplishment was:
A. Keeping the army
B. Winning many battles,
major and minor.
C. Killing large numbers of
British soldiers.

The Minutemen were so called

A. They could be mustered in
a few minutes.
B. Their equipment was up to
the minute.
C. They often were forced to
subsist on Minute Rice.

Only one of the following

signed the Declaration of
Independence. Which

Most Americans who

fought in the Revolution:
A. Served the entire war.
B. Served briefly and
then went home.
C. Changed sides at least

The British occupied

which of the following
cities at some point
during the Revolution:
A. Boston.
B. New York.
C. Philadelphia.
D. Charleston.

A. Josiah Bartlett.
B. Patrick Henry.
C. George Washington.

At the time of the

Revolution, slave could
be found in how many
of the 13 colonies?
A. Five
B. Seven
C. Thirteen

According to the Declaration of

Independence, "all men ... are
endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights ..."
Among the rights specified in the
Declaration are:

The Declaration refers to

the King of Britain several
times, but not by name. Who
was then the King of Britain?

The oldest signer of

the Declaration of
Independence was 70.
Who was he?
A. George Washington
B. Thomas Jefferson
C. Benjamin Franklin

A. James I
B. John II
C. George III
D. Ringo

A. The right to privacy

B. The right to trial by jury
C. The right to bear arms
D. The pursuit of happiness

Who published "Common

Sense," a pamphlet that
helped to stir up a feeling
for independence among

A. Samuel Adams
B. Patrick Henry
C. Thomas Paine
The ship of American naval hero
John Paul Jones was battered by
the British vessel Serapis and
Jones was asked to surrender.
What was his reply?
A. "Don't fire until you see the
whites of their eyes."
B. "Don't give up the ship."
C. "Damn the torpedoes. Full speed
D. "I have not yet begun to fight."

A popular cry during the

pre-Revolutionary period in
America was "Taxation
without representation is ..."

Add the missing word.

A. Unconstitutional
B. Tyranny
C. Illegal
Benedict Arnold served the American army
with distinction before he was branded as a
traitor. Which of the following statements
about him is TRUE?
A. He helped to capture Fort Ticonderoga
from the British.
B. He helped win the American victory at
the Battle of Saratoga.
C. He was court-martialed and reprimanded,
probably unfairly.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

The Fourth of July

A. the start of the American
B. adoption of the Declaration
of Independence.
C. the end of the American

The British king against

whom the 13 Colonies
rebelled was:

Not included among

the original 13
Colonies was:
A. Vermont.
B. New Hampshire.
C. Rhode Island.

The Stamp Act passed by the

British Parliament in 1765
was denounced by the
colonists because to them it
A. decadent British art.
B. an invasion of privacy.
C. taxation without

A. George II.
B. George III.
C. George IV

In 1770, in the Boston

Massacre, British solders sent
to maintain order quelled a
crowd of rioting colonists and

A. 5.
B. 50.
C. 55.
The Boston Tea Party of
1773 was:
A. a colonial fund-raiser
organized by Boston society
B. a publicity stunt set up by
coffee importers.
C. a protest against the
British tea tax.

Crispus Attucks was

A. Royal Governor of
B. a stamp collector in
C. a reputed protest leader
and among those killed in the
Boston Massacre.
When angry colonists
boarded three tea ships and
dumped the tea into Boston
harbor, they were disguised

A. pirates.
B. Indians.
C. Gypsies.

Patrick Henry leaped into history

on March 23, 1775, when he
addressed the Virginia
convention and declared:
A. "I only regret that I have but
one life to give for my country."
B. "Give me liberty or give me
C. "Let them eat cake."

The first battles of the

American Revolution began
on April 19, 1775, at:
A. Bunker Hill and Fort
B. Marengo and Waterloo.
C. Lexington and Concord.

Well-known is the fact that Paul

Revere made his famous ride on
the previous night to alert the
colonists that the British were
coming to destroy arms. Also
riding on that memorable night

The most famous work of

art to depict the
revolution, "Washington
Crossing the Delaware,"
was painted by:
A. Gilbert Stuart.
B. Emanuel Leutze.
C. John Singer Sargent.

