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Climate change

caused only by sun ?

The climate change
An exclusive celebration occured at the top of the Greenland icecap on the
12. july 1992, when the drill from the GRIP-project came to the surface
and brought up not only ice, but also ground. The drilling had reached
“land” 3.029 meters below, and revealed a part of Greenland under
compressed ice from 200 000 years ago.
Ice from earlier drilling had forwards been analysed in Europeen
laboratories, giving amazing results. The conclusion was that our Earth
could change temperature incredible fast, based on analysis of deuterium
(heavy water) from year to year. Abrubt temperature swinging, up or
down with 5-7 ºC over few decades, occured about twenty times in
samples from the last glacial period, and similar incidents could clearly be
seen in the previous heat period about 120.000 years ago. It looked like
the absence of such violent climate changes was an extreeme case with
the heat period since the last glacial period ended about 8000 b.c . (1)

To find the explanations the climatologist had to look at the great

regulators in Earth’s system. One of them was the Gulf Stream, normally
keeping the temperature in North-Atlantic Sea several degrees over the
value it ordinarily should have. The Gulf stream was always at the risk of
beeing cooled by icebergs, and this was the only explanation for the
sudden periods of cold periods during last ice age. The historical proof was
that one did not need human activities to change the climate.

Gradually the sun was suspicted. It’s periods with flares could possibly
answer for some of the climat change effect, but far from all. (1)

In 1995, Henrik Svensmark

(Danish Space Research
Institute) discovered a startling
connection between the cosmic
ray flux from space and cloud
cover. He found that when the
sun is more active –more
sunspots, a stronger magnetic
field , larger auroras, stronger
solar winds, etc.—fewer cosmic
rays strike the earth and cloud
cover is reduced, resulting in
warmer temperatures.
Figure 2 shows the relationship
found between low-level cloud

amount derived from salellite data from the International Cloud
Clomatology Project and cosmic ray counts from Climax, Colorado
It is evident that that for the 22.year period from 1983 to 2005, the
average amount of low-level cloud follows the flux of cosmic rays very
closely. In fact, Svensmark claims that the
correlation coefficient is 0.92, a very high
correlation for this type of data. He proposed
that the global warming we’ve experienced
for the past 150 years is a direct result of an
increase in solar activity and attendant

Svensmark’s theory of cosmoclimatology is

now complete. He has discovered a
continious chain of events that explain the
variations in global temperature that have
puzzled climatologists for so many years, and
that has now led to an explanation for the
recent global warming episode.
It starts with cosmic rays coming to earth
from exploding supernovas and collition of
remnant stars with nebula in space. Many of
these ccosmic rays are shielded from striking
the earth by the electromagnetic activity of the sun. When the sun is
active, the solar wind prevents cosmic rays from entering the earth’s
atmosphere by sweepingthem around the earth. When the sun is inactive,
more of them penetrate the atmosphere.

Solar-modulated cosmic ray-prosesses succsessfully explain the recent

global warming episode. It would be prudent for the political leadership in
U.S. and the world to look more closely at Svensmark’s theory of
cosmoclimatology for an explanation of global warmimg before
restructuring our entire economic system to liminate carbon dioxide.
If, in fact, Svensmark is correct, reducing the concentration of carbon
dioxide will have little impact, anyway. (2)

Skien, 17. may 2010

Kjell W. Tveten


(1) Nigel Calder : ”Den maniske sol”, (translated from Danish)

(2) Larry Vardiman , Ph.D. : “A new theory of climate change”

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