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Issue No 107 February 2008

Newsletter of the Friends of the Llangollen Llythyr Newyddion Cyfeillion Eisteddfod

International Musical Eisteddfod Gerddorol Ryngwladol Llangollen

wyn L Williams launched this of the last few years. One of these, wide variety of cultures and styles
year’s Eisteddfod in St David’s International Children’s Day, last of the competitions, but also in the
Hall, Cardiff on Monday year brought together children from audiences which represent many
January 14th, just two weeks before “ethnic minority communities on our aspects of British life, from schools to
leaving to take up his new post. door-step in North Wales” to deliver minority and faith groups as well as
In the recently published review the Peace Message along with the the core Eisteddfod audience.
of arts organisations by Sir Brian children from Llangollen and district.
Essence of Llangollen
McMaster, three crucial qualities Diversity
were highlighted: Innovation, Risk- Mervyn Cousins, who will now act
taking and Excellence. Gwyn told the Diversity is another theme of the as the Eisteddfod’s artistic director,
audience that over the past few years.. Eisteddfod, talked about by both went on to describe the ‘Essence of
“we in Llangollen have taken risks, Gwyn and Mervyn Cousins. This Llangollen’ as a unique spirit of peace
we have been innovative and above diversity is not only found in the
Continued page 2
all we have promoted excellence.”
Gwyn highlighted the development
of the Eisteddfod’s Community Days
as one of the important innovations

In This Issue
Gwyn L Williams.......................... 2
Advocacy News........................... 3
Eisteddfod 2008........................... 4
Eisteddfod 2008 (cont)................ 5
Chairman’s Report....................... 6
Membership Desk........................ 7
Competitors’ Club........................ 8 Elin Manahan Thomas with All
Angels at the Launch event
On the number of
Gwyn Williams, who
people attending
has been the Chief
Executive of the
and the financial
Eisteddfod since 2001, position have
is leaving to become improved
the 2012 Cultural dramatically.
Olympiad Creative
Programmer for Wales. Shirley Bassey, Bryn Terfel, Leslie It is intended that funding will be
Garret and Jose Carreras. Children provided for cultural and sporting
Former Chairman now play a much larger part in the events to take place over the period
Gethin Davies gives festival and a wider range of world up to the Olympic Games and that
music is being performed. Wales can maximise the benefit of
us this appreciation of being part of the biggest show in the
Relinquished Duties
Gwyn’s contribution to world.
The course for 2008 is now set.
the Eisteddfod Gwyn has, since the beginning of the
Gwyn was born and educated in

Anglesey and studied music at Bangor
uring his time spent with year, gradually relinquished his duties. and London. He was previously Senior
the Eisteddfod the number It is therefore possible that a new Producer of Music BBC Wales and
of people attending and the appointment will not be made until Director of Theatr Ardudwy, Harlech.
financial position have improved after the forthcoming Eisteddfod.
dramatically. The Friends thank Gwyn for all his
Biggest Show in the World help and support since he became
Big Stars Chief Executive. We wish him every
Gwyn will be based in the Arts
During this period big stars have success in his new and challenging
Council of Wales’s North Wales Office
appeared in the Pavilion including post.
but he will travel throughout Wales.

