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Kamal Gatta (Lotus Seed) 200 gm.

Mahalakshami Japas, Chanting, HAVAN,
Homa, and Sadhana
Property and benefits of using Lotus Seed
Kamala gatta is useful to pray Mahalakshmi for wealth. Generally 108
beads of lotus seed or
kamala gatta are used for chanting Mahalakshmi mantra for pleasing
Lakshmi by HAVAN and pujan.
Dry Kamala/Lotus seeds are used to make such a mala. Lotus seeds is
used in meditation.
Mahalakshmi and lotus seed mala
These are used as power beads, prayer mala or chanting mala.
Mata Mahalakshmi also known as Kamalvaasini. She sits on Lotus. She
likes kamala and it's seeds.
Generally Kamal Gatta Mala is offered to devis who are all related to
"lotus family". Particularly
Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped with lotus seeds offering and chanting to
please her. people also wear this mala while worshiping. While praying
and chanting, if lotus gatta mala is used, then the prosperity and
material gain is assured.
For all kind of worship and mantra reciting for Mother
Mahalakshmi, Kamal Gatta rosary use is best. To get rid of poverty and
to get all material gain, we need to worship mata for her blessings.
This is easily achieved when one uses Kamala gatta mala for the
purpose. Mahalakshmi bestows wealth and material growth for such

Mata saraswati sits on Kamala and worships her devotees. Like that use
of Kamala mala brings her blessings.
Length - 70 - 76 inch (May vary because of seed size)
Number of beads: 108 +1 beads

The lotus flower produces edible seeds, which you can eat cooked or raw. Growers harvest the
seeds in August and September, and then dry them in the sun. Lotus seeds are valued for
nutritional and healing properties in Chinese medicine, and are used in many recipes as well as
herbal formulas. Please note this article is not intended to replace medical advice. Consult your
primary health provider before taking alternative supplements.

Nutritional Value
Lotus seeds are good source of protein, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. They are also
low in saturated fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., director from the
Institute for Traditional Medicine, also reports that lotus seeds are a good source of protein and
used in soups in traditional Chinese cooking. The website Nutritional Wellness also lists iron and
zinc among trace elements included within the seeds.

Anti-Aging Properties
All lotus seeds contain the anti-aging enzyme L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase, which is said to
help repair damaged proteins, according to the Kushi Institute, a macrobiotic website. Because of
this, many cosmetic companies are now finding ways to include the seeds in anti-aging blends.
Daike Tian, in an article on the Water Gardeners International website, states that lotus seeds
contain kaempferol, a natural flavonoid which prevents inflammation. Tian claims this this helps
repair aging gum tissue.

Medicinal Uses
Dharmananda claims that lotus seeds have astringent properties that have specific benefits to the
kidneys, helping to restore vital energy within the body. He states that the seeds are also used to
treat sexual conditions. In accordance with Chinese medicine, the sweet and neutral taste of lotus
seeds said to nourish the spleen and alleviate diarrhea. Dharmananda goes on to claim that the
seeds are traditionally thought to have sedative or calming properties, and are therefore used to
treat insomnia or restlessness. Tian claims that within Chinese medicine, the lotus embryo, or
heart of the lotus seed, benefits the heart because of its bitter and cooling properties. The bitter

components are said to include the isoquinoline alkaloids, which he claims have antispasmodic
and calming effects, which he claims can help dilate blood vessels, thus reducing blood pressure.

Combination Formulas
Lotus seeds are often a vital component when combined with other herbs to create traditional
formulas within Chinese medicine. Dharmananda lists several on the Institute for Traditional
Medicine website. The Sheng Ling Baizhu San blend is well known and is said to help weak
digestion and alleviate diarrhea. The formula Qingxin Lianzi Yin can be used for urinary and
reproductive disorders, including urinary tract infections and prostatitis.

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