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This experiment aims to study the nature of magnetic fields around

poles of magnets, the relationship between these fields, the forces exerted
by them, current, length and orientation of current-carrying wire, and to find
out how much magnetic force is exerted on the wire.

For the first part of the experiment, results were obtained simply by
delineating the magnetic fields that were made visible after scattering iron
fillings around a pair of magnets. When opposite poles of bar magnets were
placed alongside each other, their magnetic fields lines were shown to be
curving towards each other, which is the same case for that of the horseshoe
magnets under the same conditions. When a ring was placed between these
horseshoe magnets, the magnetic field remains the same although the field
does not pass through the ring. On the other hand, when tested with the
similar poles of bar magnets, the magnetic field lines were seen to be
directing away from each other, showing repulsion between poles. Each test
seemed to produce results consistent with their corresponding theories. The
only sources of error that may arise from this type of test may be the wrong
interpretation of magnetic field lines as the iron filings tend to clump
together, making it difficult to see the correct shape and direction of these
field lines. To reduce errors, the iron filings may be spread evenly around the

magnets or a larger amount of fillings may be used to see the magnetic field
lines more quickly.

For the second part of the experiment, under part A, the magnetic
force was obtained under a constant current but with gradually increasing
weights or the number of magnets used. The best result yielded a magnetic
force of 5.88 x 10-3 N. Under part B, the magnitude of the current was made
to increase per trial by 0.5 amperes and the trial with the best result yielded
a value of 4.9 x 10-3 N under a current of 3.0 amperes. Under part C, the
magnetic force was determined under a constant current of 2.0 amperes with
differing loops and lengths. A result of 4.9 x 10 -3 N was obtained yet again as
the best results under the current loop SF 38 and a length of 4.2 cm of the
current-carrying wire. Finally, part D yielded the best value of 5.88 x 10 -3 N
when testing with different angles. All of trials seem to be in check with their
corresponding theories but the biggest errors in performing these parts of
the experiment may arise with those factors yielding the least magnetic
force as the balance used is not very precise. Because of this, some trials
showed the same amount of magnetic force although in reality it may not be.
A simple solution to this is to use a more precise balance. Others sources of
error include recording the weight before the balance has stabilized and
shows a constant reading for a few seconds, also setting the current to
exactly the amount required may be difficult.


In part one of the experiment, the magnets all showed to obey the
most basic law of magnetism in which like poles attract and unlike poles
repel each other. As mentioned earlier, when unlike poles were placed
alongside each other, the magnetic field lines were directed to each other.
On the other hand, like poles produced magnetic field lines that were
directing away from each other. Although we were not able to see whether
the magnetic flux moves from North to South or vice versa, it is easy to tell
that it is true as the magnetic fields while performing the experiment showed
that, when the magnetic field come out of the north it returns back to the
South to make a closed loop. To better the experiment result-wise, it is best
to use better to use better equipment and reduce possible errors as
mentioned in the analysis. Experiment-wise, other type of magnets may be
used and tested with different objects or materials that may disrupt the
typical magnetic field.
In part two, all tests essentially obey the equation F = ILBsin. When
the current, weight, and length of the wire were increased, the magnetic
forced also increases. Meanwhile, the magnetic force should be at a
maximum when the angle is perpendicular, which is proved in the
experiment although the right angle is negative. Nonetheless, current, force
and weight all show a direct proportionality with the force exerted. This

experiment may be improved by testing with other factors that affect the
variables in the given equation; result-wise, however, may utilize more
advanced equipment to obtain more accurate and precise results and to
reduce the possible sources of error.

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