Eisteddfod Launch - Continued: given by the Ataturk Dancers from Eisteddfod prize winner, Eleanor
Northern Cyprus (main photo left, Burnham, now Liberal Democrat
and goodwill between all nations.
front page). Also present was Elin Assembly Member for North Wales.
He believes this still gives Llangollen
Manahan Thomas, sadly unable to She told the press that the Eisteddfod
something unique, despite the large
sing as she was recovering from a is an excellent way to raise the profile
number of international music festivals
long flight. But she will be singing in of Wales on the International Scene.
that are around today.
the final Sunday concert along with However, the funds that used to
International Champions Alfie Boe and David Kempster, support the festival and other good
accomanied by the Orchestra of the causes in Wales are now being
He announced that 110 groups
Welsh National Opera. diverted to the 2012 London Olympics.
(not including the soloists) have been
selected to appear this year, most Super-Group She is concerned that this will make
of which are already national and it harder for such organisations to
However, the All Angels, described survive as they become increasingly
international champions, promising to
as an all-girl classical “super-group”, strapped for cash.
set even higher standards.
were able to give us a taste of what
Mervyn also introduced Mark we can expect to hear on the Friday Huge Impact
Walmsley of UKvisas in the Foreign night’s concert, by singing ‘Steal As Gethin Davies has told us
and Commonwealth Office, who has Away’ and Simon & Garfunkel’s (above), Gwyn L Williams has made
promised to give an update of the ‘Sound of Silence’. Preparing them a huge impact on the Eisteddfod as
visa situation for competitors in the for their first visit to the Eisteddfod, CEO for the past seven years not the
next edition of Limelight. Mervyn also Hayley Westernra told them how least of which is a healthy balance
highlighted how Friends’ initiatives, amazing the whole event is. Now they sheet.
such as the Pre-Concert Talks, are happy to add their names to the
are now an important part of the Gwyn told those assembled for the
list of stars to appear here.
Eisteddfod’s progamme. launch that he was handing over to a
Strapped for Cash “truly wonderful team” when he takes
The spirit of Llangollen was
over his new duties, and wished them
highlighted by the performance Also present at the launch was
every success for the future.

2 limelight
Is there no end to the
hardships endured by Advocacy
Friends Advocates?
Co-ordinator News
Janet Boult (right)
describes what she
has to put up with.

n December I found myself once Secretary and William John Bankes, a
again ‘singing for my supper’ only renowned traveller and collector of the
on this occasion it was for my early nineteenth century. Soughton
lunch. I had been invited to talk to Hall is now a well established hotel
Soughton Ladies Luncheon Club at and restaurant.
Soughton Hall in Flintshire. It turned out to be a most
I must have sounded a little appropriate venue for me to talk
reluctant to commit myself to a 100 about Llangollen International Musical
mile journey and the vagaries of Eisteddfod as this was the hotel used we already have 24
winter weather. However, I was won by Lucianno Pavarotti when he last
over by the promise of a stunning visited Llangollen in 1995. bookings for 2008
setting, a festive lunch and the Hall
The Llangollen Story
decorated majestically for Christmas.
What was even better was that I This was certainly a very different need additional supplies.
would be speaking before lunch speaking engagement in a memorable
I had thought our magnificent
and could relax and enjoy my meal setting. It was pleasant to meet up
average of more than one talk a week
rather than be subject to the slight with a previous acquaintance from a
would be a difficult act to match this
nervous apprehension that inevitably local history society that I had spoken
year. As I write we already have 24
accompanies such occasions. to in the spring and I was warmly
bookings for 2008 so we have made
Soughton Hall really does enjoy a welcomed. The Llangollen story and
an excellent start. We will be talking
magnificent setting (see photo below). peace video worked its usual magic.
to a variety of audiences including
It was built as a Bishop’s Palace in By the start of lunch several members
W.I.s, Townswomen’s Guilds, Church
1714, was reworked in the 1820’s but were assuring me that the date
groups, Luncheon Clubs and Welsh
fell onto harder times after the Second for 2008 was noted in their diaries
Societies across England and Wales.
World War. and that they would be visiting the
Eisteddfod. In return I promised that I send my best wishes to you all
18th century splendour I would forward copies of the 2008 for a successful and enjoyable year
flyers and leaflets as soon as they of advocacy activity. Please keep
In 1986 it was purchased by the
were available. sending me anecdotes and snippets
Rodenhurst family and over the course
of information from your travels; it is
of 12 months the decline was arrested. Indeed it is that time of year when
really helpful.
Modern technology was installed and 2008 information is now in print.
the interior refurbished to standards Brochures will have been mailed form If, on reading this, you feel that you
approaching their original 18th century early February to those who have would like to be involved please do get
splendour. It has been home to many volunteered to distribute them in their in touch.
distinguished residents including own localities and to speakers from Contact details:
two knights, three High Sherrif’s, a early February. I now dispatch this
Chaplain to Queen Victoria, a Lord material from my home address so or by telephone at
Chief Justice, a Lord Chancellor’s contact me by phone or e-mail if you +44 (0)1939 260882

