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Unit - II

MARES - Process Assessment model

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit - III
Tools for various phases of Software development methodology
(Try to learn about the tools you know)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit IV
Agile software development
Extreme programming
LEAM - Process assessment model
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Self - study topics
Easter eggs
Genetic algorithm - Introduction
Cloud computing - Introduction
Scala Introduction

Tools used for phases of SDLC

1. Requirements gathering:
Non-cloud based: Rational RequisitePro
It is a requirements management tool that teams can use to manage project
requirements comprehensively in order to promote communication and
collaboration among team members and reduce project risk.
Requirements management is essential for improving your software development
process. The better the communication and management of your requirements, the
more likely you are to identify the correct problem and deliver the right solution,
and to do that on time and within budget. Rational RequisitePro helps facilitate that
Rational RequisitePro uses a project database for managing requirements in views
with sort and query capabilities. It also includes integration with Microsoft Word for
creating and maintaining requirements documents that are linked to the database
for real-time updates to requirements from within documents. The database and
Word integration helps you organize and prioritize your requirements, trace
relationships between them, and track changes that affect them. Traceability
features visually indicate how changes affect the project, thereby helping you
perform impact analysis and make informed decisions for scope management or
resource allocation. As a result, you are better able to manage requirement change
and keep your project on track. Rational RequisitePro captures the change history
for each requirement, thereby providing a paper audit of the evolution of project
Cloud based: Gather space
Gatherspace provides a pragmatic approach for organizations to capture, manage,
document and model Business, System & Test Requirements. Our site yields a 40%
per project ROI involving minimal deployment time.
Project Failure can occur in all facets of the software lifecycle in either new
development or extensions/integrations to legacy systems. Project failure rates of
74% are still a reality according to the Standish Group. Gatherspace shortens the
gaps eliminating wasted cycles between customer requirements and system
delivery, dramatically reducing project risk and fulfilling stakeholders requirements.
2. Design & Implementation
Non-cloud based: Rational Rose
IBM Rational Rose Enterprise provides a set of model-driven capabilities for
developing many software applications including Ada, ANSI C++, C++, CORBA,
Java, Java EE, Visual C++ and Visual Basic. The software allows you to accelerate
development of these applications with code generated from visual models using
the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Provides code quality analysis abilities and code generation, with

configurable model-to-code synchronization capabilities
Includes a Web Modeling Add-In, which provides visualization, modeling and
tools for developing web applications.
Creates XML document type definitions (DTD) for use in applications
Cloud based: Gliffy

Gliffy Online runs on an HTML5 editor thats more than twice as fast as Flash.
Just drag-and-drop shapes from an extensive library and point-and-click your
way to format
Revision control automatically stores each version you save so you can track
changes and roll back when required.
Send an invitation email to anyone and Gliffy will automatically provide him
or her with access to your diagram and a temporary password to a free
Create, open, and edit Gliffy documents directly from Google Drive so you
can manage, access, and share your diagrams from any computer or device.
Allows flow charts, swim lanes, UML diagrams, ER diagram

3. Testing
Non-cloud based: Rational Functional Tester
IBM Rational Functional Tester is an automated functional testing and regression
testing tool. This software provides automated testing capabilities for functional,
regression, GUI, and data-driven testing. Rational Function Tester supports a range
of applications, such as web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based
applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, Dojo Toolkit, GEF, Adobe PDF
documents, zSeries, iSeries, and pSeries.

Storyboard testing: Simplifies test visualization and editing using natural

language and rendered screenshots.

Automated testing: Enables testers to automate tests resilient to frequent

application user interface changes with ScriptAssure technology.

Data-driven testing: Lets you perform the same series of test actions with
a varying set of test data.

Test scripting: Combines a recorder of user actions with multiple

customization options and intelligent script maintenance capabilities.

Integrations: Integrates with IBM Rational Team Concert and IBM Rational
Quality Manager to provide access to work items and logical or compound
SCM test asset support.
Rational Performance Tester is a tool for automated performance testing of web
and server based applications from the Rational Software division of IBM. It allows
users to create tests that mimic user transactions between an application client and
server. During test execution, these transactions are replicated in parallel to
simulate a large transaction load on the server. Server response time
measurements are collected to identify the presence and cause of any potential
application bottlenecks. It is primarily used by Software Quality Assurance teams to
perform automated software performance testing.
Cloud based: Keynote

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