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Deep inside we are not so different from the first inhabitants of America who
traveled from Asia across the Bering Strait, probably in search of food. Likewise we
are the New Era migrants who have crossed the Rio Bravo, jumped fences or
jumped from cars, ships, boats and even aircrafts looking to satisfy our hunger and
thirst, hunger of progress and thirst for righteousness; tired to survive in countries
where there is corruption is at its finest, impunity reigns and there are absent
opportunities for our youth.
Deep inside we are not so different from your ancestors, the very first pilgrims
seeking religious freedom, better living conditions and prosperity. They fled in the
Seventeenth Century from Europe, across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in what we
know as the Thirteen Colonies. Like them us immigrants crossed large tracts of
territory and countless vicissitudes in search of freedom, freedom to dream, and
why not also seek better conditions of life for our loved ones.
Deep inside we are not so different from the pilgrims that established in the new
territory. Once they noticed the inclement weather and how difficult it was to master
the rugged territory the pilgrims were saved, thanks to the miraculous help of the
natives they managed to move ahead. This led to one of the most appreciated
American holidays in the dizzying history of this great country. Like the pilgrims we
have tasted the bitterness of not having anything more than a small luggage and
the air we breathe, struggling every day to survive the hardships of life as illegal
immigrants. As in now we wait for a miraculous intervention from you, the
honorable members of the House of Representatives, which hopefully with a hand
on heart will help us lighten the burden of the illegality, giving us a chance to have
our own reason to celebrate next Thanksgiving Days.
Deep inside we are not so different from African slaves that were brought to an
unknown land to obtain its products, based on blood, sweat and tears. Just like
them we have been forced to leave our country because of economic conditions,
conditions that have remained for decades despite the null government's efforts
undergoing economic policies dictated by international systems that are either not
properly designed, or our corrupt public servants are not capable of understanding;
or maybe they just give us the choice in trickles for these agencies and functions
remain essential as a means of control. And it is common knowledge that we have
inherited the arduous labors of the field and the city that apparently no one else in
this country is ready to perform.
Deep inside we are not so different from the Heroes that in the face of the injustices
of the yoke of the English crown, they planted the seed of Independence and fought
to accomplish to be a free nation, where their children could grow up and possess
their own dreams. Similarly as new millennium migrants we have decided to
become independent of our countries of origin and not give up until we get the
freedom to fight for the prosperity of our families. Have you ever forgotten the
American Constitution statement that says

Deep inside we are not so different from migrants arrived in the western U.S. in the
Mid-Nineteenth Century attracted by the gold rush. So today's immigrants come
because of fever for the Dollar, Dollar in our countries are buying gold price that
allows our families have at least a respite from the oppressive situation of
permanent economic crisis in Latin America.
Deep inside we are not so different from migrants in the twilight of the Nineteenth
Century came to this country overwhelmed by hunger for opportunities. So new
migrants have come in search of just a single opportunity that clings looking satiate
our hunger for progress. And contrary to those inmigrans whom came from Europe
in their great majority, we are continent neighbors to do so is worth the prophetic
Monroe Doctrine "America for Americans".
Deep inside we are not so different from migrants in the early and mid twentieth
century who came to the U.S. fleeing the First and Second World Wars. We also
come to escape the wars in our countries; war against organized crime, war against
the lack of opportunities, war against government corruption, war against hunger, a
war against the whole system that oppresses all of us alost to a point of suffocating.
Deep inside we are not so different from the millions of illegal immigrants that
during the eighties claimed for an immigration reform that would give them the
opportunity to keep dreaming. We also want the opportunity to believe that dreams
can come true and we are waiting patiently not for an amnesty that involves
forgiveness, but a reform that allows us to settle the fine to which we have become
creditors of and in turn allow us to remain in this country to fight side by side with
the hundreds of millions of people who daily lay the foundation for a promising
Deep inside we are not so different from the hundreds of millions of Americans who
in the past five years have suffered the scourge of global economic crisis. We have
been condemned to a much greater extent because our undocumented status
minimizes the possibility of earning our daily bread for our family... and no
unfortunately we can not go and obtain unemployment benefits or other
governmental assistance. We have to overcome our own misfortunes followed by
everything that an economic crisis of this magnitude might carry. But we have been
able to draw strength from weakness, making every penny worth and stretching our
meager savings to survive, and we won't daunt. We face the crisis teaming with
the entire nation and as the storm fades away, it looks like the sun starts peeking
over the horizon, and it is up to the House of Representatives for that sun to shine
at its fullest over all of us who have collaborated with our grain of sand to move
forward and end the financial storms caused by a handful of speculators.
Yes, we might not have light skin or eyes but that was not up to us.
Believe when
I say it is because of the climate and geographical conditions of the countries where
we are born and, ultimately, the place of birth is merely circumstantial and for God
or Mother Nature there are no boundaries. In fact no one truly owns the land, it is
the land who actually gives us the privilege to be part of it, or maybe we should
believe that we actually belong together into a perfect and perpetual duality that
borders on the miraculous, a miracle that can only be explained by our Creator, who

acts as the conductor behind every circumstance which occurs in the universe
regardless of their magnitude.
Id like to bring to your memory a fraction of one of the most important documents
in the USA history and what we can call The American Spirit.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to
assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the
Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions
of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the

Thus, "In God We Trust" and as good Christians we know that all of you will be
touching your own heart and think of the millions of human beings who have come
to this country suffering for years to barely survive. I only beg for all of you to take
a few minutes to meditate, breathe deeply, and be aware for a few seconds of the
enormous power and responsibility that God and society has placed in all of you and
then consider what would be the correct procedure corresponding to a true heart
and soul Christian. And to paraphrase the top leader in the history of the West,
Jesus pointed out "if any of you is free of sin, throw the first stone" and now I say
that "any American citizen who does not descend from an immigrant shall be the
first to reject the Immigration Reform and is not a law for us to make us citizens,
but a law to humanly get us out of the shadows and give us an identity that
dignifies us and allow us to believe in the goodness of man and live the American
Dream itself.
As you surely know the vast majority of illegal immigrants that claim for an
immigration reform, that will provide us with fair treatment, we are mostly
Christians, and I would like to remind you that in Genesis of the Bible Abraham
receives three foreigners pilgrims and provides them with hospitality, he orders for
them to get their feet washed and picks his best calf to offer them a banquet, being
that it was from God himself and two of his angels, he blessed Abraham and his wife
with offspring due to their age and of course other miraculous; now I have decided
to end this letter with some biblical quotes ...
Exodus 22:21 "And the stranger shall not wrong or oppress him, for you were
strangers in the land of Egypt."
Exodus 23:9 "Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be
foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt."
Leviticus 19:33 "When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, do not mistreat
Leviticus 19:34 "as one born of you shall the stranger that dwelleth with you, and
you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. I Jahve
your God "

Deuteronomy 10:18 He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves
the alien, giving him food and clothing.
Deuteronomy 10:19 And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you
yourselves were foreigners in Egypt.
Luis Serna-Gonzlez
Citizen of the World

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