limelight 3
Mervyn Cousins is
the 62nd Internati
elsewhere in this issue of Limelight
of the very successful Press Launch
of the Eisteddfod in January.  We
were delighted to be joined by four
young ladies, namely Melanie Nakhla,
Charlotte Richie, Laura Wright and

he beginning of the year End stardom with us, and we will Daisy Chute – All Angels (photo
is always exciting at the doubtless hear the ‘famed’ pieces below).  Their first CD became the
Eisteddfod; though many of the such as ‘Don’t cry for me….’, fastest-selling debut CD ever; they
various parts to the preparation of the selections from Cats and Chess, etc are our ‘headline’ for Friday’s concert,
festival had already started in earnest etc.  She has done many things in her bringing their fresh sound and bright
a while ago (the 2008 Competition time, including, I believe, even Strictly look to the Eisteddfod for the first
Syllabus was planned and printed a Come Dancing. time.  Their repertoire is a full mix of
year ago, for instance). Things do start classical, choral, opera, and pop, and
WIndow on the Eisteddfod World we look forward to seeing them again
to move into a different ‘gear’ following
the Christmas break. Wednesday is again our Window in July.  They are all, it seems, multi-
on the World, which surely means a talented; one is a very successful
Farewell to Gwyn athlete, for instance, and another

window on the very Eisteddfod itself;
Not least this year; as I write this and and the potential line-up comes from wants to be an airline pilot…
the rain pours down for the fourth Tobago, Singapore, Thailand, Bulgaria
day running, I am dreaming of a dry and Belgium; plus the finalists of the Thanks to you, The
summer, and, more seriously, we Folk Instrumental Solo competition. 
are also saying farewell to Gwyn L The evening starts as the competitors funds available to ass
(above) as he moves on to pastures
(‘tracks’??) new.  We wish him well
march through the Pavilion onto the
stage to give that special and unique groups fin
– and his departure means that picture that is Llangollen.  Over
many things have for me come the last few years we have ‘honed’
into a particularly clear and early Choir of the World
the evening, with Terry Waite’s
focus this year!  For the Eisteddfod enthusiastic ownership of it, and the On to Saturday, with the Choir of
evening concerts we will have to steer trumpeters (another specially written the World competition providing the
successfully through to completion fanfare this year), plus a performance climax to the competitive week.  The
in July, what Gwyn has, again with of welcome for the competitors.  Last last two years’ Choir of the World
enormous skill and an eye for both year it was the royal harpist – we’ll have been ‘up there’ with the best
artistic excitement and audience keep you guessing on this particular ever. Who, we wonder, will follow
interest, planned for us!  part of the evening just for now! the Stellenberg Girls’ Choir and the
We start on Tuesday 8 July with On Thursday, after the first half Mount San Antonio College Chamber
Elaine Paige (below) giving the of Eisteddfod competitors, we will Singers to the Pavarotti Trophy?  And
Anniversary Concert.  Ms Paige be delighted by Onke-Ose, a show of course this the first year we present
celebrates her fortieth year of West performed by Siyaya, who will bring the evening after the great icon’s
their own joyful celebrations and high death.  There are plans to mark this on
energy dancing to the Eisteddfod.  the evening in an appropriate way.
We will hear Ghanaian Djembe
drumming and Zimbabwean Ngoma
music, complemented by other superb
rhythms and harmonies!  In all, this
should be a remarkable evening with
singers and dancers tracing the history
of the continent’s music – from the
townships to the mining communities. 
Not to be missed, and for all the
family; it promises to be a great, very
Eisteddfodic, show…
Successful Press Launch
You will know from articles
4 limelight
good’.  Born just a few miles away
from the Eisteddfod field, in Chirk, Onke-Ose
this is his first LIME engagement too. 
He recently represented Wales in the
Cardiff Singer of the World, which
speaks for itself. 

