Golf Course Case Study

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Golf Course Case Study

Evaluation on the basis of the Triple bottom line:
i) Economic Viatlity- As per the plan for the site there is requirement for the mix of business
sizes so as to provide a wide range of employment opportunities which can reduce the effect
from the loss of a single bigger employer. The development of the business activities are targeted
for the benefit of the community. Within few days of its operation the golf course will be
attracting a large number of tourists which will be beneficial for the hotels and transport
business. Around 90% of the jobs created after the opening of the golf course will be in the field
of hotel, restaurants, clubs and transport sector. These sectors are generally assumed to provide
quality jobs with good remuneration. Further the golf course will give ample training and
learning opportunities for the employees which will be helpful in the career progression. To
maintain a proper balance between the economic vitality and the environment sustainability, it is
planned that the operating cost of the Golf course will be reduced by incorporating several
measures for recycling, efficiency and reuse. Around 25% area of turf grass will be reduced
which will help to save costs on water and additional labour requirements to maintain the turf.
There is planning to use efficient lighting system and occupancy sensors to save electricity. Since
this golf course will attract the foreign tourists in the country it will also be beneficial for the
other attraction in the tourism sector of the country. The reduce water requirements will be
helpful in purchasing new seeds and organic nutrients for the turf grass.
ii) Natural Resource Stewardship- In the plan of the development of the site as a golf course the
first priority has been given to the quality of the environment. The construction plan of the golf
course has given sufficient importance to the curing of the contaminated areas on the site,
conversion of the open space and adopting the principles of green building while constructing the

golf course and the allied building structures. At the site around 25 acres of land have been
earmarked as open area which will preserve the natural beauty of the area. This open area will be
helpful in creating a passive and recreational area, it will act as buffer area between the use of the
land and will be helpful in maintain the critical green infrastructure such as the local tree
varieties and plant habitat. LEED plus standard are followed to promote renewable energy
sources and low impact development.
iii) Community Well Being- During the development of the Golf course sincere effort has been
made for the redevelopment of the local communities. The development of the Golf course is
done in such a manner that has bridge the gap between the objective of the project and local
communities. In the open spaces there is plan to develop it as a park hosts various sport and
cultural programs. Further due to the construction of the project network and connectivity has
improved in the region which has been beneficial for the local community.
From the overall assessment of the golf course in Thailand on the basis of Triple Bottom Point it
can be said this model of golf course is not only economic viable but is also environmentally
sustainable. Further this project is helping the local communities to progress economically, hence
it can be said that the Golf course is successful.

After evaluating the golf course in Thailand it can be said that this model of the golf course can
be easily implemented in Cambodia. The main bonus point of the golf course is that it is
developed near the international tourist so as to attract more international tourists and taking the
advantage of the good connectivity in the region. The same can be done in Cambodia also. In
Cambodia there is significant amount of land available near the international airport which also
houses various hotels and restaurants. But there are some issues which can raise the ethical
issues. The construction of the Golf course will require constant water connectivity so there is a
requirement for the construction of a water canal system. This will require a lot of people to be
displaced from their native place. Hence this is a major cost for the society. The planners and the
developers have determined to give proper remuneration to those family members who will be
displaced from their place. Further there is a plan to give employment opportunities those people
who will be displaced. Hence the benefit to the society from this project is more than than the
cost to the society. Thus on the basis of the principles of Utilitarian/Rule-utilitarian it can be said
that the project is completely viable and hence it is recommended to implement such a project in

The factors which can be considered to affect on the basis of which it can be said the golf course
manager is responsible are illustrated below:
i) It can be said if there is any discrimination among the tourists and the staff members on the
basis fo gender, race, color, sex, religion etc., then the manager of the golf course can be held
responsible on the basis of violation of the ethical values at the workplace.
ii) The manager of the golf course if he discriminates between the staff and workers and is biased
in giving promotions and other facilities.
iii) If a decision taken by the manager of the golf course is in conflict of interest with the
organization and his decision causes any financial loses to the organization, then the manager can
held responsible to ethical violate the rules of the company and its interest. These decisions can
include giving undue preference to a particular supplier or a contractor in the tendering process,
giving confidential data of the company to the rival companies, preferring only a particular set of
candidates in the interview and wrong financial expenditure.
iv) The golf course manager is also morally responsible if there is case of bribery which harms
the interest of the company. Further incase the manager of the company is involved in any kind
of unethical activities such as theft in company, stealing important hardware in the golf course
and stealing strategic documents from the company or not disclosing any important event or
finding, the manager can be held responsible for the loss to the Golf course.
v) If the manager is responsible in injuring others, their property, reputation or false or malicious
actions then in that he can be held responsible.

vi) If the manager of the golf Course is not able to take honest criticism, acknowledge and
correct errors and fails to give credit properly to the contributors in a particular achievement,
then in that case he is said to be responsible.
vii) Further if the manager of the company is not honest and realistic in stating claims or
estimates based on available data, then also manager of the company can be held responsible.
viii) If the manager fails to accept his responsibility in taking decisions which are consistent with
the safety, health and welfare of the public and local communities and discloses promptly those
factors which can cause harm to the society and the nature.
ix) If the manager fails to assist the co-workers and the colleagues in their professional
development and support them in following the code of ethics, then also he can be be held

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