Beep Error Codes

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Beep Error Codes

AMI BIOS Beep Codes

1 Short Beep System OK

2 Short Beeps Parity error in the first 64 KB of memory

3 Short Beeps Memory failure in the first 64 KB

4 Short Beeps Memory failure in the first 64 KB Operational of memory

or Timer 1 on the motherboard is not functioning

5 Short Beeps The CPU on the motherboard generated an error

6 Short Beeps The keyboard controller may be bad. The BIOS cannot switch to protected mode

7 Short Beeps The CPU generated an exception interrupt

8 Short Beeps The system video adapter is either missing, or its memory is faulty

9 Short Beeps The ROM checksum value does not match the value encoded in the BIOS

10 Short Beeps The shutdown register for CMOS RAM failed

11 Short Beeps The external cache is faulty

1 Long, 3 Short Beeps Memory Problems

1 Long, 8 Short Beeps Video Card Problems

IBM POST Error Codes

1 short beep System is OK

2 short beeps POST Error error code shown on screen No beep Power supply or system board problem
Continuous beep Power supply, system board, or keyboard problem Repeating short beeps Power supply or
system board problem

1 long, 1 short beep System board problem

1 long, 2 short beeps Display adapter problem (MDA, CGA)

1 long, 3 short beeps Display adapter problem (EGA)

3 long beeps 3270 keyboard card

Award BIOS Beep Codes

1long, 2 short Video adapter error (Either video adapter is bad or is not seated properly. Also, check to
ensure the monitor cable is connected properly.)

Repeating (endless loop) - Memory error (Check for improperly seated or missing memory.)

1long, 3short No video card or bad video RAM (Reseat or replace the video card.)

High frequency beeeps while running Overheated CPU (Check the CPU fan for proper operation. Check
the case for proper air flow.)

Repeating High/Low CPU (Either the CPU is not seated properly or the CPU is damaged. May also be due
to excess heat. Check the CPU fan or BIOS settings for proper fan speed.)

Beep symptoms

Symptom or error

Service part or action, in sequence

One beep and a blank, unreadable, or flashing LCD.


Reseat the LCD connector


LCD assembly


External CRT


System board


System board


LCD assembly



One long and two short beeps, and a blank or unreadable LCD.

Two short beeps with error codes.

POST error. See Numeric error codes for more help.

Two short beeps and a blank screen.


System board






System board

Three short beeps, pause, three more short beeps, and one short beep.

One short beep, pause, three short beeps, pause, three more short beeps, and
one short beep.




System board

Only a cursor appears.

Reinstall the operating system

Four cycles of four short beeps and a blank screen.

System board (Security chip)

Five short beeps and a blank screen.

System board

No beep symptoms

Symptom or error

Service part or action, in sequence

No beep, power-on indicator on, LCD blank, and no POST.


Make sure every connector is connected tightly and





System board


Reseat DIMM


System board

No beep, power-on indicator on, and LCD blank during POST.

The power-on password prompt appears.

A power-on password or a supervisor password is set. Type the

password and press Enter.

The hard drive password prompt appears.

A hard drive password is set. Type the password and press Enter.

The DOS full screen looks smaller.

Start the ThinkPad Configuration program and set the Screen

expansion function.

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