looking forward to Enormous Challenges

We surely have a line-up to be
ional Eisteddfod… proud of, yet again, in our professional
artists; and the Eisteddfod performers
We conclude, on Sunday 13
whom we selected in November won’t
July, with an Opera Gala featuring
disappoint either.  Soloists’ selection is
three brilliant young soloists; Alfie
still to follow as I write this article, but
Boe, Elin Manahan-Thomas and
we already have representation from
David Kempster, with a return of
all of the following countries:
the Orchestra of the Welsh National
Opera.  Alfie Boe has had many Algeria, Argentina, be as strong as it has been in many,
highlights in his career, but the last Australia, Belarus, Belgium, many years. The list of countries
12 months have been exceptional.  Bosnia&Herzegovina, Brittany, represented in that competition alone
He has enjoyed two chart-topping Bulgaria, Canada, Canary Islands, presently reads: Finland, Germany,
classical releases,was nominated China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Lithuania, Philippines, Poland,
for the Classical Brit Award for Best Denmark, England, Finland, France, Singapore, South Africa, Ukraine and
Album, and accepted the invitation to Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Holland, the USA. 
become an Ambassador for the Prince Hong Kong SAR, PRC, India, Northern
Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Japan, World Street Dance
of Wales’ Arts and Kids Foundation. 
Kazakhstan, Kurdistan, Lithuania, Actually, given that Mixed Choirs is
Something for Everyone Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Philippines, one of our traditional ‘favourites’, let
Elin Manahan Thomas (see photos, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sardinia, me add our newest competition: if you
front page) joined us at the Launch, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, fancy a walk into town on any days,
Sweden, Thailand, Tobago, Turkey, Wednesday to Friday – the World
Friends, for making Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
Ukraine, USA, and Wales. 
Street Dance competition begun last
year will add colour there on each of
sist some competitor Wow - you need to read them those days with all of the following
slowly, out loud, really, to take it in!  countries selected: Algeria, Argentina,
nancially. We know that there are enormous China, England - Morris Dancers for
challenges associated these days with the first time for many years - and
and she too has had an amazing year world travel, but we sincerely hope also Traditional Rappers (more details
(having presented some of the S4C that all these countries do arrive here in the next issue….), Ghana, India,
programmes from the Eisteddfod in July – our 28 competitions over 5 Kurdistan, Nigeria, Sardinia, Turkey,
in 2007!).  “I’ve been going to the days will be extraordinary again.  and the Turkish Republic of  Northern
Eisteddfod since I was a kid; music- Cyprus.
Thanks to the Friends
wise the Eisteddfod concert will In conclusion, there is little doubt
include something for everyone, with Thanks to you, the Friends, for that we have the basis for another
something old, something new and not making specific funds available fabulous Eisteddfod – and surely we
a few surprises planned too!” she told to assist some competitor groups will have had more than a year’s rain
me at the Launch.  David Kempster financially – the Eisteddfod is most by then and we will be in for a great
also brings a special element to the grateful, and of course the groups are week of sunshine both artistically and
evening’s proceedings, as he is, to too.  meteorologically!  Looking forward to it
coin a phrase, ‘local boy, made very Within the competitions I am as ever, and perhaps with even more
delighted to confirm that Hilary Tann, anticipation this time...
the Welsh-born composer now
working in the USA, has completed a
super Commission Set Piece for the
Female Choir competition, Wellspring,
and she will also be one of the
speakers at the Talks in the Friends’
Tent the early evenings this year. 
More details later, but expect to hear
Brian Kay and Conan Castle too in
this programme…
It is always difficult to pick one
competition out as a potential
David Kempster highlight beforehand, but I do know
that the Mixed Choir competition will Alfie Boe
Photo: Brian Tarr
limelight 5
Message Significant help
Another substantial legacy is
being used to fund a bursary to assist

from the overseas competitors and ethnic

groups from immigrants to the U.K.
who have financial problems. Some

Chair groups benefited last year from this

bursary fund, and many will benefit
this year. This again is a significant
the Eisteddfod office it is a hive of
help to the Eisteddfod in view of the
activity, planning for the Eisteddfod in
ever increasing cost of visas which
July, with lots of very kind volunteers
make it financially difficult for many
coming to help with the mailing of
groups to be able to come to the
thousands of leaflets and ticket
Eisteddfod. The amount available this
application forms. Their help is
year is approximately £16,000.
invaluable to the Eisteddfod as well as
being a community contribution. You will recall that in the June 2007
edition of Limelight a large part of my
Many of you will be aware that fund
message to you was in connection
raising is very difficult in the present
with changes to the membership
climate, especially as Lottery funds
fees and membership year and
are being diverted from the arts into
also advising you of the decision to

