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Profil LPDP

The 1945 constitution instructs that at least twenty percent of the national budget (APBN) is for education.
The government and the parliament (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia in 2010 through UU no 2 year 2010
on APBN-P 2010 agree that part of the funding allocated for education shall be made the National Education
Development Fund (Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan Nasional (DPPN)) which shall be managed as an
endowment fund by a public service agency (BLU).
In 2011, Minister of Finance and Minister of Education and Culture agree that the management of DPPN
and the use of that funding management result shall be carried out by the Ministry of Finance, but with staff
which consists of the combination of staff from both ministries.
Minister of Finance through the Regulation of Minister of Finance (Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK))
number 252/PMK.01/2011, December 28th 2011, established Organization and Management of LPDP as an
agency outside of the structural positions, which is held responsible directly to the Minister of Finance and is
subjected to the policies established by the LPDP Board of Trustees (Minister of Education and Culture,
Minister of Finance, and Minister of Religion). Through the decree of Minister of Finance (Keputusan
Menteri Keuangan (KMK)) number 18/KMK.05/2012, January 30th 2012, LPDP is established as a
governmental institution which implements the monetary patterns of Public Service Agency.

Vision, Mission, & Focus

To be the best fund managing institution on a regional level
to prepare for future leaders and push innovation for a wealthy, democratic,
and fair Indonesia.


Prepares leaders and professional of future Indonesia through

education funding.
Guarantees the sustainability of education funding for the
next generation through optimal management of education endowment fund.

Pushes strategic and/or innovative research which are

implementative and creates added value through research funding.

As a last resort, supports rehabilitation of broken education

facilities from natural disaster through management of education reserve fund.

LPDP Objective and Focus Program

Pengelola Dana Pendidikan is trying its best
to create future leaders in multiple fields. The management of this educational
endowment fund aims to guarantee the sustainability of education program for
future generations as an intergeneration responsibility. Other than that, LPDP
also aims to anticipate the need for rehabilitation of education after natural
LPDP focuses on developing
the quality of human resource in multiple fields to support the acceleration of
Indonesias development. Some of the priorities that are of LPDPs focus are

engineering, science, agriculture, law, economy, finance, medicine, religion,

and sociocultural studies.

Logo Meaning
Champak flower buds reflect the flexibility of LPDP to develop
according to the need of dynamic era.
Fragrant smell of Champak flower represents LPDP mission to
make Indonesias name fragrant by creating human resource that will lead the
Orange and golden yellow color represents enthusiasm,
creativity, and dynamics. This color also represents LPDPs culture of
attentiveness in giving service.

Values & Culture

1. Integrity
Think, speak, behave, and act properly and strongly hold code of conduct and moral principles.
2. Professionalism
Work thoroughly and accurately pursuant to the best competence with full responsibility and high commitment.
3. Synergy
Establish and ensure internal productive cooperation and cordial partnership with stakeholders to produce
useful and qualified works.

4. Service
Provide satisfactory services to stakeholders, which is conducted in a wholehearted, transparent, rapid,
accurate, and safe way.

5. Excellence
Continually conduct improvements in every field to become and
provide the best.

Organizational Structure
Human Resources (HR) Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) is a combination of the Ministry
of Finance and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Meanwhile, the Board of Trustees is a representation
of stakeholders and the financial management of national education. Therefore, the Board of Trustees is
composed of the Minister of Finance, Minister of Culture and Elementary and Secondary Education,
Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education, and the Minister of Religious Affairs.
Board of Trustees

Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.UP., Ph.D.

Minister of Finance

Anies Rasyid Baswedan Ph.D

Ministry of Culture and Elementary and Secondary Education

Drs. H. Lukman Hakim Saifuddin

Minister of Religion

Dewan Pengawas

Prof. Ainun Naim, Ph.D

Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi

DR. Hadiyanto, S.H., LL.M.

Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan

Prof. DR. H. Nur Syam, M.Si

Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Agama

Ir. Ananto Kusuma Seta, M.Sc., Ph.D

Staf Ahli Bidang Inovasi dan Daya Saing
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

DR. Dini Kusumawati, S.E., M.E.

Tenaga Pengkaji Bidang Perencanaan Strategik
Kementerian Keuangan


Eko Prasetyo
Presiden Director of LPDP

Syahrul Elly M.
Director of Finance and General Affair

Mokhamad Mahdum
Director of Business Development and Investment

Abdul Kahar
Director of Scholarship

M. Sofwan Effendi
Director of Research and Rehabilitation Fund

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