A. James Revere.
B. Nathan Hale
C. William Dawes.

While Washington actually

crossed the Delaware in
1776, the painting of his
exploit was completed in:

A. 1781.
B. 1821.
C. 1851.

The foreign power

who came most
decisively to the
colonists' aid was:
A. Poland.
B. France.
C. Spain.

From December 1777 to June

1778, undergoing severe
hardships, the Continental
Army was encamped at Valley
Forge in:

A. southeast Virginia.
B. southeast NewYork.
C. southeast Pennsylvania.

The population of the

13 Colonies at the
start of the
revolution was about:
A. 2,500,000.
B. 5,500,000.
C. 7,500,000.

When the Marquis de

Lafayette was made a major
general in the Continental
Army in 1777, his age was:

A. 20.
B. 26.
C. 32.
The general who
commanded the
British army at
Yorktown was:
A. Gen. Burgoyne.
B. Gen. Cornbury.
C. Gen. Cornwallis.

During the Yorktown campaign

of 1781, which effectively
ended the war, the total
number of combatants British, French and American was:

A. almost 100,000
B. just over 50,000.
C. less than 25,000.

The formal independence

of the United States was
not recognized until 1783
A. the Treaty of Ghent.
B. the Treaty of Paris.
C. the Treaty of the

The Declaration of
Independence was
largely the work of:
A. Benjamin Franklin.
B. Alexander Hamilton.
C. Thomas Jefferson.

The number of
delegates signing the
declaration was:
A. 77.
B. 65.
C. 56.

For declaration autograph

collectors, the rarest and
most valuable signature is that
A. John Hancock of
B. Thomas Jefferson of
C. Button Gwinnett of Georgia.

John Hancock is probably

best remembered today for:
A. helping to forge the
Liberty Bell.
B. his outsized signature on
the Declaration.
C. founding the insurance
company that bears his name.

The opening line of the

Declaration is:
A. "That these united colonies
are and of right ought to be
free and independent states"
B. "We, the People of the
United States"
C. "When in the course of
human events"

Three American presidents

died on the Fourth of July.
They were:
A. John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson and James Madison.
B. John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson and James Monroe.
C. John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson and James K. Polk.

Who wrote the

Declaration of
A. Ben Franklin
B. Paul Revere
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. George Washington

What were the

thirteen colonies
fighting for?
A. Independence
B. A new king
C. Better Food
D. More money

The king who was

taxing the colonies
A. King George
B. King Phillip
C. King Charles
D. Isabella

The Patriots dressed as

Indians and threw some
cargo overboard. This was
A. Boston Massacre
B. Rev. War
C. French and Indian War
D. Boston Tea Party

Two important battles

of the war were?
A. Lexington and
B. Ontario
C. Fort Drum
D. Battle of the Bulge

The Rev. War was

A. 1771-1773
B. 1982-1987
C. 1775-1783
D. 1889-1900

This man was the first

official president of
the United States.
A. George Washington
B. Samuel Adams
C. Patrick Henry
D. Thomas Jefferson

Who was the famous

women who helped make
the American flag?
A. Molly Pitcher
B. Betsy Ross
C. Martha Washington
D. Harriet Tubman

What did part 1 of the

Declaration Of Independence

What did Part 2 of the

Declaration Of Independence
A. People's Basic Rights
B. Declaration Of
C. Reasons for separation
from Britain and violations
made by Britain.