the 2012 London Olympics. This can
ear Friends/ Annwyl Gyfeillion introduce Direct Debit as an additional,
have a dire effect on the arts and on
A Happy New Year to you all! and preferred, means of collecting
our Eisteddfod. I urge you all to lobby
annual membership fees.
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i your M.P.s about this very important
bawb! matter. The arts must not suffer. The The response from members
arts and sport are equally important to all the changes has been very
I hope that you are making plans to
for our society. In the meantime we will encouraging but as with any change
come to the 2008 Eisteddfod in July
plod on happily organising fund raising the volume of work involved has
- Tuesday 8th to Sunday 13th.
activities knowing that every penny been substantial and as a result the
I am aware that many Friends have counts for the success of our amazing membership records are not as up-
become new Season Ticket holders festival. to-date as they should be. Elsa, our
and that a large number have taken Membership Secretary is in full-time
advantage of the discount on session I wish to congratulate Janet Boult,
employment and has only a limited
tickets offered during the priority our Advocacy Leader, and John
number of hours per week to update
booking period. Walling, one of our first advocacy
the records. The Eisteddfod office
speakers, for raising over £1,000 each
Again this year we have staff are very helpful and take any
for Friends in their roles as speakers
competitors coming from 51 countries messages from members.
at clubs and societies in many areas.
and world class celebrities for the This is a very significant achievement, We therefore made an appeal
evening concerts. It is a very exciting not only in raising the money but also in the October edition of Limelight
programme with something for for spreading the word about our for voluntary assistance for the
everyone. Eisteddfod, and hopefully bringing in Membership Secretary. As a result
It is quiet here in Llangollen new people who will enjoy all that we of our appeal one of our members,
during the winter months, but at have to offer. Derrick Francis from Gobowen,
We have many speakers all over
the United Kingdom, and we would
like to thank them too for giving their
time to further our cause - proof that
they are enthusiastic Eisteddfod
supporters. Our grateful thanks to you
Legacies are important to us too,
and can make a significant difference
to the Eisteddfod. Any legacies
received by Friends are used in
negotiation with the Eisteddfod, and
treated with the utmost care and
sensitivity. One substantial legacy is
being used for prize money and trophy
for the Celtic Showcase (Massed
Ensemble) Competition. This year will
be the third time and we hope that
the remaining funds will finance this
competition for many more years.

6 limelight
volunteered his services. Since retiring
Derrick has been following a course Flime Coffee Mornings
in I.T. at his local college and was
now in a position to make use of his
knowledge and qualifications. We have arranged Coffee Mornings on the following dates:
Derrick came on board towards the
end of 2007 and along with Selwyn 8th April and 10th June
Evans, (a long standing member
and former Treasurer and Chairman In the Memorial Hall, Llangollen. Please put them in your
of Friends as well as having been diary.
Treasurer of the Eisteddfod for 15
years prior to his retirement in 2006), All offers of support and help welcome. We would particularly
they have made a considerable welcome donations of items that can be sold on the day, eg
difference. In the short time they cakes, bric-a-brac etc
have been assisting Elsa, substantial
inroads have been made into updating
records and sending out Membership
can be assured that although we there are still many of you paying by
cards. This part of the backlog is
may not have debited your account, Bankers Order, of which have not
expected to be complete by the time
the fact that we hold your authority been updated as to amount and date
you read this.
means that you are considered to be of payment. To avoid us having to
Many of you will be wondering a paid-up member. Some of you who write to you requesting the shortfall,
why the Direct Debit authority you previously paid by Bankers Order may adding to the volume of work for the
have signed has not been activated. have noticed that the authority had membership desk, I would please
The response to this method of not been cancelled in time to prevent request you either to complete the
paying membership fees has been the latest payment being made Direct Debit authority sent out with the
very encouraging, but with the despite us sending the cancellation last Limelight and enjoy a £1 discount
problems encountered with updating notice to the banks in good time. or request your bank to change the
records, there has been a delay in In such circumstances, we will only amount and the date to 1st August
implementing the system. We are now be claiming any shortfall now or if annually. Many thanks for your co-
in a position to commence collecting fully paid the Direct Debit will not be operation and patience.
fees by this method and at the time implemented until after 1st August We hope that you enjoy reading this
of writing this it is hoped that the 2008 for membership 2008/9. latest edition of Limelight.
Advance Notice of debiting will be
Whilst the response to the Direct Yours in friendship - Dilys.
included with this Limelight. Members
Debit system has been very good,

