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Km 10, Idiroko Road Canaan Land Ota

2015/2016 Academic Session

Chemical Engineering


Chemical Engineering

Course Title:

Chemical Reaction engineering II

Course Code:

CHE 416


Course Lecturer :

Engr. Sanni E. S and Ms Babatunde E.


MON: 1-2 pm, THURS: 9-11 am
C37 Chemical Engineering Building

Brief Overview of Course / Introduction

The underlying assumptions and reasons for the considerations of Ideal
reactors are introduced herein. The design equations of each of the ideal
reactors-batch, plug flow and continuous stirred tank reactors are derived
and used to design isothermal reactors which are then compared with the
model reactors from which they were formed. Reactor systems-a
combination of ideal reactors in series and parallel are compared with single
ideal reactors. Material and energy balance equations are combined to in
order to be able to confront design problems and assess reactors in nonisothermal operations. Real and ideal reactors are compared and the reasons
for deviations from ideal behaviours are explained. Residence time
distribution functions are introduced and used to explain the deviations from
ideal behaviour. Conversions for first order reactions are predicted in real

reactors. Combined reactor models are used to account for other orders of
Course Objectives/Goals
At the end of the course, students should be able to:

Understand the assumptions for the ideal reactor models-batch,

continuous stirred tank reactors and plug flow reactors

Ability to use the design equations of the reactors to design and assess
the performance of ideal reactors in isothermal operation.

Use the energy balance equation, in combination with the design

equations to design and assess the performance of reactors in nonisothermal operations

Compare ideal with real reactors and explain deviations from ideal

Residence time distribution functions

Predictions of conversions in real reactors for first order reactions.

Use of combined reactor models to account for conversions in real


Method of Lecture Delivery/Teaching Aids

Power point Slides

Interactive lecture sessions in Class rooms

Course Outlines
Module 1

Ideal reactors assumptions and reasons for their considerations

Material balance and design equations for ideal reactors

Comparison of the performances of single ideal reactors for isothermal


Comparison of the performances of single and combined ideal reactors

for isothermal reactions

Solving the design equations for isothermal multiple reactions

Module 2

Enthalpy, heat of reaction and equilibrium constant as a function of


Energy balance equations for reactors

Combination of energy balance and design equations to solve nonisothermal operations of reactors in steady state.

Optimum reaction temperature for single and multiple reactions

Adiabatic operations of ideal reactors

Non-adiabatic operation of ideal reactors

Inter-stage heating /cooling of reactors

Module 3

Real reactors and deviations from ideal reactors

Measurement of Residence time distribution in vessels.

Residence time distribution functions and their relationships

Residence time distribution functions of ideal and real reactors

30 minutes of tutorial for every two hours of interactive lectures
Structure of Programme/ method of grading
The final course grade will be weighted according to the following scheme:

Assignments & Quizzes

Mid Semester Test


Semester Exam


Ground rules & regulations

Unexpected quizzes will be given (once each week) to reinforce

important principles and to encourage preparation for class.

Only official University/medical excuse will be tolerated for absence

from quiz.

Some quizzes will be given during tutorials

Topic for Term paper/ Assignment /Student Activiteis

Investigations of the reactions of the airbag:

How does it work and what are the limitations?

Alignment With covenant University Vison/Goals

The course is in line with producing chemical engineers (new generation
engineers) capable of facing the design and operational challenges often
faced by engineers in the industry. With the knowledge gained herein, they
can upgrade performance and alter design specifications in order boost
productivity. The course will help the students develop good decision-making
skills / risk analysis when the need arises; especially in cases of emergencies
during plant operations. The course will foster good design of equipment
(product development), fabrication, sales/commercialization (innovation) and
domestication (nation building)
Contemporary Issues/ Industry relevance
The reactor is the central feature of most chemical processes. Their
performances determine to a large extent, the cost of the overall process
.The problems discussed are a combination of theoretical and actual
Recommended reading/Text
Coker, A. K. Modeling of Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design, Gulf
Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, 2001

Levenspiel, O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, 3rd ed., John Wiley and
Sons, New York 1999

Fogler, H. S., Elements Of Chemical Reaction Engineering,,2nd ed.,

Prentice-Hall , International,1995

Nauman, E.B., Chemical Reactor Design, Optimization, and Scale up,

McGraw-Hill, NEW York 2002

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