A. Violations by Britain
B. People's Basic Rights
C. Reasons for Separation
of England
D. Declaration of

What did Part 3 of the

Declaration Of
Independence stat?
A. Reasons for separation
from Britain
B. People's Basic Rights
C. Declaration of

Common Sense sold

1,000,000 copies in 6
A. True
B. False

What was the date that

the delegates signed the
Declaration of

What was Valley

A. The British camp
B. The final battle
C. Washington's camp

A. July 2, 1776
B. June 30, 1776
C. July 4, 1776

Who was the Swamp

A. Benedict Arnold
B. Marquis de Lafayette
C. Francis Marion
D. Bernardo de Galvez E.
Friedrich Von Steuben

In the battle of Princeton,

Washington fooled Cornwallis.
A. Left the fires burning then
went behind the enemy lines and
B. Surrounded them on Yorktown
C. Washington led troops across
the Delaware River on Christmas

What were Hessians?

A. German soldiers hired by the
British B. German soldiers hired
by the Americans
C. French soldiers hired by the
D. Slaves hired by the British
E. Native Americans hired by
the British

This battle was a major battle that

the British won. It had 1400
American deaths. What battle was

A. Battle of Saratoga
B. Battle of Bunker Hill
C. Battle of Brandywine
D. Battle of Princeton
E. Battle of Long Island

What was NOT part of the

Battle of Bunker Hill?
A. Proved that the Americans
could fight bravely.
B. It showed the British
wouldn't be easy to defeat.
C. June 17, 1775
D. Washington fooled

Why did the Indians join

the war?
A. They wanted freedom
B. The British would give
them a lot of money and
C. They wanted land back

How many Americans

were killed in the Battle
of Bunker Hill?
A. 1000
B. 250
C. 500
D. 2500
E. 400

How many British were

killed in the Battle of
Bunker Hill? A. 400
B. 250
C. 500
D. 1,000
E. 2,500

Who won the battle of

Bunker Hill?
A. Germany
B. Britain
C. France
D. America
E. Russia

What was the first

battle of the war? A.
B. Battle of Bunker Hill
C. Lexington
D. Saratoga
E. Brandywine

The Americans had a

lot of supplies
A. True
B. They were all filthy
C. False

Who won the Battle of

A. Britain
B. America
C. Germany
D. France
E. Native Americans

Name one of the groups

that did most of the
A. merchants
B. Indentured Servants
C. preachers
D. young men

Why did the slaves join

the British?
A. They were promised
high positions in the war.
B. They hated the
C. They were promised

Which of these cities

was NOT occupied by
the British?
A. Boston
B. New York
C. Philadelphia
D. Plymouth

Approximately how many

soldiers fought in the
Revolutionary War?
A. 250,000
B. 100,000
C. 1,000,000
D. 75,000
E. 500,000

In what year was the

Declaration of
Independence written?

A. 1774
B. 1775
C. 1776
D. 1778
The commander-in-chief
of all American Armies
during the War was:
A. Samuel Adams
B. Richard Montgomery
C. Paul Revere
D. George Washington

The Revolutionary War

was also known as:
A. America-British War
B. North American War
C. American War of
D. Seven Years War
In 1775, for the first time in
history, the Continental
Congress assembled an
organized army called the:

A. Continental Army
B. American Army
C. Minutemen
D. Patriotic Army

The commander-in-chief
for all British troops in
the colonies was:
A. General Henry Clinton
B. General WIlliam Howe
C. General Thomas Gage
D. General John

What two countries

eventually helped the
rebels against the British?

George Washington and his

troops crossed the Delaware
River on what night in 1776 to
attack Trenton, New Jersey?

2,500 of Washington's
10,000 men died during the
winter of 1777 at what camp
outside of Philadelphia?
A. Valley Forge
B. Cherry Valley
C. Salem
D. Fort Ticonderoga


New Years Day
Ground Hog Day


France and Spain

France and Poland
Spain and Portugal
France and Russia

What British General made it a

nasty habit of chasing Washington
through New England in the winter
of 1776-1777?

A. General Charles
B. General Willam Howe
C. General Henry Clinton
D. General John Burgoyne

The Revolutionary War

ended with the signing of
the Treaty of Paris in
what year?
A. 1782
B. 1783
C. 1784
D. 1785

What battle effectively

ended the war on October 6,
A. The Battle of Norfolk
B. Battle of King's
C. The Battle of Richmond
D. The Battle of Yorktown

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