Secretary Elsa
Membership Desk
He has done an
Evans gives an arrangements with the bank. These
issues are just about resolved, and excellent job in
outline of the therefore r all direct debit subscribers
will be receiving notification of entering data
progress on moving collection in the near future.
job in entering data (12 new and 154
New Support
over to Direct renewed subscriptions in the last
I would like to thank Derek quarter of 2007 alone), and sending
Debit for collecting Francis (Friends Member) who out mail to members. He has offered
has volunteered since December to support Friends even further,
payments: in supporting the Membership and has now been co-opted to the
Secretary. He has done an excellent Committee.

e have
had a New Membership fees starting August 2007
response with UK
Type Overseas
members Cash/Card/Cheque Direct Debit
subscribing to Individual (Single) £16 £15 £21
the direct debit
scheme. We have Joint (two persons at same address) £23 £22 £28
had a few delays
Family £29 £28 £34
with the collection
of payment due Student £10 £9 £15
to ironing out the

limelight 7
“Spending time at the
Eisteddfod has to be
Lets go
the best way to kick Clubbing!
start the summer!”
Holly Mathias (photo, the field, and is run by volunteers.
A great deal of our food and drink is
right) describes her donated by local companies, and is
always appreciated by the armies of
favourite job as an hungry competitors we serve every
Eisteddfod volunteer Last year’s tent being bigger and

better than before we managed to
or the last eight years I’ve decorate with more colourful flags and
spent the first week of my banners, and our extra space was put
summer holidays taking people to good use as many competitors used
to their seats, stewarding, directing it as a place to practice before going
cars, singing on stage or trying on stage. National pride plays a part
(unsuccessfully) to sell programmes. as each dancing group tries to outdo Sadly, due to university timetables,
For the past three years I’ve the last by involving more competitor’s new jobs and holidays, many of the
helped out in the Competitors’ Club, club staff and random passers by in usual volunteers were unable to return
which has to be my favourite job yet. their performances. to the club this year. However, our
Not even the torrential rain (or the Groups from Ireland, South new volunteers from Ysgol Dinas Bran
prospect of our cars having to be Africa, India, England and Croatia quickly got into the swing of things and
dragged out of the muddy car park by all performed to entertain their fellow many have already signed up for this
tractors) could dampen our spirits as competitors. The highlight of the week year!
we made endless amounts of coffee for the competitor’s club staff had to Competitors’ club 2007 will be a
for chatty singing and dancing groups be an impromptu ballroom dancing hard act to follow, but I will definitely
from all over the world. display to the dirty dancing soundtrack be back for 2008 to make tea, clear
The competitors’ club was set up to (a club favourite), by a group from the tables, squelch through mud (hope
provide competitors with free drinks, Czech Republic, where we all joined in not! - Ed) and dance (badly) into my
snacks and a place to rest while on and I proved that I had two left feet! summer holidays!

Limelight is published by the Friends of the Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod.

Views expressed in the articles are those of the authors concerned alone, and do not represent the views or
policies of Limelight, FLIME or LIME unless otherwise stated.
Officers of the Friends can be contacted via: International Eisteddfod Office, Llangollen, Wales, LL20 8SW (Great
Britain); Tel: 01978 862000; Fax: 01978 862002; e-mail:;
Web Site:; Registered Charity number: 510797
Edited by: Barrie Potter & Cliff Greenhalgh
Printed by W H Evans & Sons Ltd, 5 Knutsford Way, Sealand Industrial Estate, Chester, CH1 4NS; tel: 01244 383456

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